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1、上海中考英语作文范文 解析上海牛津版本中考英语作文考前模拟作文范文含解析范文一 Write at least 60 words on the topic My experience of learning_(以“我学习_经历”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)从小到大,你一定有很多学习的经历。请结合你自己的一个学习经历,谈谈你是如何学学习中又获得了什么?的,从(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)词组提示:be interested in sth; work hardmake progressgive up; fail to do sth.succ

2、eed in doing sth.【解析】本作文题是一个半命题作文,通过审题可以找到此题目的关键词是“学习”和“经历”。我们首经历了什么。在结尾部分可以写出通过这个学习经历获得了什么启发。题目后面所给的参考词汇可先需要补充完整标题,以说明是学习什么的经历。然后应该比较充实地描写是如何学习的,在学习中运用到作文中去。My experience of learning the pianoWhen I was four years old , I began to learn to play the piano . I started very young because I wanted to b

3、e a pianist in the future.I played the piano about six hours a day. Sometimes I failed to make progress though I had practised very hard. I never give up because I am sure my dream will come true.Now the piano has become my good friend. When I play it, I feel like we are talking with each other.I lo

4、ve my piano so much because it has brought me a lot of happiness, and confidence.范文二.Write at least 60 words according to the given (根据所给情境,写一篇不少于60词的回帖,标点符号不占格)Reading problemMikeI know reading is very important in English learning. But I cant read as fast as most of my classmates and I always fail

5、 to finish the reading part in time in English tests. Im very worried. Whats the problem? What should I do?Mike在学校的英语学习论坛里发了一个帖子,请阅读他的帖子,写一份回帖。【解析】这是一篇情境作文,要求对某一帖子作出回应,因此写话的内容必须要对应情境中给出的内容。情境中Mike描述了自己阅读速度慢,英语测验时完成不了阅读部分试题的困扰,同时给出了两个关键问题Whats the problem?What should I do?这些都为确定写话内容给出了提示,同学们可以围绕情境中Mi

6、ke描述的问题进行分析,进而提出解决的方法及建议。Hi, Mike. In my opinion, you have such a problem probably because of improper reading habits.And the best way to solve the problem is to develop good habits of reading. First, youd better avoid reading word by word. Instead, focus on the main idea and the key information. Se

7、cond, its not wise to stop reading when a new word appears. Learn to use context clues to find out the meaning. Whats more, timing yourself while reading is a good way. In short, I hope my suggestions will benefit you. If you practise a little every day, your reading speed will be greatly improved.范

8、文三Write a story in at least 60 words according to the given pictures.【解析】该题为看图写话,要求根据图意讲故事而非对图片内容谈感想。写作时只要尽量覆盖图片内容,完整流畅地表达图意即可。写作时可以充分利用方框内提供的词汇。There was a burglary at the museum last week. A man broke into it and stole a golden statue.However, the security guard noticed him when he got away. The g

9、uard shouted, Stop! and the thief was very frightened. The guard called the police. The policeman chased the thief to a yard and hit him with a stone. The thief fell down. Finally, the thief was caught and he was sent to prison for stealing the golden statue.范文四Write at least 60 words on the topic I

10、 love my family(以“我爱我家”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)Kind;have funHelpful;encourage meWarm;take care of【解析】家在每个人的心目中都是最重要的港湾,在这篇作文中,你可以写父母对你的关心和爱护,可以写你们一起度过的快乐时光,也可以写你为这个家所做的事和对家的美好祝愿等,你需要在作文中表达出“我爱我家”的真情实感。I have a happy family. Although it is small, it is full of love.

11、 There three people in my family. My father is a Chinese teacher. When I meet with difficulties, he always stands by me and encourages me to overcome them. My mother is a nurse. She takes good care of me and she cooks delicious meals for us every day. In our spare time, we like traveling together an

12、d we really have fun.I love my family and I will try my best to realize my dream to make my family proud of me!范文五Write at least 60 words on the(带来了)更多的可能(机会)”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)随着科学技术、艺术人文等领域的飞速发展,人们的生活状态发生了巨大的变化。根据你的生活经验,选择某一个自己感兴趣的话题,谈谈你对此的认识。提示:横线上可以填WeChat,Ali-pay,Reading等。【解析】这是一篇半命题作文,我

13、们首先要考虑的是在横线上填写什么词,它应当是一个自己比较熟悉、又有话可写的主题词。在思考主题词的时候,我们不仅要理解该命题中与主题词相关的关键词,比如 more possibilities,而且还要认真领会试题中的文字提示。provide more possibilities在本题中既是“提供了更多可能性”的意思,又可以理解为“带来了更多机会”,根据试题提示,我们要结合日常生活经验,选择一个能够为人们的学习、工作和生活或带来变化、或带来便利、或带来体验的主题,可以参考提示中的例子:We-Chat,Ali-pay,Reading等。确定了写作主题以后则需要围绕主题设计写作提纲,可以从该主题与我们

14、的学习或生活的关系入手,从不同的角度展开,比如“微信”这一主题就可以涉及“微信”影响了人们的社交方式、拓展了人们获取资讯的渠道以及增强了商业模式的灵活性等等。more possibilities就是本篇作文的线索,因此需要努力挖掘主题词所蕴含的各种意义。VR provides more possibilitiesVR, known as virtual reality, has been the highest technology nowadays and will lead to a completely new lifestyle.Currently, VR is mostly used

15、 in the game industry. People get very involved in the game and feel like directly experiencing the events that are happening in the game. In this way, VR will also be helpful in study. It will be possible to ask your teacher to explain some difficulties just at home Furthermore, VR can be used for

