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本文(山东省胶州市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

山东省胶州市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx

1、山东省胶州市学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 扫描版含答案老师们请注意:1. 请阅写作的老师严格控制及格线(即15分)以下的打分。2. 请大家把所阅题目中发现的突出问题记录下来,阅完以备课组为单位汇总报到教研室。高二模块测试 英语试题答案 2015.7一听力(共20小题,每题1.5分,满分30分)1-5 BCCBC 6-10 CBABB 11-15 CACAC 16-20 BBBCA二阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)21-25 DCAAB 26-30 CBCBA 31-35 CCBDA 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 36-4

2、0 CFABD三完形填空(共20小题;每题15分,满分30分)41-45 ACBAB 46-50 DCADC 51-55 ADBBB 56-60 DDBAC四短文填空(共10小题,每小题15分,满分15分)61. healthy 62. travelling/ traveling 63. If/When/While 64. easier 65. is stolen 66. with 67. which 68. unnecessary 69. preparations 70. a五短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)The other day we held class meeting

3、 to discuss how family conditions ainfluence high school students. Different student have different opinions about studentsit. Some students put it that if a student live in bad conditions, he cant get what lives he wants to . Some argue that these who enjoy favorable family conditions can thoseeasi

4、ly get convenience if necessarily. There is no doubt whether it is of great help necessary thatto their study and future life. But, others hold the view that it is against the Howeverdevelopment of their ability to live independently.I think high school students are no longer children. So they shoul

5、d learn to live by their own and get well preparing for their future life. Only in this way on preparedcan they become useful to society and enjoy a colorful life in the future.六书面表达(满分25分)(一) 评分注意事项:1、评分时,现根据文章内容和语言初步确定其为上档( 15分以上,也就是及格线)或下档(15分以下,即不及格)。2、字数少于80或者多于120的,减去2分。3、书写差影响阅读减去2分。(二) 评分细则:

6、1.极优档 (25分):书写规范;覆盖所有要点,内容充实;词汇丰富,行文流畅,有修辞意识。2.优秀档 (21-24) :漂漂亮亮紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容充实;语法结构多样,词汇丰富,行文较为流畅,显示出较强的语言运用能力,允许有个别语法错误,但不影响语言表达。3.良好档 (17-20):清清楚楚紧扣主题,覆盖所有要点,内容较充实,语言有少量错误,但基本不影响意思表达。4.一般档 (13-16):马马虎虎紧扣主题,基本覆盖所有要点,能够表达基本内容,语言错误已影响了部分意思的表达,但多数句子基本正确。基本达到预期的写作目的。 5.较差(812):稀里糊涂内容不完整,要点不全,行文不连贯,语言

7、错误(尤其是大错)较多,多数句子基本正确。 6.差(27):一塌糊涂内容混乱,或主要内容偏离主题,能够写出少数与内容相关的可读句。 7.极差(01):一塌糊涂只能写出与内容相关的词语,没有有效信息,抄写其他文章,或只写出与作文无关的内容。 附:听力录音原文Text 1W: Sir, Ive come to complain about the skirt I bought in your shop yesterday.M: Whats the matter with it?Text 2W: The people next door are making so much noise; I jus

8、t cant concentrate on reading my book.M: Why dont you go to the library? Its much quieter there.Text 3M: Which friends did you invite to eat with us tonight? W: Only Peter, Paul, and Mary.M: Thats good. We should have enough food, then.Text 4W: I want to go shopping for new clothes. My old ones have

9、 holes in them. I cant wear most of them in public. M: Theyre fine.W: You always say I look bad, so give me some money to go shopping. Where should I get some nice clothes? M: Um from your sisters closet.Text 5W: Hey, give that book back! Its mine!M: Does it have your name on it? No, it doesnt. It b

10、elongs to everyone, not just you. See? It says “Class K-3.”W: Thats a mistake! It used to say “Kathy” on it! M: Thats not true. Ill ask the teacher. Miss Patterson?!Text 6W: I havent had much exercise lately. My only recreation is watching TV. What do you do in your spare time?M: For fun, I like to

11、play basketball in the summer. My favorite winter sport is skiing. You have a favorite sport, dont you?W: Yes, my favorite sport is athletics. Have you ever been on an athletics team?M: No, and I dont like to run much. In college, I was on the swimming team. I enjoyed that. You like swimming, dont y

12、ou?W: Sure. Its very hot today. Do you want to go swimming?M: Yes, thats a good idea.Text 7W: And at the end of the story, everyone found out the boy was really a prince. The girl he married became a princess, and they lived happily ever after.M: Why do these stories always end with “they lived happ

13、ily ever after”? Didnt they ever argue? Was their life perfect from that time on? How do we know they lived without any problems? W: Well, we dont really know for sure, dear. They might have had problems, but they were probably still happy. M: I think its just an easy way for the writer to end the s

14、tory. No one lives happily ever after. Even you and dad fight sometimes! Its just an ending to put children to sleep.W: Well, maybe we should read a war story next time.Text 8M: Which floor would you like? W: Five, please.M: Dont you love these old elevators? This one is made so well. Look at the be

15、autiful designs in the wood. And the old-fashioned mirrors are charming.W: Yes, its very nice. But I prefer newer elevators.M: Whys that? Are you one of those modern women who like only new things?W: Not really What was that? Whats happening? It feels like the elevator just stopped, but the door isn

16、t opening.M: I think we might be stuck. Ill push the emergency button. W: It doesnt seem to work. Nothings happening. Now the lights are out!M: Do you have the cell phone on you?W: Yeah, here you go.M: Ill call the fire department.W: This is why I dont like the beautiful old elevators as much as the

17、 modern ones. They break down too easily.M: I see what you mean.Text 9M: You wont believe what happened to my mother yesterday.W: What?M: She was meeting a client at Starbucks around five oclock, so she went a few minutes early to get a place to sit. The caf was so crowded that she had to sit near t

18、he door. She ordered two coffees, sat down, and pulled out her iPad to work on something. She was holding her iPad in her left hand, while drinking coffee with her right hand. A boy, about fourteen years old, grabbed her iPad right out of her hand as he went past her, and ran out the door. Before sh

19、e could shout or do anything, he had already disappeared into the crowd headed to the subway station.W: Oh, my gosh, youve got to be kidding! He stole it right out of her hand?M: Yes. It really scared my mom. Of course, the police came. They said that this wasnt the first time something like this ha

20、d happened.W: Wow! Then I think we must be extra aware of our surroundings and try to keep our belongings, like iPads, close to our bodies.Text 10Good morning, and welcome to ShopSmart. Starting at 10:00 a.m., there will be a number of items on sale throughout the day. The first of the daily savings

21、 will take place in the meat department. Head over there, and you will be sure to get a good deal on duck. Usually priced at $9.99 a pound, today you can have it for $5.99 a pound. Thats a 40 percent discount! Also at the meat counter, you can buy pork chops for $3.99 a pound. What a steal!After che

22、cking out the great deals on meat, head over to the fruit and vegetable section. We have a fresh morning shipment of cucumbers and a wide variety of mushrooms. The sale begins in the vegetable section at half past noon.Finally, dont wait in line for your freshly-made noodles! Place your order at the customer service counter, and then pick it up after that part of the sale begins at 1:00 p.m. That way, youll have plenty of time to shop for the rest of the items on your list. Thank you for choosing ShopSmart. Have a nice day!

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