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1、八年级英语上册Unit1Unit2复习题新广州版牛津英语2014八年级英语上册Unit1-Unit2复习题(新广州版牛津英语) 知识点一:Spend/tae/st/pa花费1spend (1) sb spend 时间/金钱(in) ding sth in 可以省略 (2) sb spend 时间/金钱n sth2tae it taes sb时间/金钱t d sth sb用宾格形式3st sth st sb 时间/金钱 4pa sb pa时间/金钱 fr sth综合练习 1The spend t uh tie the reprtA riting B t rite n riting D rite2

2、 -hat beautiful shes ure earing! The ust be expensive -N,the nl_l0 uanAspent Bt paid Dst3 -ill u please fr dinner Peter? -Sure!A spend B pa st Dtae4 It ill e t uh tie t read this bA tae B st spend DpaThis siene b _ e a great aunt f ne A t B st used D spent 知识点二:回顾一下an se的区别和用法 Se 肯定 委婉请求或建议 An 否否和疑问

3、Sething /sene/anthing/anne 用在形容词前选择题( ) 1 I hungr I ant _ t eat A anthingB Sething everthingD nthing( ) 2 D u have _ t sa fr urself? N, I have _ t sa A sething; everthing B nthing; sething everthing; anthing D anthing; nthing( ) 3 h nt as _ t help u? A everneB Sene anneD nne( ) 4 Everthing _ read e

4、an start n A areB is beD ere( ) Theres _ ith his ees Hes A anthing rng B rng sething nthing rng D rng nthing知识点三:as +ad/adv(原级)+as 和一样否定形式: nt as/s + ad/adv(原级)+as 不如一样知识点四:区分:寻找l fr ≈ find ≈ find ut (1)l fr强调”找”的动作和过程。(2)find强调” 找”的结果,即”找”到还是没”找”到。(3)find ut表示”查出, 努力查找”。往往是指通过努力去查明事情的真相或查找答案等

5、。知识点五:used t d 过去常常做某事 否定:didnt use tbe used t ding 习惯做U1根据首字母或提示完成句子1 Edisn and Einstein ere bth great _(科学家)。2 She is ears ld; _(然而), she rs ver hard3 Thas Edisn _ an things He as a great _(invent)4 r _(inlude) ing eals, leaning the huse hih tea_(获胜) the gae, lass ne r lass T?完成句子1一些恐龙和鸡一样小,其他的则有十

6、头大象那么大。_ _ere _ sall_hiens _ere_big_ten elephants2 恐龙突然全部灭绝了。_all _ _ suddenl3 Ann出生于1998年月1日。Ann _ _ _ a 1st, 19984 许多恐龙食草,但是,一些恐龙喜欢食肉。an dinsaurs ate plants _, se dinsaurs lied t eat eat 把那些学生带过,我有重要的事情告诉他们。Bring thse students here; I have _ _ t tell theU1单选1 English teaher _ a freignerA l lie B l

7、s lie ls up D l up 2 I need _ fr artile A iprtant sething B sething iprtant an iprtant sething D a sething iprtant 3 The bring _ apples t the rA a B an ne D se 4 The dnt have _ il r rieA se B a an D an The b lies _A a bread B t breads se breads D se bread 6 -uld u lie se drins, bs?-es, _ pleaseA se

8、ranges B t sandihes se aes D se range 7 -I uld lie a sandih and a bttle f il -Srr, e_A nt have B dnt dnt have se D dnt have an 8 There ill be _ if u dnt reeber arningA dangerus sething B sething dangerus sething interesting D interesting sething 9 -h taught her apanese? -_ She learned it b herselfA

9、nbd B anbd sebd D everbd U2知识点一:基数词在表示确切的数字时,不能使用百、千、百万、十亿的复数形式;但是,当基数词表示不确切数字,如成百、成千上万,三三两两时,基数词则以复数形式出现。知识点二:基数词也可以表示顺序。只需将基数词放在它所修饰的名词之后即可,不需要添加定冠词。the first lessn=Lessn ne the fifth page=Page (five)the tent-first r=R 21(tent-ne)( )7 a is n in _ A the three grade B Grade Third Grade Three( )8 N h

