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1、非谓语动词高考之钻石题组教师版一非谓语动词高考之钻石题组教师版(一)A组 高考真题A1组非谓语动词作定语1. (2012山东) After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope _.A. providing B. provided C. having provided D. provide【解析】B. provide与其逻辑主语envelope之间是被动关系,在句中作定语,相当于which is provided。“完成并签名后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。”2. (2012浙江)

2、Its a such nice place, Mother said as she sat at the table_ for customs.A. to be reserved B. having reserved C. reserving D. reserved【解析】D. reserve和其逻辑主语the table逻辑上构成被动关系,故用过去分词表示被动、完成的概念,在句子中做后置定语。3. (2012重庆) Were having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _ at the meeting will influence the f

3、uture of our company.A. to be made B. being made C. made D. having been made【解析】A. 不定式作后置定语,且表示被动和将来。4.(2012湖南) The lecture, _ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.A. starting B. being started C. to start D. to be started【解析】A. The lecture与start(不及物动词)为逻辑

4、上的主谓关系,故用现在分词作定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句which started at 7:00 pm last night. 如果将start用作及物动词,用过去分词started表被动表完成也可以。5. (2012江西) John has really got the job because he showed me the official letter_him it.A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. to be offered【解析】B. offer与逻辑主语letter为主动关系。“约翰的确得到了这份工作,因为他给我看了提供他工作的正式

5、信函。”6. (2012北京) Birds singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _ away.A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay【解析】A.“鸟的歌声有的时候是警告其他鸟与之保持距离。”warning后通常跟不定式作定语,表示“ 的警告”。7.(2011课标全国I) The next thing he saw was smoke _from behind the house.A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. Risen【解析】B. smoke 与rise之间是主动关

6、系,故用现在分词作定语。8. (2011全国II) The island, _to the mainland by a bridge, is easy to go to .A. joining B. to join C. joined D. having joined【解析】C island 与join是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。相当于一个定语从句which is joined to the mainland by a bridge.9. (2011山东) Look over there-theres a very long, winding path _up to the house.A

7、. leading B. leads C. led D. to lead【解析】A. 现在分词作后置定语,相当于定语从句which leads up to the house.10. (2011福建) Tsinghua University, _in 1911, is home to a great number of outstanding figures.A. found B. founding C. founded D. to be founded【解析】C. 非谓语动词作定语,Tsinghua University 与found(创办)为被动关系,此处相当于一非限制性定语从句which

8、 was founded in 191111. (2011浙江) Bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _a life span of around 20 years.A. having B. had C. have D. to have【解析】A. 独立主格结构。句中没有从属连词或并列连词,空处应为非谓语动词。本题可改写为非限制定语从句:creatures, some of which have.12. (2011江苏) Recently a survey _prices of the same goods in two diffe

9、rent supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. A. compared B. comparing C. compares D. being compared【解析】B. 现在分词作定语,survey与compare之间为主动关系。13. (2011江西) On receiving a phone call from his wife _ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his office.A. says B. said C. saying D.

10、 to say【解析】C. 现在分词作定语。say表示(书,符号等)给出某信息或指示。14.(2011湖南) The ability _an idea is as important as the idea itself.A. expressing B. expressed C. to express D. to be expressed【解析】C. 不定式作定语。the ability to do sth 做某事的能力。15. (2011湖南) The players _from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this

11、 summer game.A. selecting B. to select C. selected D. having selected【解析】C. 过去分词作定语。16. (2011上海) The rare fish, _from the cooking pot ,has been returned to the sea. A. saved B. saving C. to be saved D. having saved【解析】A. 过去分词作定语17. (2010上海秋)Thai is the only way we can imagine _ the overuse of water

12、in students bathrooms. A. reducing B. to reduce C. reduced D. reduce【解析】B. the way to do sth. 做的途径、方式。we can imagine 定语从句,前面省略了that.18. (2010重庆) Many buildings in the city need repairing, but the one _first is the library.A. repaired B. being repaired C. repairing D. to be repaired【解析】D.不定式的被动式作后置定语

13、表示被动关系及动作尚未发生。the one指代前面提到的buildings与repair是动宾关系,修缮这个动作还未发生,故用to be repaired. 19. (2010浙江)The traffic rule says young children under the age of four and _ less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat. A. being weighed B. to weigh C. weighed D. weighing【解析】D. weigh作不及物动词时意为:“重量为, 有重,重若干”,没有被动形

14、式,现在分词作定语。20. (2010四川) A great number of students _ said they were forced to practice the piano. A. to question B. to be questioned C. questioned D. questioning【解析】C question与students 存在被动关系,question表示的动作已完成,故用过去分词。21. (2010上海春季)The report indicated that 45% of students were in jobs not _ specific q

15、ualifications.A. requiring B. to be required C. being required D. to have required【解析】A. 现在分词作定语,此处require的逻辑主语是jobs,它们之间构成主谓关系。22. (2010陕西) His first book _ next month is based on a true story. A. published B. to be published C. to publish D. being published【解析】B .此处表示将来,是被出版,用不定式的被动式作定语。“下个月要出版的他的