16、shopping. With VR technology, online shopping will be more trustworthy. People can feel the products online just like what they feel in real life.All in all , VR will provide more possibilities for study and entertainment in our daily life .范文六Write at least 60 words on the topic makes my life wonde


18、作文中加以诠释你的生活如何精彩?)。可以通过具体事例使写作内容丰富,但是事例的写作不能过于细致。(范文)Watching basketball games makes my life wonderfulI like watching basketball games, especially NBA games. It can make up for the pity that I cant play basketball often. Also, it is the best way for me to relax. While watching those excellent players

19、 dribbling or shooting, I am so excited that I cant help rising from the seat and yelling. Most,importantly, nearly all the famous players used to be nobody from nowhere, but they succeed through hard work, which inspires me to believe in myself and face difficulties bravely. As you can see , my lif

20、e is wonderful just because of a small hobby - watching basketball games .范文七 Write at least 60 words on the topic A/An exam从小到大,你经历过很多次考试,考试内容或者科目不尽相同,考试难度也各有不同。面对考试成绩,你是沾沾自喜还是忧心仲冲?是发奋图强还是无所作为?选择并描述一次你经历过的考试。fail/succeed proud/sorry/disappointed make progress ask.for help【解析】本作文为半命题作文,先要把题目补充完整。可以选


22、好说明从中悟出的道理。这篇作文描述的是过去的一件事情,因此,大部分的文字应该使用一般过去时。在描述时,按照时间发展的顺序描述,注意前后文之间的逻辑关系。尽量使用学过的、最熟悉的、最有把握的句型结构。注意大小写和标点符号。An unforgettable examI am good at Maths but life has its own ups and downs. Last month I failed a maths exam. My teacher couldnt believe that because most students got better grades. I felt

23、really sorry for myself. I realized I must do something. I spent more time reviewing what I had learned instead of wasting time on WeChat. In addition, I asked my teacher for help. In this way, I have made great progress. I will never forget this exam. It teaches me that success is based on hard wor

24、k rather than recreation.范文八Write at least 60 words on the topic How to be a civilized tourist(以“如何当一名文明游客”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)我国一名中学生随父母旅游时,在埃及一处著名景点文物上刻写“到此一游”。此事经媒体曝光后,在国内引起极大反响。作为一名中学生,请你就“如何当一名文明游客”这一话题,谈谈自己的看法。(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following is for reference only.(以下内容仪供参考

25、)pay attention to our behaviors(行为)respect the local customsIt is necessary/terrible.【解析】此文在内容上要切题,围绕“如何当一名文明游客”的话题展开,关键是“如何”,应该具体提出一些做法或观点,也可适当举例;开头部分可以提出自己的观点,结尾部分可以对自己的观点进行总结并提出希望。由于是谈“如何当一名文明游客”,那么在语言表达方面要注意使用一些劝导性的、表达个人观点的语言。Every year, a lot of Chinese tourists go abroad for sightseeing. But s

26、ome of them leave a bad impression on the foreigners. So as a middle school student, I think we should pay attention to our behaviors.First of all, to be a civilized tourist, we must follow the rules when we pay a visit to some place so that other tourists can enjoy their visit. For example, we shou

27、ld keep quiet when we visit the museums, churches and so on. Also, we should respect the local customs. As we know, every country has its own culture and tradition. Although they are different from ours, it is a must for us to respect them. Whats more, it is necessary for us to protect the environme

28、nt and the historical places of interest when we travel, for we have only one world.If everyone behaves properly in public places and takes care of others feelings while travelling.we will win the good reputation back sooner or later.范文九Write at least 60 words on the topic The first time I succeeded

29、 in _(doing something)(以“我第一次成功地_为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)在你成长的过程中,有很多的“第一次”,请根据题目要求,写一篇关于你第一次做成某件事情的作文。【解析】作文为半命题,首先要填入恰当的内容完成题目,然后进行写作。本篇作文要求写的是“第一次做成某事”,所记之事一定发生在过去,因此,时态以过去时为主。The first time I succeeded in cookingWhen I was very young, I liked to watch Mum cook. I always found it amazing when co

30、lourful dishes appeared on the table, so I begged Mum to teach me cooking. Though I started with some simple dishes, it wasnt so easy as I had imagined. But I didnt give up and kept practising. Then, one day in the winter holiday I decided to cook myself a lunch without Mums help. I tried two of the

31、 dishes I had learnt. To my great joy, I made it! At that moment I felt really proud of myself.范文十Write at least 60 words on the topic changed my life(以“改变了我的生活”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)生活中有着许许多多与我们息息相关的人物和事物,有什么曾经改变过你的生活?请结你的经历或特长等,选取一个角度具体谈谈它是怎样改变了你的生活。【解析】审题时需要注意以下要点:(1)半命题作文,要求先补全作文题;(2)my life提

32、示需以第一人称“我”为主来叙事;(3)changed是过去时,故叙事需从已经或曾经发生的事着手;(4)就文体而言,本篇作文需以记叙文的写作手法写,也可用夹叙夹议的方式写;(5)半命题的作文,关键要审好题目中需补全的内容。它的内容主要来自对题目的解析,需抓住题目中的关键词“人物、事物”、“经历或特长”、“一个角度”、“改变了”。(6)补全作文题时可以从以下角度思考:My class teacher(My best friend)(人物、名词).changed my lifeThe computer(The mobile phone)(事物、名词).changed my lifePlaying the piano(Sharing with others)(抽象事物、动名词).changed my life(范文)My baby brother changed my lifeI used to be the only child of

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