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初中英语仁爱版八年级下册Unit7 Food Festival单元练习含答案.docx

1、初中英语仁爱版八年级下册Unit7 Food Festival单元练习含答案初中英语仁爱版八年级下册Unit7 Food Festival单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共30小题;共30分) 听句子,选出与之相符的图片。句子读一遍。(有一个多余选项) 听句子,选择与所听内容相同或相近的句子。句子读一遍。 6. A. What about you? B. Whats the matter with you? C. How are you? 7. A. Im feeling bad. B. Im feeling sad. C. Im feeling happy. 8. A. You shouldnt

2、 go to bed late. B. You should get up early. C. You cant get up late. 9. A. I am not good at English so I must work harder at it. B. I am not good at English so I feel stressed out. C. Although Im not good at English, I feel relaxed.10. A. You must eat very healthy food. B. Eat junk food to keep hea

3、lthy. C. Eat healthy food to keep healthy. 听对话,选择正确答案。A) 你将听到五段对话及五个问题。每段对话及问题读一遍。11. A. Bruce. B. Rosa. C. Judy.12. A. Lie down and rest. B. Drink hot tea with honey. C. See a dentist.13. A. Drink some hot water with honey. B. Eat less food and get more exercise. C. Go to see a dentist or a doctor.

4、14. A. At home. B. In a hospital. C. At school.15. A. Eggs. B. Chicken. C. Meat. B) 你将听到一段对话。对话读两遍。16. When does this conversation take place? A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning.17. Whats the matter with Jim? A. He has a fever. B. Hes a headache. C. He has a toothache.18. When

5、 did Jim begin to feel like this? A. Since yesterday morning. B. Since yesterday afternoon. C. Since this morning.19. What did Jim have for breakfast? A. Some milk and bread. B. Some rice and an egg. C. Some porridge and an egg.20. What will Jim do after he sees the doctor? A. He will go to school.

6、B. He will go home. C. He will be in hospital. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。21. What was wrong with Tim? A. He had a bad cough. B. He had a headache. C. His had a cold.22. How did he have to take the red pills? A. One pill three times a day. B. Three pills every night. C. Once a day, after the evening meal.23.

7、How often did he have to take the yellow pills? A. Two pills each day. B. When having a headache. C. One pill every night.24. How did he have to take the white pills? A. Two pills when having a headache. B. Two every night. C. Two after each meal.25. What else did he have to do? A. Drink little wate

8、r. B. Be careful. C. Drink much water. 听短文,填空。短文读两遍。 Are you often stressed out? Do you often xxvi. easily? Do you feel you cant sleep sometimes? Maybe you have too much yang. xxvii. believe its not good for your health. Dont be stressed out. Its xxviii. . You should eat more yin foods like tofu. Yo

9、u should not drink much tea before sleep. Its important to eat a balanced diet. You should often listen to music to xxix. . Dont smoke. Have a healthy lifestyle. You should go to bed early and get up early. Its a good idea to exercise in the morning. Make more friends and often xxx. them. You will f

10、eel better soon.26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)31. Cut the apples into p (片) and give them to me.32. The newly-opened museum is certainly w (值得) a visit.33. In many (西方) countries, Chineses food is very popular.34. Failure(失败) is the mother of (成功).35. Li Hua is one of the (成员) of

11、 the school football club.36. Can you tell me where he lives? I dont know his (地址).37. It is p (礼貌的) to offer seats to the old on the bus.38. Li Ming likes (面条). He thinks they are delicious.39. When you have dinner in a restaurant, you will look at a (菜单) first.40. The (任务) was so hard that we didn

12、t finish it in three days.三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共5小题;共5分)41. Be q , or well be late for the train.42. I couldnt find a s on the bus and had to stand all the way.43. We Chinese always use c to eat, but English people dont use them.44. He went to town with the p of buying a computer.45. Its hard to i how he

13、 can improve English so quickly.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共10小题;共20分)46. - How can I speak English (与你一样好), Rose?(词数不限)- Practice makes perfect.47. The food was delicious, so it (吃光) quickly.48. 母亲让我摆好桌子准备吃晚饭。Mother told me to the for supper.49. 他尽最大努力想让妈妈高兴起来。 (词数不限)He to make his mother happy.50. 我很高兴我的美国朋

14、友下周要来看我。(词数不限) my American friend will visit me next week.51. It seems difficult for us to (切碎) the onions.(词数不限)52. Could you tell me (在加拿大是否讲英语)? (speak)53. 我相信兰州能够创建出一个更好的环境,我们应该努力去实现它。I do believe that a better environment can be created in Lanzhou and we should all work together to make it .54.

