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万能动词make go get have 所有短语及用法.docx

1、万能动词make go get have 所有短语及用法英语万能动词 get go have make 的所有短语和用法Get的用法1. get about around (1) (能)到处走动,旅行。如:He didnt get about much after the operation. 手术后他不常外出去动。Its easy in this city to get about by bus. 在本市乘公共汽车去各处都很方便。(2) (消息、谣言等)传播,流传。如:I dont mind you knowing, but I dont really want it to get abou

2、t. 我不是不让你知道,但我实在不想让它传出去。2. get along (1) 离开(某地)。如:Its time we were getting along. 我们该走了。(2) 相处,过日子,合得来。如:How are you getting along (with her)? 你(宋体与她)过得怎样? Do you get along with your boss? 你与老板合得来吗? (3) 进展。如:How are you getting along with your work? ? 3. get away (1) 离开,逃离,逃走。如:I wont be able to get

3、 away (from the office) before 7. 我七点以前离不开The thieves got away with all our money. 那些贼偷了我们所有的钱逃走了。(2) 逃避责罚,免受处罚,受较轻处罚。如:If you cheat in the exam, youll never get away with it. 考试作弊必予追究。For such a serious offence he was lucky to get away with a fine. 他犯了那么严重的过失,却侥幸只交罚款了事4. get back(1) 返回,回家。如:When di

4、d you get back from Paris? 你是什么时候从巴黎回来的? (2) 取回,拿回,失而复得。如:He got back the watch he lost. 他丢的表找回来了。We decided to get the books back. 我们决定把书要回来。5. get down 下来,取下,放下,弄下,写下,打下,吞下。如:The boy climbed up the tree and couldnt get down. 小男孩爬上树,却下不来了。He spoke too fast and I couldnt get down all he sai 他说得太快,我无

5、法记下他所说的所有东西。We managed to get down enemy planes. 我们设法打下了两架敌机。The medicine was so horrible I could hardly get it down. 那药很难吃,我好不容易才咽下去。6. get down to (doing) sth 开始做某事,认真处理某事。如:Its time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了。7. get in(1) 进站,到达,回来。如The train (plane) got in late. 火车(飞机)晚点了。 Ill p

6、hone him as soon as I get in. 我一到家就给他打电话。(2) 请来。如:They have got the doctor in to look at the child. 他们已请来大夫给孩子看病。(3) 插话。如:He talks so much that its impossible to get a word in. 他说个不停,别人休想插话。(4) 收获,收割。如:The villagers were busy getting the harvest in. 村民们在忙于收获庄稼。 8. get off(1) 起飞,动身,出发。如:The plane got

7、 off on time. 飞机准时起飞。We got off immediately after breakfast. 我们吃完早餐就动身了。(2) 下班,下车。如:We get off at five. 我们五点下班。Ill get off at the next stop. 我在下一站下车。(3) 从轻处罚,被放过。如:He got off with a small fine. 他交了一小笔罚款了事。9. get on (1) 上车。如:The bus came and we got on. 公共汽车来了,我们就上了车。(2) 进行,进展,过日子。如:Lets get on with o

8、ur work. 我们继续干吧。How are you getting on (at school)? 你(在学校)的情况如何? (3) 相处。如:He is not an easy man to get on with. 他不好相处10. get out(1) 出来,出去,离开。如:The door was locked and we couldnt get out. 门被锁上了,我们无法出去。D(21)The meeting went on late, so I got out as soon as I could. 会议开到很晚,所以一有机会我便离开了。(2) 拿出,取出。如:He go

9、t out a dictionary and looked up the word in it. 他拿出一本词典来查这个词。(3) 出版,发表。如:We hope to get the report out before the end of the month. 我们希望在这个月底发表这个报告。(4) 泄漏,传出。如:If the secret gets out, there will be trouble. 如果秘密泄漏出去,那就麻烦了。11. get out of (1) 逃避,躲掉。如 :He tried to get out of helping me. 他企图逃避给我帮助。He w

10、ill do anything to get out of work. 为了逃避工作,他什么事都干得出来。(2) 使说出(拿出等)。如:He tried to get money out of her. 他设法要她出钱。The police got the truth out of him. 警察迫使他说出了真话。(3) 放弃,戒除,停止。如:You must get out of that bad habit. 你必须戒除那个坏习惯。He told me to get out of smoking. 他叫我戒烟。12. get over(1) 走过,越过,渡过。如:How can we ge

