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1、高中英语Book1翻译句子附答案Book1Module 11. 当发生火灾时,保持头脑冷静能带来生与死的不同结果。2. 我们从不厌倦她的课,因为总她会让课程变得有趣,活跃。3. 比赛开始的时候,我们都自信一定能赢得这场比赛。4. 这项工程所带来的改变给我留下了极深刻的印象。5. 没有什么能比假期使我们感到轻松的。6. 当参加体育运动时,我们身体的所有部位几乎都有机会得到锻炼。7. 法官宣称:“根据双方制定的协议,股票应分为五等分。”8. 这张桌子太重了,光凭你自己根本就搬不动它。(by oneself)9. 他去拜访了一位住处离大学不远的朋友。(not far from)10. 他的房间比我的

2、大一倍,换句话说,我的房间只有他的房间的一半大。(倍数表达法)11. 据说大城市有更多的就业机会。(They say that)12. 因为对结果很失望,她又重新开始做实验。(disappointed with)Book1Module 21. 我对刘先生的第一印象是:他不是很帅气但是精力充沛。2. 为了避免被车撞上,不得不来了个急转弯。3. 他对这轻松的氛围感到越来越舒适,开始逐渐习惯了。4. 一些不喜欢学习的学生或许在纪律上会有一些问题。5. 我坚持每天朗读,因为我知道练习得越多,进步就越大。6. 婴儿需要很多睡眠,特别是新生儿更是如此。7. 在离开化学实验室之前,确保所有的灯都关上了。8.

3、 他建议延迟会议,因为他们还没有做好充分准备。(suggest)9. 越来越多的人宁愿住在乡下也不愿呆在城里。(prefer)10. 为什么不早点出发呢?这样你就不必那么匆忙了。(so that)11. 只有全力以赴,我们才能按时完成这项任务。(unless)12. 有导游带路,我们顺利地走出了那片森林。(with)B1Module 31. 飞机起飞时,我才想起没有切断熨斗的电源。2. 尽管她没有提到任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。3. 你的词典太旧了,里面没有一个最新单词。4. 据说喷气式飞机能以每小时两千多千米的速度飞行。5. 或许我们应该试着在一段时间内互相之间少几次见面。6. 我

4、们决不能让这些问题影响我们的长期计划。7. 他妈妈经常告诉他上下公共汽车时要小心。8. 比起其他人来,我对他似乎了解更多。(seem)9. 如果您去别处买这块表,价钱就得贵一倍以上。(more than)10. 数以千计的人聚集在机场向来访的总统欢呼。(现在分词作状语)11. 一旦他开始一项工作,不完成他是不会停下来的。(notuntil)12. 如果这些玩具运到时有损坏,请立即通知我们。(虚拟语气)B1Module 41. 他们正在市中心建造几栋新办公楼。2. 吉米设法逃离了那个人并且报了警。3. 大多数年轻人走上了战场,好多人再也没有回来。4. 由于缺乏食物,对于一些人来说生活变得困难,尤

5、其是在非洲的一些国家。5. 她的身体太不好了,这是她今年第三次住院。6. 与那些在受到严重污染的城市工作的人相比,我感觉在三亚工作很幸运。7. 纸是木头制成的,也就是说,木头可以用来造纸。8. 刚刚开始下雨,但我出来的时候没有带伞。(without)9. 他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。(remain)10. 恐怕下周日我不能到场,我有另外一个约会。(make it)11. 他不想让人知道他准备离开。(it)12. 自从我们上次见面至今已经3年了,但是我们经常通过E-mail联系。(since)B1Module 51. 妈妈让我在吃早饭前往汤里再加点盐。2. 我希望你把那些吵闹的孩子弄走

6、,他们让我头痛死了。3. 做完实验后,一切都有序地排列在器皿柜中。4. 起初,美国人与英国人说同样的语言。5. 古代马车的轮子将近是现代汽车轮子的两倍大。6. 他过去经常起得晚,但现在已经习惯于早起了。(used to)7. 现在你应该已经把文件交上来了。(be supposed to)8. 我们觉得很难想象一个没有植物的星球是什么样子。(it做形式宾语)9. 由于他没有及时准备好,我们就去看电影了,没有等他。(as)10. 我们班有几个学生对定语从句的用法仍然不太确定。(there be结构中的定语从句)B1Module 61. 这个日程表将帮助蒂姆认识到时间,并集中精力做手边的工作。2.

