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1、美国文学的主要进程及简要概述美国文学的主要进程及简要概述第一阶段印第安时期,主要以当地印第安人的口传文学为主,缺乏文字记载,在欧洲人到来之前,属于美洲的主流文学。殖民主义时期,以John Smith(代表作A True Relation of VirginiaA Description of New England)、William Bradford(代表作History of Plymouth)和John Winthrop(代表作The History of New England)为代表的文学是以记录美洲当地自然文化,以及美国早期殖民地人民勤劳开垦美洲的“美国历史主义”文学。以John C

2、otton(代表作The Way of Life)、Cotton Mather(代表作Magnalia Cristi Aericana)、Jonathan Edwards(代表作A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God)、Anne Bradstreet(代表作The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America)和Edward Taylor (代表作Metrical History of Christianity)为代表的清教主义文学,主要以宣传清教主义思想的布道文和清教诗歌。第二阶段独立革命时期,主要

3、由两种思想主导,一是启蒙思想,二是实利主义。以Benjamin Franklin(代表作Auobiography)、Thomas Pain(代表作Common Sense)、Thomas Jefferson(代表作Declaration of Independence)和Philip Freneau(代表作The Wild Honey Suckle)为主要文学代表。在小说方面,这时期主要有William Hill Brown(代表作The Power of Sympathy)、Susannah Rowson(代表作Charlott Temple)、Royall Tyler(代表作The Alg

4、erine Captive)、Hugh Henry Brakenridge(代表作Modern Chivalry)和Charles Brown(代表作Weiland)。诗歌上,有John Trumbull、Francis Hopkinson和Philip Freneau。戏剧上,Thomas Godfrey(代表作The Prince of Parthia)、Royall Tyler(代表作The Contrast)、William Dunlap(代表作Andre)为主要代表。第三阶段浪漫主义时期,1815-1820年是被认为美国文学浪漫主义兴起的转折点。这时期还包括了以Ralph Waldo

5、 Emerson(代表作Naure)和Henry David Thoreau(代表作Walden)为代表的超验主义(亦有称先验主义)文学。这时期主要作家有Washington Irving(代表作有The Sketch Book和Life of Washington)、James Fenimore Cooper(代表作The SpyLeather Stocking Tales)、Adgar Allen Poe(代表作有死亡恐怖小说MS Found in a BottleWilliam Wilson,推理侦探小说Murders in the Rue Morgue,科幻小说The Unparall

6、eled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall,幽默讽刺小说The Business Man)、Nathaniel Hawthorne(代表作The Scarlet Letter)、Herman Melville(代表作Moby Dick)、Walt Whitman(代表作Leaves of Grass)、Emily Dickenson(代表作Emily Dickenson)。第四阶段现实主义时期,代表这个时期到来的旗手William Dean Howells(代表作The Rise of Silas Lapham),以及Mark Twain(代表作The Million

7、Pound NoteThe Adventure of Tom SawyerThe Prince and the PauperAutobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative EditionThe Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Gilded Age)、Henry James(代表作第一时期Daisy MillerThe Portrait of a Lady第二时期The Bostonians第三时期The Golden Bowl)、Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe(代表

8、作Uncle Toms CabinDred,A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp)等。自然主义文学,代表有Frank Norris(代表作McTeagueThe Octopus)、Stephen Crane(代表作Maggie:A Girl of the StreetThe Red Badge of CourageThe Open Boat)、Jack London(代表作The Call of the WildThe Iron HeelMartin EdenThe People of the Abyss)、Theodore Dreiser(代表作Sister Ca

9、rrierJennie GerhardtThe Trilogy of DireAmerican Tragedy)。黑幕揭露派,代表作家有Edward Bellamy(代表作Looking Backward, 2000-1887)、Upton Sinclair Jr(代表作The JungleOil!)。第五阶段20世纪文学,关键词“迷惘的一代”,这一时期诗歌繁荣,现实主义和虚无主义思想成为主流小说思想,美国戏剧进入繁荣发展的时期,美国黑人文学逐渐走向成熟。诗歌上,主要代表: Ezra Pound(代表作第一时期A Lume SpentoProvencaHugh Selwyn Mauberley

