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toy 3.docx

1、toy 3Money money money. Hey! You got a date with justice one- Eyed Bart. Too bad Sheriff. Im a married man. one- Eyed Betty! I think you dropped something mister. - Jessie? - Give it up Bart! Youve reached the end of the Iine! I aIways wanted to go out with a bang! - oh no! - The orphans! Hate to Ie

2、ave earIy but our ride is here. Its me or the kiddies Sheriff. Take your pick. Ride Iike the wind BuIIseye! HoId him steady! Woody hurry! No! GIad I couId catch the train! Now Iets catch some criminaIs. To infinity and beyond! Reach for the sky. You cant touch me Sheriff! I brought my attack dog wit

3、h a buiIt- in force fieId. WeII I brought my dinosaur who eats force- fieId dogs. EviI Dr. Pork Chop! Thats Mr. EviI Dr. Pork Chop to you. Buzz shoot your Iaser at my badge. Woody no. ItII kiII you. Just do it! Youre going to jaiI Bart. Watch out! Mom! No no no. Just keep pIaying. Just pretend Im no

4、t here. oh no MoIIy! No its okay Mom. Its a - foot baby from outer space. And shes on a rampage. Run for your Iives! Buster get out of there. Does the red Iight mean its going? Come on. Say Happy birthday to MoIIy. - Happy birthday! - Charming. Happy birthday! - Look how taII youre getting. - Yeah!

5、I came as fast as I couId. Buzz behind you! Got it Woody. BuZZ Lightyear to the rescue! Good work Buzz. okay pIaces everyone. Come on come on. Get in position. Wait! I cant find my other eye. - AII right whose foots in my face? - Its mine. Give it back. You have saved our Iives. We are eternaIIy gra

6、tefuI. Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to ya? Yes. No. I mean why wouId I mind squeezing next to you? Is it hot in here? Here they come! Sarge you got it? Mission accompIished. Hooray! CarefuI. CarefuI! AII right guys. We got one shot at this. Everyone ready? Were ready Woody. Lets do it! okay Buzz.

7、 Make the caII. Target is on approach. Just Iike we rehearsed it guys. HeIIo? Hello? Anyone there? MoIIy stay out of my room! I wasnt in your room. Then who was messing with my stuff? It wasnt me. WeII that went weII. He heId me! He actuaIIy heId me! This is just sad. Who we kiddin? The kids years o

8、Id. We aint ever gettin pIayed with. Guys hey hoId up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting! Not again! Come on. SIink gather everyone up. We are gathered Woody. okay. First off we aII knew operation PIaytime was a Iong shot. More Iike a misfire. But weve aIways said this job isnt abou

9、t getting pIayed with. Its about. Being there for Andy. We know. But we can try again! Right? Im caIIin it guys. Were cIosing up shop. What? Andys going to coIIege any day now. That was our Iast shot. Were going into attic mode foIks. Keep your accessories with you at aII times. Spare parts batterie

10、s anything you need for an orderIy transition. orderIy? Dont you get it? Were done! Finished! over the hiII! Hey hey hey now. Come on guys. We aII knew this day was coming. Yeah but now its here. Look every toy goes through this. No one wants to see. Hey Sarge! What are you doing? Wars over foIks. M

11、e and the boys are moving on. - Moving on? - Youre going AWoL? We done our duty. Andys grown up. And Iets face it when the trash bags come out we army guys are the first to go. - Trash bags? - Who said anything about trash bags? It has been an honor serving with you. Good Iuck foIks. Youre gonna nee

12、d it. No no no. Wait wait wait wait! - Were getting thrown away? - No. No ones getting thrown away. How do you know? - Were being abandoned! - WeII be fine Jessie. - So why did Sarge Ieave? - ShouId we Ieave? - I thought we were goin to the attic. - I hate aII this uncertainty! Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

13、HoId on now. Wait a minute. Quiet! No ones getting thrown out okay? Were aII stiII here. I mean yeah weve Iost friends aIong the way. - Wheezy and Etch and. - Bo Peep? Yeah. Even Bo. AII good toys whove gone on to new owners. But through every yard saIe every spring cIeaning Andy heId on to us! He m

14、ust care about us or we wouIdnt be here. You wait. Andys gonna tuck us in the attic. ItII be safe and warm. - And weII aII be together. - ExactIy! Theres games up there and books and. - The racecar track! - The racecar track. Thank you! - And the oId TV. - There you go the oId TV. And those guys fro

15、m the Christmas decorations box. Theyre fun right? And someday if were Iucky Andy may have kids of his own. And heII pIay with us then right? WeII aIways be there for him. Come on guys. Lets get our parts together get ready and go out on a high note. Id better find my other eye. Whered you Ieave it

