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1、unit6单词精讲. 特殊变化:原级比较级最高级good/ wellbetterbestmany/ muchmoremostbad / badly(坏地)worseworstlittlelessleastoldOlder(年龄)/ elder(辈份)oldest/ eldestfarfarther距离/ further(深奥的)farthest/ furthest. 形容词比较级的用法:表示两者(人或物)的比较。 比较级+than从句表示两者比较( A 比较级+than B ) . 他比我高。He is _ (tall) than me. 他的头发比我的短。His hair is _(shor

2、t) than _. He has _ (short) hair than _. Tom比我胖。 Tom is _ (fat) than me. 谁跑得快些,Lucy 还是Lily? Who runs _, Lucy or Lily? . 英语比语文重要。English is _ (important) than Chinese. 我来的比你晚。I come _ (late) than you. 他比你小2岁。Hes 2 years _ than you. 表示两者“相等”用,as+形容词原级+比较对象: (A as 原级 B ) 他和我一样高。 He is as _ (tall) as I/

3、me. 英语比语文重要。English is as _ (important) as Chinese. 他的头发和我的头发一样长。His hair is _ _ _ mine. 他学习和你一样努力。He works _ hard _ you. 表示“不如”, “不相等”时,用“not+as/so+形容词原级+as+比较对象”。 他没我高。He is _ _ (tall) as me. 今天没有昨天暖和。Today is _ _ _(warm) _ yesterday. =Yesterday _ _ than today.他昨天来得没有我早。He _ come _ early as I (did

4、) yesterday.比较级前可用much / a lot / far( 得多), a little(稍微) ,still, no, even(甚至), any 等表示程度; 形容词、副词前如有:very, too, quite(非常), rather(相当)等修饰,一般用原级。比较: He is much _( well) today. Its much _ (expensive).He is very _ (well) today. Its too _ (expensive)“比较级 and比较级”表示“越来越” 天气越来越冷了。Its getting _ and _(cold) “Th

5、e 比较级,the 比较级”表示“越,就越 越多越好 The _, the _. “用twice 等表示倍数的词+ as +原级as”表示甲是乙的几倍。 这间房是那间房的两倍。This room is _ as big as that one. 形容词最高级的用法: 表示三者或三者以上(人或物)的比较,其中有一个超过其他几个。形容词最高级前要加the,后面通常带of(in)短语来说明比较的范围(of 后的名词或代词表示与主语属同一类;in 表示时间或空间范围)。在我们班上他最高。 He is _ ( tall) _ our class.玛丽是这三个学生中最小的。Mary is _ (young

6、) _ the three students.1. outgoing autuibe outgoing 外向 开朗, look outgoing 看上去开朗 (1)She looks more outgoing than me . 她看上去比我开朗。 (2) Although he is more outgoing than you, you are smarter than him.尽管他比你外向,可是你比他聪明。 形容词 adj. 1.对人友好的;开朗的 He is an outgoing and lively person.他是个性格开朗而又活泼的人。2.即将离职的 She is the

7、 outgoing head of a large corporation.她是一家大公司即将离职的负责人。3.向外的;离开的 2. twin twin名词 n. C1. 双胞胎之一He is the younger twin of the two. 他是这对双胞胎中的弟弟。 2. 孪生儿PShe gave birth to twins. 她生了双胞胎。 3. 两个极相似的人(或事物);两个关系极密切的人(或事物)P4. (有成对单人床的)双人房间5. 双子星座the P形容词 a. ZB1. 孪生的She is Claires twin sister. 她是克莱儿的孪生姐妹。 2. 非常相似

8、的;成对的The government has to deal with the twin issues of inflation and unemployment. 政府必须对付通货膨胀与失业这两个密切相关的问题。 3. 双重的The plan has a twin purpose. 这一计划有双重目的。 及物动词 vt. 1. 使成对;使偶合2. 使结成姐妹市(+with)Our city is twinned with Seoul. 本市与汉城结成姐妹市。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 生双胞胎2. 成对;偶合(+with)3. calm k:mcalmer calmest be calm

9、镇静 look calm 看上去镇静 (1)My teacher is calmer than us .我们老师比我们处事冷静。 (2)We should be calm when we are in trouble. 我们在困境中应该冷静。 3)She is the calmest in our class. 她是我班中最镇静的。 形容词 adj. 1.(水面)平静的, (天气)无风的 The sea is now calm.海现在平静了。2.镇定的, 沉着的; 宁静的, 心平气和的 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi. 1.(使)平静; (使)镇定 Presently he calme

10、d a little.他很快就平静一些了。Now calm yourself, please.现在请你安静下来。They did what they could to calm her.他们尽力使她平静下来。名词 n. 1.平静;无风 2.镇定;安静 3.【气象学】无风,零级风 及物动词 vt. 1.使安静;使冷静;使镇定;使(疼痛等)减轻 She has to take sedatives to calm her nerves.她必须服镇静剂来使她的神经镇定。不及物动词 vi. 1.安静下来;平静下来;镇静下来 At last the wild wind calmed down.狂风终于停了

