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1、把钱拿出来阅读练习Comprehension Test 阅读理解Give us the Money 把钱拿出来Maeve Clarke (著)1 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 判断以下句子正确(T)或错误(F)。a At the beginning of the story Adam Gray wants to be James Bond.b Mr Smith is Adams boss at the bank.c Adam usually walks through the park. d Serena Silver is an act

2、or.e The robbers find newspaper in their rucksack.f Serena calls the police on Adams mobile phone.g There is a lot of petrol in Serenas car.h Mr Smith helps the police to find the robbers.i Adam is late for work.j At the end of the story Adam gets a new job. 20 marks2 Put the following events in the

3、 story in the right order. Number them 110. 将下列事件排序。a Adam gets to work.b Adam meets Mrs B.c Adam gives the money to the bank.d Adam sees two men taking a womans rucksack.e The car stops.f The police arrive.g Adam and Serena get in the car.h Adam gets out of bed.i Adam is in a film.j Adam opens the

4、rucksack and sees the money. 20 marks3 Who says this? Adam, Adams boss, the assistant manager, Mrs B., the robbers, Serena用适当的词填空。a Your horoscope for today. .b Come on. Run! .c Give us the money! .d This is newspaper! Wheres our money? .e Why are you waiting? Move! .f Have you got a mobile phone? .

5、g Take the money and leave the girl. .h Quick, Adam! Your tie! .i Youre three hours late! .j Say please. . 20 marks4 Who or what in the story . . . 用适当的词填空。a dreams about James Bond? .b sells newspapers? .c walks into the park because he wants to do something different? .d is an actor in a film? .e

6、is the money in? .f has a red car? . g dials 0743 2689? .h has no more petrol? .i is the boss of the robbers? .j is leaking? .k wants to kill Adam and Serena? .l is late for work? .m is very angry with Adam? .n gets a job as an actor? .o is Adam in the new film? . 30 marks5 Match a word from A with

7、a definition from B. 在B部分中选择合适的序号与A搭配。 A B1 boss a you use this when you talk 2 _ holiday b the person who tells you what to do3 hurt c a person who takes things without paying4 robber d when you dont work5 voice e feel pain 10 marks Total marksMultiple-choice Test 选择题Give us the Money 把钱拿出来Maeve Cl

8、arkeSetting 故事背景Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。1 The story begins on a _ morning. a Saturday b Monday c Wednesday d Friday2 Adam Gray works in _. a an office b a shoe shop c a supermarket d a bank3 Adam walks through the _. a park b flower gardens c old town d airport4 Adam meets some people. They

9、are making a _. a sandwich b table c music video d film5 At the same time some thieves are taking money from a _. a shop b bank c supermarket d house6 The thieves put the money in a _. a coat b box c rucksack d shoe7 Adam and Serena drive to the _. a airport b park c sea d bank8 Serena has _ gun. a

10、a big red b a big new c a small expensive d a small water9 Mr Smith finds Adam and Serena. He wants to _ them. a kill b help c thank d work with10 Adam goes back to the bank with all the _. a guns b money c tickets d photos 20 marksCharacters 人物Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。11 In his dream Adam wa

11、nts to be _. a James Bond b his boss c a bank robber d a policeman12 Adam thinks his job is _. a exciting b wonderful c boring d easy13 Adam _ his boss, Mr Smith. a likes b doesnt like c lives next to d plays football with14 Adam sees Mrs B every morning. She always talks about _. a Adams job b her

12、children c Adams horoscope d her horoscope15 Serena Silver is _. a a teacher b an actor c a gardener d a bank robber16 Mr Smith is _. a a bank robber b an actor c a photographer d a writer17 Adam and Serena _ the bank robbers. a have breakfast with b laugh with c run away from d work with18 With the

13、 money, Mr Smith wants to _. a get a new house b get a new car c go on a short holiday d go on a long holiday19 When Adam goes back to the bank, the assistant manager is _ him. a angry with b nice to c sorry for d excited for 20 Adam has a new job. Hes now _. a a policeman b a bank manager c a singe