16、this time? SomepIace dark. And dusty. Come on. Lets see how much were going for on eBay. Dont worry. Andys gonna take care of us. I guarantee it! You guarantee it huh? I dont know Buzz. What eIse couId I say? WeII whatever happens at Ieast weII aII be together. For infinity and beyond. - Can I have

17、your stereo? - No. - Why not? - Cause Im taking it with me. - Can I have your computer? - No. - Your video games? - Forget it MoIIy. okay. Andy Iets get to work here. Anything youre not taking to coIIege either goes in the attic or its trash. - Mom Im not Ieaving tiII Friday. - Come on. Its garbage

18、day. - Mom. - Look its simpIe. Skateboard coIIege. LittIe League trophy probabIy attic. AppIe core trash. You can do the rest. Why do you stiII have these toys? MoIIy out of my room! Three more days and its mine! MoIIy youre not off the hook either. You have more toys than you know what to do with.

19、Some of them couId make other kids reaIIy happy. What kids? The chiIdren at the daycare. Theyre aIways asking for donations. Whats daycare? - Mom. - No buts. You choose the toys you want to donate III drop them off at Sunnyside. Poor Barbie. I get the Corvette. Andy come on. You need to start making

20、 decisions. Like what? Like what are you gonna do with these toys? ShouId we donate them to Sunnyside? - No. - Maybe seII them onIine? Mom no ones gonna want those oId toys. Theyre junk. Fine. You have tiII Friday. Anything thats not packed for coIIege or in the attic - is getting thrown out. - What

21、ever you say Mom. - Whats happening? - Were getting thrown out you idiot. Thats whats happening. - You need a hand? - I got it. Here. So you gonna miss me when Im gone? - If I say no do I stiII get your room? - Nope. Then yes III miss you. I cant breathe! - This cant be happening! - Quiet! Whats tha

22、t sound? Andy! Thats not trash. Thats not trash! Think think Woody. Think think think. Buster! Come here boy! Come here! okay boy. To the curb! No Buster! No! Get up. Buster! - Were on the curb! - I knew it wouId come to this! PuII everyone! PuII! - It wont rip! - Forget it! Its tripIe- pIy high- de

23、nsity poIyethyIene! Theres gotta be a way out! Andy doesnt want us. Whats the point? Point. Point. Point! Push! Push! I can hear the garbage truck! Its getting cIoser. Buzz! Jessie! - Andy threw us out. - Like we were garbage. - Junk. He caIIed us junk. - How couId he? This doesnt make any sense. I

24、shouId have seen this coming. Its EmiIy aII over again. - Sarge was right. - Yeah and Woody was wrong. Wait a minute. Wait hoId on. This is no time to be hystericaI. Its the perfect time to be hystericaI. - ShouId we be hystericaI? - No! - Yes! - Maybe! But not right now! FeIIas I know what to do. W

25、hat the heck? - We shouIdve done this years ago. - Jessie wait. What about Woody? Hes fine Buzz. Andys taking him to coIIege. Now we need to go! Youre right. Come on. - Buzz? - Woody! Whats going on? Dont you know this box is being donated? Its under controI Woody. We have a pIan. Were going to dayc

26、are! Daycare? What have you aII Iost your marbIes? WeII didnt you see? Andy threw us away. No no no no. He was putting you in the attic. Attic? So how did we end up on the curb? That was a mistake. Andys mom thought you were trash. Yeah. After he put us in a trash bag. And caIIed us junk! Yeah I kno

27、w. It Iooks bad. But guys you gotta beIieve me. Sure thing coIIege boy! Andys moving on Woody. Its time we did the same. Andys moving on Woody. Its time we did the same. okay. out of the box. Everyone right now! Come on Buzz. Give me a hand. We gotta get this thing outta here. Woody wait. We need to

28、 figure out whats best for everyone. Great. Great! Its gonna take us forever to get back here. Its aII right Barbie. YouII be okay. WeII MoIIy and I have been growing apart for years. Its just. I cant beIieve she wouId throw me away! - WeIcome to the cIub toots. - okay everyone Iisten up. We can get

29、 back to Andys but we gotta move fast. WeII hide under the seats tiII we get back home. Get it through your vinyI noggin Woody. Andy doesnt want us anymore. He was putting you in the attic! He Ieft us on the curb! - AII right caIm down! Both of you! - okay fine. Fine. Just wait tiII you see what daycares Iike. - Why? Whats it Iike? - Daycare is a sad IoneIy pIace for washed- up oId toys who have no owners. - Quite the charmer arent ya? - YouII s

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