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1、无锡市初中学业水平考生中考英语试题2019年无锡市初中学业水平考生(中考)英语试题本试卷分两卷。第卷(客观题)在第1至6页,第卷(主观题)在第7至8页。考试时间为100分钟。试卷满分为 90分。注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置上;并认真核对条形码上的姓名、准考证号是否与本人的相符合。2. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,答案不能答在试卷上。3. 答非选择题必须用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔作答,写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后

2、再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4. 考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束后,将试卷和答题卡一并交回。第卷(客观题 共50分)一、单项选择 在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 1 分,共 14 分)1. Lets take a walk _ the river after diner, shall we? A. along B. through C. upon D. over2. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. Do not wo

3、rry. Worry never fixes _. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing3. Uncle Sam said he _ my birthday party, but he never showed up.Thats Uncle Sam. He forgets everything! A. will attend B. would attend C. has attended D. had attended4. With their new lock, you _ search for keys in your bag

4、any more. Isnt it cool? A. neednt B. cant C. mustnt D. shouldnt5. Guess what? The university has accepted my application!Wow! Thats _ new Ive heard this year, Boris! Lets celebrate. A. a worse B. the worst C. a better D. the best6. On April 15, a fire _ in Notre Dame, an 850-year-old cathedral in th

5、e heart of Paris. A. ran out B. broke out C. turned out D. carried out7. Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will be allowed to fly again, sir?Im afraid its still _to talk about that. Well see. A. later enough B. early enough C. too late D. too early8. _ I do, I do it for you. Do not ever

6、 doubt that, my boy. A. Whatever B. Wherever C. Whenever D. Whoever9. The local food may taste a bit strange.Well, _we are here, why not give it a try? A. though B. unless C. since D. because10. You havent said a _word since last Friday. Whats wrong? Nothing. Just leave me alone. A. simple B. single

7、 C. similar D. silent11. Youve no idea _to build a new airport. Let me tell you, young man. Thats billions of dollars! A. how much it will cost. B. how long it will take us C. how much will it cost D. how long will it take us12. Why cant you trust me? Not everything you heard is true?Maybe not. But

8、_. A. out of sight, out of mind B. there is no smoke without fire C. a miss is as good as a mile D. actions speak louder than words13. Im going to add some tomato sauce to the salad, if you dont _. Not at all. Go head. A. care B. agree C. mind D. insist14. The actor says hell celebrate his 28th birt

9、hday next week. His fans _. That cant be right. Im pretty sure he was born in 1985. A. No kidding B. Sure he will C. Never mind D. Wait a minute二、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The teacher sent me home with a note for my mother that said I ne

10、eded to visit the eye doctor because I failed the vision test. The trip home that day was very slow. My mother said it would all be just fine. It wouldnt hurt a bit, she said. But I wasnt worried about pain-I was worried about looking 15 . The next day, my mother pulled me to the eye doctors office.

11、 I 16 a set of frames (镜框) and tried to believe my mother when she said they looked really 17 on me. The doctor said the glasses would be ready soon. But I wasnt ready at all, and I didnt think I ever would be. When the glasses arrived, the eye doctor put them on my face and walked me out onto the s

12、idewalk in front of his office. When I looked 18 from my shoes, I found myself in a whole new world a world filled with 19 pictures, bright colours, and fine detail everywhere I looked. Suddenly I 20 the beautiful outline of red leaves on trees. I could see the details of peoples faces long before t

13、hey were standing in front of me. I could see my mother 21 as she watched me see the world in a whole new way. Glasses arent so bad, are they? Mom asked. Not at all, I though to myself. On that first day, they were a 22 . The Monday morning came, and I had to 23 the kids in my classroom. And it happ

14、ened, just like I feared it would be. A mean kid pointed at me in the middle of the maths class and shouted, Four 24 ! But at the same moment, looking through my new glasses, I could see all the way across the room that the kid who had said it had an awfully big nose.15. A. smart B. old C. funny D.

