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1、江苏译林牛津初中8A英语单词表无中文 【最新】江苏译林牛津初中8A英语单词表无中文清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站:/0. 清华大学英语教授研究组提供江苏译林牛津初中8A英语单词表Unit1?morenothingbowlhonestsecretjoyspecialsadbelieveteenagermagazinegood-lookingmusicalslimgenerouswillingreadysingeralmosteyesightroundsmartsensehumourboredjokefitoffadvertisementshoulder-lengthever


3、rrectlyUnit 2BritishliftposteraserfallvacationelevatormathmoviesoccermixedsubjectHome EconomicssewmyselftastyevenguyguyssoftballpracticebuddyseniorheroclosetastearticleadmireartgeographylanguagePEscienceusefulunimportantuselessunpopularpiontleasthealthonlinetimetablelengthsummertimeabletonightmonkey

4、finishbaseballtable tennistennischessdramaidealhallpoppaper clipUnit 3ourselvesgreetinggreetingspresidentblockforeigncitymombeginningcoachtraffichighwayskymodelmetalinsidewholeinterestpyramidrealsongparadeInternethome pagemovementmainstomachviewbeautysunsetpossiblethemselvesitselfrockhide-and-seekwo

5、nderclimberluckyluckilyfinalsupportcheerfareticketsupporterhalf-timepresentationmedalperwinnerreceivefactopinionpackinsteadbadlyairportshuttle busUnit4wilddeliciousbeardolphingaint pandekangaroosquirreloutsidebamboobamboo shootleafsadlysurvivehunterkillfarmerforestniwherefollowingactionprotectreserv

6、eencouragethickcontinuewriterfoxpolar bearwolfinsectsnakerainforestnooninformationreportattackthirstymaleperformanceexamstripeuntilmedicinehearingsmellsnaillosschairppersonsincerelygroupdestroyfarmlandselltusktrainpeacefulfemalemiceuprightdaytimeUnit5birdwatcherbirdwatchingroastyummycranebeakseagull

7、long-wingedweb-footedsparrowswallowlong-pointedforkednorthernswangolden eaglebrownishbroadhookednaturewetlandprovideshelterwildlifecomfortablyroundwhileeasilyrarered-crowned cranespacefarmgovernmentendangeredtouristinportanceactivelywetmannersimpoliteregularirregulardishonestunnecessarycorrectcommon

8、impossibleunfriendlyunwelcomeunableincorrectuncommonlitterdovereturnquietlygentlegentlyangryangrilyclearloudnoisynicelysoftlyzookeepergreetfrightendrophectarewormincludingpreventsnowstormfloodrestcentimetrekilometredegreeequaldollarthereforeper centapplicationformbirthaddresshobbysimplyUnit 6natural

9、disastermopearthquakeaccidentcrashwashvillagelightningstormrainstormthundertyphoonslightshakingbodyfearscreambombshakedirectionwildlyglassbeickcalmbe trappedmomentmindsincealivesomebodyhurrydaylightloudlyeverywherecloudwindwindyfogfoggyfrostfrostyweathertemperaturelowprojectdiscussguidebookterribleb

10、reakbreak downsnowballsnowmanhitconditioncovercallervictimarrivalmobile phoneseriouscauseladyfiremanlastremovenearly 08-09学年度仁爱英语八年级上完形填空专项练习题 姓名 学号 (一) Someone says,“Time is money.”But I think time is _1_important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back, but when time is _2

11、_, itll never_3_.That is_4_we mustnt waste浪费 time. It goes without saying that the_5_is usually limited有限的. Even a second is very important. We should make fuull use of our time to do_6_useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who_7_know the importance重要 of time. They spend their limi

12、ted time smoking, drinking, and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own_8_. In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt_9_todays work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to_10_. 1.A.much B.less C.much less D.even more 2./.ght C.gone D.finished 3.A.return B.carr

13、y /.ng 4.A.what B.that /. /. 6./.ething C.anything D.everything not B.does not C.did 8./ 9./.veC.let D.give 10.A.lose C.spend D.take (二) All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are_1_ peoples health. Many people like to watch_2_play sport

14、s games. They buy tickets_3_turn on their TV sets to sit_4_them. Sports_5_with the seasons. People play_6_games in different seasons. Sometimes they play inside the room, sometimes they play outside. We can_7_sports here and there. Some sports are very interesting_8_people everywhere like them. Foot

15、ball, for example, is very popular in the world. People_9_different countries cant understand each other, but after a game they often become very_10_to each other. 1.A.good forB.good /.d to 2. A.other B.others C.the otherD.the others 3. A.and /.so 4. front the the front of f

