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1、必修三unit1能力达标训练.单项填空1On October 1st all the Chinese people hold great parties _the birthday of New China.Ain celebration ofBin memory of Cin favor of Din praise of解析句意:十月一日,所有的中国人都举行宴会庆祝新中国的诞生。in celebration of“庆祝”;in memory of“纪念”;in favor of“支持;有利于”;in praise of“为了表扬”。答案A2Parents should be careful

2、not to let their children to watch TV programmes which are not _for them.Which of the following is NOT true?Ameant BdesignedCintended Dexpected解析be meant for,be designed for,be intended for都可表示“打算给谁用”的意思,只有be expected不能这样用。答案D3Much as Angela loves _beauty,she herself is not _beauty.Athe;a Bthe;theC/

3、;/ D/;a解析句意:尽管安奇拉爱美,但她自己并不是美人。第一个 beauty是抽象名词;第二个beauty是可数名词,意为“一个美丽的人”。答案D4Thousands of African children are _for food due to the many years of drought.Asuffering BstarvingCtroubling Dinsisting解析句意:正因为多年的干旱,成千上万的非洲孩子极需要食物。四个备用选项中只有starving才与for构成短语,意为“极需,渴望”。答案B5The days _we spent together on the f

4、arm are not easy_.Awhen;to forget Bwhich;to be forgottenCthat;to forget D/;to be forgotten解析句意:我们在农场一起度过的日子永难忘记。第一个空要用关系代词引导定语从句修饰days,作spent的宾语;第二个空放在easy后面要用不定式的主动形式。答案C6All flights _because of the snowstorm,many passengers could do nothing but take the train.Ahad been canceled Bhave been canceled

5、 Chaving been canceled Dbeing canceled 解析句意:所有的航班由于暴风雪而取消了,许多乘客别无办法只好乘火车。All flights having been canceled是独立主格结构作原因状语。答案C7Mr Li was _with the title of “Best Gardener” of this year because of his outstanding contribution to the educational profession.Aawarded BpresentedCrewarded Dhonoured解析句意:李老师由于对教

6、育的突出贡献而被授予本年度“优秀园丁”称号。award要接双宾语,可写为be awarded the title;present的意思是“颁发”,后接prize之类的宾语;rewarded“酬劳,奖赏”,不合题意;honoured的意思是“给以荣誉”,从语义和搭配上都正确。答案D8Nowadays,the young _always seeking the beautiful which _been gone for ages.Aare;have Bis;haveCare;has Dis;has解析句意:如今,年轻人总是追求那种已消失很久的美感。the young指复数,谓语用are;第二个空

7、是定语从句的谓语,与先行词the beautiful保持数的一致,用单数。答案C9We were all _with the _performance of our Chinese football players in the match against Iran.Asatisfying;satisfied Bsatisfied;satisfiedCsatisfied;satisfying Dsatisfying;satisfying解析句意:我们都对中国足球运动员在对抗伊朗的比赛中的令人满意的表现感到满意。第一个空表示人的感受,用过去分词;第二个空表示给别人的印象,用现在分词。答案C10I

8、n most countries today,either paper or things made from metal _ recycled for further use.Ais Bhas beenCwill be Dare解析句意:今天大部分国家,纸张和金属品都可以再循环利用。主语是either.or.连接,谓语的数要与things一致。而且本句叙述的是现在的事情,所以要用一般现在时。答案D11The bigeyed girl came in,_ a cake with two _ candles on it.Abring;lit Bbrought;lightedCcarrying;l

9、ighted Dtaking;lighting解析句意:那位大眼睛的女孩走了进来,带着一个蛋糕,上面有两只点燃的蜡烛,随身携带要用carry,carrying是现在分词作伴随状语。lighted作定语修饰candles。答案C12We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _ violence.Aruns into Bcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with 解析句意:我们坚定的认为战争不会解决什么问题,只会导致暴乱。runs into“遇到”;comes from“来自”;leads to“导致”

10、;begins with“以作为开始”。答案C13On my birthday,one of my closest friends presented me a blue bowl as a gift in the _of lily flower.Aorder BshapeCtype Dstyle 解析句意:生日的那一天,我的一位好朋友送给了我兰色的碗作为礼物,形状像是百合花。in the shape of“以形状”。in the order of.“按照顺序”;in the style of“以样的风格”;in the type of“以类型”。答案B14_private hospitals

11、 are operating purely for _,how can we be sure they have the patients best.AWhile;honor BOnce;serviceCIf;gain DThough;income解析句意:如果私人医院只是为了利润,我们怎么能够更好地为病人服务?根据主从句的逻辑关系,从句应该表示假设,故用If;第二个空要用gain表示“收益”。答案C15The general_ all the soldiers before him,telling them to get ready for the fight.Acollected Bgat

12、heredCselected Delected 解析本题考查动词辨析。collect“收集”,gather“使聚集”,select“选择”,elect“选举”。根据句子的意思,此处应表示“聚集”的意思。故答案为B项。答案B.完形填空My Forever ValentineValentines Day was the time my father chose to show his love for the special people in his life.Over the years I fondly (天真的) thought_1_ him as my “Valentine man”My

13、 first recollection of the_2_he could bring to Valentines Day came when I was six.That morning at the breakfast table,I found a card and a giftwrapped package at my chair.The card was_3_ “Love,Dad” and the gift was a ring with a small piece of red glass to _4_ my birthstone,a ruby (红宝石)There is _5_

14、difference between red glass and rubies to a child of six,and I remember _6_ that ring with pride that all the cards in the world _7_ not surpass (超越)_8_ I grew older,the gifts gave _9_ to heartshaped boxes filled with my _10_ chocolate and always included a _11_ card signed “Love,Dad”In those years

