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1、人教版八年级英语下册第三单元教案Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?教材解读本单元得话题就是Chores,主要就是关于家庭生活,谈论家务琐事及家庭互助,要求学生学会用Could you please 、?与Could I please 、?来委婉地提出请求或征求别人得许可以及如何有礼貌地拒绝别人并表达自己得理由,陈述自己得好恶。家庭生活及家务劳动就是社会家庭与学生生活中得重要方面,对学生生活习惯得养成、社会行为习惯及家庭责任感得建立起着重要得作用。通过学习本单元,学生应当能认识到家庭亲情及家庭义务得重要性,应对参加及帮助父母做适当得家务持有积极得态度

2、。通过单元学习,学生还将了解中西方在这方面得文化差异,增强她们在日常生活中得沟通与交流能力。单元目标一、知识与技能1、 掌握重点单词与短语。2、 掌握请求帮助与请求允许及应答得句型:Could you please clean your room? Could I please use the car? Yes,you can、 No,you cant、 I have to go out、3、 培养听说读写四项基本技能。二、过程与方法采用个人独立思考,两人或多人小组合作、交流得学习策略,积极创设较真实得语言环境,利用教学图片、录音机或多媒体课件来展开课堂得听力与口语交际活动。三、情感态度与价值

3、观明确“家务人人有责”得思想,能积极主动地参加家务劳动。认识到父母照顾家庭得辛劳,养成爱父母、爱家庭、爱家务得好习惯。学习照顾家庭同时也就是照顾自己,培养独立能力,为自己得将来奠定基础。教法导航采用直观教学法,遵循以学生为主体得原则。学法导航采用Using contest guessing与Role playing得学习策略,课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a2d第2课时:Section A 3a4c第3课时:Section B 1a2e第4课时:Section B 3aSelf Check课时教案 第1课时 Section A 1a2c教学目标一、知识与技能1、 掌握重点词汇与短语:

4、do the dishes,take out the rubbish,fold your clothes,sweep the floor,make your bed,clean the living room2、 理解并掌握重点句型:Could you please? Could I ?3、 能听懂有关做家务与日常活动得对话。二、过程与方法采用情境教学法,调动学生得积极性,引导她们积极参与课堂。 三、情感态度与价值观了解各种家务,能发现要做得家务并积极主动地去做。教学重点能用本课得重点词汇与句型对家务作出委婉请求。教学难点能抓住录音中得关键词。教法导航课上引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓

5、励学生多练。学法导航加强小组合作学习,积极回答问题。教学准备图片,录音机,多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual、Step 2 LeadinT:Good morning,boys and girls! I am always very busy on weekends、 So my daughter often helps me with the housework、 Do you often help your mother do the chores at home? (Write “chores” on blackboard

6、 and explain it、) Here “chore” means housework、 Could you please tell me what chores you do at home? S1:I often clean my room、S2:I wash my clothes and fold my clothes、S3:I clean the window、S4:I make my bed and sweep the floor、S5:I clean the living room、 T:Well, you are good boys and girls! We should

7、 try to be helpful and do some chores at home、Step 3 New words and expressions Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 17、T:Look at the picture on page 17、 What can you see?S1:Peter and his mother、S2:The dustbin is full、 S3:The floor is dirty、S4:、T:So there are a lot of chores to do,right? H

8、elp students to learn the following phrases about chores:clean the living room; do the dishes; sweep the floor; make the bed; take out the trash; fold the clothes Step 4 Presentation T:If you want to ask somebody to do chores,how can you ask in English?S1:Can you do the chores?S2:Could you please do

9、 the chores? T:Which one do you think is better?students:The second one、T:Yes、 We should say“Could you please do the chores?”instead of other ways because it sounds very polite、 Write “Could you please 、?” on the blackboard、Step 5 Pair work T:In the picture,the mom asks the son to do some chores、 Wh

10、at does she say?S:Peter,could you please take out the trash?T:Good! Today,well learn how to make polite requests with could、 It is very important to be polite in our life、 Now work in pairs、 Imagine you are the mom and the son in the picture、 Ask your partner to do the chores that you see、 First ask

11、 two students to read the sample conversation in activity 1c、 Then students make their own conversations、 Call several pairs to demonstrate their conversations to the class、 Step 6 Listening T:You will here a conversation between Peter and his mother、 What kind of chores do Mom and Peter do? Check M

12、om or Peter、Play the recording twice、 For the first time students focus on the chores Mom does; the second time,focus on the chores Peter does、 Then check the answers、Step 7 A little gameFind out the best helper at home、T:Do you often help your parents do the chores? Now lets choose the best helper

13、at home、 First please write down all the chores from your memory on a piece of paper、 Then check each chore you do at home、 The one who check the most chores will be the best helper at home、Step 8 Group workT:Imagine we are going to clean our classroom this afternoon、 You need someone to help you do

14、 some things、 Think of the things you need to do and make polite requests to your partners、 You may find these phrases useful、Show the following phrases on the screen:carry some water,clean the desks,clean the chairs,clean the windows,clean the blackboard,turn off the lights,take down the old pictur

15、es,put up the new pictures,sweep the floor、 After a few minutes,call several groups to show their conversations、Step 9 PresentationT:I cant find my pen、 But I have to write something now、 What can I do?S:You can borrow a pen from others、T:But what should I say?S:Can I use your pen?T:But that doesnt

16、sound very polite、 Any other idea?S:Could I please use your pen? (Write the sentence on the blackboard)T:Good! Thats a very polite way、 Step 10 Listening Ask the students to look at the picture on Page 18、 Then say:Look at the picture、 Thats Peter and his father、 Peter asks his father if he can do f

