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1、对口高职新高考英语复习指南答案答案第一部分 语音知识第一章 语音1. 趁热打铁:1-5 CCDDA 2趁热打铁:.1-5 AACDC 6-10 DCCDC 3. 趁热打铁:1-5 CDBDC4.趁热打铁:1-5 ABADB 6-10 BBBBC 5.趁热打铁:1-5 DBACA 6.趁热打铁:1-5AABDA 7.趁热打铁:1-5DDDBD 8.趁热打铁:1-5ACBBC 6-10DAABA 9. 趁热打铁:1-5BADDD10.趁热打铁:1-5DADDD 6-10CADDC 11-15AACBD 16-20ADCDB 21-25BBDAB 26-30BBAD成果巩固 一,1-5CADBC 6

2、-10CDDBD 11-15CACDB 16-20 CCACC 二,1-5ADCAC 6-10DBCAD 11-15DBBCA 16-20DCCAA 三,1-5CDBAC 6-10ABAAD 11-15AAADA 16-20 BBADD四,1-5DADBB 6-10ABDAA 11-15ADCAB 16-20ACACA五,1-5DADAB 6-10CCBBB 11-15DCCCB 16-20CDBAB第二部分 基础语法知识 第二章 冠词一, the 2.a an 3.a the 4.a the the 6.a the a an 8. an 9.a 10. an二,1

3、-5BABCD 6-10ADAAA三,1-5CD*AD 6-10BCBBB成果巩固 二,1-5ABBAA 6-10DCCAC 11-15BBCCB 16-20BDAAC21-25BBDBA 26-30ADBA* 31-35BCDDB 36-40DCABB第三章 名词1-5CBCDB 6-10ABADA 11-15ABCBD 16-18ADA一,个体名词:book,pig,girl,desk,room,student 集体名词:class,people,group,team,bread 物质名词:paper,milk,rice,tea 抽象名词:hope,love,advice 专有名词:Chi

4、na,Tom,Mr.Chen,The Great Wall 可数名词: book,pig,girl,desk,room,student,class,people,group,team,bread不可数名词:paper,milk,rice,tea,hope,love,advice 二,规则变化1) books desks wishes foxes businesses watches factories heroes radios days zoos tomatoes Marys noe/noes 2)1-5AAACC 不规则变化1)1-5CCBAB 6-10ACBDB 不可数名词1)1-5DA

5、DCB 三,1,1-5BDCBA 6-10CCBBC 成果巩固: 二,1-5ADCAD 6-10BBBDD 11-15CBCBD 16-20ABCDC 21-25BACAC 26-30DCBBC 31-35BA*AC 36-40CBADD 41-43DBA第四章 数词二,选择:1-3ADD三,选择:1-5DCBAD四,选择:1-5DBCBA 1-3DBB成果巩固: 二, 1-5CBDBA 6-10 DCBABC 11-15ADCAB 16-20DABAA 21-25BBCBB 26-30BCCBD 31-35CDDBA第五章 代词成果巩固:一,1-5DCCAA 6-10ACCBA 11-15B

6、BAAB 16-20CABDD 21-25BADCB 26-30ACBAD 31-35DBCBA 36-40CABDC 41-45ACDCD二,1.Each of us has 2.sheep our my 4.Neither is 5.with out anything that none us 7.either side 8.Some of 9.One of is/isnt more第六章 形容词和副词 成果巩固: 一,1.too for 2.old enough 3.taller than shorter than 4.larger any ofher

7、 5.expensive 6.less difficukt than 7.the shortest 8.the fartest 二, 1-5CDBDC 6-10BDCBC 11-15ACBAC 16-20DADAC 21-25BCAAA 26-30CBBAC 31-35CCBAD 36-40DDDAD第七章 介词15: ADBBA 6-10:CCDDA知能精练:一1-5:at,on,in,in,in, 6-10:during,for,since,after,in,11-15:to,till,in,until,in,16-20:in,to,for,with,in,21-25:with,with,

8、in,from,of,26-30:over,through,through,among,between,31-35:with,to,at,to,in,36-40:into,after,of,of,of,41-45:for,at,in,at,at,46-50:in, for, to, for, about二1-5:CABBA 6-10:CABAA 11-15:BCBCD 16-20: CCDCD 21-25:CDCAA 26-30:ACADC第八章 动词及其时态和语态1-5:AAABC 6-10:when did, doesnt go, was given ,did you, A 11-15:D

9、DA,How many, didnt want 16-20:be watered, Dont cross, Is he, CC 21-25:AAB,When will, didnt enjoy 26-30:is cleaned, isnt he, CCD 31-35:A,not anything, When do, Do not或Please dont, be finished 36-40:DBC,didnt do, Who is 41-43:Dont eat, be planted, arent there趁热打铁单选:1-5:BACCB 6-10:DCACD 11-15:CDACA 16-

