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1、中英文厂房租赁合同中英文厂房租赁合同出租方(以下称称甲方):Lessor(hereinafter called party A)承租方(以下简称乙方):Lessee (hereinafter called party B)双方当事人根据合同法及其他有关规定,经双方协商一致,订立如下协议,以资共同信守。According to Contract Law of PRC and other regulations, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon,and shall be bound by,the following te

2、rms:第一条 甲方出租的厂房位于杭州*工业园区一号厂房,一至二层及办公用房。Article 1: The leasing item is the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor and some offices located in* District of Hangzhou.第二条 租赁期限共*年。租赁从*年9月1日至*年8月30日止。Article 2:Lease term is five years from September 1, 20XX to August 30, 20XX.第三条 一号厂房一至二层面

3、积共计_平方米。每平方米租金为_元人民币每年。办公用房共计 平方米,年租金为_元人民币。租金合计为 元人民币每年。Article 3: The area of the no.1 workshop from the first floor to the second floor is square meters the rent of which is per square meter every year.The area of offices is square meters the rent of which is yuan in RMB.The above rent adds up to

4、 RMB _yuan a year.第四条 租金全年共计 元人民币,平均每月为_元。Article 4 :The rent is RMB yuan per year and RMB _yuan per month on average.第五条 乙方必须按时向甲方缴纳租金,先支付后使用,第一次租金支付方式:本协议签订之日起三日内付一季度租金。Article 5: Party B should pay rent to party A at the prescribed time before putting into use. The rent of the first three months

5、shall be paid within 3 days from the day on which this agreement is reached.第六条 其余需租赁的厂房面积按实际使用结算。Article 6: The rent and other fees of the rest factory premises if used are paid according to the actual area which is used.第七条 乙方用电容量应控制在每平方米_以内,用水量应控制在 吨/月。以此范围内,乙方按_元/千瓦/小时按月向甲方缴纳电费,水电费乙方应在每月30日前向甲方缴

6、纳。在此范围以外,乙方承担因超出范围用水、电所产生的一切后果,并赔偿甲方因此造成的损失。如未给甲方造成损失的,则超出部分水电费及罚款乙方按政府有关部门的规定缴纳。乙方使用的电费按国家电价规定每月按实支付给甲方。Article 7: Power utilization shall be within the electric capacity of _every square meter, utilization of water should be within _tons every month.Within the above scope, party B pays the electri

7、city bills every month by the rate of RMB yuan KWH(kilowatt-hour) which shall be paid at the latest on every 30th.Beyond the scope ,then party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and make up the loss of party A which is caused by overuse of power and water .If party A suffers no disadvantageo

8、us result from it, then party B pays the fines, the charge of water and electricity by the regulations of related government departments.The charge of power that party B pays party A according to the national standard every month is settled to his actual usage.第八条 相关费用的承担情况Article 8:Regulations abou

9、t other fees1、乙方每月承担保安费1XXX元(人民币)。1, Party B undertakes a fee of RMB 1000 yuan monthly for ensuring public security.2、乙方使用的自来水费按实结算,每月支付甲方。2, The charge of water is settled and paid to the actual usage each month.3、甲方厂区内的环境卫生、绿化养护等公共事业费乙方每月应承担XXX元。3, Party B pays party A RMB 400 yuan monthly as the

10、fees for the public affairs such as maintenance of the environment and hygiene in party As factory as well as landscaping .etc.4、乙方在合同期内员工可在甲方食堂用餐,伙食费按甲方食堂标准收取,每月结算一次。4, In case the workers and staff of party B have dinner in party As mess hall, meal cost is settled and paid monthly to the mess hall

11、s standard.5、为了加强厂房的管理,由物业管理部门按各企业的厂房面积收取租金、水电费、门卫分摊费等。5,For the management of industrial park , the related property management department will take the fees of rent, water & electricity and the fees for ensuring public security. etc.第九条 甲方负责园区内的环境卫生、门卫、保卫及水、电户外设施保养,维修等事务。厂房电梯(货梯)三至四楼使用时应保证乙方租赁

12、的厂房电梯的正常运转。Article 9: Party A is responsible for the maintenance of environment and hygiene in the industrial park, safeguard, facilities of water ,power outside . etc.The elevators in the leasing items shall run smoothly when the people on the third or fourth floors are using them.第十条 乙方在厂房内安装设备或堆放

13、货物,不得超过楼面设计负载 500 kg/m?。乙方对房屋的使用和装修必须符合消防、环保、治安、防疫等方面的要求,按规定配置设施。租赁期间不得擅自改变房屋的使用性质和结构。乙方对房屋的使用和装修在消防、安全、防疫、环保等方面有特殊要求的,或国家对此有特别规定的,乙方应事先向政府有关部门申报批准,对原厂房进行改造所产生的全部费用由乙方承担。Article 10 : Party B shall not install equipments or pile goods over 500 kilos per square meter in the leasing items .The use and

14、decoration of the house shall comply with the requirements of fire control ,environmental protection ,public security and epidemic prevention etc.Party B shall not change the usage and construction of the leasing items .If party B has special requirements or the government has special regulations ,

15、party B shall first apply for approval from related government departments .If permitted ,then all the expenses of reformation or improvement will be undertaken by party B .第十一条 乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢以及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。Article 11:Party Bs should cover in

16、surance for his property, and take proper measures to guard against theft, fire and ensure public security .In case of accidents , robbery, fire.etc or force majeure(like earthquake, floodetc.), party B undertakes the loss by himself not party A or the related property management department.第十二条 乙方全

