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1、ThePracticeS2E05Season2 Episode5Doctor: It wasnt a suicide.Bobby: You can state that for a medical certainty?Doctor: Mr. Wiggins has no suicidal tendency in my professional opinionBobby: You can state it to a medical certainty it wasnt a suicide?Doctor: Im a psychiatrist, not a medical examiner, but

2、.Bobby: So you cant rule out suicide as a cause of death, correct, Doctor?Doctor: That would be correct, but I.Bobby: Thank you, Doctor. And Doctor, have you had other patients who did commit suicide?Doctor: Yes.Bobby: How many?Doctor: Im not sure. Bobby: More than five?Doctor: Probably.Bobby: More

3、than ten? Doctor: Id say between five and ten and I have to check my files.Bobby: And of those suicides, was there ever one you didnt see coming?Doctor: In most of those occasions, I saw some symptoms.Bobby: Was there ever an occasion where the suicide surprised you, someone you didnt deem suicidal

4、took his or her life, did that ever happened?Doctor: Yes, but.Bobby: Thank you. So it does happen, Doctor, doesnt it? There were patient with no apparent suicidal tendencies takes his life.Pratt: Its argumentative and badgering.Bobby: This is a cross examination, Ill exhibit the doctor is being argu

5、mentative.Judge: Lets just have a nice and civil murder trial, shall we?Bobby: Doctor, according to your testimony, Mr. Wiggins became upset to learn of the affair between his wife and Mr. Forsythe, did he?Doctor: Upset? Yes. I didnt say despondent.Bobby: Is it possible that he could become desponde

6、nt to learn his wife of 12 years was sleeping with another man?Doctor: To me, he seemed more enraged than depressed.Bobby: Are you telling this court he wasnt depressed about it?Doctor: Im telling this court I dont think he committed suicide.Bobby: Of course you dont wanna think that. You were his t

7、reating psychiatrist, suicide would represent your failure, wouldnt it, doctor?Doctor: Hey, I prescribed medication. He refused to take it. He refused to take drugs, any drugs!Bobby: Move to strike, non responsive.Doctor: There is no way he will willingly take Saconal.Bobby: Move to strike!Andrea: Y

8、ou are way too aggressive. Bobby: Aggressive? He was throwing dirt on the coffin, he put the final nail on it. Andrea, youve been paying attention? Were losing.Andrea: Its still all circumstantial.Bobby: Two lovers last seen with a dead husband? They found her drugs inside of him. This is a nightmar

9、e.Andrea: They are innocent, Bobby, you know it as well as I do.Bobby: It doesnt matter what we know. Im telling you, I can tell it in the eyes of the jury. We are going down.Bobby: Come on, you know Ellenor Frutt, she is an honest lawyer. So is Lindsay Dole.Judge: They communicated with a juror.Bob

10、by: Your honor, if you file this complaint, it will stint their career forever.Judge: Thats the point.Bobby: You never made mistakes?Judge: Not the one youre asking me to make right now. My decision stands.Bobby: Stand to be corrected.Judge: Counsel, maybe I should direct the board to investigate yo

11、u.Ellenor: Damn it.Lindsay: Did he fly?Ellenor: Nope.Lindsay: So, we are still basically suspended?Ellenor: Basically.Rydell: This is, err, a little awkward, Jimmy. I mean you said you have some kind of specialist on disability claims, so IJimmy: Oh he is, he used to be a P.I., this is his rear hous

12、e.Rydell: Yeah well, all the same.Eugene: Wait, wait, Mr. Rydell, whats going on here, is there a problem of my, err, being bold?Rydell: You are black.Eugene: Oh.Rydell: Which is fine in most instances, but, this instanceJimmy: What is the problem, John? A black lawyer cannot argue about a bum knee?

13、Rydell: We are not talking about a bum knee, Jimmy. The disability Im claiming is racism.Jimmy: What?Rydell: Ive been seeing a shrink, I can document it officialEugene: You are saying racism is a disease to qualify you for disability pay?Rydell: Mr. Young, Ive been working the beat for 18 years. I a

14、int just talking about job trust here. Im talking about every time I see an African-American suspect, my hand is automatically going for my gun. Am I proud of that? No. Is it the truth? Yeah!Eugene: And you expect to be awarded early pension because of this.Rydell: I didnt expect to get fired. When

15、I told my superiors, they bounced me. I should be suing to get my job back, but I shouldnt get it back. I got no business being out on the beat. But, I got a family, a mortgage, and I got fired for telling the truth that was pretty hard to face up to. And Ill tell you something else, these racist te

16、ndencies, Ive never used to have them. This job has done this to me.Andrea: Listen. Our gut reaction plus the polls from our jury consultants, it doesnt look good. I might have to think about a deal. Mary: A deal? A deal? We are innocent. Doug: What, what kind of a deal?Bobby: I dont think theyll of

