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1、高考英语作文模板背诵各体裁汇总高考英语作文模板背诵高2016级期末英语作文复习攻略重庆卷书面表达 04年:看图写故事: 小男孩帮妈妈洗衣服 05年:文字提示写书信: 自荐应聘兼职记者 06年:文字提示写电子邮件:如何交朋友 07年:文字提示写 书信: 慰问癌症女孩 08年:文字提示写介绍: 为网站栏目介绍 如何写英语作文 09年:文字提示写电子邮件:为网站推荐 话题“感恩” 10年:文字提示写书信: 寻找遗失行李箱 11年:文字提示写申请书:代言喜欢的动物写作基本要求 1.写对句子(句子主谓结构) 2.书写工整(意大利斜体字) 3.内容多多(字数少扣分,多不限)4.使用好句(复合句使用) 5.

2、 分成三段(卷面清爽,方便阅卷) 6.句句连接,段段连贯,前后呼应,切入主题 高分作文要求1。 3+3+3: 3(三段式)+3(高级连接词)+3(高级句型):(字数应近120字)2。高级连接词:时间 afterwards, eventually因果consequently, owing to=due to=on account of列举和递进 besides=furthermore=whats more, whats worse=to make matters worse, last but not least.转折 on the one hand .on the other hand,How

3、ever=nevertheless结论 All in all =In brief强调 As a matter of fact提出话题 As far as sth is concerned =As for引入观念 As is known to all, There is no doubt that引入自己观点As far as I am concerned =Personally speaking引入格言As the famous saying goes,“.”3.高级句型的运用:1) It is /was.(状语)that It was before leaving that we took

4、some photos to record our green action .2)Only .(状语).+.部分倒装。 Only in this way can we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in the future。3)Not only 部分倒装,+but also 不倒装句。Not only is it beneficial to recycling of resources, but also it can help students to develop their good habits of garbage c

5、lassification. 4)Hardly过去完成时部分倒装+when 一般过去时不倒装句。Hardly had I arrived when we began to work 5)非限制性定语从句 As can be seen from the chart, different students hold different opinions on this program 6)限制性定语从句 Though tired out, I think this is a memorable experience that I will value in the rest of my life7

6、)主语从句+表语从句What impresses/surprises /strikes us most is that 句子。8) Recently there is an increasing tendency for sb to do sth9)一句子表明赞成或反对观点+sb hold this view based on the belief that(支持你的观点的两个理由) not only部分倒装, +but also不倒装句10)It occurred to me that 我突然想起(过去一件事)11)When it comes to sb/sth/doing 当说到12)写作

7、一(满分15分)请结合材料,按要求用英文写作。 要求: (1)就此材料发表你的看法;(2)紧扣材料,有明确的观点;(3)词数不少于60;(4)在答题卡上作答英文或汉语材料和表格以及图画展现的是现象第1段 As is indicated in the material/form/picture/cartoon,一个句子转述材料中的现象,切入主题(材料是英语时,不能照抄原文) ,which has aroused our growing concern.第2段 What can account for this phenomenon is that一个句子(材料中的现象发生的第一个原因) .Wha

8、ts more,一个句子(材料中的现象发生的第二个原因).Last but not least,一个句子(材料中的现象发生的第三个原因).第3段 As far as I am concerned, we are (not) supposed to do sth(表明自己的明确观点,与主题呼应) .We should (not) do sth(一个句子阐述自己应该或不应该具体怎么做) . Only in this way can we do sth. / What we should do is that我们应该做的是材料是观点 第1段:第一句引入As is indicated in the m

9、aterial, 一个句子转述材料中的观点切入主题(材料是英语时,不能照抄原文)which I think is vitally beneficial to us. 第2段 As far as I am concerned,一个句子(对材料中观点阐明你的个人第一感想或观点).Whats more,一个句子(你的个人第二感想或观点).Last but not least,一个句子(第三个感想或观点 )第3段 All in all, 对第二段你的个人感想或观点进行一句话总结,与主题呼应(可用倒装句)Only in this way can we do sth. 1. 议论文Recently the

10、 city government has decided to reconstruct the side walk and decorate the exposed walls of the buildings on both sides of the street, which has aroused a heated discussion. Some argue for the idea that we should carry out this project .The reconstruction of the side walk having been finished, the n

11、ew side walk can make our life more convenient and comfortable. Besides, with the exposed walls of buildings facing the street decorated again, the buildings look more beautiful, which can help to promote the image of Chongqing as a big city. On the other hand, others hold the opposite view based on

12、 the belief that not only will the project cost too much, but also it may disturb peoples peaceful life. As far as I am concerned, the project will certainly do a lot of good to the city and the people despite the inconvenience that it may cause at present. We must focus our attention on the sustain

