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1、put的词组短语put about 【航海】 1. 使转向:改变方向或使改变方向;从一个航向转到另一个航向或使从一个航向转到另一个航向 put across 1. 使被理解:陈述以使被清楚地理解或迅速地接受 Tried to put her views across during the hearing.在听讼过程中试图使她的观点能被清楚地理解 2. 搞成:用欺骗或计谋完成或贯彻 put away 1. 抛弃;舍弃 Put all negative thoughts away.抛弃所有消极的思想 2. 【非正式用语】 吃掉,喝掉:乐意并很快地吃光或喝光(食物或饮料) Put away the

2、dinner in just a few minutes.就在几分钟内吃光了晚餐 3. 【非正式用语】 关进精神病医院 4. 埋葬 The injured cat was put away.这个受伤的猫被杀死了 5. 把.收起;放好 Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作结束后请把工具收拾好。 put by 1. 储存备用:节约以供后来的使用 My grandmother puts by her fresh vegetables.我的祖母把她的新鲜蔬菜搁在一边存下来 put down 1. 记入名单 2. 制止,取缔:使变得不起作用 Put do

3、wn a rebellion.镇压了一起暴乱 Put down rumors.制止流言 3. 使(动物)无痛苦的死亡 4. 羞辱,使丢脸 Her parents put her down for failing the course.她的父母因为她考试不及格而批评她 He tried to put down her knowledge of literature.他试图贬低她的文学知识 “Many status games seem designed to put down others”( - Alvin F. Poussaint)“许多权位竞争好象是为战胜别人而设计的”( - 阿尔文F.普

4、森特) 5. 归因于 Just put him down as a sneak.他被归入鬼鬼祟祟的那一类人 Lets put this disaster down to experience.让我们把这次灾难归因于经验不足 6. 吃光,喝光:很容易地吃光或喝光(食物或饮料);吃光 Puts down three big meals a day.一天吃掉三顿大餐 put forth 1. 生长 Plants put forth new growth in the spring.植物在春天里开始新的生长 2. 表现;发挥 At least put forth a semblance of effo

5、rt when you scrub the floor.当你擦地板时至少能表现出努力的样子 3. 提出:提出以供考虑 Put forth an idea.提出一个想法 put forward 1. 提出:提议以供考虑 Put forward a new plan.提出一个新计划 put in 1. 提交:提出的正式提议 Put in a plea of guilty.正式提出犯罪诉讼 2. 插入,插话 He put in a good word for me.他插进来为我说了一句好话 3. 花时间:在某一场所或工作上花费(时间) The inmate had put in six years

6、at hard labor. She put in eight hours behind a desk.犯人已经做了六年的苦工。她在花了八小时办公 4. 种植 We put in 20 rows of pine trees.我们种植了20排松树 5. 【航海】 进港:进入口岸或港口 The freighter puts in at noon.货轮中午时进入港口 put off 1. 设法使等待:劝说使拖延下步行动 Put off paying the bills.拖延付清帐单 Managed to put off the creditors for another week.设法说服债主晚一个

7、星期再来 2. 脱下;丢弃 Put off a sweater.脱下毛衣 3. 使厌恶:使厌恶;使反感,如由于不礼貌 His indifferent attitude has put us off.他的冷淡态度使我们对他很反感 4. 使用假钞或卖假货 put on 1. 穿衣服;穿上 Put on a coat; put socks on.穿上外衣;穿上袜子 2. 运用;使活动 Put on the brakes.刹闸 3. 假装 Put on an English accent.假装带有英国口音 4. 【俚语】 戏弄:戏弄或使(别人)误入歧途 Youre putting me on!你在开我

8、的玩笑 5. 增加 Put on weight.增加体重 6. 产生;履行 Put on a variety show.举行一次杂耍演出 put out 1. 熄灭 Put out a fire.扑灭一场大火 2. 【航海】 出航:离开,如口岸或港口;出发 3. 逐出 Put out a drunk.赶走醉汉 4. 出版 Put out a weekly newsletter.发行时事周刊 5. 触犯或激怒 Did our early arrival put you out?我们提早到达是不是使您很不方便? I was put out by his attention to the telev

9、ision set.我被他对电视节目的关注激怒了 6. 【棒球】 使跑垒者出局 7. 【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 性生活上频繁,尤其用于妇女 put over 1. 延期;耽误 2. 做成:使承认,尤其是为了欺骗时 Tried to put a lie over, but to no avail.试图用谎言瞒过去,但没有成功 put through 1. 做成:达到成功的终点 Put the project through on time; put through a number of new laws.按时完成了项目;通过许多新法律 2. 使从事、遭遇 He put me through a

10、lot of trouble.他使我遇到许多麻烦 3. 接通(电话) The operator put me through on the office line.接线生给我接通了办公室的电话 put to 【航海】 1. 驶向岸边 put together 1. 建造;创造 Put together a new bookcase; put together a tax package.做一个新书橱;整理出一叠报税单 put up 1. 建立;建造 2. 保存;把装罐 Put up six jars of jam.做六罐果酱 3. 提名 Put up a candidate at a conv