15、blind16. A. chose B. made C. fixed D. owned17. A. silly B. good C. huge D. strange18. A. around B. back C. down D. up19. A. pale B. dark C. clever D. rare20. A. noticed B. recorded C. developed D. imagined21. A. crying B. worrying C. dreaming D. smiling22. A. present B. wonder C. beauty D. fashion23

16、. A. impress B. visit C. face D. avoid24. A. noses B. eyes C. glasses D. frames三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分)A25. The pictures above are _. A. a news report B. a comic strip C. a poster D. a notice26. What are the kids mainly talking about? A. The

17、direction B. The seasons. C. The map. D. The leaves.27. In the pictures, it is now most probably _. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winterB Hobbies let you explore interests outside of your line of work. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things. Picking a different one can get your

18、creative juices flowing again.Look at what interests you.Check what you love doing in your spare time. Do you enjoy reading books? Maybe you want to try your hand at writing your own. Do you like a hot coffee at the end of the day? Maybe your hobby could be trying to make it at home. Turn what you a

19、lready love into a hobby.Think about what you value most Do you value wisdom or courage? Do you admire artists? Let such question guide you when choosing a hobby. For example, maybe you could volunteer at a library as a hobby because you value education or maybe you could try painting because you ad

20、mire people who can express themselves with art.Examine your skills and personality.Certain hobbies require certain skillIf you dont have much patience, then maybe going fishing isnt something youd enjoy. However, if you love building things, maybe you should consider a hobby like working on older c

21、ars or building furniture. Play to your strengths.Pay attention to what excites your 30 .The way you talk about things can also show what you really like and it can be developed into a hobby.Think about the topics you go on endlessly about. Ask your friends and family what you seem to talk about all

22、 the time. Now think about the subject that you enjoy so much and decide how it can be turned into your hobby.28. This passage is most probably taken from _. A. a magazine for old people B. a magazine for young people C. a picture book for children D. a picture book for hobbies29. This passage mainl

23、y shows us _. A. how to find a new hobby B. how to give up old hobbies C. why you must find a new hobby D. why you must give up old hobbies30. Which is the most suitable word for ? A. hobbies B. skills C. topics D. interestsC Garrison had been treasuring his last piece. All he had left now was a she

24、et of the beautiful brown paper Pa had brought back from his last sailing trip. Youve been quiet, Pa said, Could I see your picture? Garrison handed over his sketch. Pa studied it, then looked at his son. Youre ten now, eh? Garrison nodded, hoping Pa wouldnt say that he was too old to be fooling aro

25、und with pencils and paper. When I was ten, I wanted to work on my fathers ship, Pa said, When Thomas was ten, he asked me to let him plant the corn. Garrisons throat (嗓子) tightened. I know Im not like either of you. Pa looked at the drawing again. No, you are like both of us. You work hard, like Th

26、omas. And youre like me, too. I have wandering feet, but you have a wandering mind. We need to see things differently. Garrison frowned. Id rather love the land, like Thomas, or the sea Pa patted his hand. Thomas cares about our family very much-thats why hes worked so hard to bring us food. And my

27、love for the sea makes good money. But theres more in life than food and money. Theres happiness, for one. Does it make you happy to draw? Garrison nodded. And it makes me happy to look at your drawings. Not many folks can catch happiness on a piece of paper. Some might say drawings a waste of time,

28、 but they dont understand how things are. Why, asking you to stop drawing like asking Thomas to stop farming, or me to stop going to sea. It would be like asking us to stop breathing, wouldnt it? Garrison considered this, then replied, No, sir. Not quite like breathing. If I couldnt draw any more, i

29、t would be like someone took away my voice. He hung his head. In his mind he could hear Thomas laughing, Its not like you ever speak up, anyway. But Pa patted his shoulder and said, That would be a pure shame. Your voice is important, Garrison, whether its out loud or on paper. And speaking of paper

30、 Pa smiled. Take a look in my bag. Garrison reached into the bag and found a sketchbook. For a moment he was speechless happiness seemed to fill his body and stick in his throat. Then he managed to find his voice. Oh, Pa-thank you.31. Why did Garrisons throat tighten? A. Because he felt thirsty. B. Because he felt very scared. C. Because he knew he was not like Pa or Thomas. D. Because he thought Pa would stop him drawing.32. When Garrison frowned, he most probably felt _

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