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届高考英语江苏版一轮复习练习语法部分 9 随堂巩固 Word版含答案.docx

1、届高考英语江苏版一轮复习练习语法部分 9 随堂巩固 Word版含答案1(2018南京、盐城模拟)He hasnt got any hobbies, _ you call watching TV a hobby.Awhen BifCunless DsinceC解析:句意:他没有任何爱好, 除非你把看电视称作爱好。 when当时候; if如果; unless除非, 要不是; since既然。 根据主从句之间的关系和连词含义判断。 故选C。 2(2018扬州、南通、连云港调研)Students active performances in class will be the new normal _

2、 teachers give them more chances.Aalthough BonceCuntil DsinceB解析:句意:一旦老师们给孩子更多的机会, 学生们在课堂上的积极表现将成为新的常态。 although尽管, 虽然; once一旦; until直到; since自从, 既然。 根据主从句之间的关系判断选B。 3(2018江苏扬州中学模拟)Crossing roads without taking traffic lights into consideration, _ they are part of a crowd, has been labeled as the“Ch

3、inese style of crossing roads”Asince Bas ifCso long as DthoughC解析:句意:只要是人群中的一份子,不考虑交通灯就过马路,已经被贴上了“中国式过马路”的标签。 so long as只要。 4(2018北京东城区统一检测)Everyone tells me Im a good speaker, _I really dont like speaking in public.Aand BsoCbut DorC解析:句意:每个人都告诉我, 我是个优秀的演讲者, 但是我真的不喜欢在公共场合演讲。 根据句意可知, 前后两句是转折关系, 所以用连词

4、but。 5(2018连云港模拟)She is a selfcentered girl, _you cant help liking her.Aand BorCso DyetD解析:句意:她是个以自我为中心的女孩, 可是你却会忍不住喜欢上她。 题干中的前后两个句子在语意上为转折关系, 故用yet“尽管, 然而”。 6_bad the circumstance is, as long as we keep in high spirits, we can succeed in the end.AWherever BWheneverCHowever DWhateverC解析:考查让步状语从句。 句意

5、:不管环境多么糟糕, 只要我们精神振作, 最后我们就能成功。 空处引导让步状语从句, 且修饰bad, 故用However。 7_you want to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of visiting the dentist, youd better keep your teeth healthy.AIf BUnlessCBecause DThoughA解析:考查状语从句。 句意:如果你想避免因看牙医而产生的不舒服的感觉, 你最好保持牙齿健康。 根据句意, 用if引导条件状语从句。 8(2018苏州模拟)Ive always been a writer,

6、but I didnt figure out it was possible _ I was in my early thirties.Awhen BuntilCafter DunlessB解析:考查状语从句。 句意:我已经是一名作家, 但是直到我三十出头, 我才看到这种可能性。 引导时间状语从句, 与前面的否定词构成not.until.结构, 意为“直到才”。 9Sleeping pills should never be taken _ suggested by a doctor because they will do great harm to peoples health.Aeven

7、 though Beven whenCexcept when Deven soC解析:考查状语从句。 句意:除非医生建议, 否则不要吃安眠药, 因为它对人的健康危害很大。 这里用except表示“除了之外”, 再接when引导的状语从句, 表示“除了的时候”。 10_you are always optimistic and selfconfident, I cant wait to make friends with you.AThough BSinceCWhile DSoB解析:考查连词。 句意:由于你总是很乐观、自信, 我迫不及待地想和你交朋友。 though尽管, 虽然; since既

8、然, 由于; while当的时候, 尽管; so所以。 根据句意可知应选B。 11How can you expect to get ahead in your life _ you even live to yourself from time to time?Athough BuntilCbefore DwhenD解析:考查连词。 句意:你有时甚至过着孤独的生活, 既然这样又怎么能够指望出人头地呢?根据句意可知, 这里应用when引导并列句表示“既然”。 本题要注意下面几点:句中的get ahead in ones life表示“出人头地”, live to oneself表示“过着孤独的

