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1、英语四六级听力技巧秘诀归纳下第五节 对话两种题型应试技巧 在英语四六级听力考试中,考生常常遇到以下两类题型,对这两类题型如果掌握它的解题要点,在考试的时候就会显得很轻松应手。一. 时间与数字题型时间、数字和计算是听力测试中最常见的题型,几乎每年都有,而且题型也比较多。历年试题中虽然涉及的数字或数目并不多,但考生的答对率却不高。究其原因,一是对数字的表达方法不够熟悉,二是对技巧的运用不够熟练。1. 卷面线索时间题的四个选项一般都是表达时刻的数字,或是星期、年、月等词,偶尔会有介词后跟数字。数字题的选项则有可能为纯粹的数字或带有货币符号的数字。2.解题要点一般来说,正确答案不会是直接听到的数字,而

2、往往是在意思上与这相同或相近,或换了一种表达方式,或要求对听到的数字进行简单的四则运算。做这类题时,听清这些数字和它们之间的关系是解题的关键。这些数字之间的关系往往用“more/less, late/early, fast/slow, before/after”之类的形容词、副词或介词短语来表示,多为时间题。A) 7:30 B) 8:00C) 8:30 D) 9:00M: Could you tell me the timetable of the school bus?W: Well, the bus leaves here for the campus every two hours fr

3、om 6:30 am But on weekends it starts half an hour later.Q: When did the second bus leave on Saturday?答案)。这是一道较为复杂的转换题。考生应听懂对话中的every two hours from 6:30和half an hour later两处,同时还要细心,捕捉到问题中的the second bus和Saturday。A) 85. B)70C) 64. D)31.W:Have you heard about the air crash that occurred last Wednesday

4、?M:Yes The newspaper said six crew members and sixty four passengers were killed, and fifteen others were injured.Q: How many people suffered in the air crash?这是一道简单的数字运算题,解题的关键是要听懂问句中的“suffer”一词,受害者应包括死者和伤者,故答案应为6+64+15=85,A)。A) 6330872. B) 6380372. C) 6338720. D) 6338726.W:Sorry,Mr Smith is not in

5、 May I have him return your call?M:Yes, thank you Im at 6330872Sorry Its 6338720.Q: Whats the mans telephone number?这道题要注意的是电话号码在口语中的读法。6338720的最常见的读法是:six double three eight seven two zero (或o)。另外还要注意不要受干扰信息的影响,如本题中的6330872以及其后的话语停顿。A) On the 6th of June B) On the 8th of June.C) On the 9th of June

6、D) On the 19th of June.W: Id like to make two reservations one Flight 651 for June 8th.M: Im sorry Weve booked up on the 8th But we still have a few seats available on the 9thQ: When does the woman want to leave?答案为(B)。与上一题类似,本题是考察考生抗干扰的能力。对话中干扰因素有Flight 651和the 9th两个数词。考生还要理解两个词:reservation意为“预定”,而

7、book up则指“订完”。此外,还要熟悉日期的不同表达方法。二. 地点与方向题型在地点型试题中,有的地点在对话中直接提到,有的则需要根据对话内容来判断(这类问题一般是问对话发生在何处),还有的则是两者兼而有之。卷面线索选项通常由(介词+)地点名词构成,提问可分为两种情况。第一种问对话发生在何处,选项的形式通常为表示方位的介词(如in, at等)加上一个地点名词构成;第二种问的是方向,选项的形式通常为表示方向的介词(如to, from, out of等)加上一个地点名词或者只有地点名词构成。解题要点:(1) 首先要根据卷面线索判断出试题的类型。对于第一种试题,要重点听对话中的与特定地点有关的常

8、用词或词组(即关键词),例如听到reserve,check in,check out,room之类的词的话即可判断对话是发生在旅馆里,听到size,color,pay,discount之类的词即可判断对话地点是在商店等。(2) 与方向有关的词和词组并不多,所提出的问题在形式上也可能比较简单,但是这类问题出现时,往往需要几经思考才能得出答案。在这类问题中,务必要注意录音中的内容细节,不要单凭从对话中获得的孤立信息来确定答案。建议在听音的同时用笔在纸上画一些草图以帮助理解。(3)与时间题不同,有的地点题可通过逻辑判断猜出正确的答案,平时要注意这方面能力的培养。A)At the Sun Valley

9、. B) At the Health Center.C) At home D) At Work.M:Good afternoon This is Edward Miller at the Sun Valley Health Center Id like to speak to Mr Adams, please.W:Mr Miller, my husband isnt at home I can give you his business phone if youd like to call him at work.Q:Where is Mr Adams now?答案D)。本题表面是很简单,因为

10、对话中有直接提示词At work,它与D)项完全相同。此外,his buisness phone(他的办公电话)也能给我们一定的提示。A) At the airport. B) In a travel agency.C) In a hotel D) At homeM: Ive just got back from the holiday you arranged for me, but I must tell you the hotel was really awful! It was miles from the sea. The food was awful too. The bedroo

11、m was dirty.W: Sorry about that but its not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibilityQ: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?此题对话中虽有地点名词出现(hotel),但明显不是答案。本题考的是推理能力。根据hotel等关键词,可推断对话的话题与旅行有关。而从W的话中的arrange, contract等词,可以判断出这是一家旅行社(B

12、)。本题说明,在听对话时,要对关键词特别注意,但又不能认为关键词就是答案。A)In the side street. B) At the crossroads.C) On the main road D) On the motorway.本题属于较为特殊的地点题,考生不仅要听懂对话发生的地点,而且要能理解I met the car came out at the side street 这句语法上有错误的话并推断出在汽车撞上W之前,它正在the side street (A)中。其他选项在对话中都曾出现过,但它们都是描述W本人所在的位置,而非肇事车辆所处的位置。M:Now, Miss, do

