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1、历届同等学力考题词汇汇编英语培训班材料历届同等学力考题词汇汇编Section A:AAccomplish(complete) awareness(memory) ascertain(verify) applicable(relevant)B Be bound to(would certainly) ban(forbid)C(color)Come out(fade) (snow)collects(accumulates) cautiously(carefully) chronic(serial)DDeception(cheating) diverse(different) deliberate(

2、intentional) E Exterior(appearance) explore sb. (studied) exterminate(kill) FFacilitate(promote) formulate(conceive)HHitting(striking) hints(clues) hesitation(delay)IIlluminate(light up) incredible(hard to believe) ignore(refuse to consider) incentive(motive) initiate(trigger) OOptimal(ideal) optimi

3、sm(confidence)PPenetrating(profound) premium(extra charge) put up(stay) panic(excitement) pledge(promise) panic(alarm) RReluctant(unwilling)SSpecialties(field)TTap(exploit) tranquil(calm) terminate(vanish)ZZealous(enthusiastic)+Section B:AAcquire advocate arouse asset award assistance advantage adop

4、t adapt available account advertisement assure ascertain attribute apply attach accuse apologetic alleviate appeal access abolish accordingly anticipation acknowledgment assign attach acceptable alike alive affect across amid acknowledge associate amusement accident acquaint accidentally advise acco

5、unt for/to/amount to audibleBBenefit/beneficial because of/by means of/CCommitment carefully cut off cut down cut out cut in charge conform contribution correspondingly collection collapse combination connection commitment confusing complicated create commission confront components compounds conquer

6、 contest center concentrate classify circumstance conventional concise creative crucialDDefine donation dependable diminish distinguish descend decline deduce detach dispatch dignity dominate designate descend diligent dominate determinateEExpect/expectation emission easy evaluate exchange expansion

7、 exposure engagement evolution emphasize efficient encounter elements exciteFFill in favorable feasible favorable favorite formulate furnish function facilitate fortunately frustratedlyGGrateful go in for/over/out/withoutIidentification/identify investigation induce intellect intellectual insight in

8、tegrate inherit innovate inhabit infrequently irregularly intervene intensify interact integrate inefficient inaccurate inadequate indispensable individually include influence inspection intention Intelligent incident income initially ingredients in addition to/in spite of in return/in the long run/

9、in turn/in place impose impulse identicalJJustify judgmentLLean on likely label legibleMMake up motivation more than(other than/rather than/better than) mentality morality majesty majority memorize make clear/out/sure/sense mechanize minimize modernize municipal motivateNNetwork nameOOptimistic obje

10、ctive overwhelm originate overwork optionalPProsecute(作检察官,起诉,告发) proclaim(宣布,声明) primarily partially perception punishment punch pinch(捏,掐) possible pension persecute(迫害) pessimistic predictable pat publication petition precautious popular prestige privilege priority past perceive presume paraphras

11、e proficient pension preside(主持) provincialQqualificationRReduce rotation refer reasonable raise relax respectively run for/against/over/into rivalry resource resolution requirement response refer recommend remote rural restrict request reception responseSStab shot suspension suspend suspect sentenc

12、e shrug stake sympathetic survival specimens specifications standardize section salaryTTurn up take/up/in/after/on transaction transition transmission transportation testify touch threatening think out/about/over/for transfer translate transmit transplant take over/out/off/onUUnsteadily unevenly uni

13、ty use upVVolume viaWwitness按照选项汇编(19972009年)1997年:Section A: (划线部分)1. practical*(applicable) relevant convenient comparable2. diminished shrunk vanished*(terminated) worsened3. strategy standpoint priority promise*(pledge)4. implement render assign complete*(accomplish a task)5. fulfill approve con

14、ceive*(formulate构思) conduct6. crisis alarm*(panic) hazard peril7. confidence*(optimism) motivation c. imagination resolution8. storage impression memory*(awareness) perception9. explore obtain verify*(ascertain) search10. enthusiastic*(zealous) b concerted gigantic dedicatedSection B:1. assigned det

15、ached attached dispatched*2. weighing* valuing evaluating distinguishing3. exchange exposure* expansion contribution4. inefficient inaccurate inadequate* indispensable5. think out think about* think over think for6. individually accordingly correspondingly respectively*7. collection* publication vol

16、ume stack8. anticipation acknowledgment expectation judgment*9. decline* descend deduce collapse10. unity combination c. network* connection1998年:Section A:1. different*(diverse) distinctive similar separated2. motive*(incentive) initiative excitement entertainment3. definite intentional*(deliberate