7、从那时起,这个男孩迷上了电脑游戏,不再努力学习了。3. 有一天,他在回家的路上想起了一个回收垃圾的新办法。4. 与其他的队员们比较,他发现自己不如他们训练得认真。5. 为了比赛,她拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。6. 这座城市从来没有像今天这样非常需要现代公共设备。(否定词位于句首的部分倒装)7. 早上我的弟弟做的第一件事就是出去看小马。(定语从句)8. 没找到钱包,他不得不向同事借一些钱。(分词作状语)9. 他们不得不面对这个事实,最近的超市也要5英里之外。(同位语从句)10. 如果他们加大对渔业投入情况会好得多。(it will be)B1Module 611. 这个日程表将帮助蒂姆

8、认识到时间,并集中精力做手边的工作。12. 从那时起,这个男孩迷上了电脑游戏,不再努力学习了。13. 有一天,他在回家的路上想起了一个回收垃圾的新办法。14. 与其他的队员们比较,他发现自己不如他们训练得认真。15. 为了比赛,她拼命地训练,有时一个星期要跑60英里。16. 这座城市从来没有像今天这样非常需要现代公共设备。(否定词位于句首的部分倒装)17. 早上我的弟弟做的第一件事就是出去看小马。(定语从句)18. 没找到钱包,他不得不向同事借一些钱。(分词作状语)19. 他们不得不面对这个事实,最近的超市也要5英里之外。(同位语从句)20. 如果他们加大对渔业投入情况会好得多。(it wil

9、l be)答案:B1Module 11. Keeping your head may make the difference between life and death when a fire breaks out.2. We never feel bored in her class, as she always makes the lessons interesting and lively.3. At the start of the game, we were all confident that we were sure to win it.4. I was so deeply i

10、mpressed with the changes brought about by the project.5. There is nothing like a holiday to make us feel relaxed.6. When taking part in sports, we get the chance to train almost all parts of our body.7. “The interest shall be divided into five parts, according to the agreement made by both sides.”,

11、 declared the judge.8. The table is so heavy that you cant move it at all by yourself.9. He went to visit a friend not far from the college.10. His room is twice as big as mine, and in other words, mine is only half as big as his.11. They say that there are more opportunities in big cities.12. Disap

12、pointed with the result of the experiment, she started a new one.B1Module 21. My first impression of Mr. Liu was that he wasnt handsome but energetic.2. To avoid being hit by the car, he had to make a sharp turn.3. He was more and more relaxed with the light atmosphere and became accustomed to it li

13、ttle by little.4. Some students who dont like to study may have problems with discipline.5. I keep reading aloud every day, for I know the more I practice, the more progress I will make.6. Babies need a lot of sleep and this is particularly true of the newborns.7. Before leaving the chemistry lab, m

14、ake sure all the lights are turned off.8. He suggested putting off the meeting for they havent prepared well.9. More and more people prefer to living in the countryside rather than stay in the city.10. Why not start a little earlier? So that you dont have to be in such a hurry.11. We wont be able to

15、 complete the task unless we try our best.12. With the guide leading the way, we got out of the forest successfully.B1Module 31. As the plane was taking off, I remembered I hadnt turned the iron off.2. Although she didnt mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.3. Your dictionarys t

16、erribly out of date, and it hasnt got any of the latest words.4. It is said that a jet plane can fly at the speed of over 2000 kilometers per hour.5. Perhaps we should try seeing each other less often for a while.6. We must not allow the problems to affect our long-term plans.7. His mother often tel

17、ls him to be careful when he gets on or gets off the bus.8. I seem to know more about him than anyone else.9. If you bought the watch somewhere else, it would cost you more than double.10. Thousands of people were gathered at the airport, cheering the visiting president.11. Once he starts a job, he

18、wont stop until its finished.12. If the toys should arrive in a damaged condition, please inform us at once.B1Module 41. They are putting up several new office blocks in the center of the city.2. Jimmy managed to get away from the man and called the police.3. Most young men went off to the war, and

19、a great many never came back.4. Life has become difficult for some people because of lack of food, especially in some African countries.5. She is too weak, and it is the third time that she has been in hospital this year.6. Compared to those who worked in seriously polluted cities, I felt fortunate

20、to work in Sanya.7. Paper can be made from wood; that is to say, wood can be made into paper.8. Its just started to rain and I have come out without my umbrella.9. In spite of quarrel, they remain the best friends.10. Im afraid I cant make it next Sunday. Ive another engagement.11. He doesnt want it

21、 to be known that hes going away.12. Its 3 years since we met/saw each other last but we often contact each other by E-mail.B1Module 51. Mother told me to add some more salt to the soup before I had breakfast.2. I wish you to keep those kids out of my way. They are giving me a headache.3. After the

22、experiment, everything is put in order in the cupboard.4. In the beginning, the Americans spoke the same language as the British.5. The wheels of the old wagon are nearly twice as big as those of the modern car.6. He used to get up late, but now he is used to getting up early.7. Youre supposed to ha

23、ve handed in your document.8. We think it hard to imagine what a planet without plants look like. 9. As he wasnt ready in time, we went to the cinema without him.10. There are several students in our class who are still not sure of the use of attributive clauses.B1Module 61. This schedule will help

