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1、四六级图表作文四六级图表作文一 图表作文分类1.1根据图形, 图表作文表示可以分为:柱状图,曲线图,饼状图,表格等等。Chart /graph可表示所有表格类型。另:各种图表又有专门表达,柱状图:bar chart曲线图:line chart饼状图:pie chart1.2根据图表描述方式,可将其分为:1.2.1 时间区间内,事物变化描述型1.2.2 局部所占比例描述型(举例说明:见下文)1.3根据内容提纲,可将其分为:1 .3.1描述+原因(说明)+趋势1.3.2 描述+原因(说明)+个人观点、情况 即整体+个体1.3.3 描述+原因 (说明)+后果(描述)+结论二 图表作文的制胜秘笈:对于

2、图表的描述是图表作文的关键。要把握以下三点:一 用语要精确,简洁,概括。所谓精确,数据描述要精确,具体体现在,对约数的恰当运用上,以及对程度副词的运用上。所谓简洁,即描述过程中要尽量避免重复,善于运用省略。所谓概括,即描述要能概括、总结出事物变化的整体趋势和事物的特征。谨记:既要看到局部又要有全局的高度。二 通过比较,简单地对数据进行分析。分析方法包括:量化分析和感性分析。量化分析:简单数学运算,加减乘除。increase/decrease by 增长、减少了(差值计算)double v. 翻番,是两倍,加倍triple v. 增至三倍,是三倍(倍数计算)感性分析:一方胜过、超出另一方。out

3、weigh, exceed, surpass,more than, less than三 图表作文要求考生熟悉各种写作方法,如说明性语言,议论性语言,叙述性语言等等。三 图表描述常用语由图表看出: As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the chart/diagram/table/graph/pie, the number of From the chart, we can see clearly that Seen from the chart, The chart illustrates/ indica

4、tes/shows呈上升或下降趋势, _ has been on rise/decrease. _ goes up/ increases/drops/declines变化程度副词: steadily平稳地 sharply/dramatically/unexpectedly/significantly急剧地,突然地约数的表达: about/around/nearly/approximately/less than/ more than/no less than/ no more than 局部所占的比例是:account for/ make up 四 例析 时间区间内,事物变化描述型1.两个时间

5、点内的变化作文题目:Health Gains in Developing CountriesDuring the period from 1960 to 1990, the life expectancy of developing countries rose from 40 years to nearly表达精确 60 years,while infant mortality decreased from 200 deaths per 1000 births to around 100.通过使用rise, decrease,说明了发展中国家的期望寿命的上升趋势和婴儿死亡率的下降趋势,Whi

6、le 则体现出两种对立的趋势。作文题:Film Is Giving Way to TVDuring the period between 1975 and 1985, film-goers declined abruptly陡然地,突然地,出其不意地 from 85 000 to about 12 000, while TV-watchers increased sharply急剧地 from 5000 to more than 100 000.2.多个时间区间一般是3-4个时间区间。描述中要点明事物变化的总趋势;尽量体现出每一时间点的数值,并对数据加以分析(量化或感性分析)。例如:Chang

7、es in the Ownership of HousesFrom the chart, we can see clearly that in a big city in China, state-owned houses declined abruptly from 75% in 1990 to 60% in 1995 and then to 20% in 2000, while private houses rose from 25% to 40% and then to 80% during the same period(图表描述中语言要简洁,避免重复).Percentage of C

8、hinese People Reading BooksThe bar chart illustrates the gradual decline in the percentage of Chinese people reading books between 1999 and 2005. 先描述总体趋势。接着,对具体数据分别描述并加以分析。 According to the graph, in 1999 more than 60% of Chinese people practiced certain readings. The percentage dropped dramatically

9、 to about 54% in 2001, and continued to decrease until 2005 by nearly 6%. 分别描述时要避免罗列数据,要加以分析,抓住每一时间区间变化的特点,语言要简练,概括。Why do less and less Chinese people read books? 引出下文。 Two reasons, in my mind, can account for this phenomenon. Several reasons can account for the decline in the number of Chinese peo

10、ple reading books. For one thing, Chinese people, especially the young, are experiencing fierce competition. They are struggling hard to accomplish their daily work, leaving no time and energy for reading. For another, modern society provides various channels, ranging from television to the Internet

11、, for people to effortlessly get whatever information they need.Nevertheless, we cannot be blind to the problem of the decrease in the popularity of books among people, especially the young generation. To my mind, nothing can equal the benefits derived from reading. In one sense, books are no less n

12、ecessary to our mental life than air is to our physical life. People should make it a rule to do some reading each day. Time-consuming, as it may be, reading will inevitably exert profound influences on a person, a community and a nation. 局部所占比例描述型Reading Habits of American StudentsSeen from the pie

13、 chart, it can be concluded that American students prefer to read popular novels rather than other kinds of books. 先描述总体特征。再对具体数据进行描述。Among all the books the students read now, popular novels account for 68.2% while unpopular fictions make up 16.8%, technical books 8.3% and poem collections only 5.2%.注意要避免重复,恰当使用省略。五 图表作文操练二模作文要求:将图表以三种不同的方式进行描述。

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