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1、高考英语单项选择抓分练习262014高考英语单项选择抓分练习(26)及答案1. Will you go fishing with me?_.A. No, Ill be very busy B. Yes, Ill be gladC. Certainly, Ill be sorry D. Certainly, Ill be glad to2. Is this the restaurant _ ?A. which you work B. in which you workC. for which you work D. where you work in3. Bread and butter_ fo

2、r breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.A. serve B. servers C. is served D. are served4. -Where is Xiao Wang?-I dont know. He_ be in the library.A. can B. must C. might D. may5. -Do you like the material?-Yes, it _ very soft.A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt6. The harder you work,_.A. the

3、 greater progress youll makeB. the greater youll make progressC. youll make the greater progressD. youll make greater progress7. The sunlight came in_ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room. A. through B. across C. by hour D. each hour8. He has a part - time job and was paid_.A. by the ho

4、ur B. by an hour C. by hour D. each hour9. The two sides have finally_, though some small differences still exist.A. made a decision B. reached an agreementC. settled down D. broken up10. You cant see the_ now for they are having a meeting at the moment.A. editor-in-chiefs B. by an hour C. by hour D

5、. each hour11. We cant go on with the experiment because the computer_.A. hasnt been repaired B. hasnt repairedC. is not repaired D. hadnt been repaired12. It is the protection for the trees_ really matters, rather than how many trees are planted.A. what B. thatC. 不填 D. which13. In such dry weather,

6、 the flowers will have to be watered if they _A. have survived B. are to survive C. would survive D. will survive14. You _ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.A. can not B. should C. must D. neednt15. _ full preparations, we decided to put off the meeting till next we

7、ek.A. We did not make B. Having not madeC. We had not made D. Not having made答案与解析15 DBCCC 610 AAABC 1115 ABBAD1D此处be dad后面要接to。若去不了,可以说But Im afraid IU very busy或Sorry,but I cant或Id like t0 but Ill be very busy等。2B介词通常放在which和whom引起的定语从句之前。关系代词that和关系副词when、where等都不能做介词的宾语。该句中的restaurant为先行词,又因为wor

8、k为不及物动词,所以该句应为关系副词引导的定语从句。这里where=in(at)which,因而D项中的in是多余的。3C bread和butter指“作早餐不可缺少的食物”,应视为单数的整体概念。Serve 作及物动词,其被动结构表示“被用作”,故选C项。4C might表示毫无把握的猜测。can比may的肯定性要稍微大一些,must为实事肯定。 5C观察题干,空白线后无宾语,可知feel是不及物动词,表示“(某物)摸起来”的意思,是系动词,不能用于被动式,也不用进行时,根据此题对话情景,是指某种材料的常规特性,要用一般现在时,不能用过去时。feel作“感觉,认为,摸”之义时是及物动词,可带

9、宾语,有时态、语态等变化。6A 。the morethe more结构的意义为“越就越”,这个结构中的形容词带有自己的形容词宾语时,该名词要同这个比较级形容词一起置于句首,因此不填B项;C、D两项不符合该旬式的要求。7A此句的意思是“阳光从房顶的窗户射进来。”throu曲the window从窗户射进来。8A意指“按小时付钱”。B和c两个表达方式都不对,D不合句子意思。9B A项意为“做出决定”,B项为“达成一项协议”,C项为“定居”,D项为“破译”,故根据题干中“two sides have finally ”需填入“达成协议”。10C复合名词的复数形式s要加在中心词上,因此C为正确答案。1

10、1A A项用了现在完成时的被动语态,意思是计算机“还未被修好”。B选项中repair为及物动词,缺宾语,填上后句子不通;C选项为一般现在时的被动语态,它只表示并不是“修过的”;D选项时态不对。12B本题是对强调的用法考查。the protection for the trees是原句的主语,考生一定要仔细区分强调句和定语从句的不同。13B此句的主句是将来时,条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来时。if they are to survive表示“如果它们要活下来”。14A本题为情态动词的考查。解答本题关键是理解句子的含义:“虽然阅读技巧很重要,但你不能太过重视。”所以选择A项。15D本题为独立主

11、格结构的考查。分句的动作发生于主句动作之前,所以用完成时态。在独立主格结构的知识用法中,not要置于结构之前。 *号16- Good evening, Mr. Green. Im sorry to bother you. But its fourth of December. - Oh, Mrs Baxter, rent! Im sorry its late. Ill write you check right now. Athe, the Bthe, the, a Cthe, a, a Da, the, a17 the problem of land erosion getting more

12、 serious, the local government is searching for a way to deal with it. AAs BWith CWhen DIf 18The way he did it was different we were used to. Ain which Bin what Cfrom what Dfrom which19Mum my suggestion while Dad spoke my idea. Aturned off, in favor of Bturned down, in favor of Cturned down, in need

