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1、 第一讲: 动词一.Be 动词(am, is, are)的用法口诀:I 用am , you 用are ,is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it)。单数全部用is,复数一律都用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃,变否定,更容易,be 后not莫忘记,句首大写莫迟疑。I _ a student. You _ Japanese. He _ my brother. She_ very nice. My name _Harry. LiLei _ very tall. This book_ very interesting. Li Lei and I _ good friends. These _

2、 apples. Those_ bananas.They _students. There _ some bread on the plate.The cat_ black. The black pants _ for Su Yang. Here _ some sweaters for you. There _ a girl in the room. There some milk for me. There _ some apples on the tree. Gao Shans shirt _ over there. Some tea _ in the glass. 二.一般现在时态1.用

3、法:(1).表示习惯性,经常性的动作,常与often, always, usually, every day/week/month等词连用I often play soccer.(2).表示主语具备的性格或能力: He likes to eat bananas.2.在一般现在时态中,当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词也用第三人称单数, 第三人称单数的构成规则(主语不是第三人称单数时谓语动词用原形):a.一般情况下在动词词尾加s 如:get-gets like-likes playplays, wantwants, workworks, b. 以字母s、x、ch, sh,o结尾的动词加-es:gu

4、essguesses, fixfixes, teachteaches, brushbrushes, gogoes, c. 以辅音字母y结尾的动词,先变y为i,再加-es:studystudies,carrycarries,flyflies,特殊词: have-has一 写出下列动词的三单形式。take like play run do watch wish eat have want teach start go study 二用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We often_ (play) in the playground. 2. He_ (get) up at six oclock.7.

5、At eight at night, she_ (watch) TV with his parents.8_Mike_ (read) English every day?9. How many lessons_ your classmate_ (have) on Monday?10. What time_his mother_ (do) the housework?12. She_ (have) blues eyes. 14. The boy _ (like) playingfootball.17. It _ (rain) quite often during the month of Jul

6、y every year.19. Mike usually_ (ride) a bike with his friends in thepark.26. We _ (not watch) TV on Monday.27. Sandy usually _ (play) the piano on Sundays.28. The cat_ (like) eating fish every much.29. Su Hai and Su Yang _ (have) eight lessons this term.30. She and I _ (take) a walk together every e

7、vening.34. She_ (like) fish, but she _ (not like) meat.第二讲: 代词(一)人称代词及物主代词(默写出此表格)人称第一人称单 数第二人称单 数第三人称单数第一人称复 数第二人称复 数第三人称复 数主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey我你他她它我们你们他(她、它)们宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem我你他她它我们你们他(她、它)们形容词性物主代 词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、

8、它)们 的一主格只能作主语;宾格作宾语 I (主语)am hungry, please give me(宾语) something to eat.我饿了,请给我一些吃的东西。主语: 句子要说明的人或事物The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 He likes dancing.他喜欢跳舞。谓语: 主语的动作、状态和特征,由动词来充当.We study English. 我们学习英语 2. He is asleep. 他睡着了。 宾语:动作、行为的对象 .I like China. 我喜欢中国。) 2.You can help me. 你能帮助我。二形容词性物主代词修

9、饰名词,必须放在名词前面,名词性物主代词相当于名词,后面不能再加名词用所给词的适当形式填空1. That is not _ kite. That kite is very small, but _ is very big. ( I )2. The dress is _. Give it to _. (she)3. Is this _ watch? (you) No, its not _. (I) 4. _ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are _. (he)5. _ dresses are red. (we) What co

10、lor are _? (you)6. Here are many books, which one is _? (she)7. I can find my toy, but wheres _? (you)9. I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi. These cakes are _. (it )10. Are these _ tickets? No, _ are not _. _ arent here. (they )11. Shall _ have a look at that classroom? That is _ classroom. (we )

11、12. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _ a nurse. (she )13. That is not _ camera. _is at home. (he )14. Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. (they )15. Dont touch _. _ not a cat, _ a tiger! (it)16. _ sister is ill. Please go and get _. (she )17. _ dont know her name. Would you please tell

12、_. (we )18. So many dogs. Lets count _. (they )第三讲:名词(一)名词的分类名词包括可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有单,复数之分,单数在前面加a/an来表示不可数名词没有复数形式,前面也不能用a/an来表示单数。如:water,tea,bread,rice, milk, money, time.。ice-cream, salad, chicken(既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词)(二)可数名词复数构成规则(1)一般情况下在词尾加s. bookbooks,dogdogs,penpens,boyboys辅音结尾的名词后的s的读音为s,以浊辅音和元音结尾名词后的s读音为z。

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