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1、30个句型超级句型一:have a strong desire to do sth.有做某事的强烈愿望1, I have a strong desire to improve my life .我强烈渴望改善我的生活。2, I have a strong desire to blurt out every passage in this book !我强烈渴望把这本书的每一篇短文都脱口而出。3, I have a strong desire to conquer English .我极度渴望征服英语。4, I have a strong desire to marry her .我非常想和她结

2、婚。5, I have a strong desire to move to another city .我很想搬到别一座城市。6, I have a strong desire to emigrate to America .我非常想到美国定居。7, I have a strong desire to see you again .我非常渴望能再一次见到你。8, I have s strong desire to start my own business .我非常渴望创办自己的公司。9, I have a strong desire to quit smoking .我很想把烟戒掉。10,

3、 I have a strong desire to tell him the truth .我很想告诉他真相。超级句型二:Dont waste time doing sth.别浪费时间做某事1, Dont waste time memorizing useless vocabulary words .别浪费时间记忆无用的词汇。2, Dont waste time making excuses ! Just do it !别浪费时间找借口了!马上去做!3, Dont waste time worrying about the future !别浪费时间担心你的未来。超级句型三:its bett

4、er to than to 与其不如1, Its better to be safe than sorry .与其弄巧成拙,不如小心谨慎。2, Its better to try and fail than to never try at all .在尝试中失败总比什么都不做要强得多。3, Its better to tell him the truth now than to wait until later .与其等以后再告诉他真相,不如现在就告诉他。超级句型四:I dont think 我认为 不 1, I dont think we have enough money to buy a

5、 new car .我认为我们没有足够的钱买一部新车。2, I dont think you understand what I mean .我想你没明白我的意思。3, I dont think you are qualified for the job .我认为你无法胜任这份工作。超级句型五:make the best use of 充分利用1, Make the best use of your ability .充分发挥你的能力。2, Make the best use of foreigners .充分利用外国人。3, Make the best use of your spare t

6、ime to practice English .充分利用你的业余时间操练英语。超级句型六: There is no need to 没有必要做某事1, There is no need to thank me .不用谢我。2, There is no need to shout .没必要大喊大叫。3, There is no need to worry about him .没必要为他担心。超级句型七: persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人去做某事1, Im trying to persuade Jim to come to dinner with us .我试图说服吉姆过

7、来和我们一起进餐。2, You cant persuade me to change my mind . My mind is made up .你无法说服我改变自己的主意。我已经下定了决心。3, My mother persuade me to take an English class during my summer vacation .妈妈说服我在暑假期间参加英语培训。超级句型八: its really worth your time to do sth.值得你花时间去做某事1, Its really worth your time to learn about other cultu

8、res .其它国家的文化确实值得你花时间去学习。2, Its really worth your time to improve your pronunciation .你确实应该花点时间改进你的发音。3, Its really worth your time to read this book carefully .这本书真的值得你花时间仔细阅读。超级句型九: in the habit of 有的习惯,常常1, I am not in the habit of making excuses .我没有为自己找借口的习惯。2, I am in the habit of exercising ev

9、ery day .我养成了天天锻炼的习惯。3, He has been in the habit of taking a nap after lunch every day .每天吃午饭后他有午睡的习惯。超级句型十: Feel free to do sth.做某事不要拘束1, Feel free to ask any questions .有什么问题请随时问我。2, Feel free to call me if you are in town .如果你来这座城市,可随时打电话给我。3, Please feel free to email me at any time .不管什么时候都可以给我

10、发电子邮件。超级句型11: What would you like me to do 你想要我做什么1, What would you like me to do ? Spend my life waiting for you ?你想要我做什么?等你一辈子啊?2, What would you like me to do while you are away ?你不在的时候想要我做什么?3, What would you like me to do with all these papers ?我应该怎么处理这些文件?超级句型12: make an effort to do sth.努力去做某

11、事1, Please make an effort to speak English .尽量说英语。2, Make an effort to be nice to her . Shes shy .尽量对她和善一点,她很害羞。3, Please make an effort to get there on time .尽量准时赶到那里。超级句型13: in the interest of 为了;为了的利益1, In the interest of saving time , we took a taxi instead of a bus .为了赶时间,我们打了的士而不是坐公共汽车。2, In t

12、he interest of fairness , you all will have a chance to speak .为公平起见,你们都有机会发表自己的意见。3, Its in the interest of all human beings to protect the environment .保护环境符合全人类的利益。超级句型14: Wherever there is sth. there will be 有的地方就会有1, Wherever there is smoke there will be fire .无风不起浪。2, Wherever there is excitem

13、ent there will be danger !哪里有刺激那里就有危险。3, Wherever there are women there will be trouble .哪里有女人那里就有麻烦。超级句型15: As a result 其结果是;作为的结果1, As a result of the explosion , fifty people were found dead in the mine .有50人在矿井爆炸中丧生。2, I have excellent health as a result of daily exercise .我之所以这么健康是每天坚持锻炼的结果。3,

