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1、翻译辅导讲义及练习教师版一翻译的性质1) 翻译是跨语言(cross-linguistic),跨文化(cross-cultural),跨社会(cross-social)的交际活动。 2) 翻译是一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言,跨文化的交际活动。 Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language. 翻译的本质是释义, 是意义的转换。 Translation is always meaning-based. Tr

2、anslation is the faithful representation of one language into another language on the basis of accurate understanding.(翻译是在准确理解的基础上,用一种语言来忠实地表达另一种语言。) Translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language(SL)by equivalent textual material in another language(TL).J. C. Cat

3、ford Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.E. A. Nida(翻译就是用接受语表达原语信息的最近似的自然语等值,首先是在意义方面,其次是在文体方面。) 译即易,谓换易言语使相解也。 唐贾公彦义疏二、翻译的标准严 复:信、达、雅(faithfulness, expre

4、ssiveness, elegance忠实于原文;译文通顺易懂;译文展示出风采)林语堂:忠实、通顺、美鲁 迅:宁信不顺;翻译须兼顾两面,一则当求其易懂,一则保存原作的风姿瞿秋白:信顺统一傅 雷:神似钱钟书:化境刘重德:信、达、切辜正坤:多元标准论三、汉译英常用方法和技巧与词有关的翻译方法包括:直译和意译词义的选择词的增补与省略词类转义法重复法正说反译法和反说正译法分句法和合句法直译和意译首先应当指出,直译不是死译,而是指基本保留原有句子结构,照字面意思翻译。意译也不是胡译、乱译,而是在不损害原文内容和精神的前提下,为了表达的需要,对原文作相应的调整。例原文:我们的朋友遍天下。直译:Ourfri

5、endsareallovertheworld.意译:Wehavefriendsallovertheworld.直译以严格意义上的忠实为宗旨,意译则更多考虑英语的特点,更强调译文的效果,不求形式对应,只求语言在深层次中的对应。总之,选择直译还是意译,应该根据文章具体需要而定,两种译法可以并用。 能直译则直译例 原文:爱是耐心和善良;爱不是妒忌和吹嘘;爱不是傲慢和粗鲁。译文: Love is patience and kindness; love is not jealous and boast; love is not arrogance and rudeness.例 原文:进入21世纪,麦当劳

6、团体的对手们又集合到一面共同的旗帜之下反对全球化。译文: On stepping into the 21st century, the McDonalds groups have again assembled under the same flaganti-globalization.例 原文:电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特,前者是电流单位,后者是电压单位。译文:The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of cur

7、rent flow.例 原文:俗话说:“千里搭凉棚,没有不散的筵席”。译文: “Even the longest feast must break up at last ,” says the proverb.例 原文:你们要八仙过海,各显其能,完成这项工作。译文:You should display your special prowess like eight immortals ( in Chinese legend) crossing the sea, to fulfill this task. 必须意译例 原文:怕什么呢?死了张屠夫,还有李屠夫,人多得很。直译:If Butcher

8、Zhang dies, theres Butcher Li yet. 译文:What are you afraid of? He is not the only pebble on the beach.例 原文:不料半路上杀出一个程咬金。直译:Unexpectedly in the half way an man obtrude into the business. 译文:Little did he expect that half way he would appear and try to poke his nose into the matter.例 原文:我是半路出家,可能干不好这工作

9、。译文: I have not received regular training for the job, so I may not do it well.例 原文:管它三七二十一,先吃个饱再说。译文:Whatever you say , Id like to eat my fill first.某些汉语的粗俗语、歇后语、双关语根本无法直译,只好意译。例 原文:对于西班牙语,我是擀面杖吹火,一窍不通。译文:Spanish is all Greek to me. 意译效果比直译好例原文:她怕碰一鼻子灰,话到了嘴边,又把它吞了下去。译文:She was afraid of being turne

10、d down / snubbed, so she swallowed the words that came up to her lips.词义的选择汉译英的过程就是寻找适当的英语词、词组和句型来重新表达汉语原文的思想的过程。正确的选词是保证译文质量的重要前提。词的选择主要从以下两个方面着手。一、根据上下文正确理解原文的词义 词的正确选择首先取决于对原文词义的确切理解,而这又取决于对原文上下文的推敲。在具体运用中,词义往往随着语言情境而千变万化,因此,我们必须熟悉词在运用中的灵活变化,才有可能选择出等值词或近值词。 英语词汇在翻译成汉语时也需要根据具体的语言环境选择适当的词义,因为汉语也有丰富

