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1、牛津英语七年级下u1Unit 1 People around us词汇拓展1. Cheerful 我奶奶总是很高兴的。_.Her help brought cheer to our hearts. She failed the exam,and we want to cheer her up. Cheerful是由名词cheer+ful构成。 构词法: + = 表示“充满”的意思。比如说:有用的 有帮助的 ,漂亮的 充满感谢的 2. Hard-working 他是一个勤奋的学生。_.区别:work hard 动副结构 他工作努力。3. Patient1. She is not very pat

2、ient. = She is very impatient. 搭配:be patient with sb 对待有耐心2. The nurse is very patient with her patients. 3. Time 花时间做某事You should take some time to check your answer. 是某人做某事的时候It is the time for you to work hard. 花费某人多长时间做某事 Sb spends some time on sth in doing sth. It takes me one hour to go to sch

3、ool. I spend one hour in going to school.4. Probably Probably adv 很可能 You are probably right. Probable It is probable to finish the work before dark.5. With He is tall with blue eyes. I am talking with my friend. Cut meat with a knife.7. Forget Dont forget to reply to Jane in the morning. He forgot

4、closing the door. 相似用法:remember 记得 remember to do sth remember doing sth 请记得关灯。_.我记得我已经关灯了。_.8. Taste I like this taste. The dish tastes delicious. 相似的用法还有 Many people dont like the smell of durians. The meat smells nice,but tastes terrible. 9. As well too ,also , as well, either的区别He speaks English

5、 and Spanish = He speaks English and Spanish, = He speaks English and he speaks Spanish. He doesnt like apples. I dont like it 10. 照顾 护士很细心照顾医院的病人。_.careful 11. miss I miss you very much. I missed the train yesterday. Miss Li is very kind.12. Dont tell jokes in class. The teacher made the students d

6、o lots of homework. 拓展: The news makes me happy makes me sad.嘲笑,取笑 我们不应该取笑残疾人。(the disabled)13. 擅长 Jim擅长讲德语。反义词: 对.有好处 14. remain We will remain friends forever. (remain +n)I asked her a question,but she remained silent.(remain +adj) v. He remained in Beijing for three months last year.15.充满 瓶子里装满水。

7、16. lots of = a lot of + 17.He uses lots of games in his teaching.Teaching: Linda想投身教学。17. 对某事要求严格 Our teacher are always strict about our homework.对某人要求严格 He is very strict with his students.18. Encourage v. Our teacher encourages us to do more sport. n. Thanks for your encouragement.19. Support (

8、名词)Betty needs our support . Lets give her a hand. My mother always support me . 20. “Never give up and youll be successful.”Never give up 是 . 句子结构是:祈使句+ and +句子(一般将来时,表达结果)放弃 I gave up this idea. 放弃做某事 My father cant give up smoking.Successful 1 获得成功的 Tom is a Successful businessman. 成功 They finall

9、y got a big success. 成功 成功做某事 Jim succeeded in getting the first place in English exam.课文内容精析1. My grandma was a short woman with grey hair. 我奶奶是一位头发灰白的矮个子女人。a short woman with grey hair _a tall girl with glasses _在这两个短语中, with 是介词 “带有” 表伴随状态、特征。后面跟名词、动名词(动词-ing) 反义词:without“没有 ”仿写(1). 一个大眼睛的高个子女孩_(

10、2). 一个戴帽子的矮个子男孩 _2. She was a very good cook. 她是一位很好的厨师 。cook v 做饭 n 厨师My mother is a good cooks and she cook good. 改错 _cooker n 厨具 3、Grandma took care of my family.(1) take care of= look after= care for(此外,care for还有喜欢的意思) 照顾、爱护 Eg: Nurses take care of patients in hospital.= Nurses look after patie