14、As a result of my laziness , I failed the exam .我考试不及格是懒惰的结果。超级句型16: There is an urgent need to do sth.极其需要做某事;急切需要做某事1, There is an urgent need to hire talented managers in China .中国急需管理人才。2, There is an urgent need to finish this project by tomorrow .这个项目明天一定要完成!3, There is an urgent need to elimi

15、nate pollution .消除污染非常紧迫。超级句型17: Its never too early to do sth .做某事越早越好1, Its never too early to teach your child good manners .教小孩讲礼貌越早越好。2, Its never too early to start saving money for college .存钱上大学越早越好。3, Its never too early to learn foreign language .学外语越早越好。超级句型18: with enthusiasm充满热情地1, Prac

16、tice speaking with enthusiasm .疯狂地练习说。2, She worked on the project with great enthusiasm .她全身心投入到这个项目上面。3, We joined the class with enthusiasm and excitement .我们以极大的热情和无比的兴奋参加培训。超级句型19: Its considered bad manners to do sth.做某事被认为是不礼貌的1, Its considered bad manners to stare at others .盯着别人看是不礼貌的。2, It

17、s considered bad manners to spit in public .在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。3, Its considered bad manners to interrupt someone while he is speaking .打断别人的讲话是不礼貌的。超级句型20: you look like you have lost weight你看起来像是减了几斤1, Have you been on a diet ? You look like you have lost weight .你是不是在减肥?你看起来像是减了几斤。2, You have a great s

18、untan and you look like you have lost weight .经过日光浴,你的皮肤棒极了,而且,看起来你还苗条了不少。3, I heard you were sick and you look like you have lost weight .我听说你病了,而且你看起来好像瘦了一些。超级句型21: is extremely popular非常受欢迎1, Chinese food is extremely popular .中国菜倍受表睐。2, Cartoons are extremely popular these days .近段时间动画片非常流行。3, H

19、ollywood movies are extremely popular all over the world .好莱坞电影风靡全世界。超级句型22: call for 要求1, This sort of work calls for a lot of patience !做这种工作需要极大的耐心!2, Youre getting married ? This calls for a celebration !你要结婚了?这可庆祝一下了!3, The situation calls for immediate action .这种情况需要立即行动。超级句型23: begin with从开始,

20、以开头1, When studying English , begin with your pronunciation .学英语从发音开始。2, Id like to begin with a funny story .我先来讲一个有趣的故事。3, Well begin with a short training class to prepare you for the job .我们首先要对你们进行短期的岗前培训。超级句型24: All these are the reason why 所有这些是的原因1, All these problems are the reason why I am

21、 worried .所有这些问题是我担心的原因。2, All these opportunities are the reason why I study English .所有这些机遇是我学习英语的原因。3, All these employees are the reason why company is so strong and successful .所有这些员工是我们公司兴旺发达的原因所在。超级句型25: Its hard to 做某事很困难1, Its hard to remember so many grammar rules and lifeless vocabulary w

22、ords .要记住这么多的语法规则和枯燥的词汇是很难的。2, If I come home late , its hard to explain to my wife .如果回家晚了,我很难跟妻子解释。3, Its hard to find a good job .找一份好的工作很难。超级句型26: Im not really interested in 我对确实不感兴趣1, Im not really interested in politics .我对政治实在不感兴趣。2, Im not really interested in sports .我对体育运动真的不感兴趣。3, Im not

23、 really interested in your excuses !我实在不想听你的借口。超级句型27: No wonder 难怪;怪不得1, No wonder you have so many girlfriends , you are so handsome !你长得真帅,怪不得有这么多女朋友。2, No wonder you are always sick , you dont take good care of yourself .你不会照顾自己,怪不得你老是生病。3, No wonder we didnt see you for so long , you were in Am

24、erica !怪不得这么久没见到你,原来你在美国。超级句型28: be delighted to 高兴做某事1, Im delighted to be here today .今天我很高兴到这里。2, Id be delighted to have dinner with you .我很高兴和你一起进餐。3, Im delighted to introduce our next guest .我很高兴介绍我们的下一位客人。超级句型29: live for为而活着;盼望1, She live for her family , she really is an excellent mother .

25、她为家人活着。她确实是一位优秀的母亲。2, He live for music , its the most important thing in his life .他为音乐而活着,音乐是他生活中最重要的部分。3, I live for the weekend because I hate my job .我常常盼望周末,因为我讨厌自己的工作。超级句型30: There is nothing to do but 只能做某事1, There is nothing to do but wait for the results .除了等结果我们什么都做不了。2, There is nothing

26、to do but leave town .除了离开这座城市,我们别无选择。3, There is nothing to do but listen to his problems .我们只能听他解释自己的问题了。超级句型31: be likely to很可能,极有可能1, Well be likely to their several people this month .这个月我们有可能招聘一些人。2, China will be likely to enter the WTO this year .今年中国极有可能加入世界贸易组织。3, I will be likely to go abroad to study English .我很可能出国学习英语。

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