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1、基础英语短语1000条基础英语知识学习1000条,你还为忘记已久的英语而担心吗?抓紧学习吧!MR wang: Good morning, sir. 先生早。MR zhang: Good morning. 早。MR li: Hello, MR wang. How are you today? 喂,比尔,今天好吗?MR wang: Fine, thanks. Beautiful day! 很好, 谢谢您. 今天天气真好!MR li: Good for business. 是个做生意的好日子。MR wang: Sure is. 说的是。MR li: See you later. 回头见。MR wan

2、g: OK. MR li. See you later. 好, 回头见,保罗。GIRL: Excuse me, sir. 先生,请问.MR wang: Yes? 有什么指教?GIRL: Is this the Museum of Modern Art? 这是不是现代艺术博物馆?MR wang: No. This is the Space Building. Thats the Museum over there. 不是,这是太空大厦。那边那座是博物馆。GIRL: Thank you very much. 谢谢您。MR wang: Youre welcome. 不客气。MR li: MR wan

3、g! 比尔!MR wang: Hi, MR li. 嗨,保罗。MR li: MR wang, this is my sister, Joana Farias. 比尔,这是我妹妹琼娜法瑞斯。MR wang: Very pleased to meet you. 很高兴认识。MR li: Excuse me, MR wang. Your last name is.? 抱歉,比尔。您的姓是.?MR wang: ONeill. 奥尼尔.MR li: MR wang ONeill. 比尔奥尼尔.JOANA: How do you do, Mr. ONeill? 奥尼尔先生您好.MR wang: Call

4、me MR wang. 叫我比尔就可以.WOMR zhang: Excuse me, sir. Is this the Museum of Modern Art? 先生, 对不起, 请问这是不是现代艺术馆?MR li: Good-bye, MR wang. See you this afternoon. 比尔再见, 下午见.MR wang: Good-bye. A pleasure meeting you, Joana. 再见. 很高兴和您见面, 琼娜.MR wang: Now, Miss. The Museum of Modern Art is. 嗯, 小姐, 现代艺术博物馆在.MR li:

5、 Hello, MR wang. 比尔您好.MR wang: Hi, MR li. How are you? 嗨, 保罗, 您好吗?MR li: Fine, thanks. MR wang, this is my mother, Mrs. Farias. Mother, MR wang ONeill. 很好,谢谢。比尔,这位是家母法瑞斯太太。妈, 这位是比尔奥尼尔.MRS. FARIAS: How do you do, Mr. ONeill? 奥尼尔先生您好。MR wang: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Farias. 很高兴认识您,法瑞斯太太。MRS. FARIAS:

6、 MR li, is that Joana over there? 保罗,那边那位是不是琼娜?MR li: Yes. Joana! Joana! 是的。琼娜! 琼娜!MRS. FARIAS: Good-bye, Mr. ONeill. Nice to meet you. 奥尼尔先生再见, 很高兴认识您.着迷英语900 句MR wang: A pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Farias. Good night, MR li. See you tomorrow. 很高兴认识您,法瑞斯太太. 保罗晚安, 明天见。LAURA: Hi, MR wang. Im late agai

7、n. 比尔,您好。我又迟到了。MR wang: Uh-huh. Fifteen minutes. 是的, 迟到了十五分钟。LAURA: Really? 真的?MR wang: Yes, really. 嗯, 真的。LAURA: Is my boss here? 老板来了没有?MR wang: Yes, he is. Good luck. 嗯,来了。祝您好运。LAURA: Good morning, sir. 老板您早。MR. CRAWFORD: Good morning, Miss Segura. 瑟姑拉小姐早。LAURA: Im sorry Im late, sir, but this mo

8、rning. 对不起, 老板, 我迟到了。是因为今天早上.MR. CRAWFORD: You are always late, Miss Segura. 瑟姑拉小姐, 您总是迟到。LAURA: But, sir, this morning. 可是今天早上.MR.CRAWFORD: Miss Segura, please be here at nine oclock. 瑟姑拉小姐, 请九点钟到。LAURA: Yes, sir. 是的, 老板。MR wang: Well, hows your boss this morning? 您的老板今天怎么样?LAURA: Hes angry. “Miss

9、Segura. Please be here at nine oclock.” 他生气了. “瑟姑拉小姐, 请您九点钟到。”MR wang: Your boss is right. 您的老板没有错。LAURA: Hes a monster! 他是一个怪物!MR wang: Hes right, Laura. 劳拉, 他是对的。LAURA: OK, hes right. 好吧, 他没有错。MR wang: Here. 来这儿。LAURA: What is it? 那是什么?MR wang: Its an ice cream sandwich. 一个冰淇淋叁明治。LAURA: How much i

