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1、专四语法汇总动词时态/语态常考有:现在完成时,过去完成时态,表示将来的一般时态或进行时态以及考查不同时态的搭配使用。现在完成进行时用于过去开始的某个动作一直持续或影响到现在,这个动作可能刚完成或继续发展下去,常有的引导词有:since, for, all the time等;过去完成时态表示一个发生在过去某个时间或动作之前的动作,常用的引导词有by或一些固定结构,如,no soonerthan, hardlywhen等;用于表示将来或进行时态的结构有:be to do sth. 或者if 引导的从句等。现在完成进行时态:For some time now, world leaders have

2、 been pointing out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.Jack has been missing from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.过去完成时态:The student said there were a few points in the essay he had found impossible to comprehend.表示将来的一般时态或进行时态:James has just arrived, bu

3、t I didnt know he was coming until yesterday.不同时态的搭配使用:The committee has anticipated the problems that have arisen in the road construction project.That was not the first time he had betrayed us. I think its high time we took strong actions against him.本题考的That was the first time后面所接的从句因为前面使用was 而需要

4、用过去完成时,又考查了its high time 引导的虚拟语气从句。虚拟语气:if 引导从句,或省略if,句子倒装1. 用于It is +形容词或过去分词+主语从句,主语从句中用should 加动词原形,should也可以省略。这类形容词通常表示命令,重要,迫切性等,这类形容词或分词有:advisable合理的,decided决定的,crucial关键的,appropriate恰当的,determined决定的,commanded命令的,arranged安排的,essential紧要的,基本的,complied遵照的,anxious焦急的,imperative迫切的,important重要的

5、,desirable合意的,better较好的,更好,insistent坚持的,desired想要的,asked请求的,keen渴望的,incredible难以置信的,adamant坚定不移的,natural自然的,insisted 坚持的,necessary必要的,suggested建议的,urgent紧迫的,ordered 命令的,vital极其重要的,possible可能的,strange奇怪的,preferable好一点,proposed提议的,requested要求的,required要求的,recommended推荐的,resolved 决定的,probable可能的,pity可惜

6、,憾事,shame遗憾等等。2. 用于表示意愿,建议,命令,提议,请求等动词后的that宾语从句中,用should+动词原形,should可以省略。这类动词有:ask要求,advise建议,arrange安排,beg请求,command命令,decide决定,demand要求,desire渴望,determine决定,insist坚持,intend打算,maintain坚持主张,move建议,动员,propose提议,object反对,order命令,prefer建议,require需要,request要求,resolve下决心,recommend推荐,suggest建议,stipulate约

7、定,规定,urge强调,促进,vote公认,提议,decree颁布(法令),pray请求v.(表示命令,决定,要求或建议等的动词)等等。3. 用于由表示建议,要求,命令,请示等含义的名词引导的表语从句和同位语从句中,用should+动词原形,should 可以省略。这类名词有;advice忠告,decision决定,demand要求,desire要求,愿望,insistence坚持,motion建议,necessity必要性,order命令,preference偏爱,proposal提议,pray恳求,recommendation推荐,request要求,requirement要求,resol

8、ution决心,suggestion劝告,忠告等。4. would(had)rather, would as soon, would sooner, would prefer所引起的从句中要求用过去式表示当时或将来的情况,用过去完成时表示过去的情况,表示希望或婉转的责备。如:Id rather you kept it a secret for the time being.我倒希望你暂时把这件事保密。I would prefer he didnt change his job now.I would just as soon I hadnt said that to him.5. 由连接词in

9、 case, so that, unless, lest, for fear that引起的状语从句中,谓语动词要用虚拟形式,即should(might, would)+动词原形,如:She put on more clothes for fear that she should catch a cold.The lion was confined to the cage lest it should break loose.6. 在if it were not for和if it had not been for这两个虚拟条件句中,前者表示所陈述的事实与现在事实相反,后者表示所陈述的事情与过

10、去事实相反,两个都相当与but for,这时候主句中要分别使用would+动词原形和would have done 形式,如:If it had not been for their help(=but for their help),we would not have finished the task so smoothly.7. 虚拟语气现象中还有一种特别现象,叫做“混合虚拟语气”。即主句和从句的谓语动词指不同的时间,这时需要用混合虚拟语气。一般来说,在这种情况下,主、从句谓语动词指代的时间不同,所以我又可以用错综时间条件句。在这种虚拟情况下,动词形式应根据实际情况灵活使用,在做这些题目

