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shl 笔试.docx

1、shl 笔试1 . Leader or member?When working in a group, there are many different positions, but basically, one can think of a group as having two job types: member and leader. Some people believe that it is better to be a member of a group than it is to be the leader. However, I think it is better to be

2、 a leader in a group because as the leader, ones ideas are more likely to be heard, he/she is more likely to receive accolades for complete work, and he/she is able to make important decisions for the group.The leader of a group has the strongest voice of all. If someone enjoys coming up with new, e

3、xciting concepts and making a difference in a project, then he/she should be the leader. It can be a frustrating experience at time to be a member of a group. At times, a members ideas are not taken seriously, because he/she does not have respect that the leader has. If one leads a group, his/her id

4、eas will always be heard and respected, and usually followed through with.When a project is complete, it is the leader that receives accolades for doing a good job. While the entire team gets some respect and appreciation upon completion, it is the leader who receives the most admiration. This is an

5、 advantage for building ones resume, and generally gaining respect in society. People always respect the leader of a group more than the members.Moreover, it is better to be the leader of a group than a member because the leader is able to wield the power. Being the leader means getting a say in all

6、 decisions, and often, is allowed to follow through with any ideas that he/she thinks up. This can mean that things that a person finds important will be completed quickly and efficiently.Overall, I believe that it is better to be the leader of a group than to be a member. A leader can make decision

7、s, follow through with them, and receive recognition for a job well done. However, there are of course some negatives of being a leader. The leader has much more responsibility for the project than anyone else, and if there is a failure, it is the leaders fault. If a person is willing to take on thi

8、s added responsibility, then being a leader is by far the best position.2 . (A&l0I2K4t6x3U n&RHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。!L-w&V5o/3ZSome people say computers have brought convenience to

9、 our life, others think computers make life complex and stressful. Whats your opinion?Nowadays, with the development of technology, the frequency of computers use has increased rapidly in the world, where in both developed and developing countries. There have many advantages of it, while some people

10、 may think the usage of computers is complex and makes their lives more stressful. In fact, I have to admit that computers have made our lives easier and more convenient, which obviously outweigh than its disadvantages.Obviously, computers have made our lives easier; especially in contact with other

11、s, which can be represented by comparing other ways of contact. For sure, before the advent of computers, people contact one another by writing, calling and visiting in person, which are all good ways and are still used today. However, computers keep the relationship among people tighter and easier

12、than those ways. This means people do not need to wait for correspondences from others, rather, to receive an E-mail immediately. Moreover, people are able to keep in touch economically with microphones through internet, the cost of which is relatively cheaper than making a phone call. Conversation

13、online has gradually replaced calling by a phone. Furthermore, visiting in person has declined because people can see their family and friends online by digital cameras. So, what a convenient way by using computer to keep in touch one another! Moreover, computers have made our lives more convenient,

14、 especially for disable people. It is known that the advent of computers benefits disable people a lot. Believe or not, they are almost able to do everything by manipulating computers, including purchasing, paying bills, searching information and education. Computers allow them to fulfill their drea

15、ms and achieve their performances, which almost couldnt be done without computers.Of course, anything has its two sides. Some people, especially the elder, may not be able to follow the steps of improvement of technology. They tend to think handling a computer may be difficult because they do not kn

16、ow how to use it and do not need to use. In fact, not only computers they think complicated but other updated staffs as digital cameras and videos. On the other hand, some people may think computers have made their lives more stressful because the rapid improvement of computers may be hard to be fol

17、lowed. They may feel stressful and uncomfortable by this.Nevertheless, although computers have some disadvantages to certain people, I still believe its advantages are more outstanding. Computers indeed have made people lives easier and more convenient, which is no doubt. Also, I believe one day eve

18、ryone will get used to use a computer and will be unpleasing without it. #s:x$H#M3L7A5w1_HiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛My favorite way of communication is talking face to face. Although the

19、re are so many ways to communicate, however, i think the face to face talk is the most efficient and direct. People always say, I can only thrust the things when I see them. I believe that. People can chat with qq or other tools (e-mail, phone, letter etc), but in this communicating methods, althoug

20、h we can get the information, but we cant identify the environment. This environment means the peoples conditions during the communication. Is he/she in good mood, satisfy or not, positive or negative. With these environmental information, we can adjust our words. When you talk with an stranger, you

21、 can not get acquaint with he or she with the voice or their handwriting. When you meet someone and ready to talk face to face. When you see your target, before you design your words, you can use your eyes to scan and guess his or her character. then, during the communication you can check whether y

22、our prediction is correct. It is interesting, because sometime you will find, the different is very big. After a face to face communication, a guy who you dont like when you see him/her with first eye finally become your best friend. this feeling is wonderful. So, I like to talk face to face.3 . 你最想

23、为你的community做的一件事I am a college student major in computer science. As far as I am concerned, taking advantage of my superiority in computer and training my neighbors the basic computer skills would benefit all my community. My reasons are listed as follows. First and foremost, grasping computer skil

24、ls helps people to succeed in business. Presently, we can hardly find a decent job that does not require the basic computer skills. Therefore, if people in my community grasp this skill, they would have more chance to find a well-paid job in the office instead of low-paid but toilsome professions li

25、ke coal miner, cleaner or craftsman. Then, people with extra money would be willing to donate part of it to improve the living facilities in our community. In short, I would help both the individuals and the whole community.Another advantage of training people the basic computer skills is that it be

26、nefits people to get along well with each other. As things stand now, people in my community are becoming distant. Trap themselves in their own house; walk through the path without friendly smile to each other. Things would get better if people have more opportunities to gather together. If people a

27、ll come to my computer class, it would allow them to chat with each other. Some may become good friends. Helping each other to solve problems in learning would deepen their friendship, as a result, increasing the friendly atmosphere of our community.Furthermore, people would obtain more pleasure fro

28、m computer if they understand how to use it, which helps relax their nervous mind. Living in the increasingly competitive world, people have to face various stresses arising from family, society and profession. Involving in a fictional world would help people to escape from the real world for a whil

29、e. They could have more choices, such as computer games, internet communication, and also movies downloaded through the internet, which are more interesting than just watching boring TV programs.In a word, since I am skilled in computer science and training people the basic computer skills would bri

30、ng them many advantages, I am pleased to do something beneficial to my community.8L;s2J;w#u)q;A0O大学生求职,培训,找工作,笔试,面试,简历,求职资料,求职大礼包4 . Do you think Chinas membership of WTO will benefit China or not -M,&DE&I(_-0kHiAll团队致力于求职培训,就业培训,商务礼仪培训,高考专业选择以及相关领域内的咨询业务。HiAll团队提供诸如简历修改,面试笔试培训等诸多信息服务,在帮助广大中国学生选择合适的

31、大学专业、成功地找到好的工作和职业设计、职业咨询方面积累了大量的成功经验,是中国最优秀的大学生求职论坛。Well, its a big issue and a lot of people are thinking about it. Im quite sure itll benefit China and other WTO members as well if China becomes a member of the WTO. The common Chinese consumer will benefit most from it because prices of imported p

32、roducts will go down. Also, the quality and after-sales services of national products will be improved. I guess the main danger we have to face is the new competition to our national industries but I think theyre up to the challenge.:I9ZV1C8z&0GHiAll BBS5. Do you disagree or agree one can judge peop

33、le by first impressions Any opinion is, in fact, a judgment. I feel that as Americans we would do well to judge others less often. Still, we must be able to decide whom to spend our time with and whom wed rather forget. In my opinion, this type of judgment is best after we get to know other people. Fir

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