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1、每日英语学习阅读材料A4打印版 180620有声双语美文:刺猬与狐狸的哲理There are two types of people in this world. The first type is like foxes. The other type is like hedgehogs.这个世界上有两种人,一种是刺猬,另一种是狐狸。A fox knows many trivial things. And they can do a lot of stuff.狐狸知道很多小事,也会很多东西。Theyare not among the top experts of any fields. But

2、 they know some things in almost every field.他们虽然在所有的领域都不是最顶尖的专家,但他们对很多领域都略通一二。They understand how complicated the world is and they integrate themselves with this complicated system deeply.他们理解世界的复杂性,并且将自己与这个复杂的系统深度结合。They often jump from one field into another and bring there some sparks of innova

3、tion.他们经常在各个领域之间跳来跳去,往往会带来创新的火花。On the other hand, a hedgehog knows only one important thing.而刺猬,只知道一件大事。They tend to induct every complicated thing they encounter into the only system that they understand.他们愿意把任何复杂的东西都往自己知道的这件大事上归纳。Because of this, they are usually only involved in alimited number

4、of fields. But they usually know these fields very well.也正因为如此,他们所涉及的领域往往很单一,但却能在这个领域钻研到深处。This is just like the hedgehogs in the nature. No matter what situation they come to meet, the only solution they choose will be curling up into a ball.这就像自然界中的刺猬一样,遇到一切情况时,它都只有一个解决方案:蜷缩成球。This is not a clever

5、 choice but it really works in front of most dangers.这个方法很笨,但在面对绝大多数危险的时候真的很管用。So, which one are you?你是哪一种呢?Are you a fox? Or are you a hedgehog?你是狐狸?还是刺猬?=科学家十年内将生产出“健康”白面包 吃一点就饱Guilt-free white bread could be available within a decade近年来,越来越多关注健康的人士抛弃了松软香甜的白面包,转而啃起了口感粗糙的黑面包或全麦面包,只因为黑面包比白面包“更健康”。难道

6、美味和健康就不能兼得吗?英国科学家宣称,只要等上十年,就可以吃到和黑面包一样健康的白面包,而且吃这种新面包还能减肥。 Fluffy white bread could be as guilt-free as brown within a decade after scientists at a new government-backed research hub vowed to create more healthy wheat.十年之后松软的白面包将和黑面包一样健康,英国政府支持的一个新研究中心的科学家宣称将生产出更健康的小麦。Currently white bread is so muc

7、h worse because it contains a type of starch which is digested too quickly, leading to huge spikes in blood sugar which the body can only get rid of by storing it as fat.目前白面包的健康价值比黑面包差很多是因为含有一种能被身体快速消化的淀粉,消化后只能转化为脂肪储存,从而导致血糖激增。Over time such spikes can stop the body producing enough insulin to get

8、rid of the blood sugar, leading to type 2 diabetes, and damage to blood cells. White bread also prevents the body feeling full, which leads to overeating.时间长了,血糖激增会阻止人体产生足够的胰岛素来分解血糖,进而导致2型糖尿病,破坏血细胞。白面包还会阻止身体产生饱腹感,从而导致过度进食。But researchers at new Quadram Institute in Norwich are planning to breed a ne

9、w type of wheat which will be digested more slowly.不过,英国诺威奇新成立的四方研究所的研究人员正计划培育一种能够在人体内缓慢消化的新型小麦。Professor Richard Mithen, group leader of the Food and Chemistry Human Health group at the institute said: “Hopefully it would be as delicious and have the texture you wanted normal bread to be, there wou

10、ldnt be any taste difference.研究所食品和化学人体健康组的组长理查德米森教授说:“希望这种新型小麦做成的面包能拥有普通白面包同样的口感和味道,能够同样美味。”“But it will reduce this big increase in glucose after you eat, it would fill you up, it would say ok, youve had a sandwich for lunch thats enough, you dont need anything else.“不过新面包会令你产生饱腹感,这样你午饭只要吃一个三明治就饱了

11、,不需要再吃其他东西,从而大大减少葡萄糖的摄入量。”“And those starches which go down to the lower gut they ferment those sugars to produce short-chain fatty acids and its widely thought those are very beneficial to gut health.”“当这种淀粉进入肠道时,淀粉中的葡萄糖会发酵产生短链脂肪酸,普遍认为这种脂肪酸对肠道健康非常有益。”The team are planning to use genes from wild var

