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1、美国龙卷风形成原因美国龙卷风形成原因美国龙卷风Death Toll From US Tornados Climbs Above 250美国龙卷风死亡人数超二百五十人次Massive storms have swept through the southern part of the United States in recent days, killing more than 250 people, and officials say they expect the death toll to rise. Search and rescue efforts are underway.近日,巨大

2、的风暴横扫美国南部地区,死亡人数已超过二百五人,官方称死亡人数预计仍将增长。目前,搜救正在进行。The National Weather Service says about 150 tornados tore through parts the southern states of Mississippi and Alabama on Wednesday. Alabamas city of Tuscaloosa was one of the hardest hit. Several buildings were flattened, and many city operations are

3、unable to function.Water dripped through the roof of the grocery store Mike Honeysutt manages in Tuscaloosa. He watched as it was destroyed. The power went out and the building started shaking, the windows were shaking and part of the roof was flying off the building, the windows came into the front

4、 and then the wind started blowing stuff of the shelves, said Honeysutt. Honeysutt said the tornado was gone 15 or 20 seconds later. The damage was not, however, and many people are missing among the rubble.Alabama Governor Robert Bentley has deployed 2,000 National Guard troops to assist in search-

5、and-rescue efforts. We do have major destruction in the state, especially in the northern part of Alabama, said Bentley. We have 131 confirmed fatalities at the present time. We expect that number to rise today. In fact, we are sure it will. There may be as many as a half million to a million people

6、 in the state without power at this time. Bentley also reported the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant in northern Alabama automatically shut down after it lost power to its three units. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said the plants safety systems are operating as needed. The Federal Emergenc

7、y Management Agency has deployed teams to the region to assist in response efforts, after U.S. President Barack Obama declareda state of emergency in Alabama. Bentley said Alabama was as prepared as it could be to face tornados, with winds averaging 400 to 500 kilometers per hour. That measure is th

8、e most destructive on the Fujita Tornado Damage Scale.An aerial view of damage to downtown Cullman, Alabama, after dozens of tornadoes ripped through the South, flattening homes and businesses and killing more than 250 people in six states in the deadliest outbreak in nearly 40 years, April 28, 2011

9、 When you have a catastrophic F 4 and F 5 tornado that hits, there is not much you can do to change the outcome of that, he said. But we did have a good response from the weather bureau and we have had a good response from our Emergency Management Agency. We were prepared. FEMA Director Craig Fugate

10、 said the violent streak of tornados that have struck the southern United States in recent weeks is not uncommon.Actually what we are seeing is springtime. Unfortunately many people think of Oklahoma as tornado ally and forget that the southeast United States actually has a history of actually longe

11、r and more powerful tornados that stay on the ground longer, said Fugate. Severe weather that began Monday also caused dozens of fatalities in Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Arkansas, making it the deadliest series of storms to hit the southern U.S. region in four decades. 龙卷风是怎样形成的龙卷风是怎样形成的龙卷风是什么



14、热带海洋上,海面因受太阳直射而使海水温度升高,海水容易蒸发成水汽散布在空中,故热带海洋上的空气温度高、湿度大,这种空气因温度高而膨 胀,致使密度减小,质量减轻,而赤道附近风力微弱,所以很容易上升,发生对流作用,同时周围之较冷空气流入补充,然后再上升,如此循环不已,终必使整个气 柱皆为温度较高、重量较轻、密度较小之空气,这就形成了所谓的热带低压。然而空气之流动是自高气压流向低气压,就好像是水从高处流向低处一样,四周气 压较高处的空气必向气压较低处流动,而形成风。从台风结构看到,如此巨大的庞然大物,台风形成的原因必须具备特有的条件。一、要有广阔的高温、高湿的大气。热带洋面上的底层大气的温度和湿度主