17、) delicate interactive4. wounded reduce killed*(exterminated) trapped5. anxious curious opposed unwilling*(reluctant)6. hastens triggers*(initiates) devises releases7. tension excitement fear*(panic) nervousness8. ideal*(optimal) required optional standard9. transient starving severe serial*连续的(chro

18、nic)10. establish maximize guarantee promote*(facilitate)Section B:1. translation transportation transmission transition*2. assure suspect* ascertain suspend3. contributed applied attributed* attached4. sentenced accused persecuted charged*5. justified witnessed testified* identified6. conform* appe

19、al refer access7. favorable predictable* dependable reasonable8. shrugged*耸肩 touched raised patted9. apologetic threatening pessimistic* grateful10. diminished alleviated*减轻 replaced abolished1999年:Section A:1. complaint consideration delay*(hesitation) anxiety2. followed evaluated acted studied*(ex

20、plored)3. hard to invent hard to understand hard to imagine hard to believe*(incredible)4. extra charge*(premium额外费用) extra price extra tip extra bonus5. arrange manage last stay*(put up)6. carefully*(cautiously) deliberately nervously bravely7. produce reserve exploit*(tap) search8. forbids*(bans)

21、eliminates promotes protects9. calm*(tranquil) upset steady severe10. failed to understand put up with stood up for refused to consider*(ignored)?2000年:Section A:1. would unnecessarily would simply would certainly*(was bound to) would alternatively2. problems experiences interests fields*(specialtie

22、s)3. appearance*(exterior) personality outlook temper4. cheating*(deception) pollution abuse depression5. disappear vanish fade*(come out) blend6. heating knocking hurting striking*(hitting)7. extensive profound*(penetrating) conclusive valuable8. decorated illustrated lit up*(illuminated) studied c

23、arefully9. freedom assistance clues*(hints) funds10. melts accumulates*(collects) selects scattersSection B:1. student-leading student-led* student-leaded student-lead2. prosecute起诉,告发 acquire advocate* proclaim3. identification punishment* investigation commitment4. reduce expect arouse induce*劝诱,促

24、使5. primarily* traditionally carefully partially6. intellect insight* perception understanding7. (work)on* with in about8. make up*(for their financial losses) turn up fill in lean on9. took up拿起;认购 took in接受,吸收 took after长得相似 took on*(more employees雇佣)10. shot punch拳击,殴打 pinch捏,掐 stab*刺伤2001年:Secti

25、on A:1. rather very a little*(somewhat) less2. interior obstacle*(barrier) interruption interference3. formal voluntary practical required*(compulsory)4. imported installed started*(initiated) interviewed5. guarantee farewell well-off well-being*(welfare)6. flows comes derives originates*(stemmed fr

26、om)7. avail有益于,有帮助 use*(exercise power) have display8. supposed poised使平衡,保持。姿势 aroused raised*(posed the question)9. weakened*(undermined the foundation) reached spoiled covered10. worried neglected reduced mentioned*(cited example)11. helpful kind sensible*(rational) effective12. methods*(tactics)

27、 attitudes thoughts solutions13. career*(vocation) holiday plan research14. detain retrieve*( get back) track detect15. local unfamiliar good unfavorable*(adverse)Section B:1. come over*过来;来访 come down败落;下来 come along进展;出现 come true2. at the spot on the spot* for the spot in the spot3. (live)up to*(

28、her extraordinary reputation) up down on4. alive (broadcast)live*(直播) lively living5. appointed* pointed assigned disappointed6. management safety devices* routine7. convey*(messages) study exploit keep8. wise elaborate* (preparations) optional neutral9. number contribution circulation*(发行) celebrat

29、ion10. sight brand variety (resist)temptation*11. exotic*(fruits) enough limited famous12. confident sick happy accustomed(to the new environment)13. traditionally rarely normally* continually14. unique* average collective single15. stand for care about cope with care for2002年:Section A:1. increase

30、prolong intensify express*(extend my hear-felt gratitude to the host)2. miserable economical*(thrifty) luxurious sensible3. overcome enclose encounter avoid*(ward off the danger)4. conferences conversations practices*(conventions) formations5. uninterrupted*(successive) successful forceful overwhelm

31、ing6. out of the question no doubt*(without question) naturally obviouslyplaining to arguing with speaking to*(addressing) consulting with8. runs for runs against*(violates the interests of the collective) runs over runs into9. traditional intelligent industrious advanced*(sophisticated technologies)10. improved a little remained the same become worse*(deteriorated) changed a lot11. lasting*(permanent) serious terrible temporary12. compatible compact equal*(comparable to) entitled13. attributed limited*(restricted to) connected devoted14. lessening*(diminishing)

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