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1、C语言考试大题答案C20111225大题答案#include void main() long f=/*/ 1 /*/; int i; for (i=1;i=13;/*/ i=i+2 /*/) f=f*i; printf(nf=%ld, f); getch(); #includevoid main() int p,q,r; float f; clrscr(); printf(Please input p q :); scanf(%d%d,/*/ &p,&q /*/); f=1.0*p/q; r= (int)/*/ f*10 /*/%10; printf(n p/q=%f The first d

2、ecimal place is: %dn,f,r); getch();#include #include double f(double /*/ x /*/)return (x*x*x+1.3*x*x+1.1*x-1.2);void main()float x,x1,x2; double y,y1,y2; do printf(Input x1,x2:); scanf(%f,%f,&x1,&x2); y1=f(x1); y2=f(x2); while(y1*y2=0); do x=(x1+x2)/2; y=/*/ f /*/ (x); y1=f(x1); if(y*y10) x1=x; else

3、 x2=/*/ x /*/; while(fabs(y)=1e-6); printf(Root of Equation is %8.3fn,x); getch();#include #include void main() char s20; int i; printf(Please input a string:); scanf(/*/ “%s” /*/,s ); i=0; while(si) si=/*/ si3; /*/ /*/ i+ ; /*/ printf(n Target string: %sn, s); getch(); #include void main() int i,n;

4、 /*/ n=0 /*/; for(i=1;i=/*/ 1000 /*/ ;i+) if( (i%3=0 | i %7=0) & ( i% /*/ 10 /*/ =3 ) ) printf(%5d,i); n+; if(n%6=0) printf(n); getch();#include #include void sort(int a, int n) int i, j, k, temp; for( i = 0; i n-1; i+ ) k = i; for(/*/ j=i+1 /*/; j n; j+) if(/*/ akaj /*/) k=j; if( k != i ) temp=/*/

5、ak /*/; ak=ai; ai=temp; void main() int a = 50,25,88,32,2,65,7,64; int i,n = sizeof(a)/sizeof(int); sort(a,n); for(i=0;in;i+) printf(%d ,ai); printf(n); getch();#include#include/*/ /*/double f(double x)double y; y=/*/ 7.7*x*x+10.3*x+6.6 /*/; return (y); void main()double x,y1,y2; printf(Please input

6、 x:); scanf(%lf,&x); y1=f(/*/ x+1.1 /*/); y2=f(sin(x); printf(nf(x+1.1)=%.3lf,y1); printf(nf(sinx)=%.3lf,y2); getch();_#include #include int count(/*/ char s /*/) int n=0; char *p=/*/ s /*/; while(*p) if(*p=a) n+; /*/ p+ /*/; return n; void main() char s255; printf(Enter a string:); gets(s); printf(

7、Count of a is:%dn,count(s); getch();#includestdio.h#define ROW 3#define COL 4void main()int aROWCOL=2,11,3,5,7,24,8,9,16,10,18,66; int bROWCOL=1,9,5,12,6,11,13,2,15,7,25,56; int c/*/ROW /*/COL,i,j; for(i=0;iROW;i+) for(j=0;jCOL;j+) cij=/*/ aij-bij; /*/ for(i=0;iROW;i+) for(j=0;j/*/ COL /*/;j+) print

8、f(%5d,cij); printf(n); getch();#include unsigned long fun(unsigned long n) unsigned long x=0;int t=0; while(n) t=n%10; if(t%2=/*/ 1 /*/) x=/*/ 10*x /*/+t; n=n/10; return x; void main() unsigned long n=-1; while(n99999999|n0) printf(Please input(0n1000000000):); scanf(%ld,&n); printf(nThe result is:%

9、ldn,fun(n); getch();#include void main()int a,b,temp; printf(a,b=); scanf(%d,%d,&a,&b); if(ab) if(/*/ (a%2) /*/) /*改: !(a%2) 或改:a%2=0*/ printf(%5d,a); getch();#include /*/void fun(int n)/*/ 改:double fun(int n) double y = 0.0; int a=2,b=1,c,k; for(k=1;k=n;k+) /*/ y+=(Double)a/b; /*/ 改: y+=(double)a/b

10、; c=a; /*/ a=b /*/; 改: a=a+b b=c; return y;void main() printf(fun(5) = %lfn, fun(5); getch();#include void main()/*/ int a=10; num,mark; /*/ 改:int a=10, num,mark; char op,es; printf(Input an Expression: a); scanf(%c%c%d,&op,&es,&num); mark=0; if(es=) /*/ swich /*/(op) 改:switch case +: a=a+num; break

11、; case -: a=a-num; break; case *: a=a*num; break; case /: if(num) a=a/num ; else mark=1; break; default: mark=1; else mark=1; if(!mark) printf(a=%dn,a); else printf(Error!n); getch();#include int fun(int *x,int y) int t; t=*x;/*/ x=y; /*/ 改:*x=*y;/*/ return(y); /*/ 改:return(t);void main() int x=6,y=

12、8; printf(%d,%dn,x,y); y=fun(&x,y); printf(%d,%dn,x,y); getch();#include #include void main()/*/ character str100; /*/ 改:char str100; int number,u_letter,l_letter,i; number =u_letter =l_letter=0; printf(Please input string:); gets(str); /*/ i=1; /*/ 改: i=0; while(stri) if (stri=0 & stri=A | stri=A &

