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学年高中英语选修八教学案Unit 2 Section.docx

1、学年高中英语选修八教学案Unit 2 Section.Skim the text and answer the following questions.1Why shouldnt you clone an extinct animal if there isnt enough diversity in the group? There will not be enough genetic variation in the group to be able to resist new illnesses.2Why is it wrong to clone an extinct animal if

2、 it would have to live in a zoo?Because it is not a suitable habitat to develop and increase its numbers, and the zoo is not a natural environment for a wild animal.3What is the main idea of the text?“The return of the dinosaurs” is either impossible or unsuitable.Choose the best answer according to

3、 the text.1The film Jurassic Park is popular because.Apeople are interested in the subject of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals Ball the actors are dinosaurs Cit was directed by a scientist who cloned dinosaurs Dit proves very interesting 2The reasons why a group of cloned animals all might di

4、e of the same illness do NOT include.Athey have the same arrangement of genes Bthere is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnessesCthe illness is a new one Dtheir arrangement of genes can not resist that new illness3It can be inferred from the text that.Ascientists are experimenting wit

5、h cloning dinosaurs Bdinosaurs will never return to the earth Ccloned animals will only live in the zoo Dthe DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10,000 years 4What is the authors attitude in this text?ASubjective.BPositive.CFavorable. DObjective.答案:14ACBD.单词拼写1We went to the opera (歌剧院) last night and

6、 saw LaBoheme. 2I bought two loaves (条) of bread, a dozen eggs and six bananas altogether in the supermarket.3Police arrived at the scene shortly (不久) after midnight.4Wearing seatbelts in cars is compulsory (强制的) by law. 5The boss owes (欠) me 100 pounds for my work.6Last night, an earthquake struck

7、(侵袭) the place, causing much damage.7Would it bother (打扰) you if I put on some music?8All the new employees are asked to learn about the rules and regulations (规则) of the company and they must obey them.拓展词汇1retirevi.退休;离开retirement n退休;退职2assumptionn假定;设想assume v假定;设想3resistvt.抵抗;对抗;耐得住resistance n

8、抵抗;对抗resistant adj.抵抗的;对抗的4merelyadv.仅;只;不过mere adj.仅仅的;纯粹的5decorationn装饰decorate vt.装饰6reasonableadj.合情理的;讲道理的;公道的reason n理由;道理巧记单词例词规律派生词merelyadj.lyadv.retirementv.mentn.reasonablen.ableadj.补全短语 1(be) bound to (do) .一定或注定(做)2strike .into ones heart 使刻骨铭心3from time to time 不时;偶尔4bring back to life

9、 使复生;使复活5in vain白费力气;枉费心机6(be) in good/poor condition 状况良好/不好7shortly after . 在之后不久 8experiment with . 用做实验1教材原句Did she die young because she was a clone?她死的早是因为她是克隆羊吗?句型点拨形容词作状语,表示谓语动词发生时主语的状态。佳句赏析To everyones surprise, the missing child came back safe and sound.令所有人吃惊的是,失踪的孩子安然无恙地回来了。2教材原句Diversit

10、y in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways.群体的多样性是指这群动物的基因要以不同的方式排列。句型点拨with复合结构在句中作定语,该结构也常用作状语。佳句赏析The child with only a shirt on was trembling with cold.只穿着一件衬衫的那个孩子冻得直发抖。3教材原句The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die, but oth

11、ers will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation.其优点,是如果发生某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死掉,但是另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。句型点拨The advantage is that .“优势是”,that在此处引导表语从句。佳句赏析The drawback of the popularity of cars is that it brings about so much air pollution.汽车普及的缺点是它带来了严重的空气污染。

12、THE RETURN OF THE DINOSAURS?The possibility of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals has always excited film makers. And they are not the only ones! The popularity of films such as JurassicPark, in which a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of

13、 fear and excitement into peoples hearts. But in fact we are a long way from being able to clone extinct animals. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning mammals. This is because the cloning of mammals is still a new science and its story only began seriously in the 1950s as this list shows:

14、1950s cloning of frogs1970s research using the embryos of mice1979 work on embryos of sheep and mice1981 first experimental clones of mice1983 first experimental clones of cows1996 first clone of a mammal: Dolly the sheep2000 cow gave birth to a bison2001 Chinas first cloned twin calves2002 first cl

15、oned cats2005 first cloned dog.From time to time people suggest that extinct animals like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. Unfortunately, with what we know now, this is either impossible or unsuitable. There are many reasons.The initial requirement is that you need pe

16、rfect DNA (which gives information for how cells are to grow)All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. Diversity in a group means having animals with their genes arranged in different ways. The advantage is that if there is

17、a new illness some of these animals may die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. The great drawback to cloning a group of animals is that they would all have the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the same illness. Then none of th

18、em would be left to continue the species.It would be unfair to clone any extinct animals if they were to live in a zoo. A suitable habitat would be needed for them to lead a natural life.Based on what we know now, you cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years. Actually, di

