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1、09年春季上海英语中级口译笔译09年春季上海英语中级口译笔译听力原文Spot dictationYou might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true. These round, flat cakes or patties actually came from Germany in the middle of the 19th century. They were brought to the United States by German immigran

2、ts who came from the city of Hamburg. That is why their name was Hamburger Stake.However, people in other places claim that they invented the hamburger. Perhaps well never have a clear answer. But there is no question that the hamburger was a great hit. Why? Perhaps because at that time, industry wa

3、s growing and a kind of fast, practical and cheap food was needed for workers.The hamburger became even more popular in the 1920s when the first chain of fast food restaurants was started. This chain was called White Castle. It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only 5 cents each. Then, in th

4、e 1930s there came the drive-in restaurant where customers were served in their cars by waiters in uniform. And the hamburger was one of the most popular menu items.By now, the hamburger was ready to conquer the world. And this happened with McDonalds, which was actually a hot dog stand at first. Bu

5、t by the early 1950s the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger. McDonalds and other fast food restaurants spring up around the world throughout the rest of the 20th century. McDonalds alone has sold 12 hamburgers for every person in the world.The importance of the hamburger to U.S. culture remains s

6、ignificant. About 60% of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers. According to some sources, 7% of current workers in the Untied States had their first job at McDonalds. But the face of the hamburger is changing according to the times. Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey b

7、urger, a fish burger or a veggie burger.Statements1. Mrs. Jones came to us at the airport. We thought she was the secretary but she turned out to be the president of the company.2. After Susan carefully explained her ideas at the board meeting last week, the directors all voted for the change shes m

8、ade concerning the proposed project.3. Of the students participating in our universitys research project, 73% classified themselves as freshmen and sophomores.4. Originally we had planned to buy a car by the end of last year, but then with the recent fluctuation of the crude oil prices we decided to

9、 postpone the purchase.5. Most people I know are interested in the proposed tax reform being debated in the congress because they hope it will lower taxes for them.6. If youre good at managing your own time and energy, it is very likely that you can do well both in your schoolwork and for your caree

10、r7. Mr. Paul White, thank you very much for your inquiry, but I feel the position more suits a female applicant. Anyway, I will keep your name on file.8. Is this your best quote? I thought prices will be coming down now given the current situation of financial and economic crisis.9. Last month our m

11、anager took a ten-day business trip to Chicago, but he had to stay there for 3 more days as the negotiation turned out to be a tougher one.10. When our children are made confident that they are positive and competent individuals, they will adapt themselves to the changing society and successfully ac

12、complish personal goals.Talks and ConversationsPassage one (Q11-14)W:What are you laughing about?M: I just saw the silliest advertisement on TV for German soups. Its said our products are home-made with the freshest vegetables and fruits. Then a scene in the factory showed that products were prepare

13、d and packed by the most sophisticated machinery.W: And I am sure that the word NATURAL was put on the jars and cans of the products. I think the stupidest advertisements are those that imply that you are one of a kind. If you buy the product, you will be a very special person. Now you will be just

14、like every other one of the 20 million people who bought it.M: Thats really silly. But to me, the dumbest of them all is when advertisers put a celebrity on TV to talk about a particular brand of soap or about a particular car. I bet that the celebritys never used the product before they got the job

15、 of appearing in the commercial.W: Yeah! But most of these commercials work and people remember the product.M: I agree, here we are talking about ads weve seen, arent we? We are all influenced by those celebrities and brand names.W: I think teenagers are specially vulnerable. Advertisers try to get

16、teenagers used to a brand because they know that in later years, the teenagers will stick to that particular product of theirs.Question 11: What in the advertisement has made the man laugh?Question 12: When some ads imply that you are one of a kind, what does that mean?Question 13: Why does the adve

17、rtiser put a celebrity on TV to talk about a particular product?Question 14: According to the woman, what will teenagers do if they are used to a brand?Passage two (Q15-18)Many of you may have heard of jetlag, which is a condition of sleep disorders resulting from rapid travel over time zones such a