16、第一本书是以一个真实的故事为基础的。”23. (2010山东) I have a lot of readings _ before the end of this term.A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed【解析】B. 时间状语before the end of this term表达未来的时间,用动词不定式表示将来,作定语。“这个学期结束前,我要做很多阅读练习。”24. (2010湖南) So far nobody has claimed the money _ in the library.A. dis

17、covered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered【解析】 A . the money与discover为被动关系,过去分词作后置定语修饰the money。 “到目前为止还没有人来认领在图书馆被发现的钱。”25. (2010全国I) Mrs. White showed her students some old maps _ from the library. A. to borrow B. to be borrowed C. borrowed D. borrowing【解析】C。 maps与borrow为动宾关系,

18、用过去分词作后置定语。“怀特老师向她的学生展示了一些从图书馆借来的旧地图。”26. (2010北京) Im calling to enquire about the position _ in yesterdays China Daily.A. advertised B. to be advertised C. advertising D. having advertised【解析】A。27. (2009江西) The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the educ

19、ation of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced 【解析】B。现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws ,相当于which forces .28. (2009上海) With the governments aid, those _ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. A. affect B. affecting C. affected D. were affected 【解析】C。过去分词作定语。29(2009浙

20、江) There is a great deal of evidence _ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating【解析】B。现在分词作定语。“有许多证据表明音乐活动可以调动起大脑的不同区域。”30. (2008福建) can those _at the back of the classroom hear me ?-No problem.A. seat B. sit C. seated D. s

21、at【解析】C . 句子的主干部分是can thosehear me ? 所缺成分在句中作后置定语,补全后可变为:can those who are seated at the back of the classroom hear me ? are seated 表示一种状态,若选B的话,应该改为sitting.A2组非谓语动词作状语1. (2012新课标全国) Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ such art forms as music and painting.A. having compared to B. comp

22、aring to C. compare toD. compared to【解析】D. 时间状语从句的省略,相当于when film is compared to such art forms as music and painting. 这里film和compare之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。主语和be动词被省略。“电影的历史短的多,尤其是当它和像音乐和绘画这样的艺术形式相比时。”2. (2012全国) The old man sat in front of the television every evening, happy _ anything that happened to be

23、on.A. to watch B. watching C. watched D. to have watched【解析】A. 此处happy to watch anything that happened to be on作sat的目的状语。句意:那位老人每天晚上坐在电视机前,高兴地看要上演的任何节目。3. (2012新课标全国) The party will be held in the garden, weather _ .A. permitting B. to permitC. permittedD. permit【解析】A. 此处主句的主语party 和weather不一致,所以wea

24、ther保留,作permitting的逻辑主语,构成独立主格结构。另外,weather与permit之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。相当于If weather permits.“如果天气允许,聚会将在花园举行。”4. (2012全国II) Tony lent me the money, _that Id do as much for him.A. hoping B. to hope C. hoped D. having hoped【解析】A. 此处现在分词短语hoping that Id do as much for him作伴随状语。“Tony借给我了钱,希望我加倍还他。”5. (2012辽宁

25、) This machine is very easy_. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.A.operating be operating C.operated operate【解析】D. 形容词easy(容易)、difficult(难)、hard(难)、light(轻)、heavy(重)、beautiful(美)、ugly(丑)、fit(适合)、nice(好的)、good(好的)、dangerous(危险的)、pleasant(安逸的、舒适的)等,后接不定式,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。6. (2012安徽)

26、When _for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.A. asking B. asked C. having asked D. to be asked【解析】B. 状语从句的省略,还原句子When Philip was asked for his views about his teaching job, Philip7. (2012陕西) _ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to b

27、uy a New iPad .A. Standing B. To stand C. Stood D. Stand【解析】A.句子的主语we与非谓语动词是逻辑上的主动关系,且其动作与谓语动词wait的动作同时进行,用动词v-ing的一般式。8. (2012重庆) _to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.A. Having been asked B. To ask C. Having asked D. To be asked【解析】A. 逗号前为原因状语,非谓语动词与句子的主语为逻辑上的动宾关系。9. ( 2012天津)

28、He got up late and hurried to his office, _the breakfast untouched. A. left B. to leave C. leaving D. having left【解析】C. 现在分词作结果状语。10.(2012北京)_ with care, one tin will last for six weeks.A. Use B. Using C. Used D. To use【解析】C. 此处tin和use是被动关系,故用过去分词形式作状语,表示条件,相当于条件状语从句If it is used with care。“如果小心使用,一

29、罐可维持6个星期。”11. (2012福建) Pressed from his parents, and _that he has wasted too much time , the boy is determined to stop playing video games.A. realizing B. realized realize D. being realized【解析】A. 本句中的and连接的成分是非谓语动词做状语,主语与press是被动关系,但是与realize是主动,“被父母迫使同时自己也意识到他已经浪费了太多时间,这个男孩决定停止玩电脑游戏。”12. (2012

30、辽宁) The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog follow B.following C.followed D.follows【解析】B. with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这儿pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following.13. (2012江苏) _an important decision more on emotion than on reason, you will regret it sooner or later.A. Based B. Basing C. Base D. To base【解析】B. 动词base与逻辑主语you之间构成

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