16、ront of 5. A.change /.yD.start 6. /.ferent C.the same D.the different 7. A.see B.look C.find 8. A.because B.but C.or D.and 9. /. /.ide 10. /./.e friendly (三) One day Mrs. Jones went_1_. When her husband丈夫 came home in the evening, she began to tell him_2_a beautiful cotton棉 dress “I saw it i

17、s in a shop_3_this morning,”she said. “And” “And you want to buy it,”said her husband. “How much does it cost?” “Fifteen pounds英镑.” “Fifteen pounds_4_a cotton dress? Thats too_ 5_!” But every evening, when Mr. Jones came back from work, his wife continued to_6_only about the dress, and at last, afte

18、r a week, he said,“Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!”She was happy But the next evening, when Mr. Jones came home and asked,“Did you_7_the nice dress?”She said,“No.”“Why not?”the husband was_8_. “Well, _9_was still in the window of the shop after a week,so I thought, nobody else wants this dress

19、, I dont want _10_, either?” 1.A.shops /.ing 2. /.aboutD.with 3. B.todays D./ 4. /.h /. 5. A.many /.h D.good 6. A.speak B.say /.k 7. /. C.chose D.made 8. A.asked B.angry C.surprise D.sorry 9. A.dress B.this C.she 10. B.a D.another (四) Its a good idea to_1_a

20、 small present when you go to a _2_party in England or in the USA. Flowers are always nice, or you can take a bottle of wine酒_3_you know that the family_4_wine. You should arrive on time, or five to ten minutes late. Dont get there_5_.If youre going to be late_6_more than 15 minutes, you should call

21、 and tell the host or the hostess女主人. Try to relax at the dinner table. If you dont know_7_to use a knife and fork叉, just watch_8_and copy them. You can also ask the person next to you. If you like the food, say so.Before you leave, you should thank the host and the hostess_9_the meal and their kind

22、ness. Its a good idea to send a card or thang-you note便条the day_10_. 1. A.bring B.take /.e 2. A.breakfast /.ner D.supper 3. A.when B.if /. 4. /./.nked 5. A.lately B.later C.too early time 6. B.for D.on 7. A.why C.what D.when 8. A.other B.the other C.another D.the others 9. /. /.

23、ut 10. A.later /.er D.ago (五) One morning, John_1_his house with six donkeys驴 for the market市场. After a time, he got very_2_and got on one of them. Then he counted点数 the donkeys, and there were only five, so he_3_off and went to look_4_the sixth. He looked and looked, but did not_5_it. So he went ba

24、ck to the donkeys and counted them again. This time there werte six. He got on one of them, and they all started. After_6_minutes, he counted the donkeys again, and there were only five again. While he was counting, a friend of his_7_and John said_8_him,“I left my house with six donkeys, then, I had

25、 five, then, I had six again, and now I have only five! Look! One, two, three, four, five.”“But John,”said the friend,“You are sitting_9_a donkey! That is the sixth. You are the_10_.” 1. A.leaves B.left C.leaved D.leaving 2. /. /.ing 3. A.get B.gets getting 4. /. 5. A.found

26、nd C.finds D.finding 6. A.a fewB.few C.a little D.any 7. A.past B.passed /.ses 8. A.on C.from 9. A.on D.with 10. /.th D.eighth (六) A good_1_is important for everyone._2_can easily understand理解 it. Till直到 breakfast time you dont eat_3_for twelve hours. Your body_4_food for

27、 your work in the morning. One good breakfast may be rice, bread, an egg and a glass of milkor fruit juice. On a cold morning, a cup of hot_5_is useful to keepyou warm. So what you need to do is to get up early enough to have_6_to have breakfast. A good breakfast_7_you to smile笑 more easily. It help

28、s you to be more friendly and also to work_8_and play more_9_. You whole day整天 will be full of fun after you_10_a good breakfast. 1. A.meal B.breakfast C.lunch D.supper 2. A.Man /. D.They 3. A.anything /.ethingD.nothing 4. /.ps C.needs D.finds 5. /.nkingC.oranges D.drink 6. /.ce /.e 7. A.helps /.ps

29、D.makes 8. /.d C.better 9. /./.denly 10. A.enjoy (七) Betty didnt look_1_today. There was_2_wrong eith her. She had a headache and also got a fever, so her mother took her to_3_the doctor._4_the doctors. Betty told the doctor that she felt sick. “How_5_have you been like this?”the doctor asked. “Ever since yesterday afternoon,” answered Bet

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