12、ieties of wheat or maize, which already have the less digestible starch, to breed with crop varieties to make white flour that would be far better for health.研究团队计划用含有不易消化的淀粉的野生小麦或玉米的基因和普通小麦杂交,生产出对健康有益得多的白面粉。They believe it could make fast food far healthier in the future, and help tackle Britains g

13、rowing obesity epidemic.科学家认为,这会让快餐在未来变得更健康,并帮助解决英国日益恶化的肥胖流行症。“We think about fast foods, they are fast to buy, fast to eat and very fast to digest and its that fast digestion the problems,” added Prof Mithen.米森教授说:“我们对快餐进行了思考,快餐买得快,吃得快,消化得快,而消化得快就是问题症结所在。”“Educated people who care about their healt

14、h might already choose healthier brown bread, but its the burger bun that really needs to tackling.”“那些关心自身健康的受过教育的人也许已经选择更健康的黑面包,但是真正需要取代的是汉堡用的圆面包。”Professor Ian Charles, director of the institute, said: “Our aim is to improve health-span so that our population can remain healthy and independent we

15、ll into old age.该研究所的所长伊恩查尔斯教授说:“我们的目标是提升健康寿命,让人们可以在晚年保持健康的身体和独立的生活。”=苹果CEO库克2018年杜克大学毕业典礼演讲:毕业生要无所畏惧5月13日苹果公司CEO蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)来到阔别30年的母校-杜克大学,对2018届毕业生发表了一番慷慨激扬的演说,我觉得咱们中国的年轻人听一听,也是很有好处的。 全文如下:Hello, Blue Devils! Its great to be back.你们好,蓝魔们(蓝魔是杜克大学的昵称,源于杜克大学篮球队),很高兴回到母校。Its an honor to stand befor

16、e youboth as your commencement speaker and a fellow Duke graduate.很荣幸能够站在大家的面前,你们都是毕业典礼的主角,也是杜克大学最新的毕业生。I earned my degree from the Fuqua School in 1988. In preparing for this speech, I reached out to one of my favorite professors from back then. Bob Reinheimer taught a great course in Management Co

17、mmunications, which included sharpening your public speaking skills.我在1988年获得了福库商学院的学位。在准备这次演讲的时候,我与当时最喜欢的一位教授取得了联系。他的名字叫做鲍勃-雷宁海默(Bob Reinheimer),负责“管理交流”课程的教学,这门课程可以提高你的演讲技巧。We hadnt spoken for decades, so I was thrilled when he told me: he remembered a particularly gifted public speaker who took h

18、is class in the 1980s with a bright mind and a charming personality! He said he knewway back thenthis person was destined for greatness.我们已经有几十年没有联系过了,所以当他告诉我可以在母校演讲之后,我很激动。他说他想起了一位在上世纪80年代教过的学生,不仅极具演讲天赋,而且还有聪明的头脑和迷人的个性。他说当时他就知道,这个人注定不平凡。You can imagine how this made me feel. Professor Reinheimer ha

19、d an eye for talent. And, if I do say so, I think his instincts were right. Melinda Gates has really made her mark on the world. Im grateful to Bob, Dean Boulding, and all of my Duke professors. Their teachings have stayed with me throughout my career.你能想象听到这些赞美后我是什么感觉,雷宁海默对人才一向有着敏锐的嗅觉,如果非要我评价的话,我觉得

20、他的看法都是正确的。梅琳达-盖茨(Melinda Gates,比尔-盖茨的夫人)之前也来过这里演讲,我很感激鲍勃、迪安-博尔丁(Dean Boulding)和所有教过我的杜克大学教授。在我的职业生涯中,他们的谆谆教导一直陪伴着我。I want to thank President Price, the Duke Faculty, and my fellow members of the Board of Trustees for the honor of speaking with you today. Id also like to recognize this years honorary

21、 degree recipients. And most of all, congratulations to the class of 2018!我想感谢普莱斯校长、杜克大学全体教员以及校董事会的同事们,很荣幸今天能在这里与你们汇聚一堂。我还想认识今年的荣誉学位获得者。最重要的,我要祝贺2018届毕业生。No graduate gets to this moment alone. I want to acknowledge your parents, grandparents and friends here cheering you on, just as they have every