10、20:ACCBC 21-25:ADBBA 26-30:BAADA趁热打铁一般现在时一(略)二、,are,is,are 2.has 3.gets,goes 5.doesnt work, works三、1-5:DDBCD 6-10:DBACD 11-15:CDCAC四、1.Does get 2.dont have any 3.How does 4.No,doesnt 5.walk to 6.does he一般过去时一、 略二、 1.was2.had3.had to stay, was, got, ,wrote,5.did,get,got,am三、 1-5:BC

11、BCC 6-10:CBABC四、 1.Were you 2.What 3.How long 4.Why didnt 5.went,on,foot 6.was there一般将来时一、1.will tell 2.will be, will go, will have, am going to buy, 3.will be 4. Is coming, will(shall) meet going to be 二、1-5:CDDDC 6-10:BBDCC三、1.wont visit 2.are 3.will do 4.How soon 5.I cant四、1-5:AABCA过去将来时1-5

12、:CDDDB 6-10:CBCCC现在进行时一、 略二、 drawing 2.are singing cooking 4.are doing 5.are having 6.arent watering listening 8.are having 9.Is washing三、 略过去进行时一、1-6:CBDBAA二、1.was working 2.was walking, began 3.were, doing , was studying 4. was having, telephoned 5.was going, saw 6.was mending 7.was

13、 writing 8.were having 9.knocked,was doing 10.was watching, was making 现在完成时一、1-5:BBCDC 6-10:CCBBB 11-15:DBACA二、1.died, has been dead 2.has been open 3.has been away for 4.joined ago 5.The bus has been here for ten minutes或The bus has been here since ten minutes ago 6.How long 7.has she 8.Have, yet

14、9.How long 10.Have, had, yet 过去完成时一、1.had left 2.had started 3.had changed 4.didnt pass, hadnt reviewed 5.showed二、1-5:ACBCB 6-10:CDDCC被动语态一、, grown, is grown 2.was made finished 4.happened 5.Was,built planted 7.are,asked 8.was written二、1-5:DCBDC 6-10:BBBCA 11-15:CBCBB三、1.The work was f

15、inished two days ago. 2.The thief has been caught by the policemen.3.The wallet will be returned to the teacher.4.The new film is being talked everywhere.5.A talk on English study will be given to us this weekend.成果巩固综合练习一一、 将下列句子改为否定句1. He isnt a teacher in the university . 2. Kate doesnt have many

16、 friends . 3.They dont study hard. 4. She doesnt do her homework every day . 5. We havent finished the work.二、 将下列句子改为一般疑问句1.Are you a teacher ? 2.Are there any books on the desk ? 3.Does he have lunch in the school ? 4.Are they going to hold a meeting ? 5.Did she put her bag in the box ?三、 将下列句子中的主

17、动语态变为被动语态1.I was told to give a call to Father . 2.Must the window be cleaned by us ?3.The sick people will be taken good care of by the nurse . 4.All the texts should be learned by heart . 5.A new novel is being written by Mr. Black .四、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1.had learned 2.would happen singing 4.didnt

18、have 5.does going to be 7.were ,doing, was watching 8.see 9.has ,been 10.have lived 五、 选择填空1-5: DBDAB 6-10: BBBAD 11-15:DCBDA 16-20:CBDAA 21-25:AACDB 26-30: ACCAC 六、 句型转换1.kept,for 2.has been dead 3.Does like 4.havent you 5.Where are playing 6.What is doing 7.doesnt have some 8.How does go 9.Ho

19、w soon will be 10.isnt there.综合练习二一、 单项选择1-5: BBADD 6-10:DBCCB 11-15:DCABD 16-20:BBDDC 21-25:BCACC 26-30:DABBC 31-33:CCD二、 句型转换1.Does take 2.How long does take 3.didnt go until 4.dont you 5.What did do 6.hasnt read yet 7.When did 8.doesnt do 9. doesnt he 10.wont until 11.How long have 12.Does like a

20、nd 13.How soon 14.could they 15.How often 16.What is 17.doesnt do some 18.Is or there 20.didnt have 21.would some 22.How often 23.Where does write 24.often do their homework 25.How clever is第九章 句子的种类1.When did 2.doesnt go given 4.How nice 5.did you 6.How many 7.didnt want wanted 9.Do

21、nt cross 10.Is he 11.When will 12.didt enjoy cleaned 14.How interesting 15.isnhe 16.not anything 17.When do 18.Please dont或do not finished 20.How beautiful 21.didnt do 22.Who is 23.Dont eat planted 25.arent there趁热打铁1. dont have 2.How soon 3.Did or 4.hasnt he 5.What delicious 6.Is

