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1、图书情报专题研究1 图书情报专题研究最新学科研究热点与前沿2011年第1期西北工业大学图书馆2011年4月前 言图书情报专题研究的宗旨是为我校师生开展学术研究提供有价值的参考信息。此项工作由图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部承担,根据学校所购买的数字资源,通过分析其深层次的功能,从数据库中组织整理出了与我校学科领域相关的最新学科热点研究论文、最新研究前沿及最新国际会议信息等,以期能对我校师生开展学术研究、项目立项、开题等学术研究活动提供帮助。本期,我们收集整理了如下八个方面的热点文献和前沿信息: 1.快速突破研究论文(Fast Breaking Papers),由汤姆森科技公司统计的22个学科1997

2、至2010年引用率最高的高被引论文列表,是由每年各领域中被引用率最高的前1的文献构成,每两个月按照当前引文数据进行更新,包括新进入前1%的论文。这些文献描述了新近在科学研究上有价值的发现和进展,并开始引起学术界的关注。 2.最新研究前沿(Emerging Research Fronts),由汤姆森科技公司统计的22个学科的最新研究领域,一个新的研究领域是由那些并没有在之前任何领域出现过的核心论文组成,所列举出来的研究领域都是取决于其所包含的这些核心论文的数量以及相关的引证率。 3. Elsevier Science Direct Top 25,Elsevier数据库下载最多的 25篇论文。 4

3、. IEL Top20,IEL数据库下载最多的20篇论文。 5. ACM 最新会议。根据ACM主页所提供的最新会议信息整理所得,可供研究者参考未来将要召开的会议内容等信息。 6. AIAA最新会议,由AIAA 主站提供的最新会议信息,以供研究者参考所用。 7.IEEE最新会议,由IEEE主站提供的最新会议信息,供相关研究者参考使用。 8. Nature Advance Online Publication,Nature周刊预先提供浏览未出版的最新文章。 如果您对我们的栏目设置、内容编排、出版方式等有好的意见和建议,欢迎与我们联系,我们将积极采纳,使这份电子刊物以臻完善。 图书馆 2011年4月

4、 目 录一、快速突破研究论文(来源: 1二、最新研究前沿(来源: 3三、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 4(来源: 4四、IEL Top20(来源:http:/ 14五、ACM 最新会议(来源:http:/ 22六、AIAA最新会议(来源:http:/ 23七、IEEE最新会议(来源:http:/ 25八、Nature Advance Online Publication 27(来源: 27一、快速突破研究论文(来源:1.

5、学科领域:生物学和生物化学(Biology & Biochemistry)题目:Cell type of origin influences the molecular and functional properties of mouse induced pluripotent stem cells作者:Authors: Polo, JM;Liu, S;Figueroa, ME;Kulalert, W;Eminli, S;Tan, KY;Apostolou, E;Stadtfeld, M;Li, YS;Shioda, T;Natesan, S;Wagers, AJ;Melnick, A;Eva

6、ns, T;Hochedlinger, K出处:NAT BIOTECHNOLVolume: 28, Issue: 8, Page: 848-U130, Year: AUG 2010作者单位:* Harvard Univ, Howard Hughes Med Inst, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.* Harvard Univ, Howard Hughes Med Inst, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.* Harvard Univ, Dept Stem Cell & Regenerat Biol, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.2. .

7、学科领域:化学(Chemistry)题目:Upscaling of polymer solar cell fabrication using full roll-to-roll processing作者:Krebs, FC;Tromholt, T;Jorgensen, M出处:Journal: NANOSCALEVolume: 2, Issue: 6, Page: 873-886, Year: 2010作者单位:* Tech Univ Denmark, Riso Natl Lab Sustainable Energy, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskild

8、e, Denmark.* Tech Univ Denmark, Riso Natl Lab Sustainable Energy, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. 3.学科领域:计算机科学(Computer Science)题目:A Survey of Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Applications作者:Yucek, T;Arslan, H出处:IEEE COMMUN SURV TUTORVolume: 11, Issue: 1, Page: 116-130, Year: 2009作者单位:* At

9、heros Commun Inc, 5480 Great Amer Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA.* Atheros Commun Inc, Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA.* Univ S Florida, Dept Elect Engn, Tampa, FL 33620 USA. 4.学科领域:经济和商业(Economics & Business)题目:A Note on the Theme of Too Many Instruments作者: Roodman, D出处:OXFORD BULL ECON STATVolume: 71,

