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1、跨文化商务沟通整理跨文化商务沟通期末考试的复习内容一、单选题(10题2分=20分)1、_A_ is called interracial communication。A.The communication between African Americans and European Americans.B.The communication between two peopleC.Communication we have with ourselves D.Interactions among people from different nations.2、The nail that stic

2、ks up gets hammered down is a proverb revealing_.A. individualism B. collectivism C. self-centered D. independence 3、The colour red means prosperity(繁荣、兴旺) in_D_ .A. American B. England C. Spain D. China 4、“Yellow dog” refers to _C_ in England.A.someone who is happy B. Someone who is braveC. Someone

3、 who is coward(卑鄙的) D. Someone who is sad.5、A:Thank you so much for what you have done for me and I really appreciate your kindness. B:_C_ (If you were B, which of the following you would choose as a polite and proper answer)A. Its my duty to do so. B. No, its nothing. C. Its my pleasure. D. Its wha

4、t I Should do.6、_C_ is not one of the countries with high-context communication.A. China B. Mexico C. Canada D. Japan7、_D_ belongs to low uncertainty avoidance.(不确定性回避)A.People develop many rules to control social behaviors.B.People tend to worry abort the future.C.People have a high level of anxiet

5、y.D.People believe in accepting dissent among cultural members .8、_C_ tends to be feminine(娇柔倾向) country.A.Japan B. England C. Denmark D. Germany9、Owl(猫头鹰) is the symbol of misfortune(不幸) in_D_ 。A. American B. England C. Spain D. China10、_D_ adopts monochromic(单向计时制) time system.A. Chill B. Brazil C

6、. Argentina D. England.1._C_ is called intrapersonal communication.A. The communication between African Americans and European Americans。B. The communication between two people。C. Communication we have with ourselves。D. Interactions among people from different nations.2.“The nail that sticks up gets

7、 hammered down” is a proverb from_A_ A.Japan B.American C.Germany D.England 3.“A red rag to a bull”(火冒三丈) may stem from_D_ .A.American B.England C.Spain D.China 4.The color yellow means young in_A_ .A.American B.Japan C.Spain D.China5._B_is not one of the countries with low-context communication.A.A

8、merican B.Mexico C.Canada D.Germany6._A_ belongs to high uncertainty avoidance.A.People develop many rules to control social behaviors.B.People are willing to accept change and takes risks.C.People have a high tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity.D.People believe in accepting dissent among cultur

9、al members.7._A_ tends to be masculine(阳刚倾向) country.A.Japan B.Hollan C.Denmark D.Thailand8._C_ adopts polychronic(多项计时制) time system.A.Canada B.Germany C.Argentina D.England9.Cow is worshiped in_A_ .A.India B.America C.Germany D.Japan10.The word “Hippie” is from _D_ .A.England B.Japan C.Canada D.Am

10、erica 二、True or False.判断正误(10题*2分=20分)1.Japanese culture prefers directness and face-caving behaviors.2.Its normal to point the soles of your shoes or feet towards the other person when you sit in Indonesia.3.Americans highly value positive nonverbal displays and typically regard someone who smiles

11、as more intelligent than someone who does not.4.All people of the same nationality will hare the same culture.5.Culture can be seen as shared knowledge what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture.1.Encoding is the process of putting ideas into symbols.2.Although culture

12、s do change. most changes affects only the surface structure of the culture.3.Culture is a static (静态的)entity while communication is a dynamic process. 4.Women are frequent participants on a Japanese negotiation team.5.Western women usually like Chinese to touch their bodies or small children.6.Cult

13、ural mistakes are more serious than linguistic mistakes. The linguistic mistake means that someone is not fully expressing his or her idea while cultural mistakes can lead to serious misunderstanding and even ill-feeling between individuals.7.Ones actions are totally independent of his or her cultur

14、e.8.All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which politeness is achieved may vary significantly.9.In informal situations, a large number of compliments(恭维) are used to make people feel comfortable.10.“Dragon” means the same to the westerner as “龙”to the Chinese. 三、名词解释(5题*3分=15分)1

15、、intercultural communication 6、power distance. 2、Collectivism 7、nonverbal communication 3、values 8、individualism4、masculinity 9、femininity5、polychromic time system 10、Monochromic time system具体解释:1.Intercultural communication:face-to-face interactions among people of diverse cultures.2.Collectivism:A society low individualism would likely endorse, order,conformity in group relationships,deference to group norms,family relationship and loyalty to consensus view.points3.values:values can be defined as broa

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