11、下来。quiet,calm,silent,still,noiseless,peaceful,serene这些形容词均含“平静的,无声无息”之意。quiet:普通用词,指没有喧闹、活动或骚乱的寂静状态。calm:普通用词,既可指天气、海洋等的平静状态,又可指人的镇定沉着、不慌乱,不受外界影响和情绪支配。silent:普通用词,指缄默不语或无声无息。still:指平静而又安定的状态。noiseless:指无任何噪音或不出声,无声无息。peaceful:普通用词,指一种不受外物扰乱和刺激的内在宁静或和平状态。serene:(诗)纯静,清朗。4. wild waildbe wild 卤莽 look w

12、ild 看上去卤莽 (1) He is much wilder than me ,and I am calmer. 他比我卤莽多了,而我更冷静。 Its important for us to keep the wild animals.对我们来说保护野生动物是很重要的。 形容词 a. 1. 野的;野生的,未被人驯养的Those are wild roses. 那些是野玫瑰。 2. 荒凉的,无人烟的3. 难驾驭的;任性的,无法无天的;粗野的She is afraid of his wild looks. 她害怕他那粗野的神情。 4. 猛烈的,狂风暴雨的On a wild night our r

13、egiment took the fort by surprise. 在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。 5. 疯狂的,狂怒的The boss was wild with me for being late again. 老板因我再次迟到而大为恼怒。 6. 荒唐的,离奇的,古怪的7. 【口】极好的,愉快的8. 热衷的,急切的,渴望的F(+about)My brother is wild about traveling. 我兄弟热衷旅行。 名词 n. 1. 荒野,荒地the S2. 未开发的地方the PThere are few schools in the wilds of

14、that country. 该国的偏僻地区极少有学校。 副词 ad. 1. 狂暴地;无法控制地2. 胡乱地5. windwind1及物动词 vt. 1. 转动(把手),摇;(用绞车)绞起,吊起2. 上紧.的发条(+up)Tom wound his clock before he went to bed. 汤姆睡觉之前给钟上发条。 3. 用曲柄摇动O4. 绕,缠绕,卷绕OShe asked me to wind the wool for her. 她叫我帮她绕毛线。 5. 包,裹;抱OThe nurse wound a bandage around my leg. 护士用绷带包扎我的腿。 6.

15、使迂回而行,弯弯曲曲地通过The stream wound its way through the village. 小溪弯弯曲曲地流过村庄。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 蜿蜒;迂回QThe stream winds through the village. 小溪蜿蜒曲折流过村庄。 2. 卷曲;缠绕名词 n. C1. 转动,摇2. 弯曲,卷绕3. 一圈,一盘,一转wind2名词 n. 1. 风CUThe north wind is blowing hard. 北风劲吹。 2. 呼吸UShe paused for wind after climbing those stairs. 爬了那几级楼梯后

16、,她停下来喘口气。 3. 肠气,屁;肠胃气胀U4. 【口】【贬】空谈,废话U5. 管乐器演奏者the SG6. 气味;风闻,传说UWe got wind that his firm was going bankrupt. 我们得到风声说他的公司快破产了。 及物动词 vt. 1. 使喘气I was winded when I got to the top of the hill. 我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了。 2. 嗅出wind3及物动词 vt. 1. 吹(号角)不及物动词 vi. 1. 吹响号角习惯用语 before the wind【航海】 顺风,借风力:按与风向相同的方向 close to

17、the wind【航海】 尽可能地接近风向 in the wind 有可能发生;即将发生的 Big changes are in the wind.巨大的变化即将发生 near the wind 【航海】 顺风的 , 濒临险境的,冒风险 off the wind【航海】 逆风,与风向相反的 on the wind 或 into the wind 或 down the wind 【航海】 顺风向的:与风向相同或接近的方向 under the wind 【航海】 向背风面,向下风 , 在避风处:处于挡风的位置 up the wind【航海】 顶风:顶风或几乎顶风的方向 6. serious sir

18、ismore serious most serious , be serious 庄重,严肃,look serious看上去庄重, nothing serious 并不严重 be serious about对是认真的形容词 a. 1. 严重的;危急的;令人担心的His error is serious. 他的错误很严重。 2. 严肃的,庄严的He was kind and affectionate, but very serious. 他仁慈、亲切,但非常严肃。 3. 认真的;不是开玩笑的;当真的(+about/in)I was pretty serious in what I said at

19、 dinner. 我晚餐时说的话是当真的。 4. 重要的;须认真对待的Getting married is a serious matter. 结婚是件大事。 5. (文学,音乐等)严肃的,非供消遣(或娱乐)的The play was amusingly written, but its subject was a serious one. 剧本写得风趣逗笑,但其主题则是严肃的。 6. 宗教的;伦理学的7. 热衷的,极感兴趣的(+about)He is not serious about literature. 他对文学不感兴趣。 7. athletic letik-more athletic