11、nts in hospital. 护士在医院照顾病人。 (2)care about 意为“关心,介意” care for 意为“喜欢,为操心” Eg:Einstein who cared little for money never cared about his salary. 爱恩斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。4. She was really kind and patient. She died two years ago. kind adj 善良的 kindness n 善良 patient adj 有耐心的 patience n 耐心die v 死 died (过去式) 5

12、、I hope we will always remain friends.我希望我们将永远朋友。(1)hope v. 希望(希望自己)hope to do sth. 希望做某事。不能说:hope sb to do sth eg. I hope to be a teacher when I grow up. 长大后我想成为一名演员。hope + that 从句 I hope (that) youll deal with the problem as soon as possible. 我希望你尽快解决这个问题wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事(希望别人) I wish you

13、to write a letter soon. 我希望你尽快写封信。 6. His classes are always full of fun. 他的课堂总是充满乐趣。fun 乐趣,不可数名词 做某事玩得愉快 7. Keep +adj.doing 8. Try to do try doing& Stop to do stop doing9. 介词In 的用法:in+颜色(+衣服).10. 表建议的句型:Why not do ? why dont you do sth. ?How about? what about?Lets do !Shall we ?11. What does he loo

14、k like?他长得怎么样?解析1:look like 看起来与(某人或某物)相像、相似Eg:-Who does she look like?她看起来像谁?-She looks like her mother. 她看起来像她妈妈。-What does she look like?她长得怎么样?-She is tall and thin 她长得又高又瘦解析2:“What is he like?”与“What does he look like ?”的区别:(1)- What is he like?他那人怎么样?(不只是询问外表,侧重询问性格) -He is clever(2)-What does

15、 he look like ? 他长什么样?(只是询问外表) -He is very tall 他个子很高语法详解冠词定义:冠词是虚词,放在名词前,用来说明名词的含义。冠词不能单独成为句子,只能作为名词修饰的一部分。冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词和零冠词。不定冠词我们在上学期已学过。(一)不定冠词(a/ an)1、a、an是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目的观念。2、必背:一般情况下a用于辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于元音音素开头的字母前。特例: a:a useful book, a European country, a one-month holiday an: a

16、n honest boy, an hour, an ugly girl, an eight/ eleven-year-old boy, an 8/11-year-old boy 以-uni开头的单词前常用冠词-a,university, unit 以-un开头的单词常用-an,uncle,unusual 与a连用的字母:B,C,D,G, J, K, P, Q, T, U, V, W, Y, Z 与an连用的字母:A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, X(二)定冠词(the)1、定义:表示特指的人或事物,可与单数或复数可数名词或不可数名词连用。2、用法: (1)特指某

17、(些)人或某(些)物。 Eg:The gentleman in brown is Alans grandfather.那位身着棕色服装的绅士是艾伦的祖父。 (2)用在说话双方都知道的人或事物前。Eg:Would you please open the door? Its a bit hot in the room.你能把们开一下吗?房间里有点热。(3)用在前文提到过的人或事物。 Eg:I have a new book. The book is about the sea.我有一本新书,是关于大海的。(4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。 Eg:the Earth 地球 the sea 大海 th

18、e sk y 填空(5)用在形容词最高级、序数词及only(作形容词)前。 Eg:The Nile is the longest river in the world.尼罗河是世界上最长的河流 Lily is always the first to school.丽丽总是第一个到学校。(6)用在same,next,last 前。 Eg:The twins look the same.这对双胞胎看上去一模一样。(7)用在江、河、海洋、海峡、群岛、山系等专有名词前。 Eg:the Yangtze River 长江 the Atlantic大西洋 the South China Sea南海(8)用在

19、乐器前 Eg:the piano/ violin/ guitar(9) 用在国名的全称和缩写前。 Eg:the PRC中国 the USA 美国 the UK英国(10)用在一些表示方向、方位、时间、场所的固定词组中。Eg:on the right/ left 在右/左边 in the east 在东方 in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在早上/中午/晚上 in the distance 在远方 in the beginning 起初,开始(11)用在radio前,表示广播 Eg:Do you often listen to the radio?你经常听广播