19、nosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago. So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream.恐龙的回归?克隆凶猛和灭绝的野生动物的可能性一直使电影制片商感到兴奋。然而他们并不是唯一对此感到兴奋的人!在侏罗纪公园这部影片中,有一位科学家克隆了好几种不同的绝种恐龙。类似这样的电影很受欢迎,证明了这一想法使人们感到既恐惧又兴奋。但事实上,要想克隆绝种动物,我们还有很长的路程要走。科学家们现在还在进行克隆哺乳动物的试验,这是因为克隆哺乳动物仍然还是一门新的科学,这是


21、疾病,那么克隆这种动物的所有努力都将是无用的。群体的多样性是指这群动物的基因以不同的方式排列。其优点是,如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死去,而另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。经过克隆的动物群体的最大缺点是:它们的基因排列有可能完全相同,因而它们有可能会死于同一种疾病,这样它们可能一个也留不下来传宗接代了。你如果克隆出任何绝种动物,而它们必须生活在动物园里,那是不公平的。它们需要适当的栖息地过正常的野生生活。就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆出那些已经绝种了一万年以上的动物。事实上恐龙在6 500万年以前就已经消失了。所以说恐龙回归地球的可能性仅仅是个梦想罢了。1Yo

22、u owe the lady an apology. (P13)你应该向那位女士道歉。owe vt.欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于(1)owe sb.sth.owe sb.欠某人某物owe apology 向某人道歉owe sb.a favour 某人一个人情(2)owe . to . 归功于owe it to sb. that . 归功于某人(3)owing to 为;由于He owes the garage 50 pounds for the repairs. He owes 50 pounds to the garage for the repairs.他欠汽车修

23、理厂50英镑的修理费。Their success owes more to good luck than to careful management.他们的成功与其说归功于细心的管理,倒不如说是归功于好的运气。He owes it to his doctors care that he is quite well again.他再次痊愈是靠医生的关怀。He obtained a great chance owing to his own efforts.由于自己的努力,他获得了一个绝好的机会。联想owing to表示“因为”,与其意义相近的介词短语还有哪些?试完成下列短语。due tobeca

24、use ofthanks toas a result ofon account of2However, the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists. (P14)但是,她后来得了严重的肺病这个问题让科学家们感到烦恼。bother vi.操心vt.打扰 n烦恼(1)bother to do/doing sth.费心做某事bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或麻烦某人It bothers sb. that/to do sth . 使某人苦恼的是(2)put

25、sb. to bother 给某人添乱You dont bother getting/to get dinner for me today, Ill eat out. 今天,不要麻烦为我预备饭了,我要在外边吃。 One should not be bothered about/with ones personal gains or losses.一个人不应当为个人得失而烦恼。Does it bother you that the man is always asking to lend him money?那个人总是借钱,你是不是觉得不自在啊?I dont want to put him to

26、 any bother, so I try doing it by myself.我不想给他添乱,所以,我试着靠自己做这件事。3Dollys death, like her birth, was bound to raise worries. (P14)多莉的死和她的生一样,注定要引起忧虑。(be) bound to (do).一定或注定(做)Even when walking in the company of two other men, I am bound to learn from them. 三人行,必有我师焉。be bound for准备去;即将前往be bound up in

27、热心于;忙于be bound up with 与有密切关系Its said that they are bound for the West Coast. 据说他们要去西海岸。The smog is bound up with the gases sent out by cars and factories.雾霾和汽车尾气、工厂废气紧密相关。4Did she die young because she was a clone?(P14)她死得早是因为她是克隆羊吗?形容词young在句中作状语,表示主语的状态。形容词(短语)作状语表示伴随、结果、原因或让步等。作原因状语时,相当于because从

28、句,这时形容词短语通常放在句首。Mr. Black came back drunk that night.布莱克先生那晚回来喝醉了。For a moment she just stood there, unable to believe what had just happened.她在那儿呆呆地站了一会儿,不敢相信刚才发生的事情。Thirsty and hungry,she went into the restaurant and seated herself at a little table.又渴又饿,她走进饭店,在一张小桌旁坐下来。5The popularity of films su

29、ch as JurassicPark, in which a scientist clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement into peoples hearts.(P15)在侏罗纪公园这部影片中,有一位科学家克隆了好几种不同的绝种恐龙。类似这样的电影很受欢迎,证明了这一想法使人们感到既恐惧又兴奋。strike vt. & vi.打;撞击;罢工;打动;迷住;突然想起;侵袭;敲钟 n罢工写出下列句中strike的含义The visit

30、ors were struck by the beauty of the West Lake. 迷住That area was struck by a snowstorm.侵袭When the clock strikes six, the children go home for dinner. 敲钟They were on strike for higher pays. 罢工As I watched them, an idea struck me. 突然想起(1)strike .into ones heart使刻骨铭心be struck by . 被打动某人突然想起(2)be/go on s

31、trike 罢工The death of her father struck sadness into her heart.她父亲的离世给她带来刻骨铭心的悲伤。It suddenly struck me that I should have been in favour of him.我突然想到,我本来应该支持他的。联想请你想一下表示“某人突然想到”的句式还有哪些?试完成下列句式。It occurred to sb. Sth. hit/occurred to sb.6From time to time people suggest that extinct animals like dinosaurs

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