9、生活”, when在这里引导的是并列句而不是状语从句, 表示“既然”。 12(2018北京东城区模拟)I wish my house would be built_we can enjoy beautiful scenery with mountains and rivers.Ain which BwhatCwhere DthatC解析:考查状语从句。 句意:我希望我的房子建在可以欣赏到美丽的山水风景的地方。 根据句意可知设空处引导地点状语从句, 故答案为C项。 A项用来引导定语从句, 但本句中没有先行词, 故被排除; what引导名词性从句; D项引导定语从句或名词性从句。 13Youre

10、well prepared for the job interview, _theres no need for you to get so nervous.Aor BwhileCbut DsoD解析:句意:你为工作面试做了充分的准备, 因此你没必要这么紧张。 空处前后两句在语意上为因果关系, 故用so, 表示“因此, 所以”。 14May I go to play football with Dick now, Dad?No, you cant go out_your work has not been done.Abefore BuntilCafter DasD解析:考查状语从句。 句意:

11、爸爸, 我现在能出去和迪克踢足球吗?不可以, 你的活儿还没干完, 不能出去。 根据句意可知, 这里状语从句用了否定形式, 此时应用as引导原因状语从句, 表示“因为”。 15Take the note as a reminder_we might forget to buy what we need while shopping.Aunless Bin caseCeven if DonceB解析:句意:带着便条作个提醒, 以防购物时我们可能忘记我们需要买的东西。 in case“以防, 万一”符合句意。 A卷 单项填空1He is a man of _ and he has a lot of

12、interesting _ in his life.Amuch experience; experiencesBmany experiences; experienceCmuch experience; experienceDmany experiences; experiencesA解析:of much experience “有很多经验的”, a lot of interesting experiences意为“很多有趣的经历”。experience作“经验” 讲时是不可数名词, 作“经历” 讲时是可数名词。2(安徽卷)Terry, please _your cell phone when

13、 Grandma is talking to you.Alook up from Blook into Clook back on Dlook throughA解析:本题结合look短语意义辨析考查语境选词。句意:特里, 祖母和你说话时, 请不要看着你的手机。look up from “从上抬起头来”; look into “调查”; look back on “回顾, 回头看”; look through “仔细检查, 看穿”。祖母是长辈, 和孙辈说话时, 孙辈要集中精力倾听, 即: look up from your cell phone(从你的手机上把头抬起来, 即不要看着手机)。故选A

14、项。3Many countries are now setting up national parks _ animals and plants can be protected.Awhen BwhichCwhose DwhereD解析:考查定语从句。定语从句中不缺少主干成分,故使用关系副词,先行词指地点,故选where。4_ the school, he saw his parents _ for him at the school gate.AAt reaching; waited BOn arriving; waitingCAt arriving; waited DOn reaching

15、; waitingD解析:on/upon(doing) sth.是固定搭配, 意为“当时候”; see sb.doing “看见某人正在做”;arrive为不及物动词,加宾语时前要有介词at。5(2018江苏四市调研)When he was driving home, he was stopped by the policeman and was _ of speeding.Acharged BblamedCwarned DaccusedD解析:句意:当他开车回家时, 他被警察阻止了, 并被指控超速。charge sb.with sth. 指“因犯较大错误或重大罪行而进行正式法律控诉”;bla

16、me sb.for sth.“因某事责备某人”;warn sb.of sth.“警告某人某事”; accuse sb.of sth.“因某事控告某人”,指“当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法庭”,根据常识应选D。6The weather was _ cold that I didnt like to leave my room.Areally BsuchCtoo DsoD解析:so.that.“如此以至于”, 引导结果状语从句;such.that.结构中,such修饰名词。7Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family w

17、as for him.Adid he begin Bhad he begunChe began Dhe had begunA解析:not until放在句首要用部分倒装, 排除C、 D项; 两个动作是同时发生的, 故使用助动词did。8(2018扬州中学质检)The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _ to answer all kinds of questions.Aprepared BpreparingCto be prepared Dhaving preparedA

18、解析:句意:新闻发言人坐在了新闻发布会上所有记者的前面, 准备回答各种各样的问题。be prepared to do sth.“准备好做某事”。故选A。9How do you like the book? Its quite different from _ I read last month.Athat BwhichCthe one which Done whichC解析:the one指代the book,为特指, 作先行词; which引导定语从句修饰the one, which可省略。10I have read all the books _were borrowed from the