10、Cathay第二时期CantosPersonae)、Edwin Arlington Robinson(代表作The Town down the River三次普利策奖作品Collected PoemsThe Man Who Died TwiceTristram)、Robert Frost(代表作A Boys WillNorth of BostonMountain IntervalNew Hampshire四次普利策奖获得者)、Carl Sandburg(代表作Chicago PoemsIn Reckless EcstasyComplete PoemsCornhuskersSmoke and S

11、teelSlabs of the Sunburn WestGood Morning,AmericaAmerican SanbagAbraham Lincolm)、Thomas Stearns Eliot(代表作第一时期The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock第二时期The Wasteland第三时期Four Quartets评论集The Sacred Wood戏剧Murder in the Cahedral歌剧The Rock)。小说上,主要代表:Ernest Miller Hemingway(代表作The Old Man and the SeaThe Sun A

12、lso RiseA Farewell to ArmsThe Snows of KilimanjaroFor Whom the Bell TollsAcross the River and into the TreesThe fifth columns,Spain the earthThe Garden of EdenIn Our TimeIndian Campthe Green Hills of AfricaTrue at First LightA Moveable FeastDangerous summerDeath in the afternoonIsland in the Gulf St

13、reamA Rich man and no moneyA Man of the World)、Francis Scott Fitzgerald(代表作Tender Is the NightThe Great GatsbyThe Curious Case Of Benjamin ButtonThe Side of ParadiseThe Beautiful and DamnedThe Last TycoonCrack UpAll the Sad Young MenTaps at ReveilleThis Side of Paradise)、William Faulkner(代表作The Soun

14、d and the FuryKnights GambitGo Down, Mosesthe templeAs I Lay DyingThe White Rose of MemphisLight in AugustAbsalom,Absalom!The HamletThe TownThe MansionThe ReiversA FableThese 13The Unvanquished)、John Steinbeck(代表作Cup of GoldThe Pastures of HeavenThe Red PonyTo a God UnknownTortilla FlatIn Dubious Ba

15、ttleOf Mice and MenThe Long ValleyThe Grapes of WrathThe Forgotten VillageSea of Cortez: A Leisurely Journal of Travel and ResearchThe Moon Is DownBombs Away: The Story of a Bomber TeamCannery RowThe Wayward BusThe PearlA Russian JournalBurning BrightThe Log from the Sea of CortezSweet ThursdayThe S

16、hort Reign of Pippin : A FabricationOnce There Was A WarTravels with Charley: In Search of AmericaAmerica and Americans)。戏剧上,主要代表:Eugene Gladstone ONeill(代表作早期Bound East for CadiffThe Moon of the CarribbeesThe Long Voyage Home中期Beyond the HorizonThe Emperor JonesAnna ChristieAll Gods Children Got Wi

17、ngsDesire Under the ElmsThe Hairy ApeDesire Under the ElmsThe Great God BrownStrange InterludeMourning Becomes ElectraDay with out EndAh, Wilderness晚期The Iceman ComethThe Iceman ComethLong Days Journey Into NightThe Moon for MisbegottenA Touch of the PoetHughie)、Thomas Lanier Williams III(代表作Cat on

18、A Hot Tin RoofCairo! Shanghai! Bombay!A Streetcar Named DesireThe Field of Blue ChildrenAmerican Blues: Five Short PlaysBattle of AngelsThe Gentleman CallerThe Glass MenagerieThe Rose TatoobSummer and SmokeSuddenly Last SummerThe Sweet Bird of YouthThe Night of the IguanaMemoirsThe Mysterie is of th

19、e Joy Rio)、Arthur Miller(代表作The CrucibleAll my sonsDeath of a salesmanThe CrucibleIncident at VichyThe priceThe American ClockNo VillainHonors at DawnThey Too AriseA View from the BridgeThe Archbishops CeilingThe Creation of the World and Business)。黑人文学,关键词“哈莱姆文艺复兴时期” 。主要代表Langston Hughes(代表作The Wea

20、ry BluesFine Clothes to the JewNot Without LaughterAsk Your MamaThe Big SeaFields of WonderOne-way TicketMontage of a Dream DeferredShakespeare in HarlemThe Ways of White FolksI Wonder as I WonderA Song of the Soul of CentralThe negro Speaks of Rivers)、Richard Right(代表作Uncle Toms ChildrenNative SonB

