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1、八年级英语下期中试题扬州市竹西中学有答案听力2017年八年级英语下期中试题(扬州市竹西中学有答案听力) 2016-2017学年第二学期期中测试八年级英语试卷(满分 140分,考试时间 110分钟)20174第卷(选择题80分)一、听力(共20分)第一节 (共10小题)听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1 hats the eather lie tda? A B 2 hat happened t eieis brther? A B 3 here did the b g

2、? A B 4 H is ar ging t Sdne? A B hih subet des David lie best? A Gegraph B usi Siene6H an hurs des the an need t finish the r? A 0 hur B 2 hurs 2 hurs 7hih bx is the lightest f all? A The hite bx B The gre bx The bla bx8hat des the an dislie in anada? A The eather B The fd The language9 h des the an

3、 advise the an t give up sing?ABeause it is a aste f ne BBeause it is a bad exaple t the hildrenBeause it is bad fr her health 10 hat ere the girls parents ding at that tie?AThe ere ding her BThe ere athing TVThe ere ding huser 第二节(共10小题)听下面3段长对话和短,每段对话和短后有几个小题,从题中A、B、三个选项选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短前,你将有时间阅读各个小题

4、,每小题6秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出6秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短读两遍。听第11段材料, 回答第11、12题。11 hat language is the an studing in the shl? A apaneseB English hinese12 hat des the an d t iprve her stud? A She des a lt f business ith a apanese pan B She speas the language as uh as pssible She reads a lt abut the untr听第12段材料,回答第13至1题。 h i

5、s hiing ppular?Reasn 1health and relaxinggd exerise ithut 13 Reasn 2siple and heaphat u need t d: ear a pair f 14 and a sile n ur faeReasn 3an help u get aa fr ur 1 an ae u have a lear ind and be nfident13 A ne B tie hurting14 A glasses B trainers trusers1 A dail life B strange feelings bad habits听第

6、13段材料,回答第16至20题。16 here did the str happen?A In a fruit shp B In a b shp In a lthes shp17 H an apples did the b ant t bu?A Fr ne dllar B Fr fur dllars Fr five dllars18 H did the b feel hen he unted the apples?A Relaxed B Surprised Pleased19 h didnt the shp assistant let the b leave?A Beause the b di

7、dnt give hi enugh neB Beause he anted t give the b re apples Beause the bs ther ae t the shp20 hat d u thin f the b fr the str?A He is ind B He is sill He is lever二、单项选择(共1小题,每小题1分,计1分)从A、B、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。21 In the nvel, Quasid is _ugl an, he is fr _Eurpean untr, Frane A a; aB a; an an; an

8、D an; a 22The gt arried _ 2010 That eans the have been arried _ 2010A sine; in B sine; sine in; sine D in; in23 A, u shuld reeber t _ ur b reprt n tieA put in B ut in hand in D give in24 Shes never been t Hainan, _ she? _ She ent there last ee fr the first tieA has; es B has; N is; esD hasnt; N2 e a

9、nt believe _little hildren an finish the diffiult prble in_ a shrt tieA s; s B s; suh suh; s D suh; suh26 Peple in angzhu _ al r ride bies, but n the_taing the bus r driving ars A used t; used t B ere used t ;used t ere used t; are used t D used t; are used t27 I have lleted se infratin n the Intern

10、et uld u tell e_next ?ae a hartA hat t d B hat t d it h t d D hen t d it28 Is r Liu a teaher ith a lt f teahing _? es, he is He alas tells us se funn _ after lassA experiene; experiene B experienes; experienes experienes; experiene D experiene; ex perienes29 I _ g t bed_ ther ae ba he A nt; until B

11、didnt; until ill; until D/ ; hen30 i has an hbbies, _ siing, hiing and plaing badintn A fr exaple B suh fr suh as D as a result f31 He lies plaing tris n thers, but _, he is a gd b beause he is illing t help thersA n the a B in the a in se as D b the a32 an u give e _ n hat t ear t the part, T? I th

12、in the hite dress is A se advie B se advies an advie D an advies33 hat d u thin f the life in the enter f the it?Nt bad but I feel lnel _ beause it has bee diffiult t see se f friendsA se ties B se tie fr tie t tie D ne tie34 iss Liu, _I pla hess ith friend here? es, but u _tal ludl r Huang is havin

13、g a rest n A ust; ant B a; ust an; ustnt D ant; an3 uld u lie e t help u ith the her? _ But I an d it self A It desnt atter B The sae t u Its ver ind f u D Tae it eas三、完形填空(共1小题,每小题1分,计1分)阅读下列短,从后各题所给四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。ga(瑜伽) is a ind f 36 It is ver 37 arund the rld n Everne, the ung and the ld an d ga I

14、ts gd fr 38 en and en 39 d peple lie ga? There is a shrt anser and a lng anser 40 that questin 41 shrt anser is that ga aes u feel better Pratiing breathing exerises and thining ae u 42 in bd, ind and spirit Fr an peple, this 43 is enugh But there is re if u have an 44 in it ga began in India abut 0

15、00 ears 4 At that tie, peple anted t be free, health and live a lng life, 46 this ind f exerise as brn The earl ga as part f a religin(宗教) It as usuall taught ne t ne-ne 47 ith ne student ga is a Sansrit(梵语) rd and it 48 “t in tgether” There are 49 parts f ga tgether: exerise, breathing and thining