16、而定热带性低气压 中心附近最大风速等于或小于每小时 33浬(每秒17.1公尺)即等于或小于7级风。轻度台风 中心附近最大风速每小时为34至63浬(或每秒 17.2至32.6公尺),相当于8至11级风。中度台风 中心附近最大风速每小时为64至99浬(或每秒32.7至 50.9公尺)相当于1215级风。强烈台风 中心附近最大风速每小时在100浬(或每秒51.0公尺)以上,相当于16级或以上之风。在太平洋海域上,一年到头均可能有颱风发生,惟通常以七月至九月最多。40年一遇龙卷风席卷美国数州40年一遇龙卷风席卷美国数州US in shock as worst storms for 40 years k

17、ill almost 300Shocked Americans are struggling to grasp the magnitude of the worst US tornadoes in almost 40 years, which carved a trail of destruction across the south, claiming at least 295 lives.The storms were the deadliest since 310 people were killed in 1974 when 148 tornadoes hit several stat

18、es and authorities have warned that the death toll could rise further. Entire US towns were destroyed, as six states were struck by huge twisters. One that was captured on extraordinary video footage measured a mile wide 20 times larger than the typical tornado.States of emergency were declared by t

19、he governors of Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma and Tennessee, and governors called out the National Guard - including 2,000 troops in Alabama - to help with the rescue and clean-up operations.Alabama, one of Americas poorest states, was worst hit. More than 131

20、 people there died, 36 in the city of Tuscaloosa alone. Walter Maddox, its mayor, said the city had been obliterated.I dont know how anyone survived, said Mr Maddox. Its an amazing scene.There are parts of the city I dont recognise and Ive lived here my entire life.James Sykes, a survivor, described

21、 watching a silent monster suck up the citys streets. It was full of lightning, devastating everything, Mr Sykes said. Dozens of businesses and emergency service buildings across the city were wiped out.资料来源:教育优选 We had a major catastrophic event here in Alabama, said Robert Bentley, the states gove

22、rnor. We have major destruction in the state. A million people were left without power.Storms caused the Browns Ferry nuclear power plant near Huntsville, Alabama, to lose power. Officials described the incident as a low-level emergency and said it was under control.The National Weather Service said

23、 it had received 137 tornado reports on Wednesday, bringing to 300 the total number counted in the region since Friday.In Mississippi, at least 32 people were killed. Another 30 were reported dead inTennessee, 11 in Arkansas, 13 in Georgia, seven in Virginia, and three in Missouri. President Barack

24、Obama, who promised swift assistance, said: Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by this devastation. He will travel to Alabama to view the damage on Friday.Mr Obama also paid tribute to the heroic efforts of those who were responding to the disaster by clearing up disaster-struck a

25、reas and searching for victims.People throughout the south were left trapped in their homes, colleges and vehicles after fallen trees and flooding left large areas impossible to pass.The storms appeared to have been the deadliest natural disaster in the US since Hurricane Katrina, which killed more

26、than 1,800 people in Louisiana in 2005.Further heavy rain and high winds are expected on Saturday, with 21 states throughout the country warned that they could face severe weather. 资料来源:教育优选 p/ww:w.qvcp.iocm 华 裔政 新秀坛 雨如 春后笋 涌现般, 示 着华参政人 识意 预提高的, 是自华人踏 上美 的土 国地 以 这 来人 政华地位 治 次发首 生明上升显的 化 ,变 表这 华 人明 日

27、渐已 为成 美国社 会可不忽视政 治的量 。力 美圆政刮起坛黄龙色卷风在 美国加 州, 在政坛裔上 起刮 华了 一股黄色 卷风 。在龙 这次 选 举中那 战些胜劲强 手对 跻身州于 级和市 级坛政 华的 包人加括州政 府审 计长总江俊 辉 税务委 员会 员赵美委心 ;议州历会史 第上一华裔 参议位 加 余员 胤 ,众良议 马员云世 伍和国庆 ;纽 约州会首位议 华裔女众性议 杨爱伦 员;州 库 比 蒂 诺市 市长 市 长 副 胡 加宣兰 、 郭树 ( 个培 市城 的市 长 和支持一 留学生 但的 人数 少 。很后加之州 出现 金淘潮 美 国 部西急 需 劳 动力 大批 华 人 移民 当被 成猪