13、you feel all right now? What happened?W:Yes, Im fine now. I was just at the motorway I was driving along the main road when suddenly right before the crossroads I met the car came out at the side street I didnt see him until he hit me.Q: Where was the car before it hit the woman?A) In a court. B) On

14、 the farm.C) In a bank. D) In a shop.W: I just stopped by at your office in the bank. They told me that you had quit where are you working now?M: I am working for a lawyer now.The pay is better and the work is much more interesting.Q: Where did the man work before?答案C)。此题的关键词bank在对话中出现了两次,考生不但可以从女士的

15、话(at your office in the bank,They told me that you had quit:), 也可以从男士的回答(The pay is better than in the bank)中得出本题的正确答案。而a lawyer 仅仅是一个难度不大的干扰词,考生只要听懂now这一词就可以排B)D)两项与本题对话明显无关。第六节 听力技巧总结听力对话部分听力对话答案特征 一. 强调词是答案所在:indeed; actually;二. 直传答案题:Why not.? What about? So do.? So am.?三. 转义词后为重四. 否定即答案所在五. 虚拟句

16、处理:六. 有让步句,答案在主句七. 最高级词处有答案下面以历年真题来说明听力答案的特征。1. 强调词是答案所在:indeed; actually;A) This apple pie tastes very good.B) His mother likes the pie very much.C) This pie cant match his mothers.D) His mother cant make apple pies.1).W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made it myself.M: Very delicious indeed

17、. Even my mothers cannot match this.Q: What does the man mean? (A)A) He needs another job as research assistant.B) He asked Professor Williams for assistance.C) He assists Professor Williams with his teaching.D) He is doing research with Professor Williams2). W: John, are you doing research for Prof

18、essor Williams this semester?M: Actually, I am working as his teaching assistant.Q: What does the man meanA)Long exposure to the sun.B)Lack of sleep.C)Too tight a hat.D)Long working hours.M:My headaches are terrible.Maybe I need more sleep.W:Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. It would hel

19、p if you wear a hat.Q:What does the woman think is the cause of the mans headache?2. 直传答案题:Why not.? What about? So do.? So am.?A Get some change from JaneB Use the womans phone.C Go to look for a pay phone.D Pay for the phone call.M: Hi, Jane. Do you have some change? I have to make a call on the p

20、ay phone.W: Pay phone? Why not use my mobile phone? Here you are.Q: What will the man most probably do?A Her car can stand any crash.B Her car is not as good as his.C Her car is maintained as well as his.D Her car is kept in good condition.W: The man at the garage thinks that I take good care of my

21、carM: So do I. I cant see any scratches on the outside and the inside, it is clean too.Q: What does the man think of the womens car?A She is too busy to go.BShe doesnt want to wait long.C Shes willing to go swimming.D She enjoys the wonderful weather.M: Wonderful day, isnt it? Want to join me for a

22、swim?W: If you dont mind waiting while I get prepared.Q: What does the woman mean?A)The woman should have complained to her neighbor.B)The woman should stay out until the neighbors are quiet.C)The woman should have stayed at the library.D)The lab will be a better place for reading.W:The people next

23、door are making so much noise, I just cant concentrate, Tom.M:Why dont you stay at the library? Its much quieter there.Q:What does Tom mean? 3. 转义词后为重:A They go to the seaside.BThey set off early.C They go sightseeing.D They wait for a fine day.M: It seems that well have another fine day tomorrow. L

24、ets go to the seaside.W: Ok, but well have to leave very early, or else well get caught in the traffic.Q: What does the woman suggest?A.He watched television with his friend.B.He stayed at home talking with his friends.C.He went to see a film with his friend.D. He went to see his schoolmate.W: Did y

25、ou see last night film on channel 4?M: Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice longtalk about our school days.Q: What did the man do last night?A). When the meeting is to be held.B). Who are going to attend the meeting?C). Where the meeting is to be held.D). Whats

26、 to be discussed at the meeting.W: Did you get the message about the meeting on Monday?M: Yes, I did. But Im still not quite sure what the meeting is about. Not bad news, I hope. Q: What does the man wish to know most?4. 否定即答案所在A) She has to post a letter instead.B) She has to turn down the mans req

27、uest.C) Shes not sure if the computer is fixed.D) She cant send the message right now.M: Jessica, could you send this emails to all the club members?W: Sorry, the computer broke down this morning. I will for you as soon as I have fixed.Q: What does the woman imply?5. 虚拟句处理:A)He is not very enthusias

28、tic about his English lessons.B)He has made great progress in his English.C)He is a student of the music department.D) He is not very interested in English songs.W: Mr Jones,your student,Bill, shows great enthusiasm for music instruments.M: I only wish he showed half as much for his English lessons.

29、Q: What do we learn from the conversation about Bill?A)She doesnt remember much about the city.B)Shes never been to the city.C)She would find someone else to help.D)She would talk to the man later.M: To collect data for my report, I need to talk to someone who knows that small city very well. I was

30、told that youd lived here for quite a long time.W: Oh, I wish I could help. But I was only a child then.Q: What does the woman imply?虚拟的变体:1). If I had a new dress, I would go to the party.A. I need a new dress. B. I didnt go to the party.2). If only our team had scored one more point. Its too bad we didnt score the point.3). We would have done that earlier.4). It could be better here!6. 有让步句,答案在主句:A)The man thinks traveling by air is quite safe.B)The woman never travels by plane.C)B

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