10、Issue: 1, Page: 135-158, Year: FEB 2009作者单位:* Ctr Global Dev, Washington, DC USA.* Ctr Global Dev, Washington, DC USA. 5. 学科领域:材料科学(Materials Science)题目:Large-area spatially ordered arrays of gold nanoparticles directed by lithographically confined DNA origami作者:Hung, AM;Micheel, CM;Bozano, LD;Oster

11、bur, LW;Wallraff, GM;Cha, JN出处:NAT NANOTECHNOLVolume: 5, Issue: 2, Page: 121-126, Year: FEB 2010作者单位:* Univ Calif San Diego, Dept Nanoengn, 9500 Gilman Dr M-C 0448, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA.* Univ Calif San Diego, Dept Nanoengn, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA.* IBM Almaden Res Ctr, San Jose, CA 95120 USA.6. 学

12、科领域:数学(Mathematics)题目:Variational identities and applications to Hamiltonian structures of soliton equations作者:Ma, WX出处:NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR METH APPVolume: 71, Issue: 12, Page: E1716-E1726, Year: DEC 15 2009作者单位:* Zhejiang Normal Univ, Dept Math, Jinhua 321004, Peoples R China.* Zhejiang Normal Uni

13、v, Dept Math, Jinhua 321004, Peoples R China. 7. 学科领域:微生物学(Microbiology)题目:Acquired carbapenemases in Gram-negative bacterial pathogens: detection and surveillance issues作者:Miriagou, V;Cornaglia, G;Edelstein, M;Galani, I;Giske, CG;Gniadkowski, M;Malamou-Lada, E;Martinez-Martinez, L;Navarro, F;Nordma

14、nn, P;Peixe, L;Pournaras, S;Rossolini, GM;Tsakris, A;Vatopoulos, A;Canton, R出处: CLIN MICROBIOL INFECTVolume: 16, Issue: 2, Page: 112-122, Year: FEB 2010作者单位:* Hellenic Pasteur Inst, Bacteriol Lab, Athens, Greece.* Hellenic Pasteur Inst, Bacteriol Lab, Athens, Greece.* Univ Verona, Dept Pathol, I-371

15、00 Verona, Italy.* Smolensk State Med Acad, Inst Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, Smolensk, Russia.8. 学科领域:物理学(Physics)题目:Evidence for an anomalous like-sign dimuon charge asymmetry作者:Abazov, VM;Abbott, B;Abolins, M;Acharya, Bs,etc.出处:PHYS REV DVolume: 82, Issue: 3, Page: art., Year: no.-032001 AUG 16 20

16、10作者单位:* Joint Inst Nucl Res, Dubna, Russia.* Joint Inst Nucl Res, Dubna, Russia.* Univ Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina.* Ctr Brasileiro Pesquisas Fis, LAFEX, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.* Univ Estado Rio de Janeiro, BR-20550011 Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.9. 学科领域:社会科学(Social Sciences, general)题目:Th

17、e Blurring of Special Education in a New Continuum of General Education Placements and Services作者:Fuchs, D;Fuchs, LS;Stecker, PM出处:EXCEPT CHILDVolume: 76, Issue: 3, Page: 301-323, Year: Sp. Iss. SI SPR 2010作者单位:* Vanderbilt Univ, Peabody Coll, Dept Special Educ, Peabody 228,230 Appleton Pl, Nashvill

18、e, TN 37203 USA.* Vanderbilt Univ, Peabody Coll, Dept Special Educ, Nashville, TN 37203 USA.* Clemson Univ, Dept Special Educ, Clemson, SC 29631 USA. 10. 学科领域:社会科学(Social Sciences, general)题目:Cosmological constraints from the clustering of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7 luminous red galaxies作者:Rei

19、d, BA;Percival, WJ;Eisenstein, DJ;Verde, L,etc.出处: MON NOTIC ROY ASTRON SOCVolume: 404, Issue: 1, Page: 60-85, Year: MAY 1 2010作者单位:* UAB, IEEC, CSIC, Inst Space Sci, Barcelona 08193, Spain.* UAB, IEEC, CSIC, Inst Space Sci, Barcelona 08193, Spain.* Univ Barcelona, Inst Sci Cosmos ICC, E-08028 Barce