10、ildren, turn t page _and l at the _ piture in Lessn TA tentieth; ne B tent; ne tentieth; first D tent; first 知识点三;从第一至第十九其中,ne first, t send, three third, five fifth,eighteighth,nineninth,telve telfth为特殊形式,其它的序数词都是由其相对应的基数词后面添加“th”构成。例如: six sixth、nineteen nineteenth从第二十至第九十九整数第几十的形式由其对应的基数词改变结尾字母为i

11、,再加“eth”构成。tenttentieth thirtthirtieth表示第几十几时用几十的基数词形式加上连字符“”和个位序数词形式起表示。thirt-first 第三十一 fift-sixth 第五十六知识点四:年代用定冠词及基数词表示的世纪加十位整数的复数形式构成in the 1930s知识点五:分数的表达 分数是由基数词和序数词一起表示的。基数词作分子,序数词作分母,除了分子是“1”以外,其它情况下序数词都要用复数形式。3/4 three furths或 three quarters 1/3 ne third或a third1/2 a half 1/4 ne quarter或a q

12、uarter 知识点六:加减乘除表示法(1) “加”用plus,and或add表示;“等于”用is,ae,equal等词表示。(2) “减”用 inus或 tae fr表示(3) “乘”用tie(动词)或ultipl表示 ultipl three b fur,e get telve Three ultiplied b fur aes telve(4)“除”用divide的过去分词(divided)形式表示H uh is sixteen divided b fur? Sixteen divided b fur is furU2根据首字母或提示完成句子1 hats ur telephne n_?2

13、an u pla _?3 esterda, he _(挑战)e t pla that gae4T _(承诺) that he uld g t shl earlier the next daI a a b I a father s s_完成句子1当我们打网球时,你们其余的人做什么呢?hile e are plaing tennis, hat ill _ _ _u d ?2 我喜欢读书而不是跳舞。I en reading _ _ _3我去过很多地方,如上海、北京、杭州等等。I have been t an plaes, suh as Shanghai ,Beiing , Hangzhu _ _ _

14、4我们图书馆有几千本书。There are _ _ bs in ur librarT 是第一个到学校的男孩。T is _ _ _ t e t shlU2单选1Abut _ the students in ur shl have learned h t use puters befreA t thusandB t thusands t thusand fD t thusands f2 _ f the ahines n sh are ade in ShanghaiA Three-fifthB Three-fifths Three-fives D Three-five3 He rte _ psiti

15、n last nightA an 1000-rd B 1000-rd a 1000-rd D an 1000 rds4 aunt as brn n _A tber ne, 1969 B tber 1, 1969 tber 1, 1969 D1969, tber 1 N, please turn t page _ and l at the _ piture in Lessn TA tentieth, neB tent, ne tentieth, firstD tent, first6There are re than t _ trees in ur shl ardA hundredB hundr

16、eds hundred fD hundreds f7 There are _ das in a earA three hundred and sixt-five B three hundred sixt five three hundreds sixt-five D three hundreds and sixt-five8 2,489 an be ritten as _At thusands fur hundreds and eight-nineBt thusand fur hundred and eight-ninet thusands fur hundred and eight-nine

17、D t thusand fur hundreds eight-nineU3-U4比较级和最高级(1) “越越”单音节的就用“比较级+比较级”多音节的就用re and re +多音节的形容词(2)the+比较级,the +比较级 “某人越,(就)会越”例如:越多,越好。The _, the _你吃的越多,你就会越胖。The _ u eat ,_ _ u ill be 注意:比较级的修饰语 uh, even 甚至, (b) far 大大地, a little 有点, a bit 有点, still, et, a lt 很, a great deal 大大地, tie, five ties, an

18、ties, t-fifths, 20%(3)the+ ad最高级+n+表示范围的短语或从句 (in/f+范围)特别注意:介词in和f引导的短语用于比较结构时所表达的范围有所不同: 如果在一定的地域空间内进行比较用in 如果是在同一类事物范围内进行比较用f注: 最高级的修饰语 序数词,(b)far,nearl 几乎,alst 几乎(4)表达“最之一” ne f +形容词的最高级+名词的复数形式1 Guangzhu is _ BeiingA as nt large as B nt as large as as nt larger as D nt as larger as2-hih d u ant

19、t hse? -If I had t hse, the larger ne uld be _ hieA gd B better the better D the best3 u ust eat _ eat and tae _ exerise if u ant t be healthierA less, less B re, re less, re D re, less4e are all ling frard t _ re than H$6,00fr the hildrenAraise Braising be raised Dbeing raised-h are st hildren unde

