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1、初一初二英语单词表初中英语A Easy to Learn 第一册Module 1 Welcome to the Middle School单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源tongue twisterA word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly绕口令piperA musician who plays the bagpipe风笛手pipe来自拉丁语pipare,管子发出的叽叽声,砰砰声,拟声词。引申词义:管子,管道,管乐器peckA unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts or one quarter of a

2、 bushel配克,计量单位pickledPickled food, such as vegetables, fruit and fish, has been kept in vinegar or salt water to preserve it腌制的pickle来自荷兰语pekel, 卤水,腌菜,最终词源不详,据说是来自中世纪发明这种腌菜的一个荷兰渔夫的名字。中文释义:腌菜Module 2 Personal Information单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源festivalA festival is an organized series of events such as musica

3、l concerts or drama production节日来自拉丁语festa, 假日,词义由祭祀,庆祝,狂欢引申为盛宴等。Module 3 Hobbies and Abilities单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源bata long wooden stick with a special shape that is used in some sports and games.a small animal like a mouse with wings that flies around at night.球棒、球拍蝙蝠棍子,词源同beat, 击,打。 蝙蝠,词源不详,可能来自拟声词,模仿

4、蝙蝠扇动翅膀的声音。Module 4 Families and Friends单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源chubbyA chubby person is rather fat.(人)胖的,圆滚滚的来自chub, 白鲑。athleticAn athletic person is fit, and able to perform energetic movements easily运动型的,身体健壮的encyclopediaen-,进入、使; -cycle, 圈; -ped, 儿童,足。原指教育小孩的通识教育丛书,后指百科全书。Module 5 Neighborhood单词&词组英英释义中文释

5、义词源neighborhoodThe neighborhood of a place or person is the area or the people around them.所在地,邻近的地方,邻居neighbor,邻居,-hood,名词后缀in the neighborhoodA place in the neighborhood of another place is near it.靠近galleryA gallery is a place that has permanent exhibitions of art in it.(艺术作品的)陈列室;美术馆来自拉丁语Galilae

6、a, 现巴勒斯坦地名Galilee,原指位于Galilee的教堂门廊,走廊。avenueAvenue is used in names of avenue is a wide, straight road, especially one with trees on either side大街 林荫大道前缀a-同ad-.词根ven, 来,见advent.adventthe advent of something: the time when something first begins to be widely used.某事物的出现前缀ad-, 去,往。词根vent, 来

7、,词源同come.Module 6 School DayModule 7 Transportation单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源standardA standard is something that you use in order to judge the quality of something else标准来自古法语 estandart,军旗,旗帜,等同于 stand hard,字面意思即稳固站立。引申词义标准, 规范等。ropeway空中索道rope绳索+way道路Module 8 Rules单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源statementSomething you say or

8、 write, especially publicly or officially, to let people know your intentions or opinions, or to record facts尤指公开或正式的陈述,声明state,陈述,说明,-ment,名词后缀withinIf something is within a place, area, or object, it is inside it or surrounded by it.Within a particular length of time means before that length of ti

9、me has passed.在里 在(一定时间)之内with,和、与+in,在里面itemAn item is one of a collection or list of objects.一些物品中的一项来自拉丁语item,相似的,更多的immediatelyIf something happens immediately, it happens without any delay.立即地immediateHappening or done at once and without delay立刻的、即时的im-,不,非,-med,中间,词源同middle,medial.即没有中间环节的,立即

10、的,马上的。circumstancesThe conditions that affect a situation, action, event, etc.一般用复数情况,情形circum-,圈,周围,-stance,词源同stand,站立,位置disciplinaryRelating to the punishment of someone who has not obeyed rules, or to trying to make people obey rules有关纪律的,惩处的disciplinea way of training someone so that they learn

11、 to control their behavior and obey rules.a way of training your mind or learning to control your behavior.训练,管教 思想或行为的纪律,训练来自disciple, 学习,门徒。引申词义训练,必要的纪律,惩罚。measureAn action, especially an official one, that is intended to deal with a particular problem.措施,办法来自古法语mesurer,测量Module 9 Animals 单词&词组英英释

12、义中文释义词根词缀circusA group that consists of clowns, acrobats, and animals that travels around to different places and performs shows马戏团circ圆-us名词后缀hibernatorhibernate的变形冬眠动物-or,名词后缀,表示物hibernateAnimals that hibernate spend the winter in a state like a deep sleep.冬眠害怕冷的来自拉丁语hibernus,冬天的,来自hiems,冬天,雪,引申词义

13、冬眠,蛰伏。ivorythe hard smooth yellowish-white substance from the tusk(=long teeth) of an elephant.象牙来自拉丁语ebur, “ivory”Module 10 Weather and Activities单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源forecastA description of what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have now.预测,预报fore-,在前。cast, 投射。用于天气预报j

14、ointa part of your body such as your elbow or knee where tow bones meet and able to move together.ADJ, shared by or belonging to two or more people.关节 (形容词)联合的来自join的过去分词Module 11 Shopping and Food Ordering单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源carbohydrateSubstances, found in certain kinds of food, that provide you with e

15、nergy. Foods such as sugar and bread that contain these substances can also be referred to as carbohydrates.(为身体提供热量的)碳水化合物;含碳水化合物的食品carb, 碳,见carbon. -hydr, 氢,水,见hydratewhole-wheat全麦的;全麦面粉制成的wheatThe grain that bread is made from, or the plant that it grows on小麦词源同white。用来指小麦grainThe seeds of crops

16、such as corn, wheat, or rice that are gathered for use as food, or these crops themselves谷物,粮食生长,词源同grass, corn. 指谷物containif something such as a bag, box, or place contains something, that thing is inside it.if a substance contains something, that thing is part of it.包含;容纳;装盛.含有(某种成分)con-,强调; -tain