17、权承担所属员工出现的违法违规和其它纠纷责任,当乙方的设备、人员在园区发生损失和事故时,由乙方全权承担处理及损失责任,一律与甲方无涉。Article 12: Party B shall be responsible for the illegal conducts of his employees and other responsibilities of disputes with other parties. Party B shall undertake all the responsibilities and the loss in case any loss or accidents

18、occur in party B industrial park.第十三条 如因乙方使用不当造成房屋或设施损坏的,乙方应立即负责修复或予以经济赔偿。Article 11 :In case of damage of house and equipment caused by party B ,he shall make repairs immediately or bear the compensation accordingly.甲方维修房屋及其辅助设施,应提前七天书面通知乙方,乙方应积极协助和配合。Article 13: Party A shall inform party B in wri

19、tten notice seven days in advance in case he intends to maintain the leasing items or auxiliary facilities , party B should cooperate readily.第十四条 乙方如需要对房屋进行改造或增扩设备时,应事先征得甲方的书面同意,并按规定向有关部门办理报批手续后,方可进行。Article 14: If party B intends to carry on reformation of the houses or add equipments, he shall in

20、form party A in advance to get written approval, and apply to the concerning departments before starting the procedure.第十*五条租赁期内,甲方如需要转让或抵押该房屋,当产权发生变更时,甲方(或新业主)仍要继续执行原合同,具体手续由甲方负责。Article 15: within the leasing term, if party A intends to transfer the leasing items or mortgage. party A(or new owner)

21、 shall still continue to carry out this original contract and carry out the related procedures.第十六条 租赁期内,如遇国家或当地政府因建设或开发需要,厂房拆迁时,乙方无条件终止本协议,预收部分租金全额退还,其余一切损失由乙方自行负责。Article 16:In the leasing term, if the central government or local government needs to make construction or development, this contract

22、shall terminate, party A gives back the rent and deposit received in advance , other related loss shall be undertaken by party B.第十七条 租赁期内,乙方有下列行为之一的,甲方有权单方面终止本协议,收回该房屋,没收乙方租赁保证金并采取水、电停等强制性办法。由此而造成甲方损失的,乙方应予以赔偿。Article 17: In the leasing period, in case of one of the following conducts by party B, p

23、arty A has the right to terminate this contract, take back the leasing items and confiscate the deposit and stop supply of water and power etc. Party B shall pay for any compensation for this.1、擅自改变本合同规定的租赁用途,或利用该房屋进行违法违章活动的。2、未经甲方同意,擅自拆改变房屋结构,或损坏房屋,且经甲方书面通知,在限定时间内仍未纠正并修复的。3、未经甲方同意,擅自将房屋转租、转让、转借他人或调

24、换使用的。4、未经甲方同意,拖欠租金累计壹个月以上且不缴纳滞纳金的,拖欠水电费壹个月以上的。1, Changing the usage of leasing prescribed in the contract or carry on illegal activities.2, Without party As approval ,changing the structure of the leasing items without authorization. Or causing damages to the items and having not recovered it within

25、 the ordered time after getting written notice from party A.3, Without the approval from party A, subleasing ,transferring the lease items or making subtenancy, transpose.4, Without the approval from party A, delaying in payment of rent for more than one month ,meanwhile refusing to pay belated paym

26、ent. Or delaying in payment for charge of water or power more than one month .第十八条甲方应按合同签订的出租日期将出租的房屋交乙方使用。如甲方逾期不交房屋的,则每逾期一天应向乙方支付租金双倍的违约金。 Article 18: Party A shall hand over the leasing items to party B on the date as prescribed in this contract ,oth中国最强!erwise giving twice of the rent as liquidat

27、ed damages by the day.第十九条 乙方逾期交付租金及物业管理费,除如数补交外,按日支付逾期租金款项的万分之四的滞纳金,逾期交付水电费等其他费用的,按逾期交纳款项的千分之一支付滞纳金。Article 19: In case of delay in paying rent or fees of property management beyond the prescribed period, party B shall undertake belated payment 4/10000 more of rent by the day. For fees of power or

28、water, it shall be 1/1000 more by the day.第二十条 租赁期间,甲方提前收回房屋的,甲方应按即时月租的租金向乙方支付十二个月的违约金。相反乙方未经甲方同意中途擅自退租的,乙方应按即时月租金向甲方支付十二个月的违约金。Article 20: In case party A takes back the leasing items before prescribed time and party A shall pay 12 times as much as the rent then and there as compensation .On the co

29、ntrary ,in case party B quit the contract and move out of the leasing items before the prescribed time, he shall also pay 12 times as much as the rent then and there as compensation.第二十一条 租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋。乙方如需继续租用的,应提前三个月向甲方提出书面意向,经甲方同意后,重新签订租赁合同,如续租,乙方在同等条件下享有优先租用权。Article 21: Upon expiration date

30、 of this contract, party A has the right to take back all leasing items .If party B intends to continue to rent , he shall inform party A in written form three months in advance. After confirmation by party A ,the contract can be renewed. Under the same condition, Party B has the priority to continu

31、e the contract to other civil parties.第二十二条 租赁期满,乙方应如期归还该房屋,如乙方逾期不归还的,则每逾期一天应向甲方支付原日租金双倍的违约金。Article 22: Upon expiration of this contract, party B shall return the leasing items according to the prescribed time. In case party B fails to do so, then party B shall pay twice as much rent as the prescribed rent by the day as penalty .第二十三条 租赁期满或乙方原因提前终止协议,乙方租赁范围内的室内外装璜除企业之间的隔断外均可自行拆除,但厂房内需清理干净,便于下一个企业入驻。Article 23: In case of expiration of this contract or party B terminates the contract before the prescribed time, party B has the right to remove the deco

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