20、lona, Spain.etc.11. 学科领域:多学科(Multidisciplinary)题目:Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome作者:Gibson, DG;Glass, JI;Lartigue, C;Noskov, VN;Chuang, RY;Algire,etc.出处:SCIENCEVolume: 329, Issue: 5987, Page: 52-56, Year: JUL 2 2010作者单位:* J Craig Venter Inst, 9704 Med Ctr D

21、r, Rockville, MD 20850 USA.* J Craig Venter Inst, Rockville, MD 20850 USA.* J Craig Venter Inst, San Diego, CA 92121 USA.二、最新研究前沿(来源:1.学科领域:Biology & Biochemistry研究前沿名称:Expression Array Profiles; Clinically Relevant Molecular Subtypes; Molecular Subclasses; Integrated Array-Comparative Genomic Hybri

22、dization; High-Grade Glioma Predict Prognosis; Resemble Stages2. 学科领域:Chemistry研究前沿名称:Heterogeneous Catalytic Asymmetric Epoxidation; Manganese-Salen Promoted Epoxidation; Heterogeneous Catalysts; Reusable Homogeneous; Chiral Salen Complexes3. 学科领域:Computer Science研究前沿名称:Botany Array Resource; Compr

23、ehensive Systems-Biology Database; Expression Angling; Promoter Analyses; E-Northerns4. 学科领域:Economics & Business研究前沿名称:Monitoring Corruption; Community-Based Monitoring; Randomized Field Experiment; Evidence; Cross-National Empirical Research5. 学科领域:Engineering研究前沿名称:Organoselenium Chemistry; Toxic

24、ology; Exotic Metalloids; Organic Synthesis; Speciation Studies6. 学科领域: Materials & Science研究前沿名称:Free-Standing Nanoparticle Superlattice Sheets; Highly Ordered Nanoparticle Monolayers; Nanoparticle Stripe Patterns; Close-Packed Nanoparticle Arrays; Kinetically Driven Self Assembly7. 学科领域:Mathematic

25、s研究前沿名称:Coupled Cell Networks; Multiple Arrows; Nonlinear Dynamics; Groupoid Formalism; Patterns8. 学科领域:Physics研究前沿名称:Mesoscopic Graphite Devices; Quasi-2d Graphite Quantum Dots; Electric Field Modulation; Electric-Field-Dependent Transport Measurements; Galvanomagnetic Properties9. 学科领域:Space Scien

26、ce研究前沿名称:Herschel Space Observatory View; Herschel Hi-Gal Milky Way; Herschel Gould Belt Survey; Herschel Atlas; Herschel-Spire Instrument10. 学科领域:Microbiology研究前沿名称:Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Genome Evolution; Cystic Fibrosis Patients; Genetic Adaptation; Dynamics; Airways三、Elsevier Science Direct Top

27、25 (工程类)(来源:1. 题名:A survey on clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks Article 出处:Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issue 14-15, October 2007, Pages 2826-2841作者:Abbasi, A.A.; Younis, M. 摘要:The past few years have witnessed increased interest in the potential use of wireless sensor networ

28、ks (WSNs) in applications such as disaster management, combat field reconnaissance, border protection and security surveillance. Sensors in these applications are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers and to operate autonomously in unattended environments. To support scalability, nodes a

29、re often grouped into disjoint and mostly non-overlapping clusters. In this paper, we present a taxonomy and general classification of published clustering schemes. We survey different clustering algorithms for WSNs; highlighting their objectives, features, complexity, etc. We also compare of these

30、clustering algorithms based on metrics such as convergence rate, cluster stability, cluster overlapping, location-awareness and support for node mobility.2. 题名:Evolutionary hidden information detection by granulation-based fitness approximation Article 出处:Applied Soft Computing, Volume 10, Issue 3,

31、June 2010, Pages 719-729作者:Davarynejad, M.; Ahn, C.W.; Vrancken, J.; van den Berg, J.; Coello Coello, C.A. 摘要:Spread spectrum watermarking (SSW) is one of the most powerful techniques for secure audio or image watermarking. SSW hides information by spreading the spectrum. The hidden information is called the watermark and is added to a host signal, making the latter a watermarked signal. The spreading of the spectrum is carried out by using a

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