13、 of Dturned on, in hope of 20 the green valley, we thought we had reached the land. ASeeing, promised BSeeing, promising CSeen, promising DSeen, promised21He kept a little notebook, in which the names and addresses of his friends. Awrote Bwriting Cwas written Dwere written22- Flight 321 . Id better

14、be on my way. Bye. - Bye, Happy landing! Awas announced Bis being announced Chad announced Dis announced23Sometimes we just believe what we see, the reality may be different. Aeven though Bas if Csince Dunless24They were pretty poor but most of their friends were even . Aricher Bbadly off Cworse off

15、 Dwell off25- What do you think of teaching, Bob? - I find it and challenging. It is a job you are doing something serious but interesting. Afunny, that Bfun, that Cfun, where Dfunny, which26- The floor is dirty. Can anyone clean it? - . I do it all the time. ADont mention it. BWhy you? CNot sure. D

16、Not me again.27His reactions are no one can match him. Aso that Bsuch Csuch that Dso28It is in the very village, Mary was born 35 years ago, she will build her first school, inspires everyone to help her. Awhere; that; which Bthat; that; that Cthat; when; which Dwhere; when; that29- The research is

17、difficult. Who do you think can do the job? - my students have a try? AWill BShall CMust DMay30- The weather has been very hot and dry.- Yes. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now! And my vegetables then. Awouldnt die Bdidnt die Chadnt died Dwouldnt have died参考答案 1620 BBCBA 2

18、125 DBACC 2630 DCABD*套16. Mary, lets meet in the park this afternoon ! _ In this weather ? A. Its a deal. B. Are you kidding? C. Is that so ? D. Take your time.17. All the changes will lead to _stronger and more powerful China, _country that can surprise and enrich our planet. A. a; a B.a; the C. th

19、e; a D. the; the18. -Its a deal if you reduce the price by 5%.-Oh, no sir. We have already given you a(n)_ on each item. A. account B. discount C. privilege D. permission19. We shouldnt complain about being poor-many families are much_ than we are. A. worse off B. badly off C. well off D. better off

20、20. Firemen said the fire was under control , but they warned that the change in the weather might _ new fires. A. result from B. bring in C. result in D. break out21. I came here in 2005,_ I have been engaged in this work. A. when B. during which C. since when D. since then22.There was a long silen

21、ce when they met again, and _she asked, “ How have you been ?” A. in detail B. in return C. at length D. in general23.Before making any changes to your travel plan ,_your family to find out which activities are most important to them. A. to consult B. consulting C. consult D. consulted24. The concer

22、t was excellent .-It _ all our expectations . A. stuck with B. lived up to C. let down D. looked forward to 25. It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home. A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair D. in repair26.You dont have to dress up . The party is pretty _. We only nee

23、d to bring a bottle of wine. A.adventurous B. casual C. comfortable D. beneficial27. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children,had to_out of school at the age of sixteen to help his father on the farm. A. leave B. drop C. fall D. go28._his courage, _ I dont think he acted wisely. A. Much as I admi

24、re ; / B. Much as do I admire; but C. As I admire much ; still D. Very as do I admire; yet 29. On hearing the sad news , she was unable to_ her tears. A. hold back B. hold up C. hold on D. hold out 30.As is known to all , Australia was as a matter of fact_ used to be a nation of prisoners. A. where

25、B. which C. that D. what 参考答案 1620 BABAC 2125 CCCBA 26-30 BBAAD*结束第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. English is _ subject I love, _ subject that has given me so much. A. a; the B. a ; a C. / ; a D. the ; the22. Because I have a very importa

26、nt meeting to attend, I cant come to see you this evening, _ Id like to. A. much so B. as much C. so much D. much as23. Mary, look at the time. _ you stop playing the violin at such a late hour? A. Must B. Cant C. May D. Neednt24.How long have you been in the room? Just a few minutes. My cousins _ h

27、ome together with me. A. walked B. had walked C. have walked D. have been walking25. The local government is now planning to locate a new entertainment center_ most of the retired are living Awhich Bin which Cwhere D. around which26. Susan hasnt changed. I dont think she looks any different from _ s

28、he did three years ago. A. what B. when C. that D. how27. Jacks brother is junior _ me _ several years, so I always instruct him how to learn maths well. A. to; by B. on; for C. to; in D. of; by28.Never _in line to get on a bus.Is it not until you mention me _I know of it?A. to forget waiting;which B. forget waiting;thatC. forget to wait;that D. forget to wait;while29. How much will the damage caused by climate change cost? _to make the whole world poor, I think. A. Enough B. Plenty C. Much D. Full30. You _things about. Look, what a mess in your room!A. always throw

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