13、stri=n & stri=z) l_letter+; i+; printf(number=%d,u_letter=%d,l_letter=%dn,number,u_letter,l_letter); getch();#include #include void main() char s20=international 51,t20; char tab52=c,h,i,a,a,b,e,g,l,p; int i,j=0;/*/ strcmp(t,s); /*/ 改:strcpy(t,s); while(tj) for(i=0;/*/ i=3 /*/;i+) 改:i=5 if(tj=tabi0)

14、 /*/ tj=tabi; /*/ 改:tj=tabi1; break; j+; printf(nThe soure string: %sn,s); printf(nThe target string: %sn,t); getch();#include void main()/*/ int i=1,n=1; /*/ 改:int i=1,n=0; do if(i%3=2 & /*/ i%5=3 /*/) 改:i%5=3 printf(%5d,i); n+; if(!(n%5) printf(n); i+; /*/ while(i1000) /*/ 改:while(i1000); getch();

15、#include void fun(char *p,char *b) int i,k=0; while(*p) i=1; while(i=4&*p) /*/ bk=p; /*/ 改:bk=*p; k+; p+; i+; if(*p) /*/ bk+= ; /*/ 改:bk+=32; bk=0;void main() char a80,b80; printf(Enter a string:); gets(a); printf(The original string:); puts(a); fun(a,b); printf(nThe string after insert space:); put

16、s(b); printf(n); getch();#include void main()/*/ int n,i,bk; /*/ 改:int n,i,bk,j; printf(Input a num(1-9):); scanf(%d,&n); for(i=1;i=n;i+) for(bk=1;bk=n;bk+) printf( ); for(j=1;/*/ j=i+1 /*/;j+) 改: j=i printf(%d,i); printf(n); for(i=1;i=n;i+) for(bk=1;bk=i;bk+) printf( ); for(j=1;j=n-i+1;j+) printf(%

17、d,n-i+1); printf(/*/ /n /*/); getch();#include void main() int r,m,n,p,q; printf(Enter m,n: ); scanf(%d,%d,&m,&n); p=m; q=n;/*/ r=m/n; /*/ 改: r=m%n; while(/*/ r=0 /*/) 改:r 或 r!=0 m=n; n=r; r=m%n; printf(gcd(%d,%d)=%d n,p,q,n); getch();#include #include double fun(double x,double y) /*/return (7.7*x+

18、6.9*y)/(fabs(2.3*y+1.3*x); /*/ void main() printf(fun(1.1,0.2) = %6.3lfn, fun(1.1,0.2); getch();#include int fun(int x,int a,int n,int b,int c) /*/ int i,k,nb=0,t;for (i=0;ix) cnb=bnb=ai;nb+;for (i=0;inb-1;i+)for (k=i+1;knb;k+)if (cick) t=ci;ci=ck;ck=t;return nb; /*/ void main() int n=10,i,x,nb; int

19、 aa10=32, -5, -31, -10, 25, 50, 12, 15, -16, 18; int bb10,cc10; clrscr(); printf(Please input x:); scanf(%d,&x); printf(Count of array aa:%3dn,n); printf(Element of array aa:); for(i=0;in; i+) printf(%5d,aai); printf(n); nb=fun(x,aa,n,bb,cc); printf(Element of array bb:); for(i=0;inb;i+) printf(%5d,

20、bbi); printf(n); printf(Element of array cc:); for(i=0;inb;i+) printf(%5d,cci); printf(n); printf(Count of array bb:%3dn,nb); getch();#include #include double fun1(double x) /*/return (7.8-sin(x)/(exp(x)+0.3); /*/ void main() printf(fun1(2.5) = %6.3lfn, fun1(2.5); getch();#include #include void fun(

21、char *s,char t) /*/int i,j=0for (i=0;si;i+)if (i%2&si%2) tj+=si;tj=0; /*/void main() char s100,t100; printf(nPlease enter string s: ); scanf(%s,s); fun(s,t); printf(nThe result is:%sn,t); getch();#include #include double fun(float x) /*/double y;if (x2) y=cos(x);return y; /*/void main() float x; pri

22、ntf(Please input a number:); scanf(%f,&x); printf(fun(%.2f)=%.2lfn,x,fun(x); getch();#include #include void fun(int a,int b,long *c) /*/int x1,x2,x3,x4;x1=a/10;x2=a%10;x3=b/10;x4=b%10;*c=1000*x4+100*x2+10*x3+x1 /*/void main() int a,b; long c; printf(Input a,b: ); scanf(%d,%d,&a,&b); fun(a,b,&c); pri

23、ntf(The result is:%ld,c); getch();#include #include double fun(float x) /*/double y;if (x5) y=x*x-10.2;return y /*/void main() float x; printf(Please input a number:); scanf(%f,&x); printf(fun(%.2f)=%.2lfn,x,fun(x); getch();#include float fun(int n) /*/float s=0,p=0;int i;for(i=1;i=n;i+)p+=2*i-1;s+=

24、i/p;return s; /*/void main() int n; float s; printf(Please enter n=); scanf(%d,&n); s=fun(n); printf(nThe result is:%.3f,s); getch();#include #include double fun(double x) /*/double y;y=1.0/2*(2.3*x+(4.6-x)/(x+6.2);return y; /*/ void main() printf(fun(1.6) = %6.3lfn, fun(1.6); getch();#include #define N 3void fun(int aNN,int n) /*/for(i=0; iN; i+

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