17、our things、 Look at the chart in activity 2a、 What are the four things? Ask a student to read the things aloud、T:What does his father say? Now please listen to the tape and check yes or no in the chart、 Play the tape twice、 For the first time,they only listen、 The second time,they check “yes” or “no

18、”、 Then check the answers with the whole class、 T:Why Peters father say no? What are his reasons? Lets listen to the conversation again、 Draw lines to the reasons in the chart、 Before play the tape,ask a student to read the reasons given、 Then play the tape、 If necessary,play it again、 Check the ans

19、wers、Help students to summarize different ways of answering the question “Could I、?” Yes,you can / I guess so / Oh, yeah / Sure、 No, you cant、 、 / Sorry, but 、Step 11 Pair work T:Now look at activity 2c、 Work in pairs、 Student A is Peter who asks if he can do things、 Student B is Peters father who s

20、ays “yes” or “no”、 If you say “no”,give a reason、First get two students to read the sample conversation、 Then students make their own conversations、 Step 12 Group work T:Imagine well have a selfstudy class this afternoon、 You would like to do many different things、 How will you ask your teacher for

21、permission? Please do it in groups of four、 One will be the teacher,and the others will be the students,make conversation like this:S:Could I please listen to music?T:No you cant、S:Could I please go to play basketball?T:Sorry,you have to stay in class、S:Could I please draw pictures?T:Yes,you can、Aft

22、er that,get several groups to demonstrate their conversations to the class、 Step 13 Homework1、 Suppose you are having a party,and you need more drinks and snacks、 But you cant leave the house、 Ask your classmates for help、 Write a dialogue between you and your classmate with “Could I please 、?”and “

23、Could you please 、?” 2、 Understand,read and role play the conversation in 2d、课堂作业1、 Could you please s the floor?Yes,sure、 2、 Could you please do the d ? Sorry,I cant、 I have to do my homework、3、 我每天早上都整理床铺。I _ the _ every morning、4、 我父母让我晚上不要在外面呆得太晚。My parents asked me not to _ _ late at night、5、 C

24、ould I watch the football match? (作肯定回答)_,you _、参考答案:1、 sweep 2、 dishes 3、 make, bed 4、 stay out 5、 Yes,can、教学反思多媒体能使整个教学过程表现为声、图、文并茂,使声音、图像、文字得呈现更自然。为此,在课堂上,教师应该为学生创造学习氛围,让学生时常有成功感与成就感,以便进一步激发学生学习得内在动力。在本堂课中应注意让发音较标准得同学多朗读,让思维敏捷得同学先回答问题,让善于观察得同学多纠正错误,让反应慢得同学多回答低难度问题。尽量使每个同学多动脑、多动口、多动手。第2课时 Section

25、A 3a4c教学目标一、知识与技能1、 复习、巩固表示委婉请求与应答得句型。2、 培养阅读理解能力。3、 完成相关练习。二、过程与方法 将抽象知识具体化,帮助学生总结规律,系统地学习语法。调动学生得积极性,引导她们积极参与课堂。三、情感态度与价值观认识到做家务得意义与重要性,养成常做家务得好习惯。教学重点复习、巩固表示委婉请求与应答得句型。教学难点培养阅读理解能力。教法导航通过大量练习让学生主动掌握语法知识。学法导航练习、讨论、主动探求规律。教学准备多媒体。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual、Step 2 A Game Show a

26、list of chores on the blackboard:do the dishes clean your roomtake out the trash sweep the floorfold your clothes make your bed Give them a set of blank cards、 T:Lets play a game、 You will work in groups of four、 First each group writes the chores on the cards、 Put them face down、 The first student

27、turns over a card,and asks the student next to him/her to do this chore、 That student says “no” and gives a reason、 Each student should give a reason that has not been given before、 The one who cant give a proper reason will be out of the game、 Those who can keep ing up with reasons will be the winn

28、er、 Step 3 Role playAsk some pairs to role play the dialogue in 2d、Step 4 PresentationSay:As we all know,Mother does almost all the housework in the house、 She is always tired、 Should we help Mother? What we can do to help her? Ask some students to report their answers、Step 5 ReadingSay:Now lets rea

29、d an article about Nancy and her mother、 Please read quickly and answer the questions:1、 Why was Nancys mom angry with her? 2、 Did they solve the problem? How?Then ask some students to report their answers、Now lets read the sentences in 3b,try to understand and translate them、 Then read the passage

30、again carefully and try to underline the sentences from the reading that mean the same thing、 After several minutes, ask some students to report their answers and translate the sentences into Chinese、Step 6 Language points1、 You watch TV all the time and 、all the time(在该段时间内)一直;向来,一向;时时刻刻;每时每刻e、g、 I

31、 do this all the time、 我一直就是这么做得。This happens all the time、 这种情况就是时时发生得。2、 Im just as tired as you are!as 、 as 意为 “与一样”,表示同级得比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as +adj、/adv、+ as。e、g、 Thisfilmisasinterestingasthatone、 这部电影与那部电影一样有趣。Yourpenwritesassmoothlyasmine、 您得钢笔书写起来与我得一样流畅。注意:as as 得否定形式为“not as/so + adj、/adv、 + as”。e、g、 He didnt act as well as you、 她表现得不如您好。3、 For one week,she did not do any housework, and neither did I、1) neither 用作副词,作“也不”解释,放在句首,表示前面否定得内容也适用于另一个人或物,句子须采用部分倒装。此时也可用nor替换 neither 使用。e、g、 Idontlikethisdr

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