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4、信息,结合中学生应有的常识正确判断生词或短语的含义。上述特点代表着今后高考题的发展趋势,应当高度重视。 方法技巧点拨一、细节理解题一篇文章必须通过许多细节的信息来解释或表达主题,体现主题思想。弄懂这些细节对于理解全文的作用是不容忽视的。因此要在阅读时准确把握所提供的信息。这类考题是比较直接的,理解字面意思就可答题,有时则是比较间接的,要通过归纳、综合才能得出答案。二、词句理解题此题型要求考生正确理解文章中个别关键词句的含义,其中有词语替换或句型转换的表层理解题,也有联系全文意义来判断有关词句含义及寓意的深层理解题。一般情况下,考生认真辨析各项含义后可选出正确答案;但也有些试题要求联系全文意思,


6、可能性进行推敲,从而得出与原文所给信息相吻合的、合乎逻辑的最佳答案。四、归纳概括题此题分为两大题型:一是要求考生在理解全文后归纳短文要点,概括中心思想。这时要特别注意文章的第一句或最后一句,或者第一段。第一段往往是故事的梗概,表达了主题思想。另一类是概括文章的话题或议题,即高度概括文章所涉及的中心内容。话题往往可用很少几个词加以概括。困难的是有时为了行文需要,可能涉及数个话题。这时要注意分析比较,弄清哪是最重要的中心话题,哪是次要话题。精典题例解读下面是2003年高考全国卷中的一篇阅读理解:BReading to dogs is an unusual way to help children

7、improve their literacy skills(读写能力).With their shining brown eyes,wagging tails,and unconditional love,dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence(自信心),according to Intermountain Therapy Animals(ITA) in Salt Lake City.The group says it is the first p

8、rogram in the country to use dogs to help develop literacy in children,with the introduction of Reading Education Assistance Dogs(READ).The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea.“Literacy specialists admit that children who read below the level of their fellow pupils are often afraid of

9、reading aloud in a group,often have lower self-respect,and regard reading as a headache,”said Lisa Myton,manager of the childrens department.Last November the two groups started “Dog Day Afternoon” in the childrens department of the main library.About 25 children attended each of the four Saturday-a

10、fternoon classes,reading for half an hour.Those who attended three of the four classes received a“pawgraphed”book at the last class.The program was so successful that the library plans to repeat it in April.According to Dana Thumpowsky,public relations manager.59.What is mainly discussed in the text

11、?A. Childrens reading difficulties. B.Advantages of raising dogs.C.Service in a public library. D.A special reading program.【解析】 归纳概括题。本题四个选项的内容文章都有所涉及,但仔细比较,可以看出,中心话题是关于美国盐湖城教育组织设计的特殊实验项目:教有读写障碍的儿童对狗朗读,这样即可进行读的训练,又不用担心遭人耻笑。文章并未深入探讨儿童阅读困难问题(A),更未讨论养狗的好处(B),盐湖城公共图书馆的儿童读物部只因赞同该理念才让该组织在他们那儿开办实验班。【答案】 D

12、60.Specialists use dogs to listen to children reading because they think _.A. dogs are young childrens best friendsB.children can play with dogs while readingC.dogs can provide encouragement for shy children D.children and dogs understand each other【解析】 细节理解题。答案依据为第一段第二句:可爱的小狗瞪着明亮的眼睛,摇着尾巴,充满无条件的爱意,侧

13、耳倾听而不作任何评价,初学朗读者需要这样的听众以建立自信。【答案】 C61.By saying “The Salt Lake City Public Library is sold on the idea”,the writer means the library _.A.uses dogs to attract children B.accepts the idea put forward by ITAC.has opened a childrens department D.has decided to train some dogs【解析】 此句中的sell意思是“(就某物的价值)说服(

14、某人),使相信”。例如:Can you sell the boss on your plan?你能使老板相信你的计划的好处吗?Shes completely sold on the idea.她给那个想法迷住了。此含义多数中学生不了解。不过,可以根据上下文利用排除法选定正确答案。【答案】 B62.A “pawgraphed”book is most probably _.A.a book used in Saturday classes B.a book written by the childrenC.a prize for the children D.a gift from parent

15、s【解析】 推理判断题。四种可能实际上都存在,但题目要求选出可能性最大的。这种特别的阅读训练班结束时,给积极参与的孩子发件奖品,以资鼓励,更符合情理。【答案】 C应用强化训练(一)LONDON Tuesday April 11Dustin Hoffmans fan Pamela Crack got the shock of her life when the movie star telephoned her as she was doing her housework.Crack,58,said she was“flabbergasted”when she picked up the pho

16、ne and heard the star at the other end.“Its not every day you get a Hollywood superstar phoning you when youre doing the housework,”Crack told the Sun.“It was a moment Ill never forget.”Hoffman was in the back of a London taxi driven by Cracks husband,Dave,when he made the call after being told Pame