11、时候尤其要注意没道题目的提示语即时间状语和句子的内在含义。一般情况下,从句或者主句都有相关的时间状语,这时解题的关键。If you hadnt watched that late movie last night, you wouldnt be so sleepy now.I would be sunbathing on the beach in Hawaii had it not been for the heavy storm which caused the cancellation of the flight.Had he got one more point on the entra

12、nce exam, he would be studying at the university now.混合虚拟语气还有一种情况就是事实和虚拟假设的混合句,这样的句子不仅仅是时间的不同,更重要的是事实和假设的混合。The professor would have given you another chance to take the exam if you had gone to him and tell him that you were so ill.前半句用的是虚拟假设,后半句主句也用的是假设虚拟(如果你也告诉他的话),但是后半句的从句用的是一般过去时,因为“你病了”是客观事实,所以

13、不需用虚拟语气。If 引导从句,或省略If, 句子倒装If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he would be able to advise you much better than I can.Should you have further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.本题考查对将来时态的虚拟语气,从句省略If,所以用倒装。应为If you should have further problems with your printer, c

14、ontact your dealer for advice.Had it not been for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.If only the patient had received a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.要是病人接受一种不同的治疗方法而不适用抗生素,他可能还健在。If only 引导的条件句要用虚拟语气,主句he might still b

15、e alive now表明是过去时,所以If only 后接过去完成时态。注意if only 和only if 的区别,if only表达对现在或过去的愿望,后接虚拟语气;如果only if 用于首句,后接从句倒装,表示“只要,只有”如:Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.Only if both sides accept the agreement will a lasting peace be established in this region.It is +形容词或

16、过去分词+主语从句中,主语从句中用should 加动词原形,should也可以省略。Its imperative that students hand in their term papers on time.学生按时上交学期论文是必要的。It is imperative that the government attract more investment into the ship-building industry.用于表达意愿,建议,命令,提议,请求等动词后的that宾语从句中,用should+动词原形,should可以省略。It was suggested that all gove

17、rnment ministers should disclose information on their financial interest.Its (high/about)time+从句 早就该有某事或做某事了,后接过去时态Its high time we stopped cutting down the rainforests.“What courses are you going to do next semester?”“I dont know. But its about time I decided on something.”对过去事实的虚拟语气All of us would

18、 have enjoyed the party much more if there hadnt been quite such a crowd of people there.Would you be surprised if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand? 混合虚拟条件句,从句时对过去时态的虚拟,所以从句用过去完成时态,主句是对现在的虚拟判断,所以使用would+动词原形,在疑问句中would 提前。对将来的虚拟语气Should you have further problems with your

19、printer, contact your dealer for advice.此外,某些表示假设的单词或者词组也可以引导虚拟语气,如:suppose, provide, supposing, providing, provided, on condition that, but for, but that, whether, as if/ as though 或者其他表示虚拟的条件从句结构,would rather, had rather等。Be he rich or poor, Ill marry him all the time. Be he rich or poor 相当于whethe

20、r引导的条件句whether he was rich or poor,使用动词原形表示虚拟。情态动词常见的情态动词: can, could, be able to do, may, might, must, ought, will, would, need, shall, should等。专四考查主要集中在情态动词的特殊用法,否定或反疑回答。特别注意must的否定形式mustnt意为“禁止”,而其表示猜测的否定用法为cannot“不可能”;need作情态动词时,其否定形式可以有两种,neednt do 或者dont/didnt/doesnt need to do,做实义动词的否定形式只能用do

21、nt/didnt/doesnt need to do,意为“不需要”。1. She must have been fifty or so when I first met her at the conference. Must表示推测,判断,本题是对过去事情的推测,用完成时态。2. You neednt have told Jim anything about it. It was none of his business. Neednt have done 表示做了不必要的事情,含有不应该或责备之意。本题用完成时态表明事情发生在过去。3. Loudspeakers were fixed in

22、 the hall so that everyone may have an opportunity to hear the speech.本题考查may表示可能性的用法,ought to和should“应该”,must“必须”只有may“可以,可能”,符合题意。4. I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I was able to make the journey in exactly two days.本题侧重考查can/could与be able to do sth.的区别。Be able to do sth.