14、r d an actor 20 marksDialogue 对话Who says or thinks this? 谁说的或是想的这些话?21 Nothing exciting ever happens to me. a Mr Smith b Adam Gray c the assistant bank manager d Serena Silver22 Do something different today. a Serena Silver b Mr Smith c a policeman d Mrs B23 Nobody move! Give us the money. a Mr Smit

15、h b Adam Gray c the assistant bank manager d Mrs B24 Stop! I dont need your help. a Mrs B b Serena Silver c Adam Gray d a taxi driver25 This is newspaper! Wheres our money? a Mr Smith b Adam Gray c Serena Silver d the assistant bank manager26 I dont want to be James Bond now. a Mr Smith b a policema

16、n c Adam Gray d the film maker27 I cant see anything now! a Mr Smith b Serena Silver c Adam Gray d one of the actors28 This is wonderful. Dont stop filming. a the film maker b Serena Silver c Adam Gray d Mr Smith29 Youre three hours late! a Serena Silver b Mr Smith c the film maker d the assistant b

17、ank manager30 Ive got a new job for you. a Serena Silver b Mrs B c the film maker d the assistant bank manager 20 marksVocabulary 词汇Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。31 not interesting a exciting b boring c afraid d ready32 the person who tells you what to do at work a boss b driver c visitor d singer

18、 33 a story that you watch on television or at the cinema a book b actor c computer d film34 when you want too much money or food a tired b thirsty c greedy d angry35 when you have a rest from work or school a airport b country c village d holiday36 to feel pain a smile b hurt c laugh d run37 a pers

19、on who takes something that is not his or hers, especially from a bank a player b runner c robber d helper38 not different a same b alive c bad d cold39 when you use your hand to indicate something a remember b show c leave d finish40 the noise you make when you speak a clock b hand c hair d voice 2

20、0 marksPlot 情节Choose the best answer. 选择合适的答案。41 Adam doesnt want to be _ for work. a early b late c angry d ready42 Adam listens to Mrs B and he goes _. a left b right c home d on holiday43 In the park Adam sees a woman. Somebody is taking her _. a rucksack b bicycle c phone d watch44 Adam _ the wo

21、man. a laughs at b eats with c sits with d runs away with45 The bank robbers are angry because they find some _ in the rucksack. a shoes b money c newspaper d pens46 The bank robbers _ after Adam and Serena. a run b walk c call d drive 47 Serena has an idea. She wants to _ the film maker and the act

22、ors. a phone b leave c sing to d kill 48 The film maker and the actors come to the airport. They are now _. a policemen b bank managers c bank robbers d taxi drivers49 Adam and Serena tie Mr Smiths _. a legs b hands c hair d body 50 Adam is now very _ for work. a dirty b tired c early d late 20 mark

23、s Total marksGive us the Money 1 a T b T c F d T e T f T g F h F i T j T2 a 8 b 2 c 9 d 3 e 6 f 7 g 5 h 1 i 10 j 43 a Mrs B. b Adam c the robbers d the robbers e Serena f Serena g Adam h Serena i the assistant manager at the bank j Serena4 a Adam b Mrs B. c Adam d Serena e a rucksack f Serena g Adam

24、 h Serenas car i Mr Smith j the water gun k Mr Smith / the robbers l Adam m the assistant manager n Adam o a bank robber5 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 c 5 aGive us the MoneySetting 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 d 5 b 6 c 7 a 8 d 9 a 10 bCharacters 11 a 12 c 13 b 14 c 15 b 16 a 17 c 18 d 19 a 20 dDialogue 21 b 22 d 23 a 24 b 25 a 26 c 27 a 28 a 29 d 30 cVocabulary 31 b 32 a 33 d 34 c 35 d 36 b 37 c 38 a 39 b 40 dPlot 41 b 42 b 43 a 44 d 45 c 46 d 47 a 48 a 49 b 50 d

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