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1、Unit101112重点短语和知识点Unit10、11、12 重点短语和知识点导学案23主编:Frank 审核签名: 时间:第15周_姓名:_班别:_小组:_学号:_Unit10 重点短语和知识点Learning to learn1. put off2. at presentUnit 10Warm-up1. be obsessed with2. collect money (for)3. (be) out of work4. Its very difficult to get a job at my age.Its very difficult/important (for sb.) to d

2、o sth.5. at ones age6. give money to charityLesson 11. be determined to do sth.2. spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich spend some time doing sth. spend some time on sth.3. dream up dream of4. think about5. achieve their goals6. be concerned about7. make sure8. turn ones backs on9.

3、be pleased to do sth.10. give up (doing) sth.11. be tired of12. make the choice to give all his money away13. give sth. away give away sth.14. a lot of fun15. earn a lot of money16. so that (接句子)17. never make much money18. decide to drop out19. drop out (of)20. much happier补充:21. give away22. drop

4、out23. be aware of sth.24. be rude to sb.Lesson 21. bargain for2. argue about3. have confidence 4. be ashamed of补充:5. bargain with sb. for sth.6. argue with sb. about sth.7. have confidence in8. annoy vt. annoyed adj. annoying adj.9. be annoyed with sb be annoyed about sth.Lesson 31. appeal to sb.2.

5、 how about (doing) sth.? 3. along prep.4. to be exact5. keep the natural balance of the area 6. over time7. force sb. to do sth.8. agree with this point of view agree with sb.9. If so, it is time for you to think again. It is time for sb. to do sth.10. In fact, it is you who have the most important

6、role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion.1) 强调句: It is+被强调部分+that/who+2) play an important role in 11. for a start12. make a living13. take a look at14. Since 1997, has changed15. what is more16. start with17. think twice补充:18. appeal to sb. to do sth. appeal to sb. for sth.19. behave well beha

7、ve badly well-behaved Lesson 41. listen to hear2. go up to3. away from4. move around5. no bigger than(not bigger than不如.大)6. credit card7. It is really easy to use, too. They are very practical and easy to wash.句型:主 + 系 + 表(adj.) + to do (不定式作状语,与主语有动宾关系)8. worry about9. be made from be made of10. n

8、ot.either11. be tired of12. thousands of13. find housework tiring and boring句型:find + 宾语+ 宾补(adj.)14. be worried about15. sit back sit around补充:16. mobile phone 推迟目前,现在 沉迷于,对着迷(为)集资,筹钱失业在我这个年龄要得到一份工作很困难。做某事(对某人来说)很难/很重要在某人这个年龄段把钱捐给慈善机构立心做某事,决心做某事花一半时间梦求致富的方法花一些时间做某事花一些时间在某事上梦求;虚构出梦见;梦想考虑实现他们的目标关心,担心

9、,挂念确保,弄确实背弃,不理睬做某事感到高兴放弃(做)某事对厌烦选择把他所有的钱送给别人赠送很多乐趣赚很多钱以便(引导目的状语从句);以致(引导结果状语从句)从来没有赚很多钱决定退出退出()更快乐得多泄露(秘密)退学意识到,知道对某人无礼为购买(某物)讨价还价争论,争辩有信心感到羞愧,惭愧为购买(某物)与某人讨价还价与某人争论某事信任使烦恼;使恼怒烦闷的; 恼火的令人讨厌的; 烦人的对(人)感到烦恼的对(事物)感到烦恼的对有吸引力,吸引某人(做)某事怎么样?沿着精确地说保持该地区的自然平衡随着时间的过去迫使某人做某事同意这个观点同意某人的意见如果是这样,现在到了你重新考虑的时候了。是某人做某事