13、able development .Only in this way can we have a better living environment in the future2. 郊区植树 故事On April 12 (one Saturday morning). We went to plant trees in the suburbs. In the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs, talking and laughing all the way. Hardly had I arrived when we began to work immedi

14、ately. Some were digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering. Having got the work done, we put up a board reminding people to protect the trees. It was before leaving that we took some photos to record our green action. Though tired out, I think this is a memorab

15、le experience that I will value in the rest of my life3. 学生对分类垃圾箱进教室的不同看法及所占比例(看图表写说明文)Recently the student union conducted a survey on whether recycling dustbins should be set in classrooms. As can be seen from the chart, different students hold different opinions on this program. Only a few studen

16、ts care little about it. Surprisingly, about one third of students are totally against the program. They dont bother to change their old habits. However, over half the students are completely for the program, because not only is it beneficial to recycling of resources, but also it can help students

17、to develop their good habits of garbage classification. Besides, 12% of the students partly agree. They hold the opinion that educating people on how to classify the garbage goes first. Personally speaking, Im in favor of this program. I believe its important to raise peoples awareness of garbage cl

18、assification, from which we will get considerable benefits for the future. 4 演讲稿“Smoking is Harmful” Dear teachers and schoolmates,My speech for today is entitled Smoking is Harmful. Recently there is an increasing tendency for so many people to smoke in public places . Whats worse(whats more), most

19、 of them are young people and even middle school students. It is said that in China smokers cover about 45 percent.Why do so many people enjoy smoking? Some think that it is a pleasure; some believe that it can refresh themselves. As a matter of fact, smoking is a bad habit. It does great harm to ou

20、r health, not only to the smoker himself, but also to others. For smokers, it is a great waste for money, and causes all kinds of diseases. Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers.Today, more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of smoking and decide to give it up. In order t

21、o keep healthy, what I long for is that we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. If you are not a smoker, dont start. Thats all . Thank you for your attending my lecture !5. 投诉信Dear Sir,I am writing to you for the mobile phone of Dephone-S250 I bought on 20th Apr.2008 at Tele Mall in Wuhan, P.

22、R. China. It was the mobile phone which was made in your company that didnt work either in ringing or sending short messages after only ten days. Consequently I had to go to the mall where I bought it for a change. However, unfortunately, I was told that the model had been sold out and I had to wait

23、 at least three months for a new one. Later, I had no choice but to have it repaired. What surprised me most was that the repairman said since it was a new model in China, it was impossible to fix it without the right spare parts. On hearing that, I was so desperate because I can not wait that long.

24、 Taking into account all these factors above, It is required that you should send me a new one of the same model as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, LiHua6 电子邮件:介绍重庆Dear Phelps,I am highly honoured to learn it from the internet that you want to make a Chinese frie

25、nd from Chongqing so that you can know more about Chongqing, which is of great benefit to your trip here in the summer holiday. I would like to tell you something about it and prefer to be your guide on your arriving here.My name is Li Hua , a Senior Three student from Chongqing,in which great chang

26、es have taken place recently. Chongqing is a hilly city where two rivers meet. Whats more, it is a famous city with a long history and rapid development. Every year a number of tourists from abroad come to visit Chongqing. What impresses us most is that there are many famous places of interest , suc

27、h as night view and the new Three Gorges. Of course, you can also taste the delicious hot pot in ChongqingSuch is Chongqing that you will like best. May you have great fun here! I am looking forward to your early reply. yours sincerely Lihua 7 口头通知(时态)Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your attention p

28、lease ? I have something important to tell you. A volunteer team will be organized to help the children of migrant workers. The activity will start on July 15 and end on August 5. The team members will be divided several groups. Each will perform a different task. Group One will show the children ar

29、ound Chongqing .They will visit various places such as Chaotianmen Square and an ancient town called Ciqikou, where they will enjoy the beautiful scenery, brilliant culture and long history of Chongqing. Group Two will take the children to the different museums in order to enrich their knowledge and

30、 broaden their horizon. Group Three will teach the children how to use a computer to search the information on the internet and help them to learn English as well. Those who are interested please sign up before June 30. Thank you very much for your careful attendance ! 8. 看图写位置介绍 It is in the center

31、 of the school that lies our library. There is a beautiful garden in front of it and our classroom building is behind it. What impresses us most is that our library looks very beautiful.9近几年来,越来越多的人们在网上购买实物、信息,甚至预定机票或酒店等服务。请根据图示及自己的观点,以“Shopping on the Internet”为题,用英语写一篇短文。总字数120字左右。Recently there i

32、s an increasing tendency for more and more people to do some shopping on the internet It is on the internet that people can shop for a variety of products. As is well known, not only can they buy various physical products such as books,CDs,clothes,and information products ,but also they can download computer software from the internetWhats more,services such as booking airline tickets or hotel rooms are available on the internet A

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