17、la was a fan.Dave Crack later became the star of Hoffmans speech at the Bafta award ceremony Sunday,where the 62-year-old American actor presented the Best Film award.“He said to give him a mention,”Hoffman told the audience to a burst of laughter.“Cheers,Dave.”Taxi driver Crack said the Hollywood s

18、tar was a joy to drive from the moment he got into the taxi eating a cheese and tomato sandwich.“I said Youre that Dustin Hoffman,arent you? and he said,Yes,I amwould you like a sandwich? I was a bit surprised but I took a sandwich from him and ate it hungrily.”1.What does the word “flabbergasted”in

19、 the first paragraph probably mean?A.pleased B.honored C.frightened D.surprised【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生依据上下文在特定语篇条件下对词语的猜测技能。从语法和句子结构上讲,题中所给四个选项都正确。根据语境,一家庭主妇突然接到她崇拜已久的电影明星的电话,自然应是先吃一惊。【答案】 D2.How did Dustin Hoffman learn that Pamela was a fan?A.He learned it at a dinner party.B.He learned it from Dave Cra

20、ck.C.He learned it when he was at the Bafta ceremony.D.He learned it when he was watching a Hollywood movie.【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生通过阅读提取具体信息的能力。由文章第三段首句可知,是Dave Crack在出租车上告诉了他Pamela是他的影迷。【答案】 B3.What was Hoffman doing when he talked about Dave Crack?A.He was riding in a taxi.B.He was presenting the Best

21、Film award.C.He was talking to Pamela on the phone.D.He was eating a cheese and tomato sandwich.【解析】 本题仍为细节理解题。由文章第三段末句和第四段首句可知,Hoffman不负所托,专门在颁奖仪式上提到Dave Crack。【答案】 B4.It is most likely that Dustin Hoffman came to London meet Pamela spend a sight-seeing attend the Bafta

22、 award meet a Hollywood superstar from America【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生依据事实进行推理和判断的能力。根据文章提供的事实和常识,可排除A、B、D三个选项。【答案】 C5.Which of the following is the correct order of events mentioned in the article?a.Hoffman mentioned Daves name in his speech at the ceremony.b.He got into Dave Cracks taxi in L

23、ondon.c.He telephoned Pamela Crack.d.He talked to Dave Crack.A.bdca B.cdab C.abdc D.dbca【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生依据语篇内容判断时间顺序的能力。这样的判断相对而言并不困难,但是,重要的问题是,要能够从行文之中把相关的事实提取出来,并进行有效的空间想象,安排它们的时间顺序。【答案】 A(二)When you are working at a job,it is important to be a “team player”.A team player is one who works well wi

24、th the other people on the job.Employers look for people who can get along with other employees and still get the job done.There are many things you can do to be a good team player.By recognizing peoples differences in gender,age or culture,you show them that you respect them.Adding to other team me

25、mbers ideas to improve it lets them know that you think their ideas are good.When working with others,be willing to compromise(妥协).Come up with a way to solve the problem instead of demanding that your idea is used.Try to understand and add to the goals and mission(使命) of your team. Show devotion to

26、 your team and show that you are committed to(忠于) the teams growth and improvement.Help to develop and meet the teams needs in the future.Find a way to work in different conditions.Be able to adapt to(调整以适应) change within the work settings.Be responsible in accepting new work methods.Following these

27、 suggestions will help you become a better team member and will help achieve better results on the job.1.A team player _.A.seldom gets along well with the other people on the jobB.regards himself/herself as the most important person on the jobC.thinks everyone on the job is useful and

28、someone who can play basketball or football【解析】 本文的话题是团队精神。文章列举了作为一名团队成员所应具备的几种品质。本题要求判断哪个选项符合团队精神。可根据文章内容,用排除法确定正确答案。下面的第8题可用同样的方法作出判断。【答案】 C2.The underlined word “gender” is closest in meaning to B.nationalityC.height D.appearance【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生依据上下文在特定语篇条件下对词语的猜测技能。根据行文逻辑,“性别”在此最符合文意。【答

29、案】 A3.To be a team player,you must _.A.always stick to your ideaB.always agree with the others harder than anyone elseD.put the teams interests before your own【答案】 D4.This passage is mainly about _.A.the importance of being a team to be a team to be a popular pers

30、onD.employer-employee relationships【解析】 本题的命题意图是检测学生对全文主旨的概括能力。本文的话题是团队精神。文章就如何做一名团队成员提出了四条忠告。【答案】 B(三)Having returned from her round trip,the angry woman stood outside the ticket office of the station.“The railway owes me 12,”she said to Harry Jenks,the young man working at the office.“You sold me

31、a ticket for May 22nd,but there was no ship from Jersey that night.So my daughter and I had to stay in a hotel.It cost me 12.” Harry was worried.He remembered selling the woman a return ticket.“Come into the office,Madam,”he said politely.“Ill just check the Jersey timetable for May 22nd.”The woman and her little girl followed him inside.She was quite right,as Harry soon discovered.There was no sailing on May 22nd.How could he have made such a careless mistake?He shouldnt have sold her a ticket for that day.Wondering what to do,he smiled at the child.“You look sunburnt,”he said to her.

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