19、 library.Athat B/Cwhich DtheyA解析:由于先行词前有all修饰, 故用关系代词that来引导定语从句。11We meet on the last Friday of this month to talk about poems and poets _ we like.Awhich BwhoCwhat DthatD解析:当先行词有人和物时, 关系代词用that。12Henry made a list of all the possible solutions,_seemed helpful in handling the present situation, thou

20、gh.Anone of them Bnone of whichCall of which Dall of themB解析:考查定语从句。根据“though”可知, 前后出现了转折, 表示 “似乎没有哪种办法对处理目前的形势有帮助”, 应使用否定词, 排除C和D; 分析句子成分可知, 此处为非限制性定语从句, 因此选择B。13The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on.Ato be informed Bon informingCinformed DinformingC解析:inform如果用主动形式, 则用

21、法为: inform sb.of sth.。但本题中, “我”与inform之间存在被动关系, 故用过去分词作宾补。14Could you please tell me the way _ a notice about a school activity? Awriting Bto writeCwrite DwrittenB解析:the way有两种后置定语, 即the way to do sth.或者the way of doing sth.。15There _ be a lot of trees in front of our teaching building, but now ther

22、e arent any.Awould Bused toCwas used to Dgot used toB解析:句意:过去我们的教学楼前有许多树, 但现在没有了。would do可表示“过去常常做某事”; used to do/be 意为“过去常常做某事或存在某事物,但现在不了”;be/get used to sth./doing sth.意为“习惯于(做)某事”。阅读理解Golden Gate BridgeLocated in San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San F

23、rancisco Peninsula with Marin County. It was finally thrown open to public in 1937. It cost more than $ 35 million in the construction. Till the year 1957, the Golden Gate Bridge, at a length of 2,737 meters, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.Brooklyn BridgeThe Brooklyn Bridge is locate

24、d in Brooklyn. It is one of the oldest bridges in the United States, opened in the year 1883. The length of the bridge is 1,825 meters. The bridge has been featured in several Hollywood movies.George Washington BridgeAlso known as the Hudson River Bridge, the George Washington Bridge which connects

25、Fort Lee to Manhattan came into use in 1931 after a construction period of almost 4 years. It is a twolevel suspension bridge.Mackinac BridgeThis is the third biggest suspension bridge in the world at a length of 8,038 meters. The architect of this bridge was Dr. David B. Steinman who directed the c

26、onstruction of the bridge which started in the year 1954.It was opened to the public in 1957. People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.Navajo BridgeLocated in Arizona, this bridge crosses the Colorado River and is almost 250 meters long. The construction of this bridge started

27、in the year 1927, ending two years later, costing $390,000. In the 1990s a second bridge was built which was opened to the public in 1995. The first bridge is still used by pedestrians now.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了美国五座著名的大桥。1What do we know about the Golden Gate Bridge?AIt consists of two bridges.BIt cos

28、ts the least of the five bridges.CIt is the longest suspension bridge in the world.DIt takes about 4 years to complete the construction.D解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的 “the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County. It was finally thrown open to public in

29、 1937.”可推知,金门大桥的建造时间约有四年,故D项正确。2Which of the following bridges was built the earliest?AGolden Gate Bridge.BBrooklyn Bridge.CGeorge Washington Bridge.DNavajo Bridge.B解析:细节理解题。由题干关键词“was built the earliest”定位到每座大桥的建造时间;根据文中各座大桥的建造时间可知,布鲁克林大桥是最古老的大桥,故B项正确。3What will you do if you drive across Mackinac

30、Bridge?AHave to pay some money.BUse the second bridge.CCover nearly 250 meters.DSee the statue of Dr. David B. Steinman.A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段尾句“People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.”可知,使用麦基诺大桥的人会被收取一定量的钱,故A项正确。任务型阅读(2018宿迁三校调研) Do you love travelling? If the answer is yes, then have you ever thought about why? You may maintain that travelling can help you expand your scope of knowledge, especially

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