15、 my thankyou became _12_ of a perfunctory (敷衍) response.The cards seemed less _13_,and I took for granted that the Valentine would _14_ be there.I had _15_ my hopes and dreams in receiving cards and gifts from “significant others” and “Love Dad” just didnt seem quite _16_.His final card remains on m

16、y desk today.Its a _17_ of how special fathers can be and how important it has been to me over the years to know that I had a father who continued a_18_ of love with simple acts of understanding and an ability to express happiness over the people in his life.Those things never _19_,nor does the memo

17、ry of a man who never _20_ being my Valentine.1A.of BaboutCup Dover2A.memory BmagicCpuzzle BwrittenCshown Dsigned4A.recover BresembleCrepresent Dreplace5A.much BlittleCgreat Dless6A.having BowningCwearing Dwatching7A.could BdidCmust Dshould8A.Because BSinceCWhen BwayChono

18、ur Dseat10A.favorite BlovelyCdear Dprecious11A.usual BcommonCstrange Dspecial12A.less BlittleCmore Dmuch13A.important BbeautifulCfamiliar Dstandard14A.surely BalwaysCregularly Doften15A.let BkeptCplaced Dremembered16A.suitable BenoughCeffective Dsacred17A.signal BcertificateCconsequence Dreminder18A

19、.tradition BhobbyChabit Dcustom19A.lose BdieCmiss Dappear20A.thought BwantedCtried Dstopped1Athink是固定短语,意为“把视为/看作”。2B该句大意为“我对情人节的记忆最早是从我六岁那年开始的。”3D卡片上有父亲的签名。该选项从下文也可得到提示。4C 戒指上红玻璃象征/代表着我的诞生石红宝石。5B 对一个六岁的孩子而言,红玻璃和红宝石没有什么不同。 6C表示佩戴首饰只能用wear。7A世界上所有的卡片都不能超过它。8Das在此处引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。9Bgive way to是

20、固定短语,意为“为所代替”。10A该题可采用排除法,修饰巧克力不能用“可爱的;亲爱的;宝贵的”但可以用“最喜爱的”。 11D父亲的卡片是特殊的。12C该句句意为“而我的感谢越来越成为一种敷衍的回应。”从上下文可知,此处是与以前相对比。13A这些卡片看起来已经不是那么重要。14B我想当然地认为情人节年年都有。15C我把梦想和希望放在收到那些来自“重要的其他人”的卡片和礼物上。16B来自父亲的贺卡似乎远远不能够(满足女儿的需要)。17D父亲送我的最后一张卡片在提醒着我:父亲对子女的爱是多么特别又是多么重要。18A父亲表达的是一种传统的爱。19B该句句意为“这些事情永远不会消逝,就如同我对一位男子的

21、记忆,他永远是我的情人。”这句话表达了女儿对父亲永远的怀念。20D根据该句句意,stop doing sth.符合语境。.阅读理解Festivals in IndiaJanuary 15:Makara SankranthiCertain Hindu festivals are connected with the changes of seasons each year.Pongal or Sankranthi in the Sonth,is celebrated to mark the end of the southeast monsoons(季风季节)as well as the beg

22、inning of the harvest.It is the biggest harvest festival,spread over 3 days.Pongal is the sign of a sweet preparation made from rice.Each of the three days is marked by different festivities.April 7:UgadiUgadi means the beginning of the New Year,new month and new day.It also marks a beginning of new

23、 life with plants getting new one,shoots and leaves.People eat Bevu and Bella.The inside of it means that life is a mixture of good and bad,joy and sorrow,success and disappointment,and all of them have to be treated alike.Ugadi marks the beginning of a new Hindu lunar calendar(农历)with a change in t

24、he moons orbit.This festival is celebrated.September 12:OnamOnam,the most important festival for Malayalees,falls in the harvest season.This tenday harvest festival is celebrated with visit to temples,family gettogethers,gifting each other clothes called Onakkodi.October 29:DeepavaliDiwali,or Deepaw

25、ali,is an imporant Indian holiday,and an important festival in Hinduism,Sikhism and Jainism.Many legends(传说)are about Diwali.Today it is celebrated by Hindus,Jains and Sikhs across the world as the “Festival of Light,”where the lights of lamps mean victory of good over the evil(邪恶)within every human

26、 being.1Which of the following festivals is to celebrate the harvest?AMakara Sankranthi and Ugadi.BUgadi and Onam.COnam and Deepavali.DMakara Sankranthi and Onam.2What is popular with the Indians on April 7?AThe rice. BThe lights or lamps.CThe gifts. DBevu and Bella.3Which of the following festivals

27、 is to celebrate the change of a season?AMakara Sankranthi. BUgadi.COnam. DDeepavali.4According to the text,we know that _.AUgadi means the end of a new lifeBthe Indians are busy with harvest on SankranthiCDiwali is not only celebrated in IndiaDOnam is to celebrate victory of good over the evil1D细节理

28、解题。根据文章,Makara Sankranthi 和Onam两个节日都庆祝丰收。2D细节理解题。在印度的4月7号,Bevu and Bella是过节这天人们所喜欢吃的具有代表性的食物。3A细节理解题。 人们在庆祝Makara Sankranthi节日时,是为了庆祝季风季节的结束。4C主观推断题。Deepavali这一部分提到it is celebrated by Hindus,Jains and Sikhs across the world,故C项正确。Ugadi应该意味着新生活的开始;Sankranthi这天只是表明收获的开始,但并不是说人们就很忙;庆祝正义对邪恶的胜利应该是在Deepavali上进行的而不是在Onam这个节日。

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