22、step of the way. Lets give them our thanks.没有人能只靠自己取得成绩,因此我还要替大家感谢你们的父母、祖父母和为你们加油的朋友,就像他们每天陪伴你们一样,让我们向他们表示感谢。Today especially, I remember my mother, who watched me graduate from Duke. I wouldnt have been there that dayor made it here todaywithout her support. Lets give our special thanks to all the

23、mothers here today, on Mothers Day.今天让我想起了我的母亲,她看着我从杜克大学毕业。如果没有她的支持,我当年不会站在这里,今天更不会站在这里。今天是母亲节,在这里我们要特别感谢所有的母亲。I have wonderful memories here. Studyingand not studyingwith people I still count as friends to this day. Cheering at Cameron for every victory. Cheering even louder when that victory is ov

24、er Carolina.杜克大学给我留下了美好的回忆。在这里,我与直到现在还是好友的同学一起学习,享受其他大学生活,在Cameron篮球馆庆祝每一场胜利。当取得北卡罗来纳州胜利时,欢呼声更大。Look back over your shoulder fondly and say goodbye to act one of your life. And then quickly look forward. Act two begins today. Its your turn to reach out and take the baton.深情地回顾大学时光,和人生的第一幕说再见。然后迅速展望未

25、来,人生的第二幕从今天开始,轮到你们接过接力棒了。You enter the world at a time of great challenge.你们活在一个充满挑战的时代与世界。Our country is deeply dividedand too many Americans refuse to hear any opinion that differs from their own.我们的国家现在存在严重的分歧,太多的美国人拒绝听取任何与自己不同的意见。Our planet is warming with devastating consequencesand there are s

26、ome who deny its even happening.我们的星球正在变暖,未来会有毁灭性的后果,但有人却否认这样的现实。Our schools and communities suffer from deep inequalitywe fail to guarantee every student the right to a good education.我们的学校和社区都在遭受着严重的不平等待遇,不能保证每个学生都能接受良好的教育。And yet we are not powerless in the face of these problems. You are not pow

27、erless to fix them.但面对这些问题,我们并非无能为力,可以通过自己的努力去纠正它。No generation has ever held more power than yours. And no generation has a chance to change things faster than yours can. The pace at which progress is possible has accelerated dramatically. Aided by technology, every individual has the tools, potent

28、ial, and reach to build a better world.没有哪一代人比你们拥有更强大的力量,没有哪一代人比你们能够更快的做出改变。我们现在实现目标的速度已经大幅缩短,在科技的帮助下,每个人都可以通过工具、潜能和自己的能力建设一个更美好的世界。That makes this the best time in history to be alive. Whatever you choose to do with your life, wherever your passion takes you.这是有史以来最好的时代,无论你选择如何对待自己的生活,也无论你将自己的激情燃烧在

29、哪里。I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it.我希望大家能好好利用自己的力量,这个世界远远要比你想象得更美好。I didnt always see life as clearly as I do now. But Ive learned the greatest challenge of life is knowing when to break with conventional wisdo

30、m.其实我也并非总是能够清晰的看清自己,但我明白,人生最大的挑战就是拥有知道何时打破传统的智慧与勇气。Dont just accept the world you inherit today. Dont just accept the status quo.不要只是一昧的接受今天你所生活的世界,不要安于现状。No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to

31、think different.没有任何重大挑战得到解决,也没有取得任何持久的改善,除非人们敢于尝试不同的东西。敢于“不同凡想”。I was lucky to learn from someone who believed this deeply. Someone who knew that changing the world starts with “following a vision, not a path.” He was my friend and mentor, Steve Jobs.我很幸运,能够从一位坚信这条理念的人那里学习很多东西。他之所以能够改变世界,就是因为他坚信要追随

32、自己的理想,不能循规蹈矩。他就是我的朋友和导师,史蒂夫-乔布斯。Steves vision was that great ideas come from a restless refusal to accept things as they are. And those principles still guide us at Apple today.史蒂夫认为,伟大的思想来自于不安分的内心以及拒绝接受现有的规章制度。这些原则在今天依然指引着苹果的发展方向。We reject the notion that global warming is inevitable. Thats why we run Apple on 100% renewable energy.我们坚决反对全球变暖,这就是为什么我们要用百分之百的可再生资源来维持苹果的运营。We reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology

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