18、s on a jet plane. The symptoms of jetlag can be quite varied and may include: loss of appetite, nausea, headache, fatigue, insomnia or even mild depression. Here are few tips for you to avoid jetlag or cope if you are stricken by the condition. First adjust your biological rhythm several days before

19、 your departure. And develop a plan to start switching to the time zone of your destination. For instance, if you will be flying from New York to Paris where it is 6 hours later, get up one hour earlier for a couple of days, then two hours earlier, then three hours earlier. I would try to at least g

20、et half way to a new time zone. Turn lights on during daytime in your destination and off during the night time. Second, during the time of your adjustment and especially during the flight, drink plenty of water. If you are not a big water fan, drink some other fluid that is not high in sugar, carbo

21、nation or caffeine. Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol on the plane. Of course I say that, but I always have a couple of drinks during the flight, if you do that, just be sure to drink as much water between drinks as possible. Thirdly, when you arrive in your destination, try to resi

22、st the urge to nap during day time, get outside during the daylight hours, even if its just to sit in a caf and relax. Try to get a good nights sleep for the first couple nights. The key is to reset your bodys natural clock and to get enough rest. Finally when you return home, use some of the same t

23、actics above to return to your previous time zone.Q15. Whats the speakers definition of jetlag?Q16.Whats the difference of the time zones between New York and Paris?Q17.What does the speaker recommend if you do not want to drink much water during the flight?Q18. According to the speaker, what should

24、 you try to do once you arrive at the destination?Passage 3 (Q19-22)F: Come in Mr. Edison, take a seat.M: Good morning doctor.F: Now lets get a few details. Shall we? First, your age, now youre 40?M: Er, 35 actually, doctor.F: Right, 35. And your weight?M: About, 105 kilos.F: Thats rather a lot for

25、your height, dont you think?M: Yes, Well, I dont get much exercise, doctor.F: And what kind of work do you do exactly?M: I work with computers.F: So you sit most of the day, is that right?M: All day.F: Right, so tell me, do you smoke?M: Well, I used to smoke 20-30 a day, but now its about 10.F: Emm,

26、 Have you had any illness likely?M: Nothing serious, just usual coughs and colds.F: I see. Now, lets talk about your diet. What have you eaten this morning, for example?M: Ive had two fried eggs, 5 bread, toast, butter and jam, and oh, 3 cups of tea.F: Well, Mr. Edison, that isnt the best diet now,

27、is it? What else do you normally eat?M: Beef burgers a lot, Chips.F: Dear Oh dear. And what about exercise do you have Mr. Edison? Do you play any Sports?M: Er, cant say I do really.F: Well Mr. Edison this is all rather serious. I think we have to Change a few things in your life. Firstly I recommen

28、d that you stop smoking completely. Secondly, you need to get some exercise, walk, instead of drive Mr. Edison. Join a sports club. And lastly, we must make some changes to your diet. No more fried foods, no more chips, and beef burgers, good healthy vegetables, boiled potatoes, grilled meat and fis

29、h.Q19. What does the woman say about the mans health?Q20. How many cigarettes does the man smoke each day now?Q21. What does the woman think of the mans breakfast?Q22. Which of the following can not be concluded from the conversation?Passage 4 (Q23-26)May I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen?

30、 Since the International club meets only once every semester for this special event, the first thing on our agenda is to have the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. So when I finish this opening speech, the secretary will read the minutes of our meeting for the last semester. And then w

31、ell go through our annual treasurers report and decide whether it can be accepted or not.At the top of our agenda, and Im sure in everyones mind, is the International Display Week. It has been proposed for discussion. I was chairman of the African club, and now as chairman of the International club,

32、 I know more than anyone else the importance of such a display week.Let me explain. There are ten foreign clubs here representing the foreign students on our campus. The purpose of these clubs is, first of all, to get the students from the same countries together, so we wont get too homesick, and so we can help each other over the rough spots. And secondly, so that the American st

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