16、ga an give u peae(平静) and help u relieve the pressure(缓解压力), and have 0 rries and illnesses 36 A fd B plae statinerD sprt37 A pssible B ppular persnalD pleasant38 A bth B neither allD either39 A hen B H h D hat40 A in B fr at D t 41 A / B A An D The 42 A unhealth B healthier health D healthil 43 A a

17、nser B rule a D length44 A interested B interest interesting D interests4 A befre B et ag D still46 A s B als but D besides47 A dtr B teaher pliean D ffier48 A eans B vers understands D shs49 A t B three fur D five0 A re B an less D feer四、阅读理解(共1小题,每小题2分,计30分)A HERE T STA IN BSELL?TUR GUIDE T UR BES

18、T HTELSFIRST HTEL Address:222 Edard Rad Telephne:414-6433 The nuber f rs:120 Single r: $2 Duble r: $3 Speial attratins: Air-nditined rs Frenh restaurant Siing pl Shps ffee shp and bar Telephne, radi and televisin in eah r lse t the it enter FAIRVIE HTEL Address: 129 Nrth Rad Telephne:91-620 The nube

19、r f rs: 0 Single r: $12 Duble: $18 Speial attratins: lse t the airprt Telephne in eah r Bar Restaurant Garage Siing pl RHARD HTEL Address: 233 Edard Rad Telephne:641-644 6 The nuber f rs:120 Single r: $1 Duble $20Speial attratins: Faing First Htel Eurpean restaurant ffee shp Televisin NightlubSAA HT

20、EL Address: 1264 Venning R ad Telephne:643-8200 The nuber f rs:180 Single r: $30 Duble $0Speial attratins: Air-nditined rs apanese and hinese restaurants Siing pl Large garden Shps1 If u ant t eat hinese fd, u ill g t the restaurant in _A Fairvie HtelB First Htel rhard HtelD saa Htel2 If a apanes e

21、traveler lies t eat in a Frenh restaurant, _ is the right plae fr hi t g tA 233 Edard RadB 1264 Venning Rad222 Edard RadD 129 Nrth Rad3 hih htel faes rhard Htel?A First Htel B saa Htel Farivie Htel D N htelBFr ears I ent t shl b bus, s I et an “failiar” strangers e t the sae bus but didnt n eah ther

22、s naes I used t thin it as ipssible fr us t be true friends H rng I as! Siles fr the “naeless” peple have hanged thughtsThe first tie n the bus, I sa different faes, e et, greeted and ld faes turned int siling faes As das ent n, e hatted lie ld friends But I felt it a pit that I as unable t set up t

23、he sae friendship ith a silent girl in the frnt f the bus Her ld lthing suggested that she didnt have uh ne, but she alas t a up f ater fr the driver I guessed she as a ind girl But h did she sit in silene instead f taling ith us? h did she never repl t ur friendl greetings? uldnt she sile?Then, ne

24、evening, I gt the anser I aled t the par nearb and fund the girl sitting alne under a tree, lnel and sad I greeted her ith the sae ar sile that I had shn t her all these nths, but this tie her fae turned red, then a sh sile appeared As sn as she began her first rds, I understd h she hadnt spen t us

25、befre Taling as hard fr her I learned her str: Her parents red hard sehere She lived ith her disabled grandparents She said,“I ant express(表达) self ver ell st f the tie, I ant sa hat I ant t sa I have n friends but u alas sile t e lie an angel, s I als ant t sile” That evening, e exhanged ur naes an

26、d e said gdbe lie ld friends Sile is the e t pening the dr f heart; it an brea the ld alls in frnt f us4 All the flling rds an desribe the girl Exept A silent B ind prudD pr The girl had diffiult in A listening B singing riting D taling6 hih f the flling is True?A The girl nl taled ith the driver B

27、The girl as t sh t tal ith thers The riter gt t n the nae f the girl that eveningD The riter ant ae friends ith thse naeless peple n the bus n7 The ain idea f the passage is that A e shuld help thse silent pepleB siles an deal ith ever diffiult e eet e shuld sile t the naeless peple n the busD siles

28、 an help us get lser and understand eah ther betterA habit is an atin that e have perfred s ften that it bees sething that e d alst ithut thining Se f the are thught t be bad habits Peple spend untless hurs and dllars eah ear tring t get rid f these bad habits but ften fail h? hange is hard r and th

29、ere is n shrtut t ahieve it Hever, there is still se advie fr u t fllFirst, l at h u d it In ther rds, hats the result f ding this thing? If ur bad habit is shuting at peple hen u are unhapp r under pressure, hat d u get fr it? It a ae u feel a little better fr the ent r abe u have a bad habit f lea

30、ving ur her undne The result uld be that u get re tie t spend n the Internet!Next, tae a l n the ther hand hat are u lsing beause f ur habit? Shuting at ther peple is a bad habit beause it aes peple arund u feel bad and unhapp Leaving ur her undne is a bad habit beause u a be punished b ur teaher Ha

31、ving re Internet tie eans that u are lsing the hane t learn the things that u need t learn hen u thin that a, ull find that its nt ise t eep ur bad habit! N it is tie t ae a deisin hat ill u hse? I sure u ill hse t d hat u thin is re iprtant8 The underlined sentene “there is n shrtut t ahieve it” eans that _A it is nt ea s t get rid f bad habits B there is a lng a and a shrt a sething

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