10、的时候了事实上,你才是阻止黄河水土流失最重要的人物。在方面发挥重要作用首先谋生看一看(有since时间状语,谓语要用现在完成时)而且, 此外从开始三思, 反复考虑呼吁某人做某事表现良好表现恶劣,不守规矩adj. 行为端正的听,听从听到,听见走到;上升至远离走来走去;绕着.来回转和.一样小;并不比.大信用卡它也很容易使用。他们非常实用和便于清洗。焦虑,担心由.制成(化学变化)由.制成(物理变化)也不厌烦数千的发觉家务活又累又烦发现/觉得某人(某物). 为.而担心,忧虑休息,放松无所事事移动电话,手机重点短语和知识点(Unit 11)Warm-up1. go off2. Theres only f

11、ive minutes left.(left是过去分词作后置定语,意为“剩下的”)Lesson 11. be made up of (be made of由.制成)2. be remembered as3. in detail4. of great concern5. so that6. prevent.from. be prevented from7. Their belief is that8. so it now has the distinction of being the first city to host the event three times.所以它获得了第一个三次主办奥

12、运会的城市的殊荣。have the distinction (of) three times (once一次; twice两次)9. Applications to host the games had also been made by Moscow 申请主办这届奥运会的城市还有莫斯科 make applications to do sth. apply to do sth. apply to sb. apply for sth. apply to sb. for sth.10. in the end11. come down to12. look forward to补充:13. stan

13、d for14. react to15. demand to do sth. demand + 宾语从句 (宾语从句的谓语要用虚拟语气:should + 动词原形)Lesson 21. blame sb. for sth. blame sth. on sb. be to blame (for)2. be willing to do sth.3. pay (money) for sth.4. take photographs of sb.5. It is legal/illegal to do sth.6. according to7. in public8. in ones/an attemp

14、t to do sth. attempt to do sth.9. go too far10. in order to do sth.11. the same. as.12. be prepared to do sth.13. in favor of补充:14. attitude towards/to15. pretend to do sth. 16. protectfrom.17. a series of18. be responsible forLesson 31. one (pron.)2. be likely to be/do3. part of 4. hold the attenti

15、on of5. the public6. Some.Others.7. consist of be made up of8. be spent on spend money on sth.9. possible10. because of (后加代词/名词/动词ing形式) because (后加从句)11. be used to doing sth. (to为介词) be used to do sth. (to do为不定式) used to do sth. (to do为不定式) used to be (to be为不定式)12. stand out13. full of st

16、h. /filled with sth. (作后置定语)be full of sth./be filled with sth. (作谓语)14. combine.with.15. ideas linked to the productslinked to (作后置定语) be linked to (作谓语)16. It doesnt matter.17. the way to do sth. (不定式作定语) = the way of doing sth.18. as well as19. The aim is to do sth. (不定式作表语)20. by doing sth.21. h

17、ope to do sth.22. Not all. (部分否定句) = All.not.23. aim to do sth.24. make contributions to= contribute to25. encourage sb. to do sth. 26. participate in27. work hard at28. educate sb. on sth.29. the poor30. give up smokingLesson 41. according to2. a research published by Leeds University yesterday = a

18、 research that was published by Leeds University yesterday3. as long as4. programmes watched by children=programmes that are watched by children5. a certain amount of ( an amount of 相当数量的,许多 )6. comment on7. make a distinction (between.and.)8. at all9. keep.away from( keep away from 远离,回避 )10. attit

19、ude to/towards11. on screen12. on a trip (to)13. crash into14. take place (vi.)15. the 60-year-old driver ( year单数 )= the driver of 60 years old = the driver who is 60 years old16. in the way (of) on the way (to) 17. get stuck in (get/be stuck in the mud 陷入泥坑 ) (get/be stuck in traffic jams遇上交通堵塞)18

20、. I would have been killed if Id stayed in the truck. 如果我呆在卡车里,我就没命了。19. Its amazing that. (that引导主语从句,it为形式主语)20. a load of / loads of21. out of22. go on holiday (to)23. make a journey (to)24. the 3,000-mile journey ( mile单数 ) = the journey of 3,000 miles25. stop doing sth. stop to do sth.Communica