11、ention.在会议上对一个候选人进行提名 4. 提供:提前提供(资金) Put up money for the new musical.为这个新音乐剧提前筹备资金 5. 为提供食宿 Put a friend up for the night.留宿朋友过夜 6. 【体育运动】 惊起:被惊出隐藏处的用来狩猎的动物 Put up grouse.赶出松鸡 7. 拿去卖 Put up his antiques.拍卖他的古董 8. 进行:使从事于;继续进行 Put up a bluff.故弄玄虚 Put up a good fight.展开一场激烈的争斗 put upon 1. 强加于;使负担过重 H

12、e was always being put upon by his friends.他总是受朋友的欺负 not know where to put oneself 1. (非正式)十分尴尬,局促不安 put something behind one 1. 把(不快的感受)置于脑后 They have tried to put their grief behind them and rebuild their lives.他们千方百计把悲痛置于脑后,重建生活。 put the clocks back (或 forward) 1. (根据官方有关调整时间的决定)把时钟拨慢(或拨快) put so

13、meones eyes out 1. (尤指粗暴地)弄瞎的眼睛 put ones hands together 1. 鼓掌,拍手 I want you all to put your hands together for Barry.我想让大家为巴里鼓掌。 put ones hands up 1. 举手投降 put it (或 oneself) about 1. (英,非正式)(在性行为方面)乱交 put it there 1. (非正式)表示同意或祝贺的用语握手吧 Put it there Steven, we beat them, so we did.咱们握手吧,史蒂文!我们打败了他们,不

14、是吗!。 put it to 1. 对(某人)直言不讳 I put it to him that he was just a political groupie.我向他直言,说他只不过是个政治上的狂热追随者。 put one over on 1. (非正式)欺骗,愚弄 put up or shut up 1. (非正式)要么讲出正当理由要么闭嘴 They called for the minister to either put up or shut up.他们要求部长要么证明自己有理要么闭嘴。 put about 1. (航海)(轮船)掉转航向 put someone about 1. (主

15、苏格兰,北英格兰)使烦恼;使焦虑;使麻烦 put something about 1. 传播,散布(消息,谣言) put something across (或 over) 1. 使被接受,使被理解 put something aside 1. 存(钱),储蓄 2. 忘记;抛弃(某物,尤指感情或过去的分歧) put someone away informal 非正式 1. 把关进监狱(或精神病院) He deserves to be put away forever.他只配被永远关在牢里。 2. (体育运动用语)击败对方 They wasted a chance to put the othe

16、r team away.他们队丧失了击败对手的好机会。 put something away 1. 存(钱),储蓄 2. (非正式)(大量)吃喝 3. 同 put something down (见后面义项3) 4. (非正式)(体育运动用语)处理,对付(射门,投篮) put something back 1. 推迟(事件) put something by 1. 同 put something aside (见前面义项1) put someone down 1. (非正式)使窘迫;奚落 2. (车辆,飞机)让(乘客)下去 Driving back into town, he put them

17、 down near their homes.他把车开回城里后让他们在家门口下了车。 3. 把(婴儿)放下睡觉 put something down 1. 写下,记录,登记 Hes putting a few thoughts down on paper.他正在把一些想法写在纸上。 2. 取缔;镇压(叛乱,政变,暴乱) 3. 杀死(生病的、受伤的或衰老的动物) 4. 付(定金) He put a thousand down and paid the rest over six months.他先付了1,000定金,然后在六个月内付清了其余款项。 5. 储藏,储备(食品,酒) 6. 使(飞机)降

18、落(或着陆) put someone down as 1. 认为是,以为是 Id have put you down as a Vivaldi man.我本以为你是个维瓦尔迪那样的作曲家。 put someone down for 1. 报名参加(或做);登记订阅 He put his son down for Eton.他替儿子报名上伊顿公学。 put something down to 1. 把归因于 If I forget anything, put it down to old age.假如我忘记了什么,那只怪年龄大了。 put someone forward 1. 推荐 He put

19、 me forward as head of publicity.他推荐我做广告主管。 put something forward 1. 提出(计划,建议,理论) put in at/into 1. (轮船)入(港) put someone in 1. 指派 He was put in to rescue the company by the stockbrokers.他受股票经纪人之托来挽救这家公司。 put something in/into 1. 正式提出,提交 The airport had put in a claim for damages.机场已正式提出赔偿损失的要求。 2. 把

20、时间(或精力)用于 Employed mothers put in the longest hours of all women.在所有妇女中,有工作的母亲们付出的时间最长。 3. 把资金(或资源)投于 put someone off 1. 取消(或推迟)与的约会 Hed put off Martin until nine oclock.他已把与马丁见面的时间推迟到9点钟。 2. 使失去兴趣(或热情) She wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of night shifts put her off.她想当护士,但一想到值夜班又使她打消了这个念头。 3.