11、的同义表达法。二、辨析词义和正确选词(一) 注意词的广义和狭义词义有广狭之分,运用范围也就各不相同。例 “情况”:1). 在这种情况下under these/such circumstances2). 这种情况必须改变This state of affairs must change.3). 现在情况不同了。Now things are different.4). 他们的情况怎么样?How do matters stand with them?5). 前线有什么情况?How is the situation at the front?6). 前面有情况,做好战斗准备。Theres enemy

12、activity ahead. Prepare for combat.7). 可是在其他地方,情况却完全两样了。But the picture outside this place is quite another story.8). 我们可能去那儿,那得看情况而定。We may go there, but that depends.(二) 注意词义的强弱例 原文:多少事,从来急;天地转,光阴迫。一万年太久只争朝夕。译文: So many deeds cry out to be done, and always urgently,The world rolls on,Time presses.

13、Ten thousand years are too long,Seize the day, seize the hour! Carpe diem(三) 注意词义的褒贬例 原文:他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。(毛泽东选集五卷)译文:They preach idealism, while we advocate materialism(四) 注意词的语体色彩例 原文:别了,司徒雷登! 译文:Farewell, Leighton Stuart例 原文:禁止赌博。译文:Gambling is prohibited.例 原文:这小伙子干活真冲。译文:This guy is full of vigor.

14、(五) 注意词的搭配汉语和英语两种语言在长期使用过程中形成了各自的固定词组和搭配用法,所以不能把汉语词的搭配用法生搬硬套到英语译文中去。1定语和中心词的搭配例青山 green hill 青天 blue sky 青布 black cloth大城市big city major city大雨 heavy rain 大志 great ambition 大宗 large amount 大人物 vip 大道理 general(major) principle 2. 动词和宾语的搭配例“进行”进行社会主义革命 carry out /implement socialist revolution进行一场激烈的争

15、论 engaged in heated dispute进行实地调查 make a research on the investigation 进行核实验 conduct/carry out a nuclear test进行表决 take a vote /put sth. to vote进行谈话 have a conversation 进行侵略commit aggression 进行攻击launch attack进行抵抗 make resistance 进行协商 hold consultation 例“取消”取消会议 cancel a meeting取消会员资格 deprive disquali

16、fy取消决定 reverse a decision 取消禁令 lift the ban取消诺言 break ones words 词的增补与省略汉语和英语在词法和句法结构存在极大的差别,所以要通顺正确地翻译出汉语原文的含义,逐词翻译是不可能的,译文必须有所增减。一、增词(一)根据句法结构需要增词1 增补主语汉语无主语的句子很多,汉译英时要根据上下文的意思选择适当的代词或名词补做主语。增加什么主语取决于上下文。例 原文:又要马儿跑得快,又要马儿不吃草,简直可笑!译文:Isnt it ridiculous that you want a horse to run fast without eati

17、ng grass(while you dont graze it)?例 原文:没有调查就没有发言权。译文:He who makes no investigation has no right to speak.例 原文:重点是普及义务教育,积极发展职业教育和成人教育。适度发展高等教育,优化教育结构。译文: Emphases should be put(laid) on the popularization of compulsory education, active developing of vocational education and adult education , modera

18、tely developing higher education and optimizing educational structure.2 增补非人称的或强势句中的itit可以指天气、时间,还常用来表示强调、代替不定式等。汉语中的许多表达方法,翻译成英语时需要增补it。例 一天天冷起来了。 It is getting colder day by day.例 是我们采取有效措施的时候了。 It is time we took effective measures.例 你三星期完成这项设计不容易。 It was not easy for you to finish this design in

19、 three weeks.例 把钟拆开比把它装起来容易。 It is easier to take a clock apart than to put it together again.例 尝试而失败还是比不尝试好。 It is better to try and fail than never try at all.3 增补做宾语的代词或先行宾语it汉语里只要从上下文能看清楚,宾语常常可以省略,但英语中凡是及物动词都得有宾语,因此要增补宾语。例 交出翻译之前,必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方。 Before handing in your translation, you have to

20、 read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected.例 他越是要掩盖他的烂疮疤,就越是会暴露。 The more he tried to hide his warts, the more he revealed them.例 我们认为理论与实践相结合是十分重要的。 We think it most important that theory should be combined with practice.例 教师认为,让学生记住,简单地把两种物质混合起来就可能引起化学变化,是很重要的。

21、 The teachers consider it important for the students to remember that simply mixing two materials may bring about a chemical change.4 增补物主代词汉语里的物主代词常常可以省略,但英语中凡是说到一个人的所有物时总要在前面加上物主代词。例 别把手搁在口袋里。 Dont put your hands in your pockets.例 他走进屋来,大衣上尽是雪,鼻子冻得通红。 He entered the room, his coat covered with sno