11、t over the river? 我们怎样过河? (2) 克服,战胜。如:She cant get over her shyness. 她克服不了羞怯感。(3) 恢复,痊愈。如:Have you got over your cold yet? 你的感冒好了没有? He hasnt got over her death. 他还在为她的死悲痛不已。13. get through (1) 做完,用完,吃完,看完。如:Theres a lot of work to get through. 有很多工作要做。He has got through all his money. 他的钱全用完了。I mus

12、t get through the book before Saturday. 我必须在星期六以前看完这本书。(2) 通过(考试),接通(电话),度过(时间)。如:Did you get through your driving test? 你的驾驶测验通过了吗? I tried to telephone you but couldnt get through. 我设法给你打电话,但打不通。14. get together 聚会,联欢。如:When can we get together? 我们什么时候可以聚一聚? Well get together with him to discuss t

13、his problem. 我们要与他碰头讨论这个问题。15. get up(1) 起床,起身。如:I get up at six every morning. 我每天早上六点钟起床。The class got up when the teacher came in. 老师进来时,全班学生都站起来。(2) 打扮。如:She got herself up as a peasant girl. 她打扮成农家姑娘。(3) 举办。如:We are getting up a party for he; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0pt; TEXr birthday. 我们要给她开个生日庆祝会。16.

14、get doing (1) 继续做某事。如:Get moving, please. (不要停下)请往前走。(2) 开始做起某事来。如:Soon I got talking to her. 很快我就同她谈起话来了。We got chatting and discovered that wed been at college together. 我们聊起天来才发现我们原来在大学是同学。 17. get done(1) 被。如:He got caught for speeding. 他因超速而被抓住。Some glasses got broken when we were moving. 我们在搬家

15、时有些玻璃杯被打破了。(2) 处于某种状态Soon he got dressed and went out. 他很快穿好衣服出去了。Dont get excited about it. 不要为此事激动。18. get sb sth / get sth for sb sth / 为某人弄到某物。如:Lets get them something to eat. 咱们先给他们弄点东西吃。Will you get me a ticket? / Will you get a ticket for me? 你能为我弄张票吗? 19. get sb (sth) to . do sth 做某人(某事物)做某

16、事。如:You must get them to come over here. 你必须想法让他们到这儿来。He couldnt get the car to start and went by bus. 他因无法发动车子,所以就乘公共汽车去。What he said got us thinking. 他说话使我们思考起来。Can you get the clock going again? 你能让这钟重新走起来吗?21. get sth done 使某事被做。如:Go and get your hair cut. 去把头发理了。You must get the work done by Fr

17、iday. 你必须最迟在星期五以前把工作做完。注:有时表示遭遇。如:He got his watch stolen. 他的表被偷了。He got his fingers caught in the 他的手指让门给夹住了。22. get to do sth (1) 开始做某事。如:I got to know him in 1995. 我是1995年认识他的。Youll like her once you get to know her. 你一旦了解她你就喜欢她的。(2) 有机会做某事,设法做成某事。如:He never got to go to college. 他从无机会上大学。How did

18、 you get to be captain? 你是怎样当上船长的?Make的用法 make as if 假装, 装作; 好象要make as though 假装, 装作; 好象要make at 扑向; 攻击make away 离去, 逃走make off 匆匆逃走make up to 奉承;献媚 make it up to sb. 报答;回报 (= make it up to sb. for sth.)make a fire 生火make the bed 铺床make tea 泡茶make sure 查明make ready 准备好make merry 寻欢作乐make free with

19、对.放肆无礼; 任意处理; 随便使用make from make up from用.制成, 用.做成make in 走进, 进入; 干涉; 加入make into 制成, 做成; 使转变为make it 及时赶到, 办成功; 达到目的; 规定时间; 口痊愈; 性交make it up 和解, 讲和make known 使知晓; 传达make like 美俚模仿 1. make a telephone 打电话 I made a telephone to you yesterday afternoon. 我昨天下午给你打了一个电话。 2. make a face / faces 做鬼脸 The c

20、hild made a face / faces at his father. 那孩子冲他爸爸做鬼脸。 3. make a living 谋生;维持生活 I dont think making a living there is easier than here. 我认为在那里谋生并不比这里容易。 4. make a mistake / mistakes 弄错;犯错误 He made many mistakes in his spelling. 他在拼写方面犯了许多错误。 5. make a noise / noises 嘈杂;发出噪音 Dont make a noise / noises,

21、the baby is sleeping. 别制造噪音,小孩在睡觉。 6. make a record 录音;录制唱片 We made a record for this song last year. 我们去年为这首歌录制了唱片。 7. make a sentence with 用.造句 Please make a sentence withafter, Tom. 汤姆,请你用after造一个句子。 8. make clear 说明;表明 Is there any other problem which I can make clear? 还有其它我能说明的问题吗? 9. make frie

