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高一英语Unit 3 Back to the past训练题含答案牛津版必修三.docx

1、高一英语Unit 3 Back to the past训练题含答案牛津版必修三高一英语Unit 3 Back to the past训练题(含答案牛津版必修三) 高一英语Unit 3 Ba t the past(含答案牛津版必修三)(满分:100分;时间100分钟)单项填空(共1小题;每小题1分,满分1分)1(2013•定远高一检测)Thrughut _ histr,English has undergne big hanges,espeiall hen Henr beae_ ing f EnglandAthe;theB/;thethe;/ D/;/2As e all n, the

2、 U _ fur parts: England,Stland, ales and Nrthern IslandAis nsisted f Bis ade up fis ade f Dnsists3ar never des an reading in the evening_AS des hn Bhn des shn desnt t DNr des hn4Have u finished ur reprt et?N,I ill finish it in _ ten inutesAanther Brether DlessD u thin that i ill be late fr the eetin

3、g trr?_It is tpial f hi t be lateAN dubt BNt reallH e? DN a!6D u have lthes _?Ill ash the fr uN,than uI ill ash the selfAt be ashed Bt ashashing Dbeing ashed7(2013•合肥高一检测)Dnt be _ b prduts prising t ae u lse eight quilAtaen ff Btaen uttaen aa Dtaen in8The gvernent is nsidering the envirnent&sh

4、;friendl plan hih se sientists uld lie t see_ snAt be arried ut Bbe arried utarring ut Darried ut9e had intended t visit a friend in hengduHever,the strng earthquae urring that da _ plan pletelAdaaged Bdestredinterrupted Druined10He is ver ppular ang his students as he alas tries t ae the _ in his l

5、eturesAinterested Binterestinginterest Dt interest11The father as ell as his three hildren _ sating n the frzen river ever Sunda afternn in interAis ging Bgges Dare ging12Did u g t the sh last night?eahEver b and girl in the area _ invitedAere Bhave beenhas been Das13Either u r ne f ur students _ t

6、attend the eeting that is due trrAare Bishave Dbe14u didnt prepare ell fr the speeh,Sith!I nBut h uld I ith the eeting date _ s sn?Afixing Bt be fixedfixed Dt fix1u are nfident abut the b intervie,arent u?_I ell prepared and feel Ive gt everthing the needASure,I a BIts hard t saI hpe s Dell,abe完形填空(

7、共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Several ears ag,a friend f ine and her husband ere invited t spend the eeend at her husbands eplers he friend,Arlene,as nervus abut the eeendThe bss as ver _16_,ith a fine he n the atera(航道),and ars _17_ re than her huseThe first da and evening ent ell,and Arlene as _18_ t have thi

8、s rare glane int h the ver ealth _19_Her husbands epler as quite _20_ as a hst,and t the t the finest restaurantAs the three f the ere abut t enter a(n)_21_ restaurant that evening,the bss as _22_ slightl ahead f Arlene and her husbandHe stpped suddenl,_23_ n the paveent(人行道)fr a lng,silent entArlen

9、e ndered if she as suppsed t pass hiThere as _24_ n the grund exept a single darened penn that sene had _2_,and a fe igarette endsStill silent,the an bent dn(俯身)and _26_ the pennHe held it up and siled,then put it in his pet as if he had fund a great _27_H strange!hat need did this an have fr a _28_

10、 penn?h uld he _29_ tae the tie t stp and pi it up?Thrughut dinner,the entire sene puzzled herFinall,she uld nt _30_ it an reShe entined that her daughter ne had a in lletin,and ased if the penn he had fund had been f se _31_A sile appeared n the ans fae as he reahed int his _32_ fr the penn and hel

11、d it ut fr her t seeShe had seen an _33_ befre!hat as the pint f this?“L at it,”he said“Read hat it _34_”She read the rds,“THE UNITED STATES F AERIA”“N,nt that;read further”“ne ent?”“N,eep _3_”“IN GD E TRUST?”“es!”16Aprud Bfunnrih Dhandse17Asting Blsingeasuring Dpaing18Asad Bgladved Dupset19Ar Bdeve

12、lpuniate Dlive20Agenerus Bspeialean Dgenuine21Aequal Bnexpensive Dative22Alaughing Bhattingrunning Daling23Areahing ut Bling dnstaring up Dving ff24Anthing Bsethinganthing Deverthing2Aput Bfrgttendrpped Dept26Athre aa Bheld ngave ut Dpied up27Atreasure Bnderpleasure Dfavr28Alean Bsinglerare Dstrange

13、29Aever Beteven Dnever30Astand Bunderstandnsider Dsa31Afrt Binterestsupprt Dvalue32Abag Balletpet Dbx33Ahands Bpenniesrestaurants Dfriends34Asas Bthinstells Dsuggests3Aannuning Bathingguessing Dreading阅读理解(共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AIts prett uh n nledge that Easter is a hristian elebratin f hrists risingher

14、e did the lred eggs, ute little bunnies, bab his, leg f lab dinners,and lilies e fr?The are all sbls f rebirth and the lab as a traditinal religius sarifie(祭品)Easter falls in the spring, the earl tie f rebirth,hen the earth aes gd itself after a lng,ld interThe rd Easter es t us fr the Nrseens Estur