20、-most athletic be athletic 强健 look athletic看上去强健 形容词 a. 1. 运动的,体育的;运动员的,体育家的ZBThe school athletic meet is to be held next Tuesday. 校运动会定于下星期二举行。 2. 体格健壮的;行动敏捷的;活跃的John is an athletic boy. He is good at running. 约翰体魄健壮。他擅长跑步。 athlete英音:li:t美音:lit名词 n. C1. 运动员,体育家The athlete won two gold medals in the

21、 Olympics. 这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。 8. note nutgive a note to sb.给某人便条 leave a note 留便条 (1) Open your books and read the notes below. 打开你们的书读下面的注释。 (2) Ill give a note to him as soon as I see him. 我一看到他就把这个纸条给他。 (3)Leave a note telling him Ill call him again.留条告诉 他我会再给他打电话的。 *make notes =take notes做笔记

22、(4) They formed a good habit of taking notes in college.在大学他们养成我记笔记的良好习惯。 take note of 重视;注意 Employers should take note of the needs of disabled people.雇主应重视伤残人的需求。 名词 n. 1. 笔记;记录CHe never took notes in class. 他上课从不记笔记。 2. 注,注释C3. 便条;(外交上的)照会CTom opened the note from his cousin. 汤姆打开了表兄写给他的便条。 4. 纸币

23、;票据CHe sent me four fifty-dollar notes. 他寄给我四张五十圆面额的钞票。 5. 音符C6. 口气,调子S(+of)There was a note of warning in what he said. 他的话带有一种警告的口气。 7. 名声;重要性U8. 注意UHis new theory is worthy of note. 他提出的新理论值得注意。 及物动词 vt. 1. 注意,注目;注意到+(that)+wh-Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days. 请注意本帐单必须在十天内付款

24、。 2. 提到,指明He noted the importance of the problem in his lecture. 他在讲座中着重提到这一问题的重要性。 3. 记下(+down)The policeman noted down every word I said. 警察记下了我所说的每一个字。 4. 对.加注释9. meanmi:nWhats the meaning of “newspaper”? =What do mean by “newspaper”? = What does “newspaper” mean? “newspaper”是什么意思? mean作为动词的用法:1)

25、mean to do sth打算去做某事 I mean to go abroad this year.我打算今年出国。2)mean doing sth意思是做某事、意谓着做某事(一般主语是事件)His leaving without a word meant giving up the plan.他一句话不说就走了意味着放弃了这个计划。3)意味着,意思是例如:What did you mean by saying that?你那样说什么意思? This word means nothing.这个单词没有意思。4)mean sb to do sth打算让某人去做某事 I mean you to

26、help sweep the house.我想让你帮忙打扫房间。mean sth for sb打算把某物送给某人Who do youmean this new bike for?你想把这辆自行车送给谁?mean作为形容词;吝啬的、自私的、卑鄙的例如:He is a mean man.他是一个自私的人。 It is mean of you to cheat all of us.你真卑鄙,竟然欺骗了我们所有人。means是名词:手段 、方法。这是这个单词的单复数相同。a means一种方法 two means两种方法常构成By means of 使用、由于、通过什么方法;by all means

27、=certainly当然可以;by no means绝不,绝没有;by any means 无论如何例如:He made lots of money by means of working hard.他通过辛勤劳动挣了许多钱。- Could you help me?-By all means .你能帮助我吗?当然可以。 We will lose heart by no means.我们绝不会灰心。 You must finish the work in time by any means.你无论如何都要及时完成这项工作。means用法易错点:这里主要涉及名词means(方式,方法,手段)的用法

28、与搭配:1. 单复数同形(永远有词尾-s)。若用作主语,其谓语的数需根据句意来确定。比较: All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。有这样一道题,请看看: Every possible means _ been tried,and we find only _ this means can we do it well. A. have,in B. have,by C. has,in D. has,by 此题应选 D。其余几项均容易被误选。这里主要涉及名词means(方式,方法,手段)的用法与搭配: 1. 单复数同形(永远有词尾-s)。

29、若用作主语,其谓语的数需根据句意来确定。比较: All possible means have been tried. 所有可能的办法都已经试过了。 Every possible means has been tried. 每种可能的办法都已经试过了。 若句意不能明确地表明主语的单复数,其谓语则用单数或复数均可: Is Are there any other means of doing it? 做这事还有其他的什么办法吗? 2. 表示以某种方式、方法或手段,用介词by: Only by this means can you do it well. 只有通过这种办法你才能做好此事。 有时用 by means of,意为:用,依靠: Thoughts are expressed by means of words. 思想靠语言来表达。 3. 表示做某事的方法或手段,多接“of(动)名词”

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