21、tion Workshop1. go ahead with2. be harmful to爆炸;(铃)响只剩下五分钟了。由.组成,由.构成作为.被铭记,作为.被怀念详细地极受关注的以便(引导目的状语从句)防止/阻止.做., 使.不.被防止/阻止做.他们坚信获得(.的)殊荣三次申请做某事 向某人申请申请某事向某人申请某事终于,最后结果是(to是介词)盼望,期待(to是介词)表示,代表对.作出反应要求去做某事因某事责备某人,责备某人做了某事把某事归咎于某人(因.)该受责备,应承担责任乐意做某事,愿意做某事为.而付钱给某人拍照片,拍某人的照片做某事是合法的/不合法的根据,按照公开地,当众试图去做某事

22、做的太过分了,走太远了为了做某事和.一样.准备做某事;愿意做某事支持;赞同对.的态度假装做某事保护不受一系列;一连串为负责, 对.负责任(为避免重复而代替前面已出现的可数名词)有可能是/做.,很可能是/做.部分的;一部分吸引.注意公众,民众一些.一些.,有些. 有些/另一些.由.构成由.组成(钱)被花在做某事上花钱在做某事上,花钱做某事尽可能.地因为,由于因为,由于习惯于(做)某事被用来做某事过去常常做某事过去曾经是突出,显眼装满,充满把.和.结合起来产品有关的想法与.连接;与.有关联没关系,不要紧,无所谓做某事的方法不但.而且,既.又,(除.之外)也目标是做某事通过做某事,通过.方式希望做某

23、事并非所有的,不是所有旨在做某事对.做贡献, 贡献/捐赠给.鼓励某人做某事参加努力做某事;努力学习.教育某人做某事;教育某人认识某事n. 穷人戒烟根据,按照昨天利兹大学发表的一项研究报告(过去分词短语作定语相当于一个定语从句)只要(引导条件状语从句)儿童观看的节目(过去分词短语作定语相当于一个定语从句)一定数量的对.评论(在.之间)加以区别,指出(.之间)的不同根本(用在否定句中)使.远离.对.的态度在屏幕上;荧屏上在(去.)旅途中撞到.上,猛撞发生;举行60岁的驾驶员挡道,挡路;妨碍在途中,在路上陷入表示与过去事实相反的假设时,条件从句的谓语动词用“had + 过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用

24、“would/should/could/might + have + 过去分词”。.是令人惊叹的大量;许多从.向外去(.)度假;正在(.)休假(到.)旅行3000英里的旅程停下正在做的事,停止做某事停下来去做某事开始做;着手干对.有害重点短语和知识点(Unit 12)Warm-up1. as for2. kind of3. go on holiday4. in terms of Lesson 11. owe sb. an apology for sth. 2. be busy doing sth. 3. around prep.4. culture shock5. be different f

25、rom 6. I wish your visit wasnt going to be brief我真希望您的来访时间不会这么短 wish+宾语从句(谓语用虚拟语气: 过去时/过去完成时/过去将来时)7. can afford to do sth.8. refuse to do sth.9. expect to do sth.10. first of all11. There are people from all over the world living here 来自世界各地的人们居住在这里12. as a result13. at least14. get/be used to (doi

26、ng) sth. used to do sth.15. avoid doing sth.16. get/be confused about17. need to do sth. need doing sth. = need to be done 18. suggest doing sth.suggest sb. doing sth.19. talk of20. advise sb. to do sth. advise doing sth. 21. consider doing sth.22. enjoy doing sth.23. risk getting sick risk doing st

27、h.24. laugh at25. even though26. the majority of27. make some good friends make friends28. look forward tLesson 2 (Exercise 5) 1. go canoeing2. would rather (not) do sth.3. Would you mind giving me and my schoolmate a lift to school? lift n. 免费搭车,搭便车 give sb. a liftLesson 2 (Exercise 9) 1. drop sb.

28、off2. hurry up3. pick sb. up4. hang on a second5. catch up with keep up withLesson 31. arrive in/at get to 2. have a difficult time doing sth. 3. get ready to do sth. 4. as soon as5. an embarrassing experience embarrassing embarrassed 6. I was enjoying when I noticed 句型:was/were doing sth. when sb. did sth. 正在做或正要做某事,就在这时突然又发生了另一件事7.

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