15、, Eastar,stara, and star, and the gddess Estre, all f hih invlve the seasn f the gring sun and ne birthThe Easter Bunn arse riginall as a sbl f fertilit (多产), due t the rapid reprdutin habits f the hare and rabbitThe anient Egptians, Persians, Pheniians, and Hindus all believed the rld began ith a l

16、arge egg,and thus the egg as a sbl f ne life has been a lng tieThe details a be different, but st ultures arund the rld use the egg as a sbl f ne life and rebirthA sste f signs in the husehld aunts f Edard I f England shed an expense f eighteen pene fr 40 eggs t be gld&sh;leafed and lred fr Easter g

17、iftsThe first b t entin Easter eggs b nae as ritten five hundred ears aget,a Nrth Afrian tribe that had bee hristian uh earlier in tie had a ust f lring eggs at EasterLng hard inters ften eant little fd,and a fresh egg fr Easter as quite a prizeLater,hristians give up eating eat during the Lenten se

18、asn befre EasterEaster as the first hane t en eggs and eat after the_lng_abstineneSe Eurpean hildren g fr huse t huse begging fr Easter eggs, uh lie Halleen tri&sh;r&sh;treatersalled pae&sh;egging, it es fr the ld rd fr Easter, Pashan ld ultures als nsidered the egg t be great healing persIt is inte

19、resting t nte that eggs pla alst n part in the Easter elebratins f exi, Suth Aeria, and Native Aerian Indian ulturesEgg&sh;rlling ntests are a sbli pratie f the rlling aa f the stne fr hrists tbThe deratin f sall leaf&sh;barren branhes as Easter egg trees has bee a ppular ust in the United States si

20、ne the 1990s36Peple elebrate Easter in spring beause _Ait is a tie f rebirthBit is arit is a seasn f perDit is a seasn f little fd37The underlined part “the lng abstinene” in Paragraph 4 is liel t ean _Aeating eat fr a lng tieBrefusing t eat eat fr a lng tierest fr a lng tieDthe lng elebratin38Ardin

21、g t the passage, hih f the flling is TRUE?AIn all the Easter elebratins, eggs pla an iprtant partBhen elebrating Halleen, hildren beg fr eggs fr dr t drst ultures use the egg as a sbl f ne lifeDThe first b t entin Easter eggs b nae as ritten fur hundred ears ag39The best title f the passage shuld be

22、 _Arigin f Easter fdBEaster egg histrEaster fdDelebratin f EasterBIt as harvest tie, and several far hands ere ring fr $10 an hurBut the ere nt n labrers(劳工)The ere students h had ust graduated fr llegesrrauss&sh;alett said he beae interested in faring after ring in a restaurant and seeing h uh fd a

23、s astedThe had been in the fields at Heart Rts unit Far in the Hudsn Valle sine 7 aThe all said the uld nt iagine ding an ther b“Faring attrats e, and prbabl ther peple, beause its siple r utdrs,” rBban said“It desnt feel lie ure a part f an ppressive (压抑的) pan”Fr deades, the nuber f farers has been

24、 dereasing, and faring has ften been seen as a babreaing (辛苦的)bBut the reent researh shed a 4 % inrease in the nuber f fars, the first inrease sine 1920, and se llege graduates are ining in the return t the landrdan Shidt, a anager at Heart Rts unit Far, studied envirnental siene at esleansShidt did

25、 nt have s uh as a garden gring up, but in llege, she red at a student&sh;run far and fell in lve ith agriulture(农业)S she gave up her sientifi researh and ved nt a far in Pennslvania after graduatingThis is her third seasn at Heart Rts unit Far“st peple h r fr e are here fr ne seasn and then ve nt t

26、her fars, s thats atuall the biggest hallenge,” said Ben Shute, h ns Heart Rts unit Far ith his ife, Lindse“Ever ear e are bus training ne pepleBut it is rth having suh pepleA lt f ung peple ant t far fr theselves, s the are tivated(有积极性的)t learn quil”n the East End f Lng Island, Sean Frazier and th

27、er fur peple h are reent llege graduates in their id&sh;20s, r n Quail Hillfar in Aagansett and have bee lse friendsAsed if he felt he as issing ut n (失去机会) the it lifestle, rFrazier replied, “I uh re feel the ppsiteIt uld ust reall bther e t feel lie I as inside all da and I as ust issing ut n ever

28、thing that happened”40hen ring in the fields, the llege graduates _Aere l&sh;paidBfelt free fr pressurebeae re interested in faringDthught their hard r as asted41B entining llege graduates in the return t the land, the authr ants t tell us _Aagriulture has been paid re attentin tBit is uh easier t a

29、e a living n a farre farers dnt lie t d far rDsething is rng ith Aerian agriulture42h did rdan Shidt give up her sientifi researh?ABeause she anted t be a far anagerBBeause she ved nt a far after graduatingBeause she anted t stud envirnental sieneDBeause she fell in lve ith agriulture n a student&sh

30、;run far43Fr hat rShute said, e an infer that _Ahe as fnd f training ne llege graduatesBllege graduates shuldnt ften ve nt therfarshe spe highl f llege graduates ring n his farDit as a great hallenge fr llege graduates t d far rThe it f Ppeii as ne part f the largest and st perful epire the rld had ever seenBehind this it as Vesuvius, a untain that had been fred b an ld vlanIt seties trebled as undergrund gases aused earth trers(地震)hih sh buildingsThe peple ere seties alared, but never thught there as an real danger

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