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1、中西方祭祀仪式的差异On the Differences of Sacrificial Ceremony in China and the West中西方祭祀仪式的差异Abstract Since different countries have different histories and cultures, there are a lot of differences in the habit of conducts and the sacrifice ceremony, especially between China and the West, the jokes and the m

2、istakes caused by misunderstanding is not unusual. This shows that the understanding of the different religious cultures between Chinese and the Westerners is absolutely necessary. Sacrificial ceremony is part of social etiquette, in the office or social communication occasions, to understand each o

3、thers customs and etiquette will be conductive to the exchanges between the countries. A person who understands others rituals and folk customs can be seen as respecting for others and can be easier to make a good impression on the other side. Along with the constant development of Chinese culture a

4、nd Western culture, the Westerners have accepted the reasonable factors of heavy affection from Chinese culture. Chinese people have gradually accepted the advanced civilization of the Western culture and etiquette style. However, in real life, different sacrificial ceremony and social etiquettes im

5、pact due to cultural differences between China and the West still exists. The paper explores the differences of sacrifice ceremony between China and the West to make Chinese communicate with the Westerners more easily, avoid and reduce the cultural conflict and misunderstanding as much as possible i

6、n cultural exchanges.Key words: Culture difference; Sacrifice ceremony; Religious belief摘要由于各国的历史和文化底蕴不同,各国人民在进行交往时的行为习惯、祭祀礼仪有不少差异。特别是中西方之间,礼仪上的差异很大。因为不了解这些差异而引起的误会和笑话也不少见。由此可见了解中西方交往的习惯差异是很有必要的。在办公室或社交场合,了解对方客户有利于各国之间的交往。一个了解对方的礼仪和民俗习惯的人,是对对方的尊重而且很容易给对方留下好印象。随着中西方文化的不断发展,中西方的礼仪正在相互融合,西方人逐渐接受了中国文化中重

7、情感等合理因素,中国人也逐渐接受了西方文化中先进文明的礼仪和交往方式。在现实生活中,由于中西方文化的差异对礼仪产生的影响还很多,为此本文探讨并概述了中西方宗教祭祀礼仪的几点差异,使中西方人人们之间的交往更加容易,并在文化交流中尽量避免和减少文化冲突和文化误解。关键词:文化差异;祭祀仪式;宗教信仰Table of Contents1 Introduction 12 The Important Embodiment of Sacrifice Ceremony Culture Between China and the West 2 2.1 China-The devotion of deities

8、 3 2.2 The West-The equality between human and god 63 The Origin of Sacrifice Culture Differences in China and the West 93.1 Political origin 93.1.1 China- Unified political system 93.1.2 The West-Diversified political system 103.2 Cultural origin 103.2.1 China-The combination and absorption of fore

9、ign culture 103.2.2 The West- Spread culture and cultural expansion 123.3 Economic origin 133.3.1 China-Traditional self-sufficient natural economy 133.3.2 The West Industrial Revolution and “Industrial Economic Era” 144 National Characteristics of Sacrifice Ceremony Cultural in China and the West 1

10、54.1 Chinese-Advocate stabilization and harmonious socialism society 154.2 Westerners-The development of individual will 165 The Fusion and Conflict of Sacrifice Ceremony Culture Between China and the West 175.1 The fusion 175.2 The conflict and ways to avoid it 186 Conclusion 22References 24Acknowl

11、edgement 251 Introduction Sacrificial ceremonies are human cultural activities such as sacrifice, worship, pray, and chanting, etc. Religious ceremony has the function to celebrate festivals, it has entangled into peoples social life, and it became a part of the folk culture. From the construction o

12、f the harmonious societys point of view, positive role of religious sacrificial ceremony and concepts embodied in the excitation of human goodness, meanwhile it enlighten human wisdom, establish self-confidence, purified human mind, enhancing human spirit, adjusting interpersonal relations and resol

13、ving social contradictions.In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, people are very active with frequent exchanges. Human decency plays the basic role of social ethics. The different sacrificial ceremonies combined with each other in various countries and people and

14、 it can be understand by people of different countries and nations. Sacrificial ceremony, as a part of social etiquette, can be shared by more and more people of different countries, because the social etiquette itself is a cultural phenomenon. Therefore, many countries are paying great attention to

15、 combining social etiquette with national sacrificial ceremony creatively. This means that the sacrificial ceremony and social etiquette in the Western and Chinese society are in a more appropriate location.2 The Important Embodiment of Sacrifice Ceremony Culture in China and the WestThe essence of