17、, 持、握(共同的拿到一起)proteinA substance found in food and drink such as meat, eggs, and milk. You need protein in order to grow and be healthy.蛋白质proto-,原始的,最早的,-ine,化学名词后缀,氨。后拼写变为protein.dietThe kind of food that a person or animal eats each day日常饮食,日常食物来自拉丁语dieta, 一日的工作,饮食,作息calorieA unit of measuring th

18、e amount of energy that food will produce卡路里(食物的热量单位)来自词根cal, 热yolkThe yellow part in the center of an egg蛋黄词源同yellow,用以指蛋黄muttonthe meat from a sheep羊肉来自古法语mouton,山羊、公羊。后用以指羊肉。porridgeOats (燕麦)that are cooked with milk or water and served hot for breakfast燕麦粥;粥,面糊改写自pottage,浓汤,肉汁,词源同pot.可能是受中古英语por

19、ray(韭菜汤)影响,来自拉丁语porrum,韭菜。引申词义:面糊,粥Module 12 TripsRevision for the 2nd Period单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源gratitudeThe feeling of being grateful感激(之情)来自词根grat, 感谢anniversaryA date on which something special or important happened in a previous year周年纪念(日)词根ann, 年。词根verse,转。(anni- + vers- + -ary;含义:returning every

20、year)appreciateto understand how serious or important a situation or problem is or what someones feeling are.used to thank someone in a polite way or to say that you are grateful for something they have done to understand how good or useful someone or something is理解、明白 感激 欣赏、赏识前缀ap-同ad-. 词根prec, 价格,

21、见price. 指给出一个合理的价格,给出一个好价格appreciationa feeling of being grateful for something someone has done. pleasure you feel when you realize something is good, useful, or well done. an understanding of the importance or meaning of something.感激 欣赏、赏识理解、明白1.price=precious 2.preciousappreciate. remoteFar from

22、towns or other places where people live偏僻的、偏远的re-,向后,往回,-mot,移动,词源同 motion, remove.比喻用法。responsiveReacting quickly, in a positive way反应快的、灵敏的 来自 respond,回答,答复respondTo do something as a reaction to something that has been said or done做出反应、回应re-,向后,往回,-spond,承诺,答复chronobiologyThe branch of biology co

23、ncerned with periodicity occurring in living organisms时间生物学chrono, 时间biologyThe scientific study of living things生物学词根bio, 生命。词根logy, 学说。occurto happen to happen or exist in a particular place or situation(在日常英语中,人们一般说happen,而不说occur)发生在特定地点或情况下发生、存在oc-,相对,对着的,-cur,跑,词源同current, course.即跑到一起的,引申词义遇到

24、,出现,发生。preventTo stop something from happening, or stop someone from doing something阻止、预防pre-,在前,早于,预先,-vent,走,词源advent, venue.比喻用法。初中英语听说分册Enjoy TalkingTopic 1 Greetings and Introductions单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源semesterOne of the two periods of time that a year at high schools and universities is divided in

25、to, especially in the US一学期、半学年来自德语 Semester,半年,半年期;德语Semester来自拉丁语 semenstris,半年,六个月 sex=六+mensis=月peepto look at something quickly and secretly, especially through a hole or opening. if something peeps from somewhere, you can just see a small amount of it.(尤指通过孔眼、开口处)窥视,偷看隐约出现、微现记忆方法:1. Peeping To

26、m 偷窥狂2. 趴在门上,两只眼睛3. 其实很像两只眼睛通过前后两个p的孔去偷窥。limbYour limbs are your arms and legs.四肢来自古英语lim,肢,翼,树枝Topic 2 Hobbies and Sports单词&词组英英释义中文释义词源be fond of (doing) sthto like something, especially something you have liked for a long time.喜欢做某事来自古英语fon, 傻,简单,词源同fun. 词义由傻引申为发狂,喜爱,溺爱等。keenwanting to do somethi

27、ng or wanting something to happen very much热衷的来自古英语cene,勇敢的,词源同can, know.引申词义渴望的,热切的。amateurSomeone who does an activity just for pleasure, not as their job业余爱好者词根am, 爱aerobicsA very active type of physical exercise done to music, usually in a class有氧健身操有氧运动aerobicusing oxygenaerobic exercise: a typ

28、e of exercise to strengthen the heart(心脏) and lungs(肺)需氧的.有氧运动词根aero, 空气。 -b同词根bio, 生命,见biology, 生物。存活生命的空气,即氧气。frisbeea piece of plastic shaped like a plate that you throw to someone else to catch as a game. The game is also called Frisbee.(投掷游戏用的)飞盘; 飞盘游戏品牌名。来自Mrs. Frisbies Pies. 后来受印度飞饼启发改造成塑料飞盘。

29、featherthe light soft things that cover a birds body羽毛percha branch or stick a bird sits.if a bird perches something, it flies down and sits on it.鸟的栖木、栖枝鸟降落、停留来自古法语perche,杆,棍,测量尺,perche又来自拉丁语pertica,杆,棍。后用于指鸟栖息的横杆,引申词义栖息,停留。tunea series of musical notes that are played or sung and nice to listen to

30、曲调、旋律abashto cause to feel ill at ease, embarrassed, or confused; make ashamed使感到尴尬、迷惑或羞愧chillyChilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable寒冷的,严寒的extremityOne of the parts of your body that is furthest away from the center, for example your fingers and toes人体的末端;极端,绝境因为人的四肢、手足在躯体、躯干的两端,由此引申为此意。crumba very small piece of dry food, especially bread or cake面包屑,蛋糕屑Topic

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