24、Tim be aware of time and concentrate his attention on the task at hand.2. The boy became crazy about computer games from that moment on and no longer worked hard on his study.3. One day he came up with a new idea to recycle wastes on his way home.4. He found he didnt practice as hard as them, compar

25、ed with the other teammates.5. She trained hard for the race, sometimes running as much as 60 miles a week.6. Never before has the city been in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.7. In the morning the first thing that both my brother and I did was to go out to see the pony.8. N

26、ot having found the wallet, he had to borrow some money from his colleague.9. They had to face the fact that the nearest supermarket is 5 miles away.10. It would be much better if they put more money into the fishing industry.Book 2 Module 11. 一个好学生必须把所看到的和书里学到的联系到一起。2. 首先,我们必须考虑教室里所有人的意见。3. 他滑到把腿摔了

27、。结果,他两三个月都不能上课。4. 我们应该确定在我们离开之前要把所有的门窗关好。5. 直到读了你的信,我才明白事情的真相。6. 飞机从机场起飞了,朝郑州方向行驶。7. 他把所有的积蓄都用来买那所房子。(put.into)8. 我宁愿你暂时对此问题不做任何评论。(would rather)9. 敲完门后,那个孩子听见他妈妈喊他。(hear sb doing)10. 史密斯夫妇买了一套新房子,后面有一个小花园。(介词短语+关系词的定语从句)Book 2 Module 21 毛利人所说的语言与塔西提岛和夏威夷的语言有联系。2. 过去我与祖母住在一起,但现在我有自己的家了。3. 有一个人的头部受了伤

28、,非常痛苦。4. 我确实认为如果我们不接受他的劝告,将是很可惜的。5. 如果明天温度还是这么高,我们可能放弃到户外打网球的主意。6. 汽车污染的后果是大部分主要城市的空气质量有所降低。(as a result)7. 他是我们班比赛获胜选手中的一位。(belong to)8. 天太黑了,他不能看清楚同伴们的脸。(sothat)9. 无论你有什么理由,你都应该遵守你的诺言。(whatever)10. 那个打烂了他爸爸古董花瓶的小男孩焦虑地站在那里,等着被处罚。(分词作伴随状语)Book 2 Module 31. 我确信你优秀的计算机技能会给他们留下印象。2. 听报告时,你应该记录下教授所说的。3.

29、 他是文章的作者,但他不想让人知道他是作者。4. 约翰和玛丽在婚后的第二年因为一些琐事分手了,真令人遗憾。5. 人们吃的各种各样的食物都转化为能量。6. 救护车赶到时,围观的人已经很多了。(by the time)7. 我喜欢熬夜工作,而他更愿意天还没亮就起来工作。(while)8. 是因为更糟糕的天气交通严重堵塞了。(强调句)9. 她把每周为养老院打扫一次卫生当成了一种习惯。(it作形式宾语)10. 满意于他所做的事情,老师在班上表扬了他。(分词短语作原因状语)Book 2 Module 41. 我能从肯德声音听出他较为失望。2. 爱丽丝喜欢谈钢琴,而玛丽只对听音乐感兴趣。3. 初到威斯康辛

30、时,我对每天都吃汉堡类食品感到厌倦。4. 天气真好,我无法忍受在这样的天气里还要去上班。5. 比尔盖茨在中学时就对电脑产生了兴趣。6. 这个漂亮的小女孩进步很大,在为作一名优秀的学生而刻苦学习。(aim at)7. 不需要带这么多的蔬菜,很快会烂掉的。(there is no need)8. 杰克,被认为是我最好的朋友,昨天欺骗了我。(consider to be)9. 这条鱼的味道还不错,但比起我们上星期吃的那条可差远了。(half as good as)10. 有这么多人的帮助,他们一定能克服所有困难。(with复合结构)Book 2 Module 51. 汤姆告诉玛丽到目前为止自己宫学了

31、3000个单词。2. 走钢丝时,你要集中精力于身体在空中移动方式。3. 这次会议比其他会议重要得多,我们应该认真对待。4. 这是我第一次公开发言。5. 东南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。(while)6. 老师不希望有任何发生放学后留在教室里。(there be结构)7. 我公司规定最后离开办公室的人要关掉所有的灯。(不定式作定语)8. 尽管承认她所说的话,但我仍然认为她没有尽最大努力。(分词作状语)Book 2 Module 61. 令我吃惊的是,他在昨天的会议上又一次提出了一个月前没通过的计划。2. 我有时喜欢沿着海滩散步,将所有问题抛在脑后。3. 12岁时,我的梦想是长大后当一名警察。4. 这位贪婪的富人似乎唯一在乎的就是金钱。5. 凯特正在读的故事书讲的是有关海底的神秘世界。

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