15、 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens) 不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。Yangzhou Gardens are famous in China in the whole world.55. 我们很早便出发,为了避免塞车。We left early avoid the traffic.五、单项选择(共10小题;共10分)56. When Zhang Min was 20 years old, her dream to be a dentist . A. came true B. came real C. came out D. came up57. I think we can

16、stay at home and watch TV instead of out to play. A. go B. going C. went D. goes58. - What a careful boy you are! - Thank you. In fact, Tom does everything than me. A. more carefully B. more careful C. much careful59. - Will Liu Ying come to school today? - I dont know. But I also want to know . A.

17、that she will come to school today B. whether will she come to school today C. how will she come to school today D. if she will come to school today60. When he saw a wallet on the playground, he at once. A. picked it up B. gave it up C. picked up it61. Emma looked after her pet dog of all her friend

18、s. A. careful B. most careful C. more carefully D. the most carefully62. Please the ingredients to the noodles. A. put B. add C. pour D. make63. - This sweater is too small. Would you mind giving me a bigger one? - . Here you are. A. I disagree B. Good idea C. Thanks a lot D. Not at all64. I believe

19、 our game will win the match. A. if B. which C. that D. whether65. If you watch TV, it will be bad for your eyes. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. so many六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) Most children love sweet food. However, eating too much candy or drinking too many sugary drinks is 66 for our health. Ma

20、ny countries have started to do 67 to control the amount of sugary drinks kids have. The sale and advertisement of 68 drinks have been limited(限制) in Boston, US. It will be impossible to buy sugary drinks in 69 . Its reported that about one half of the US population aged 2 and older 70 sugary drinks

21、 every day. One in five American children aged 12 to 19 is overweight. Many other 71 have taken similar actions. The governments of France and Hungary started a new tax(税) on sugary drinks. They 72 this will keep populations healthier. China is facing the same 73 Middle school students in big cities

22、 in China each drink about 1,200ml of sugary drinks every day according to a recent study. The number of overweight 74 has increased 5 to 10 times in the last 20 years. Gao Xiang of Harvard Medical School 75 the Chinese government to deal with the situation actively. Gao gave some suggestions, inclu

23、ding limiting the sale of sugary drinks in schools and their advertising.66. A. bad B. healthy C. necessary D. important67. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything68. A. salty B. sugary C. awful D. tasty69. A. schools B. hospitals C. supermarkets D. drugstores mm70. A. drinks B. produces C

24、. sells D. buys71. A. countries B. provinces C. cities D. villages72. A. realize B. hope C. announce D. wonder73. A. way B. result C. chance D. problem74. A. adults B. children C. officers D. babies75. A. called out B. called up C. called on D. called for七、阅读理解(共18小题;共36分)A The most popular food in

25、America was invented because a cook got angry. George Crum was a cook at a restaurant in Saratoga Springs, New York. One day in 1853, a customer(顾客) who had ordered fried(油炸的) potatoes sent them back to the kitchen. He wanted the cook to slice(切) them thinner and fry them longer. George Crum had a b

26、ad temper(脾气), and he thought the potatoes were fine the way he made them. To teach the customer a lesson, he sliced potatoes very thin and fried them until they were crispy(脆的). But instead of being angry, the customer loved the new fried potatoes. He asked for more. Other people who tried them lik

27、e them too, and customers kept asking for them. Far many years, people called them Saratoga chips after the town where they were first made. Even now, after more than 150 years, potato chips are very popular. Al least one of every ten potatoes grown in the United States is made into potato chips. So

28、 if you like potato chips, be glad George Crum had a bad temper!76. Why did the customer send the fried potatoes back to the kitchen? A. To make George Crum angry B. To get thinner fried potatoes C. To get the cook to make potato chips D. To refuse to pay for the food77. How did George Crums plan fa

29、il? A. He didnt teach the customer a lesson B. He invented the potato chip C. Potato chips became famous D. Potatoes werent sliced very thin78. Whats the main idea of this story? A. George Crum had a very bad temper B. George Crum was a good cook C. Potato chips were very delicious D. Potato chips w

30、ere invented by accidentB When summer is coming, you can often hear the news about the enterovirus(肠道病毒). It may not be a big deal to adults, but it has killed a lot of children. Children under 10 years old are easily infected but adults can also catch an enterovirus. If you feel sleepy, uneasy, tir

31、ed and dont want to eat, you may have an enterovirus. In fact, it seems that you have caught a cold first. Its even hard for doctors to tell. But if you have blisters(水泡) in your mouth, doctors can almost be sure of it. The enterovirus is especially dangerous to children. If a child seems to have one, he or she should see a doctor right away. If you want to keep healthy and be away from the virus, here are some rules you should follow: Was

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