28、 仔 到 美 国卖行 使自 己的 民 权主利 。 于参 政亏吃多太 懒 恩成说林 美 的市国府政做 在 出 事关 民的生重大 定 决 时往 往 要召开 市 听民证 听取 市 会民意 见的但。在 桃市核 去过却 少 有华裔极来 参 听加 会证。结果 华裔族 群的利 益往 往得不 重到 视。多 次 吃 亏 后 越 来 越 的多成 最 没 为政有 治和 社 会地位 苦 力的。自 上 纪世 年束代 大来 批大自陆的 留学生 开涌 向美 始国 ,起了 一又 次 大掀 的中移民国潮 行各各业 的华 人佼 佼 者开 始 美令 国刮 目相看人 。与相此 比 华人 在国 美政的治影 力响却相 对 小 得多 ,

29、以于在 美 至流 国传 这么一着 句话华 人是 经 济上 翻 的身户, 学裔 华开 始明 白了美 国是 认承实力 和 接 受者 强的国家 有 当只己歧自 视自 己时才 被会 别人歧 你视要在政 治 上市副长 的置都被位 人 华据 在占美 这国历史上 尚属首次 ) 等等界 术佼佼的 者,体 坛 的弄潮上儿 政治 上,的矮 侏 儒 。几 前年 裔精华英就 开始在 国美坛政崭露 角 头他 们当 中具代最 表性缩头当 龟 你乌 永就 不会有远当 家做 主的 子日。一没个政有治位的地民族其 济经 地位 和 社会地 就位没 有保 证 。他告诫华裔 , 不 为要 求追一时 蝇的头 而最 终失 去 大 的更

30、长远利 益 。 , 但近 年来 这一状 况有 改变所华 裔群 族的治政 与参度有所提 高 。如果说 他 们过去 是 沉 睡的 子 狮 那么他 的是布 政 府现任 什 工部 劳长赵小兰 、 原盛华州顿长州 家骆辉但从。来没有 像 年 样这有 那 么 多华 的裔 颖脱 出而当。地媒 评论体说 华政裔坛新 们 天 已开始今苏 醒 曾三。次担任 加 核州桃 市市长 的 恩 林成亲 身 经 历了 这 一有报道说 美,国虽然 还有 视歧 黑人在的现象 但, 没有 人承不 黑人认 就是美国 ;人而对 华人的 态复杂很 度多 , 其 既中种族 有歧视 成分的 也心理 有 斥 排成分的。者 多次记听 到美国 的

31、 华裔 说他 们 强 感到 遭烈到白 人排 ,斥 白人 排华斥 人于 胜斥 黑人排, 主 要原 是 因华人够 团结 不 政治 的上影响 在 远 比黑人力低, 为容 易被 人 的捏软 成 柿。子记 者但触接 的美过国学 有人不 同者意 这种 说 法 , 说 不 是 人白排 他 秀如雨 春笋般后涌 现,预示着 人 华政参意 识 的 提 这高是 自 人 踏华 上美 国变化。他 深 有感触地 记者对说 他 年 竞前核选桃 市长市 ,时 华多 认人 许为他 异是 想 开 天说 为 他 旗摇呐 喊, 别 的地 土来以华 人政治 位首次地发生 明 上 升 显的变 化 这表明 华 人已 渐日 成 美为 国社

32、会 可不忽 视 的 政治 力 量 。就是投 也票懒得 去,结 果 他 以最却票高 当选 。他 说 , 桃 市核 华 裔 人 口在 占 但 过 去每 当 投 票时 , 裔 选 华 视为被 政侏治儡 美国 人 华 参政的 历 史经 历 了 混沌 无 为 觉,醒 的过 程。 华 人 移美 国民始 于 纪 世 年 代 ,早 的 民移 包 一 批括获 满 清政 府 最民投票的率却远 远不及 其他族 。裔多 年 ,来为 动 员 华 裔参 政议 政 奔 走呼他 号 但 多数华人 以生却 意或忙其 他理 不 由去投屑 票 甚至不去 进选行 登民记 他们宁愿 多挣 几 美元十 ,不 愿 斥也裔 华 是而 多许华裔从

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