16、sacrificial ceremony is the method of dealing with people and the belief in ghosts and spirits. People consider that all things are controlled by the ghosts which can not be seen. Therefore, sacrificial ceremony is originated from the belief in ghosts and spirits, as well as a special form of belief

17、 in ghosts and spirits. Back to five thousand years ago, sacrificial ceremonies used to be the core of traditional culture. Some examples such as people lighting incense in temples, praying for a wonderful beautiful life or for a more fantastic future; In some areas such as Sichuan and Chongqing, pe

18、ople burn paper houses and neither imitation paper money, hoping to improve their deceased familys living conditions; In tomb-sweeping day, people visit their ancestors graves and sweep away the dirt of the grave for remembering loved ones who have departed. These are examples in terms of sacrificia

19、l ceremonies.Generally, any worship towards god is called sacrificial ceremony; it refers worshiping towards God, and it was regarded as organized religious activities.Human beings are the most important part of religious beliefs and they are the supporter of religion activity. The most important co

20、ndition is the relationship between human beings and god. This relationship is fulfilled with a few religious ceremonies, and they are the communicational channels between human and god. Therefore, there is a set of ceremony in worshiping God to express the relationship between human beings and God,

21、 human attempt to please God through sacrificing, worshiping, praying and chanting. They hope they can communicate with God and praying that God would bless all of them with a good future. Hence, the religious ceremony has appeared.2.1 China-The devotion of deitiesIn China there is a set of religiou

22、s sacrifice ceremony in worshiping god. Take Taoisms example, according to observing and visiting a few Taoist temple, many people believe that humans can pleasing God through sacrificing, worshiping, praying and chanting. In Taoism s major festivals, there are a few sacrificial ceremonies which are

23、 indispensable for the religious activities. Traditionally each of these ceremonies including these stages: purification, invocation for the deities, prayers, consecration and offerings, hymns, chanting and dances, and perambulations.The most important type of sacrificial ceremony stands for local c

24、ommunities. This kind of type includes ceremonies to install the religious space, ceremonies of fasting, of communion or offering, and to disperse the religious ceremonial space.Ceremonies stands for the community can be extraordinarily expensive, and household donations and community leaders paid f

25、or it. Apart from the ceremonies themselves, there will also be plays, processions, military parades, and communal meals.As for the performance of the sacrificial ceremonies themselves, no mistakes can be made; no step or recitation must falter. Apprenticed Taoist priest serve as musicians; more adv

26、anced trainees assist by lighting incense and reciting certain passages. The heart of the sacrificial ceremony is conducted by five Taoist priests: a Great Master and his four assistants. One of these assistants heads the intricate and complex processions and dances, and is responsible for knowing t

27、he entire sequence of ceremonies. Another prepares that is used during the course of the entire ceremony, and recites all of the invocations and consecrations, the texts of purification, elevation, and confession.The Great Master is preparing for his role during much of the activities, he quietly mu

28、rmuring secret formulas with his hands inside his sleeves. At times he picks up the incense burner and holds it as he breathes in and out, facing different directions, or he burns talismanic symbols or initials documents. Primarily, he enacts internally the actions spoken by the texts that are being

29、 recited by his assistant.At a certain point, he rises and performs the dance of the stars, dance towards the deities. Then he falls prostrate, in a fetal position with arms and legs under his body, face in hands, as the internally journeys to the Heavenly Assembly, locus of the Heavenly Worthies, a

30、ccompanied by divine escorts. In this case, the master is the mountain, just as the incense burner and the altar are also the mountain. In ancient times, the altar was built upon a series of graduated steps, so that the master actually ascended the steps at this point in the ceremony, but these days

31、 the ascent is entirely internal. There he presents the memorial that is the heart of the sacrifice ceremonial texts. The memorial is a petition to the gods, written in literary language, stating the name and purpose of the ceremony, its date and location, the names and addresses of the participants

32、, and a vow that is a request and a pledge on behalf of all the participants.Standing again, the master burns the memorial and scatters the ashes, gathers his escorts, and returns. Afterward, there is more chanting and more music, but the main portion of the ritual has occurred. In breaking down the religious sacrificial space, all talismans, writs, and other markers of the ceremonial space are burned. Afterward there is a communal banquet, with plenty of food available for the orphan souls who cannot become ancestors.Taoist sacrificial ceremonies are colorful, fi

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