23、“有能力、机会或者办法做某事,能”;can/could 表示能力、技能、许可、要求及可能性。表示有能力时,be able to do sth.和can/could可以互相替换。本题中强调机会,只能用be able to do sth.。5. He may have acted unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.非谓语动词非谓语动词指动词不需要跟主语的人称和单复数配合,不能在聚在中单独做谓语而可以作句子的主语、定语、宾语、状语和补语等成分。常见的非谓语动词形式有:不定式,动名词和分词。不定式和动名词可以作句子

24、主语,而分词不可以。分词可分为现在分词和过去分词。分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。现在分词常用来表示正在进行或者主动的动作,而过去分词表示已经完成或者被动的动作。如果分词前有一个与句子主语不同的主语则形成独立主格结构。有些动词后只能接不定式,如,attempt, plan, determine, decide, strive, endeavor, fail, hesitate, manage, pretend, refuse, decline, resolve, tend, volunteer, agree, seem, threaten等,而另有些动词后只能接动名词,如,enjoy,

25、 mind, avoid, consider, complete, finish, anticipate, hinder, resent, dislike, detest, delay, deny, resist, tolerate, suggest, involve等。不定式,动名词或者分词短语如果需要否定,否定词要放在不定式to、动名词或分词的前面。不定式The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, only to be captured by the poli

26、ce each time.这三个人多次企图偷越边境到邻国去,但每次都不被警察逮住。考查结构only to 后接不定式做结果状语,表示一个出乎意料的结果。动名词Not being tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.本题考查动名词作主语,动名词的否定词位置及不定式和动名词的区别。否定词要放在不定式to 或动名词的前面。不定式主要表示具体或一次性的动作,强调某个结果,句子中通常会出现该具体动作的施动者;动名词用来表示一般或抽象动作或多次行为,强调某个过程,句子中通常不会出现该动作的施动者。现在分词Not having obtained a tick

27、et for the match,he can now only watch it on TV at home.考查现在分词的否定词和时态。用完成时态表示没有买到票是已经完成的动作,否定词在现在分词having的前面。There are only ten apples left in the baskets, not counting the spoilt ones.过去分词Looked at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate. 在他看来,当前的形势还没有那么让人绝望。考查动词的过去分词作状语,修饰the situation.

28、If not treated with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.独立主格结构Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat being by far the biggest cereal crop.独立主格结构作句子补语。There being nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour

29、 earlier.考查独立主格结构作状语。Time permitting, the celebration will be held as scheduled.考查独立主格结构作状语。从属分句复合句由一个主句和一个或多个从属分句(从句)组成,从属分句可划分为状语从句,定语从句或者名词性从句等。状语分句常见的英语状语从句可进一步分为时间、方式、让步、条件、原因、结果、目的、程度和地点等状语从句.Fool as Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.考查as 引导的让步状语从句,形容词fool提前置句首,形容部分倒装。Much as I wou

30、ld have liked to, I couldnt lend him the money because I simply didnt have that much spare cash.考查as引导的让步状语从句,想当于although I would much have liked to, much 放在句首可以起到强调的作用。Much as he need money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it form the bank. Much 作为程度状语,用来修饰动词need,提前置句首形成部分倒装,强调很需要。Much as I

31、like economics, I like sociology much better.While I sympathize, I cant really do very much to help them out of the difficulties. 考while 引导的让步状语从句。Although he is a socialist, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class. Wells先生虽然是个共产主义者,但他很少同情工人阶级。考查although引导的让步状语从句,该句话的前半句和后半句之间是转折的逻辑

32、关系。Even if 即使,强调的是一种条件,since作为,由于。However hard the task is, he always tries his best to complete it on time.考查however引导的让步状语从句。However接形容词或副词引导让步状语从句时,形容词或副词要紧跟其后,however hard the task is,而though接形容词或副词引导让步状语从句时,形容词或副词要提到though的前面,hard though the task is.However dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful to top executive.She did her work as her manager had instructed.Intellect is to the mind what sight is to the body.考连词what引导方式状语,句型A is to B what C is t

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