22、nds with 与某人交朋友 May I make friends with you? 我能同你交朋友吗? 10. make fun of 取笑 You shouldnt make fun of others difficulties. 你不应该对别人的困难幸灾乐祸。 11. make it 走完(一段路);能成功;做到 You dont have to worry, hell make it. 你不必担心,他会办成的。 12. make ones way 前进;行进 He made his way slowly up the hill. 他慢慢朝山上走去。 13. make oneself

23、 at home 随便;无拘束 Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,不要客气。 14. make sure 查明;弄确实;务使;确信 Youd better make sure of time. 你最好查明时间。 Have的用法have sth.done完成了某事 have a drink喝一杯 have in mind记住,考虑到,想到have on穿着,戴着have a good time过得快乐have (got) to不得不have a class / lesson上课have back要回,收回have breakfast吃早餐

24、have got to (do)不得不,必须have no idea不清楚have pity on sb.怜悯某人have sports进行体育活动have to不得不,必须have fun 玩得开心;过得愉快have a saying 有句名言/ 格言have different thoughts 有不同的想法have a lesson (lessons)/a meeting上课/开会have a football match (basketball match)举行一场足球(蓝球)赛have dictation听见have a try试一试have a good/wonderful tim

25、e玩得很高兴have a lecture (a piano concert)听讲座(听钢琴音乐会)have a report (talk) on听一个关于的报告have a glass of water (a cup of tea)喝一杯水,(一杯茶)have breakfast/lunch/supper吃早饭/午饭/晚饭have a meal (three meals)吃一顿饭(三餐饭)have a dinner吃正餐have bread and milk for breakfast早饭吃面包和牛奶have (have got) a headache头痛have a fever发烧have

26、a cough (a cold)咳嗽(感冒)have a look (at)看一看have a rest (a break)休息一会儿(工间或课间休息)have a talk谈话have a swim/walk泳/散步have a sports meet (meeting)开运动会have something done让人(请人)做have a test/an exam测验/考试have an idea有了个主意have assembly开晨会have lessons上课have / take a cold bath洗冷水澡have no money没钱have a party开聚会have

27、meals用餐have lunch吃午饭have supper吃晚饭晚饭 have to 不得不have an idea 有了主意have a rest 休息have breakfast吃早饭have a look 看一看have a good time玩得愉快had better 最好have a drink of 喝一点儿have done with 停止;结束: have had it【非正式用语】 忍无可忍 ;无法恢复 have it in for (someone) 尤指由于嫉恨而想伤害 have it out 尤指通过争辩或讨论的手段最终解决 have (something) co

28、ming 得到某人应得之物: have to do with 与有联系或关联have a blow 吹吹风, 出去透透气, 出外呼吸新鲜空气have a bad night 睡得好 不好 have an eye on 注视, 监视 have an eye to the main chance 唯利是图, 谋私利 have an oar in everymans boat 多管闲事 have ants in ones pants 坐立不安, 急于采取行动 have bats in the belfry 发痴, 异想天开 have been and gone and 口表示惊异, 烦恼, 抗议竟然

29、(做出某事) have been in the wars 在战争中受过伤 have business with 与 (某人、某事)有关 have by the ears 紧紧控制住 have chapter and verse for 注明引证的出处, 指明确切的依据, 原原本本 have cognizance of 认识到, 对.有审理权 have cold feet 害怕, 畏缩 have credit with sb. 得到某人信任 have for the whistling 轻易地获得 have full assurance of 完全相信 have kissed the Blarn

30、ey stone 说奉承话, 拍马屁, 巧言引诱 have little mind to do sth. 不想做某事 have much to do with 与.很有关系, 与.有很大关系 have no acquaintance with 不熟悉, 不了解 have no bearing upon 与.无关, 对.没有影响 have no chance whatever 没有任何希望 have nothing to do with 与.无关have ones heart in ones mouth 吓得要命, 焦急万分, 非常地紧张, 非常吃惊 have one foot in the g

31、rave 风烛残年 have some inkling of 对.略有所知 have something to do with 与.有点关系 have the ascendancy over 占优势 ;对.占支配地位 have the virtue of 具有.长处优点 go的用法a capital go口妙极了, 太好了a pretty go口难办的事; 怪事all the go美非常流行, 风行一时as far as it goes就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论so far as it goes就其本身而言, 就目前的情况而论as . go从通常情况来说, 就.而论at one go一口气in one go一口气be full of go精力充沛be on the go在活动, 在忙碌; 准备离开; 有醉意; 衰败, 濒于死亡call it a go就这样决定, 一言为定could go巴不得吃(或喝

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