22、w and his nose red with cold.5 增补并列连词汉语语言精练,并列连词用得很少,但译为英语时,需要增补。例 男女老少都参加了战斗。 Men and women, old and young, all joined in the battle.例 你干吗不去问他? Why dont you go and ask him about it?例 最好把毛衣穿上,外面相当冷。 Youd better put on your sweater, for its rather cold outside.例 跑了和尚,跑不了庙。 The monk may run away, but

23、the temple cannot run away with him. 6 增补从属连词或关系代词等汉语在表达上,从属关系是蕴涵在句子里的,翻译成英语时必须明确表达出来,而关系代词是汉语中没有的英语表达方法。例 我吃了饭去。 Ill go when (after) I have had my dinner.例 不努力,不会成功。 One will not succeed unless one works hard.例 凡是在科学技术上有建树者,都是工作最勤奋,并且勇于创新的人。 Those who have made original contributions to science and

24、 technology are the ones who have worked the hardest and have not been afraid to break new ground.例 一年之计,莫若树谷;十年之计,莫若树木;百年之计,莫若树人。(管子权修篇) If you plan for one year, plant a seed. If for ten years, plant a tree. If for a hundred years, teach the people.7 增补连系动词汉语的形容词可以直接做谓语,但英语中却要使用系动词与形容词连用。例 昨天元旦,人人

25、都很高兴。 It was New Years Day yesterday, and everybody felt very happy.例 我们应当虚心。 One should always be modest.8 增补介词例 公共场所不准吸烟。 Smoking is prohibited in public places.例 你是白天工作还是夜间工作? Do you work in the daytime or at night?例 你经常想到帮助别人是很好的。 It is good of you to be always thinking of helping others. 9 增补冠词

26、汉语中没有冠词,翻译成英语时往往需要增补必要的冠词例 月亮慢慢从海上升起。 The moon was slowly rising above the sea.例 我们对问题要做全面的分析,才能解决得妥当。 We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.(二)为了明确表达原文的含义而增词1 增补在汉语中不言而喻的词语汉语是意合性的语言,只要在上下文中,意思上能够理解,就可省去任何东西,而不必顾及语法或逻辑关系。刘宓庆(1992:119)认为:“在处理每一个语段时,必须试做完型

27、分析,力图捋清每一个非完整句(或词组)的结构”。如:例 A班学习成绩很好。 The students in Class A have won a brilliant academic record.【评析】“A班学习成绩”是指“A班学生的学习成绩”,故英译时增补students。例 窝藏不报者,须受相当的处分。 Persons who shelter undesirable elements and do not report them to the authorities concerned shall be duly punished.【评析】“窝藏”显然是指“窝藏不良分子”,“报”显然是

28、指“向有关当局报告”,因而译文增补了undesirable elements、them、authorities concerned.例 所以,能发展就不要阻挡,有条件的地方尽可能搞快点。 Therefore, those areas that are in a position to develop should not be obstructed. In areas where conditions permit, local developments should proceed as fast as possible.【评析】汉语“能发展”的主语未显现出来,由于后半句提到“地方”,因而译

29、文补上了具有具体意义的those areas作为主语,谓语用了被动,即“不要受到阻挡”。第二句话增补了主语local developments,因为从第一句话看,“有条件的地方”指的是在“发展”方面有条件。例 他们屡战屡败。 They are repeatedly defeated although they fought again and again.【评析】原句重点在败。屡战屡败是让步关系,故加although引导让步从句。例 有开有谢是真花,只开不谢是假花。 It is a real flower that opens and falls. If it stays long in bl

30、ossom it must be an artificial one.【评析】原文前半句译为It is.that强调结构,后半句中的“只开不谢”实际上指的是条件,故译为含有由if引导的条件从句的主从复合句。例 时光流逝太快,还没有很好地一览风光,怎么就入了秋境呢?便觉有三分惆怅,三分无奈。 A touch of downcastness and helplessness came over me as I realized how time had flown. Before I could sufficiently admire the scenery and enjoy the beaut

31、y of life, it was already autumn.【评析】这句话是作者对人生发出的感慨。译文除增加了“我”的主格、宾格及从属连词外,并加了the beauty of life译出“风光”的深层次含义,使译文更加准确、全面,并显现出句子的文体色彩。2 为了使上下文衔接,增补连接词语例 努力学习吧,努力学习三年五载,你就会精通英语了。 Study hard! Study hard for three to five years! By that time you will be proficient in English.例 李先生病了,我们得找个人代替他。 Mr. Li fell ill,

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