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本文(连云港海州高中学年第一学期期中考试高三英语无听力.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、连云港海州高中学年第一学期期中考试高三英语无听力20172018学年度第一学期期中考试高三英语试题第一卷(选择题 共85分)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空21. When the general secretary finished his speech, the journalists right in with different questions.A. shuttled B. scratched C. plugged D. dived22. Most men, who are breadwinners, think that their business i

2、s outside homes, so they tend to be to housework.A. sensitive B. objective C. committed D. allergic23. If we take a plane, well, of course, have arrived in Paris by next weekend. -Dont be sure, we should the weather factors. What shall we do if it is foggy?A. reflect on B. answer for C. correspond t

3、o D. calculate on24. My father helps arrange a Sunday brunch at the community center the senior citizens can get together with their friends.A. in that B. in case C. so that D. for that25. you may not be the next Bill Gates, for example, by learning from people like him you may become just as, if no

4、t more famous, because of your success.A. If B. While C. Since D. As26. Mom, is it really necessary to remove those smaller weeds from the flowerbed -Yes, they are destructive to the flowers.A. little more B. no less C. not a bit D. not in the least27. Its disappointing that John failed in the maths

5、 exam. -Dont look at him as of a loser. He will catch up soon if he works hard.A. all B. something C. some D. everything28. Smart phones have our lives. Most of us cant go much longer than 10 minutes before we check our phones.A. turned over B. taken over C. got over D. gone over29. Since we have be

6、en friends for many years, no more of this fancy playing with wordsI want some talk here.A. straight B. informal C. fluent D. concrete30. the shortage of time, the chairman decided that each candidate should finish the speech within five minutes.A. In contrast to B. In response to C. In terms of D.

7、In view of31. Sinclairs next computer, the ZX81, was an even bigger hit, and his companys grew by 600 % over the previous years.A. allowance B. receipts C. finance D. salary32. Another reason that men make great nurses is that , men have stronger bodies than women.A. in all B. in particular C. in ge

8、neral D. in conclusion33. By serving others, a person focuses on someone other than himself or herself, can be very eye-opening and rewarding.A. which B. that C. who D. what34. Our teachers themselves heart and soul into their work of bringing up a new generation.A. employ B. dedicate C. throw D. de

9、vote35. A ship in harbor is safe, but thats not ships are built for.A. what B. that C. why D. how36. The admission requirements for Zhenhua are about the same as for many other countries.A. that B. those C. ones D. one37. The three-wheeled vehicle was very slow, small and low to the ground, making i

10、t look like a childrens toy a proper vehicle for an adult.A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. less than38. Was it near the building, if I may ask, Martin Luther King gave the speech I have a dream?A. where B. which C. that D. when39. With globalization sweeping the world, learning foreign l

11、anguages will become increasingly necessary if a country economically.A. will compete B. is to compete C. were to compete D. competes40. Its too bad that my computer has got a new virus. If only I that programme!A. didnt run B. havent run C. hadnt run D. wouldnt run41. Has she recovered? -No. She ha

12、s taken a lot of different medicines, but has worked on her illness.A. nothing B. none C. neither D. either42. If you dont get any response, you should your fax by giving them a call.A. take up B. make up C. pick up D. follow up43. Anyone be a victim of road accidents if he doesnt observe traffic re

13、gulations.A. can B. must C. should D. shall44. I think it is a good idea to some of your money each week to make it last.A. give away B. get away C. put away D. take away45. So far all cloned animals have suffered from some different serious disorders, dying soon after birth.A. many of them B. many

14、of whom C. many of which D. many of that46. We are now living in a great time, we are faced with numerous possibilities as well as challenges.A. the one when B. the one which C. one which D. one when47. So Jack failed to be admitted by his dream university and is feeling quite depressed these days.