22、there anything 7.Dont play成果巩固一、单项选择1-5:BBDDA 6-10:CBCBA 11-15:CCACB 16-20:ADAAC 21-26:CCDAAA二、按要求完成下列句型转换,每空限填一词。1.What was 2.Is there anything 3.How many times 4.doesnt know either 5.Does do there 7.What a clever boy is 8.What do 9.Which will 10.cleverer any 11.How long have been 12.Did your

23、sing 13.will you 14.What like 15.the shortest第十章 连词与从句1-5:DCCBA 6-10:DBBDB 11-15:DCADB趁热打铁(一) 选连词填空1.Why 2.What 3.Who 4.if 6.until 7.while 8.or 9.before 10.whether 成果巩固一、 选择填空1-5:CABAC 6-10:CCDBB 11-15:DBDBC 16-20:AADCC 21-25:BCACA 26-30:ADDAB 31-35:CBDCA 36-40:CADBD 41-45:BCBAA二、 按要求改写下列句子1.Wh

24、at she has 2.if(whether) worked to get 4.too tired to go 5.didnt go until 6.if dont soon as 8.light enough order to 10. If you dont 第十一章 非谓语动词1-5:ABDAA 6-11:DDBDBC趁热打铁一、 用动词不定式将下列各句合并成简单句1.She helped me to clean the room. 2.I hear her sing a song in the room. 3. The mother heard some

25、one knock at the door. 4.I saw an apple fall down the tree. 5.The people watched the man jump into the river. 6.Did you notice Rose and Tom pass by? 7.I felt someone walk into the room.二、 单项选择1-5:DBBAA 6-10:CCAAA 11-15:CADAB趁热打铁一、1.Doing 2.dancing 3.reading 5.being Chinese 6.walking 7.lea

26、rning 8.sweeping the classroom 9.listening 10.planting二、单项选择1-5:CACBD 6-10:BBABB 11-15:BBAAD趁热打铁一、 用括号内的适当词完成下列各句1.using 2.talking 3.saying ing 5.seeing 6.studying 7.reading 8.pronouncing 9.getting 10.go 11.studying 二、 单选1-5:BCBBC 6-10:CDCCC一、 用所给动词的适当形式填空1. told interesting 2.interested tol

27、d 3.mended 4.filling 5.running 6.sitting 7.moved 8.Finishing 9.Not having 10.exciting 11.writing 12.written 成果巩固一、 用所给动词的非谓语形式填空1.being 2.telling 3.making 4.opening 5.crying 6.mentioning 7.reading 8.reading 9.given 10.raining 11.repairing 12.talking to say 13.looking 14.sing 15.talking 16.making 17.

28、writing 18.beating hand 20.calling 二、单项选择1-5:BBDAD 6-10:CCDDC 11-15:CABBA 16-20:BBBCA 21-25:BAABD 26-30:ACCCA 31-35:AABDA 36-40:BCBDB 41-45:DAAAB 46-50:ACDBA 51-55:BBCDA 第十二章 主谓一致1-5: ABDBA 6-10:DABCA 11-15:AABCD 16-21:BABADD 趁热打铁一、 填空 3.are 5.are 8.are 10.are 11.i

29、s 12.doesnt二、单项选择1-5:CCADC 6-10:BABAD 11-15:CBCCA成果巩固一、单项选择1-5:BCABB 6-10:ABABB 11-15:DDBCA 16-20:ABCCC 21-25:ADBCA 26-30:BADCA 31-35:DDADC 36-40:CCBCC 41-45:CCDDA 46-50:DDCBA 51-55:BCADD 56-60:CDACB第三部分 专项训练专题一 句型转换 一、1.(1)is not (2) werent any (3) mustnt speak 2. dont study doesnt study didnt stud

30、y二、(1)Are (2)Were any (1)Do study (2) Does study (3) Did study按要求转换各句:1. Are you, am not 2. Does like, doesnt like 3. Can clean, cant clean 4. Did do, didnt do 5. Will be, wont be四、选择疑问句1.Is or 2. Does like or 3.Did work or 4. Can or 5. on foot/ by bus 五、反义疑问句1.doesnt he 2.did he 3. can he she

31、5.will you 6.will you 7.shall we 8. will you he 10.wont it 六、祈使句1.Dont read 2.Dont draw 3.Be careful 4.Read it 5. Listen to 七、感叹句1.How beautiful 2.What a expensive 3. How hard 4.What fast 5. What good 6.How beautifully 八、同义句1.both and 2. different from 3.fifteen older cross that 6. has gone to 7.has been to parents 9. age of an 11. for me 12.How as visit 15. has dead 16.looks after 17.was to 18.enjoyed ourselves 19.expe

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