17、fer anything better than manslaughter.Doug: Do you think we did this?Bobby: No.Doug: Then how can you possibly suggest that we agree to manslaughter?Bobby: Im not suggesting, but lets face it. You two are the only ones whore gonna account for your whereabouts. By your own admission, you were sleepin

18、g, and you were alone at the movie. You husband was found dead in a bathtub with his blood full of your Saconal. Two lovers, last seen with him, no alibi, plenty of motives.Mary: We didnt do it.Bobby: Your husbands psychiatrist just blew a hole in our suicide theory.Mary: I didnt kill my husband. An

19、d I certainly will not get up and say that I did.Bobby: Ok, ok, hmm. It comes down to putting you on the stand, both of you. Doug: Thats, thats fine.Bobby: Look, Pratt is gonna come ask you hard on the affairs, the prenups, the motives, it will be ugly. You will be painted as greedy adulterers who k

20、illed their rich older man for his money.Mary: That picture has already been painted, Mr. Donnell, did you read the papers?Bobby: The newspapers have prepared you nothing for what youre in for once you get into that witness chair. Now, well start with you, Doug, and then youll follow, Mary Jane. Let

21、s meet after lunch, and well go over what to expect, all right? Listen, you two better go out the back. The corner there is a crowd.Andrea: Remember when you were lying in bed worrying about your law exam?Bobby: Yeah.Andrea: We were talking about how great it would be once we got out of school, mayb

22、e someday, co-counseling a big case together. And here we are. This isnt fun.Bobby: Not a bit.Rebecca: Are you actually gonna take this guys case?Eugene: Think about it. He got punished admitting he is racist. What kind of message does this sent? “Keep it to yourself, dont go forward.” Doesnt this m

23、ean keeping more racist cops on the street?Rebecca: This is one way of looking at it. Another way would be: this guy is looking to get paid for being prejudiced. Now, have you put that to your smell test?Jimmy: I got the whole filed facts. We could. oh, hi.Lindsay: hi.Jimmy: I wish you the best of l

24、uck in your disbarment proceeding.Bobby: How long have you and Mrs. Wiggins been lovers, sir?Doug: A little over 2 years.Bobby: And, you met how?Doug: I was employed as senior vice president at Wiggins Corrugated Steels Company.Bobby: You were sleeping with your bosss wife.Doug: Yes.Bobby: At some p

25、oint he found out about it?Doug: Yes.Bobby: What was his reaction?Doug: He terminated my employment. Bobby: Did you ever see him again?Doug: Yes. I saw him the day of his death.Bobby: Where?Doug: At his house.Bobby: What happened on the day you went to see him, Mr. Forsythe?Doug: I tried to express

26、how bad I felt, and I, I suppose I really wanted to get some kind of forgiveness.Bobby: Did you?Doug: No. No, he accused me of being a liar, and he asked me to leave his house.Bobby: Did you leave alone?Doug: No. Mary Jane was with me. She tried to stay and reason with him a little, but he screamed

27、at her too.Bobby: And, when you left the house, where did you go?Doug: To my house. We were to go to a movie, but, I decided to just crash. I took a nap. And Mary Jane did go to the movie.Pratt: So, you were deeply upset when you left Mr. Wiggins house?Doug: Yes, sir.Pratt: So troubled that you lay

28、down and took a nap. Any difficulties sleeping?Doug: The sleeplessness from the last two weeks probably made it easier.Pratt: Can anyone verify that you were at home sleeping?Doug: No, sir, except for Mary Jane.Pratt: who went to the movie?Doug: Yes.Pratt: Thats a funny thing. You know you both have

29、 busy lives, active schedules, lots of people to see. But at the actual time Mr. Wiggins died, neither of you have anybody to account for your whereabouts. Thats kind of a coincidence, dont you think? Would that be a coincidence, Mr. Forsythe?Doug: I suppose it would. Pratt: And by Mr. Wiggins dying

30、 instead of divorcing his wife, you and your love are going to be very wealthy people together.Bobby: Objection!Andrea: Objection!Judge: Overruled.Pratt: No worry about the prenups now, isnt it? Mr. Forsythe?Bobby: Objection.Judge: Sustained.Pratt: Did you go back to that house, and poison Mr. Wiggi

31、ns?Doug: No. Bobby: Objection!Pratt: Did you drown him in that bathtub?Bobby: Your honor!Judge: Counsel.Pratt: Did you murder him for his wife and his money?Andrea: Move to strike.Bobby: Objection, your honor.Judge: Mr. Pratt, that is enough.Doug: Dont you think if we were to do something like this,

32、 we want to make sure we have an alibi?Pratt: Well, thats a good thought, Mr. Forsythe. Did you think of that before or after you killed him?Judge: Mr. Pratt!Pratt: Im sorry. Thats all. Judge: The witness may step down.Bobby: You help up well, butDoug: That still looks bad.Bobby: Doug, I gotta ask you a tough quest

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