21、 扰乱;妨碍;阻止 Youre just trying to put me off my game.你只不过想阻止我参加比赛。 put something off 1. 推迟;拖延 They cant put off a decision much longer.他们无法把决定再继续拖下去。 put someone on 1. (成队比赛运动用语)使(选手)出赛 put something on 1. 穿上(衣服);戴上(眼镜);佩带(珠宝) Juliet had put on a cotton dress.朱丽叶穿上了棉布衣服。 2. 使(装置)运转 Shall I put the ligh

22、t on?.要打开灯吗?。 3. 组织(展览,事件);上演(戏剧) 4. 在(费用)上增加特定数量 The news put 12 pence on the share price.这条消息使股价长了12便士。 5. 装出,假装(某种表情,口音等) He put on a lugubrious look.他装出一副可怜相。 6. 在押赌注 He put 1,000 on the horse to win.他在即将获胜的那匹马上押了1,000英镑。 put someone on to 1. 使注意,使关注(有用、有名或有趣的人或物) Pike put me on to the Departmen

23、ts Legal Section.派克将我的注意力吸引到该局的法律部。 put out for 1. (非正式,主北美)同意与发生性关系 put someone out 1. 给带来麻烦(或不便),打扰 Would it put you out too much to let her visit you for a couple of hours?.让她来拜访几个小时是否会给您带来太多的麻烦?。 2. (体育运动用语)击败并淘汰对手(或对方) 3. (尤指用麻醉药)使失去知觉 put something out 1. 扑灭,熄灭 Fire crews from Grangetown put o

24、ut the blaze.从格兰奇镇赶来的消防人员把大火扑灭了。 2. 摆出;把准备好 She put out glasses and paper napkins.她摆好了玻璃杯和餐巾纸。 3. 出版;公布,发布;广播 A limited-edition single was put out to promote the album.发行限定版单曲唱片以促销该专辑。 4. 使脱位,扭伤 She fell off her horse and put her shoulder out.她从马背上掉下来扭伤了肩膀。 5. (公司)分包,发包 6. (发动机,电动机)产生(动力) The non-tu

25、rbo is expected to put out about 250bhp.这台非涡轮发动机预计能产生250个制动马力。 put something over 1. 同前面 put something across 2. (北美)推迟,拖延 Lets put the case over for a few weeks.让我们把此事推后几周。 put someone through 1. 为接通电话 put me through to the police office, please.请替我接通警察局。 2. 使遭受痛苦 I hate Brian for what he put me th

26、rough.我恨布赖恩使我受苦。 3. 为(孩子)付费上学(或上大学) put something through 1. 做成,完成 He put through a reform programme to try to save the regime.他完成了一项旨在挽救政权的改革计划。 put someone to 1. 给带来(麻烦,困难) I dont want to put you to any trouble.我不想给你带来任何麻烦。 put something to 1. 向提交(或提出) We are making a takeover bid and putting an o

27、ffer to the shareholders.我们正在做收购投标,向股东们报价。 2. 把专门用于(某一用途) They put the land to productive use.他们把这块地作为生产用地。 3. 使交配 put something together 1. 装配;聚集 He can take a clock apart and put it back together again.他能拆卸钟表然后再装起来。 They decided to put a new band together.他们决定组织一个新的乐队。 put someone under 1. 同 put s

28、omeone out(见前面义项3) put someone up 1. 为提供膳宿 2. 提出(或举荐)作候选人,提名 The party had put up a candidate in each constituency.该党在每一选区都提出了一名候选人。 put something up 1. 建造,搭建 I put up the tent and cooked a meal.我搭起帐篷,开始做饭。 2. 举(手)回答(或提问) 3. 张贴,公布(通知,招牌,海报) 4. (主英)提高(或增加)的费用 Im afraid Ive got to put your rent up.恐怕不

29、得不提高你的租金。 5. 为(企业)提供赞助 The sponsors are putting up 5,000 for the event.发起人将为此事赞助5,000英镑。 6. 把拿出来出售(或拍卖) 7. 使(猎物)走出掩蔽处 8. (古)把(剑)插入鞘内 put someone up to 1. (非正式)怂恿(或鼓动)做(坏事,蠢事) Who else would play a trick like that on me? I expect Rose put him up to it.别人谁会那样欺骗我?估计是罗斯鼓动他干的。 2. (古)把通知(或告诉) 习惯用语 put dow

30、n roots 1. 扎根于:在某地建立永久的住所 put it to (someone)【俚语】 1. 担负过重的任务或工作 2. 责备 3. 不公平地利用 4. 直率地摆明情况:以一种强有力的、直率的态度向(另外的人)摆出形势的实际情况 put (one) in mind 1. 想起 You put me in mind of your grandmother.你使我想起你的祖母 put (ones) finger on 1. 认出,识别 I cant put my finger on the person in that photograph.我认不出照片中的那个人 put (ones) foot down 1. 采

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