20、r t uh pressure -Beause their parents alas pare the_thers A ith B b t6The experts thin Indias ppulatin a be _ than hinas b 2020A re B less larger D sall7T is terribl ill ed better send hi t hspital as _ as e anA sll B quil quietl D easil8 father _ e _ ath TV tnightA all , t B alls,ith alling ,n D al

21、ls , t9I d _ in phsis f all the subetsA badl B st badl rse D rst根据句意及首字母提示补全单-词1 It s a f _ strb I lie reading it2 In a grup f three, _ a shrt pla3 In 1890, planes hadnt been i _4 P_ are nt alled t se n the train Learning h t is nt nl a p _ sill but a a f building a bridge t ther peple :6 This ade i

22、t easier t arr heav things and t travel a lng d _7 I have nn hi s _ hildhd8 He an all e a_完成句子1 我的电脑不如你的贵重。 puter is _ _ _ _ urs2医生对他说:“你要尽可能地多喝水。”“Drin _ _ _ _ u an,” the dtr said t hi3 这本书和那本书一样有趣。This b is _ _ _ that ne4我们种树越多,我们的环境就变得越好。_ _ trees e plant, _ _ ur envirnent ill be 我的书你想要借多久就多久。u a

23、n eep b _ _ _ u lie6除了这服装店, 她还有一间鞋店。She ns a lthes shp,_, she ns a shes shp7我妈妈在一所中学从事教师工作。 ther _ _ a teaher in a iddle shl8很多小孩 没有意识到身边的危险, 所以受到了伤害。an hildren gt hurt beause the _ _ _ the danger arund the 9这位教授以很慢的速度讲话。The prfessr speas _ _ _ _10我们必须阻止工厂制造噪音。e ust _ the fatr _ _ _后作业UU6 1辨析:tae pa

24、rt in ,in , in intae part in多指参加群众性活动,具有暂时性特点。in指加入某党派、组织、军队或社会团体,并成为其中一员,其后也可以接人,意为“和某人一起做某事”in in指参加小规模的活动,如球赛,游戏,多用于日常口语。in in ding sth 参加做某事。2辨析:beteen , angbeteen用于指两者之间ang用于指三者或三者以上之间辨析: n tie ,in tien tie 按时,准时in tie及时,常含有匆忙之意。3alread 已经; et 尚未,仍未,还;强调前不久完成的动作对现在造成的影响,谓语动词使用非延续性动词。alread 用于肯定

25、句中,et 用于否定句和疑问句的句末。ever (曾经),句中;never (从不) ,表示否定,强调到目前为止的生活经历。谓语动词用延续性动词。alread ever与never应位于助动词have/has 之后,主要动词之前。拓展:befre (以前),句尾,独立用ust (刚刚),用于肯定句中,常用在助动词和过去分词之间。4fr sine 区别afr + 一段时间:fr t hursbsine + 时间点:sine 1999, sine last earsine + 一段时间+ ag: sine t das ag dsine + 从句(用过去时)have been t/ have gne

26、 t/ have been in 三种结构的区别(1)have been t 去过某地(现已离开),可以与ever, never, ne, tie等连用。(2)has gne t 去某地了,说话时某人已离开此地,在去某地的路上或已在某地,总之现在还未回。此句型一般用于第三人称。(3) have been in 表示已在某地呆了多久,若该地为小地方则用at单选1 Id lie t intrdue best friend t u ,Peter - Than u Lu, Bat e _ alreadA eet B et ill eet D have et2 -_ u _ the vie ung Fu

27、 Panda ? - Nt et, Ill see it this SundaA Did ;see B D; see Have , seen D ill , g3 Have u _ libed that untain? A ever B never et D befre4 She isnt here n beause she _ the bibrarA has been t B have gne t has gne t D have been t The Greens _ Geran tieA has been t B have been in has been in D has been t

28、6This ind f ar is green and saves energ _ A t B either als D as ell 7 hat an I d fr u ,sir?- This shirt is a little sall , please give e _ neA anther B ther the ther D thers8 Fr that tie n, ar pratied _ the pian ever daA pla B plaed plaing D t pla9 His ther nt e, _ his father illA s B but r D And10 nn, everbd finished the reprt and left fr he A n B B In

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