20、吗?(12)用在姓氏的复数形式前,表示“全家人” Eg:The Lis usually go to the same place for holiday every year.李家每年通常都去同一个地方度假。记忆口诀:特指双熟悉,上文已提及,世上独一无二,序数最高级,某些专有名,习语及乐器。(二)零冠词(/).(一)用法: 1、在日期、月份、节日等名词前不加the。 Eg:10 September is Teachers Day.九月十号是教师节。 Uncle Tom will visit us in May.汤姆叔叔将于五月份探望我们。 2、复数可数名词和不可数名词前不加the表示泛指。 E

21、g:Camels are very useful animals in the desert.骆驼是沙漠中十分有用的动物。 Do you often listen to light music?你常听轻音乐吗? 3、学科、语言前不加the。 Eg:My favourite subject at school is Physics.在学校,我最喜欢的学科是物理。 Can you speak English?你会说英语吗? 4、球类、棋类、牌类运动或游戏前不加the。 Eg:A lot of people enjoy playing football/ soccer/basketball/ vol

22、leyball/ chess/ bridge/ poker. 很多人都喜欢踢足球、美式足球、篮球、排球、棋、桥牌、扑克。 5、表示“用餐”时,一日三餐前不加the。 Eg:Who did you invite to dinner/ breakfast/ lunch/ supper?你昨天请谁吃饭、早餐、午餐、晚饭了? for/have dinner/breakfast/lunch/supper (但中间有形容词修饰时,则用不定冠词,如have a quick breakfast) 6、抽象名词前一般不加the。 Eg:People all over the world love peace.全

23、世界人民都爱和平。 7、television/TV表示“电视节目”时,前不加the。 Eg:My grandmother is watching television in the next room now.我祖母正在隔壁房间看电视。 8、在下列习惯用语和固定短语中,名词前不能加the。 go to school/primary school/ secondary school/ university/ work/ hospital/ church/ bed上学、上小学、上中学、上大学、上班、去医院(看病)、去教堂(做礼拜)、上床睡觉at school/ work/ church/ home

24、在学校、在上班、在教堂、在家in hospital/bed 住院、卧床;睡觉 at dawn/noon/night/midnight 在黎明、中午、晚上、半夜by bus/ bicycle(bike) 坐公共汽车、骑自行车 on foot 步行记忆口诀:代词限定名词前,专有名词不可数,复数名词表泛指,学科球类三餐饭,季节星期月份前,颜色语种和国名,称呼习语及头衔。【冠词专练】I.冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划。1. There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall.2. This is _ useful book. Ive read

25、it for _ hour.3. _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse.4. _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day.5. Lets go out for _ walk.6. Its too hot. Open _ door,please.7. There is _ woman over there. _ woman is Meimeis mother.8. _ sun rises in _ east.9. _ Changjiang River is _ longest river

26、in _ China.10.Are you going to do it _ second time?II单项选择。1. Beijing is _ beautiful city. Its _ capital of China.A. a; a B. the; the C./; the D. a; the2. Bill had _apple in one hand and _orange in the other.A. a , a B. an , an C. a , the D. the , the3. Is there _s in the end of the word? A. an B. a

27、C. the D. /4. My brother will be back in half _hour. A. a B. the C. an D. one5. The word your has _y, _o _u and _r in it.A. a, a, an, a B. a , an , a , a C. a , an , a , an D. an , an , a , a6. This is _useful book for beginners in _English.A. a , an B. a , C. a , a D. the , the7. _ book is very use

28、ful. I bought it from _ unknown little town.A. A, a B. The, a C. The, the D. The, an8. He is _university student. A. a B. an C. the D. /9. English is _language. It is _ important tool.A. a, a B. a, an C. the, an D. a, /.10. It took me _hour and _half to finish _ work.A. a, a, a B. an, an, the C. an, a, the D. an, a, /11. _steel worker makes steel. A. / B. A C. This D. These12. There is _b

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