15、-It serves him right. I him more than once to take his study seriously.A. reminded B. have reminded C. have been reminding D. had reminded48. Opportunities favor the prepared mind; for a dream , one has to make preparations every single day rather than fancy in vain.A. to realize B. being realized C

16、. to be realized D. realizing49. Why not ask your sister for help? She is in charge of the group. - ? She always advises me to depend on myself.A. Why me B. What for C. Why bother D. So what50. Ill soon have to throw away the printer, for its beyond repair and its .A. a Herculean task B. on its last

17、 legs C. a sacred cow D. over the moon第二节 完型填空 Attitude is what has changed Oregon State Universitys womens soccer team. Its the first time the team has 51 the opening two games of a season since 1995. So what has led to this newfound success? The answer is simple if you talk with team captains Leil

18、a Kaady and Whitney Horn. “Its 52 attitude,” commented Kaady. “This season we are a lot more confident and a lot 53 in decision making and more confident in the players on the team.” Several factors can result in the 54 of attitude in this seasons team, but motivation and team unity seem to 55 above

19、 the rest. “I think having a season when we werent 56 and then bring able to 57 things around have kept us motivated,” said Kaady. The players knew something needed changing to be competitive and 58 the disappointing results of the past. “Our fitness level as well as our attitude has been 59 .” comm

20、ented Horn. “Coaches will always push the players as far as they can and weve always done that, but this group of players have made the decision to 60 themselves further than other groups have,” said Horn. “A big 61 of that is the leadership that weve had from some of the senior players and obviousl

21、y a good group of youngsters coming in.” The leadership that was started last spring made a difference and set the 62 when the freshmen came in.” With soccer 63 to start over a month before the beginning of next competition season, the players have spent most of their time together. Many are roommat

22、es and all agree that having a 64 team helps a lot with success. Now thats the kind of 65 that makes a difference.51. A. lost B. achieved C. won D. held52. A. casual B. single C. simple D. pure53. A. harder B. earlier C. stronger D. wiser54. A. change B. display C. existence D. appearance55. A. pick

23、 out B. stand out C. set out D. figure out56. A. cheerful B. stressful C. successful D. helpful57. A. get B. change C. twist D. turn58. A. neglect B. erase C. rid D. cancel59. A. stepped up B. added up C. caught up D. taken up60. A. improve B. motivate C. push D. train61. A. result B. impact C. reas

24、on D. factor62. A. rule B. tone C. scene D. limit63. A. practice B. project C. spirit D. team64. A. close B. young C. new D. athletic65. A. success B. player C. competition D. attitude第三节 阅读理解A Friends should always be honest with you, right? So when they lie, it can be really hard to take. You want

25、 to trust your friends and that means knowing that theyll tell it to you straight no matter what. But a friend who lies isnt always trying to hurt you. Why does this happen? Protect your feelings One of the biggest reasons friends lie is simply to avoid hurting your feelings. Some people dont unders

26、tand the difference between being gently honest with a friend and being so straightforward that they leave a verbal wound. They choose to avoid these two extremes in the form of a lie. What you can do: Encourage your friends to be straight with you. No matter what their answer is, let them know you

27、appreciate it. If you overreact or get angry with them, they wont feel comfortable telling you the truth again. They feel embarrassed Sometimes friends will lie about things in their life because they are too embarrassed to admit the truth. Maybe they are going through a rough time and they just don

28、t want you to know about it. What you can do: Avoid trying to badger(纠缠)your friend into telling you whats wrong. Instead, make it clear that you are there for them when and if they are ready to talk. Make your friendship a safe place for them where they can share their troubles with you without fee

29、ling judgment. Avoid an argument with you Perhaps your friend knows that if they tell you the truth, youll get angry with them. Avoiding conflict is not always healthy for a friendship because it allows problems to grow over time. If you have a bad temper, your friend might try and avoid getting int

30、o an argument with you and instead just tell you what you want to hear. What you can do: Make sure that if a friend tells you something unpleasant, you dont overreact. Consider whats being said and why your friend is telling you this. If you do end up arguing, do it in a respectable way. Exclude you

31、 Lying isnt always a sign that friends are trying to protect you, however. Sometimes they lie because they want to exclude you from their plans. If they tell you they are staying home some night when you want to go out, for example, and you find out later that they partied without you, it may mean t

32、hey arent as good friends as you thought they were. What you can do: When you find out with certainty that your friend was lying to you, try and confront them. Be forewarned, however, that if a friend lies to begin with, he / she may lie when asked a direct question about his / her dishonesty. Go with your guts on this. If you feel your friend is lying because he / she doesnt want to be around you, thats you

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