21、lack BoyBig Boy Leaves HomeDown By the RiversideLong Black SongFire and CloudSavage HolidayLong DreamEight ManLawd Today)。第六阶段当代文学,二战结束是美国当代文学的发展起点,此时作家们主要研究存在主义和心理研究。“黑色幽默”以及实验主义的作用下,形成了“后现实主义”文学流派。现实主义小说,主要有:John Cheever(代表作The Way Some People LiveThe Enormous RadioThe Brigadier and the Golf Widow

22、The Stories of John CheeverThe Wapshot ChronicleThe World of ApplesThe Wapshot ScandalBullet ParkFalconerOh What a Paradise It Seems)、Jerome David Salinger(代表作The Catcher in the RyeNine StoriesRaise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction)、Jack Kerouac(代表作On the RoadThe Sea is My

23、 BrotherThe Town and the CityThe SubterraneansThe Dharma BumsDoctor SaxMaggie CassidyBook of DreamsTristessaVisions of CodyLonesome TravelerBig SurVisions of GerardDesolation AngelsSatori in ParisVanity of DuluozPicOrpheus EmergedAnd the Hippos Were Boiled in Their TanksMexico City BluesThe Scriptur

24、e of the Golden EternityScattered PoemsOld Angel MidnightBook of HaikusBook of SketchesMexico City BluesThe Scripture of the Golden EternityScattered PoemsOld Angel MidnightBook of HaikusBook of SketchesPoetry for the Beat GenerationBlues and HaikusReadings by Jack Kerouac on the Beat GenerationThe

25、Jack Kerouac CollectionJack Kerouac Reads On the Road)、John Uptike(代表作“Rabbit” tetralogyRabbit ,RunRabbit ,RedeauxRabbit is RichRabbit at RestRabbit RememberedThe Poorhouse FairThe CentaurOf the FarmCouplesA Mouth of SundaysThe CoupThe Withes of EastwickBrazilPigeon FeathersBech is BackTrust Me)。犹太作

26、家,二战前后是涌现出大批犹太作家的关键时期,他们写作主要围绕三类形象,第一类是“边缘人”,第二类是“受难者”“牺牲者”,第三类是“傻瓜”“倒霉人”。主要作家有:Bernard Malamud(代表作The NaturalThe AssistantA New LifeThe FixerPictures of FidelmanThe TenantsDubins LivesGods GraceThe Magic BarrelIdiots FirstRembrandts HatTwo FablesStories)、Saul Bellow(代表作Dangling ManThe VictimThe Adv

27、antages of Augie MarchSeize the DayHenderson the Rain KingHerzogMr. Sammlers PlanetHumoldts GiftDeans DecemberMore Die of HeartbreakA TheftThe Bellarosa Connection)、Issac Boshevis Singer(代表作The Family MoskatThe Magician of LublinThe ManorThe EstateEnimies:A Love SongShoshaThe PenitentGimpel the Fool

28、 and Other StoriesThe Spinoza of Market Street and Other StoriesA Fried of KafkaA Crown of Feathers and Other Stories)、Philip Roth(代表作Goodbye ,ColumbusLetting GoShe was a Good WomanWhen She was GoodPotnoys CompaintOur GangThe Great American NovelThe BreastProfessor of Desire“Zuckerman” trilogyThe Gh

29、ost WriterZuckerman UnboundThe Anatomy LessonThe Counter LifeOperration ShylockSabbath Theater)。当代黑人文学,“黑色艺术运动”。主要代表:Ralph Waldo Ellison(代表作The Invisible ManShadow and ActJuneteenthGoing to the Territory)、James Baldwin(代表作Go Tell It On the MountainGioannis RoomAnother CountryMore Notes of a Native S

30、onNobody Knows My NameThe Fire Next TimeBlues for Mister CharlieGoing to Meet the ManTell Me How Long the Trains Been GoneIf Beale Street Could TalkThe Evidence of Things Not Seen)、Toni Morrison(代表作The Bluest EyeSong of SolomonSulaTar BabyBelovedJazzParadiseLoveA MercyParadise主编The Black Book)、Alice Walker(代表作The Color PurpleOnceThe Third Life of GrangeCopelandMeridianIn Love and TroubleThe Temple of My FamiliarPossessing the Secret of Joy)。“黑色幽默”

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