10、s it? 多少钱?MR wang: For you-free! 给您. 免费赠送!LAURA: Oh, MR wang. Youre a sweetheart! 比尔, 您真好!MR.CRAWFORD: Hi, dear. Sorry Im late. 亲爱的, 我回来了。今天晚了一点, 很抱歉。MRS. CRAWFORD: Thats okay, dear. Busy day? 没关系, 亲爱的, 忙吗?MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, very. My secretary, Miss Segura. 嗯, 非常忙, 我的秘书瑟姑拉小姐.MRS. CRAWFORD: Laura! Ho

11、w is she? 劳拉! 她怎么样了?MR. CRAWFORD: Shes fine, but. 她很好, 但是.MRS. CRAWFORD: Oh, thats good. Shes very nice. 那好, 她人很好.MR. CRAWFORD: Yes, she is, but shes always late. 是的, 她很好, 可是她经常迟到.MRS. CRAWFORD: Very late? 很迟吗?MR. CRAWFORD: Yes. Fifteen minutes is very late! 嗯, 迟到十五分钟非常的严重!JOANA: Wheres the English

12、class? 英文课在哪上?MR li: On the first floor. Room 101. 在一楼, 一零一号教室.JOANA: Are you sure? 您确定吗?MR li: No, I. 不, 我.着迷英语900 句JOANA: Look, MR li. Are those students in our class? 保罗您看, 那些学生是不是在我们的班上?MR li: Maybe they are. Excuse me. Good evening. Are you in English 3? 或许是. 很抱歉, 各位晚安. 请问您们是不是上第叁级英文?STUDENTS:

13、Yes, we are. 是的, 我们是.MR li: Whats the room number? 教室是几号?STUDENT 1: 201. On the second floor. 二零一, 在二楼.MR li: Thank you. See you there. 谢谢. 到那儿见.MR li: Look, Joana. Theres my assistant, Maria, and her husband. Hello, Maria! Over here! 琼娜,你看, 那位就是我的助手玛利亚, 还有她的先生. 喂, 玛利亚! 在这里!MARIA: MR li! Joana! What

14、 a surprise! Are you here for English, too? 保罗! 琼娜! 真想不到! 您们也来上英文课吗?MR li AND JOANA: Yes, we are. 是的, 我们也是.MARIA: Howard, this is MR li Farias, the new MR zhangager, and his sister, Joana. My husband, HowardBecker. 霍华德, 这就是那新来的经理保罗法瑞斯, 和他的妹妹琼娜. 这是我先生, 霍华德贝克.MR li, JOANA, AND HOWARD: Nice to meet you

15、. 很高兴认识您.MR li: Heres the room. 201. 到了, 就是这间, 二零一号教室.TEACHER: Good evening, class. 各位同学, 晚安.STUDENTS: Good evening. 晚安.TEACHER: Please sit down. Here are your books, New English 900. Now, listen to this dialogue.Books closed. 请坐下. 这是您们的书. “新英语九百句”. 现在请把书合起来听听这段对话.JOANA: MR li, Im nervous. 保罗, 我很紧张.

16、MR li: Why? 为什么?JOANA: Im always nervous in school. 上课的时候我总是会紧张.MR li: Why? The teacher is very nice. 为什么? 这位老师很慈祥.JOANA: Yes, she is. But English is hard. 她是很慈祥, 可是英文太难了.MR li: A new language is always hard. 学一种新的语言总是很困难的.STUDENT: Ssssh! 嘘!JOANA: Im sorry. 对不起.TEACHER: Now, open your books to page

17、1, and repeat after me. 现在请将书打开到第一页,并跟着我念.ARTURO: Theres the plane, Miguel. Wow! Its a 747. 米盖尔, 飞机就在那里. 哇! 是架七四七!MAMA: My little Miguel. 我的小米盖尔.MIGUEL: Mama, Im a MR zhang! 妈, 我已经长大了!ARTURO: 747s are beautiful planes. 七四七客机真漂亮.MAMA: Where is your suitcase? 你的旅行箱在哪?MIGUEL: Right here, Mama. 就在这里, 妈.

18、MAMA: And your tickets? 机票呢?MIGUEL: Theyre in my pocket, Mama. 在我的口袋里, 妈.MAMA: And your passport? 护照呢?MIGUEL: Its in my pocket, too, Mama. 护照也在我的口袋里, 妈.MAMA: Heres a present. 来, 这是件礼物.着迷英语900 句MIGUEL: Oh, Mama. 噢, 妈.MAMA: Open it. 打开吧!MIGUEL: Its beautiful. 真漂亮.ARTURO: What is it? 那是什么?MIGUEL: A gol

19、d coin. 一块金币.MAMA: Its for luck. 是带给你的好运.MIGUEL: Thank you, Mama. 谢谢妈.MAMA: Good-bye, Son. 再见, 孩子.ARTURO: Good-bye, Miguel. 米盖尔再见.MIGUEL: Good-bye Arturo. Good-bye, Mama. 阿徒若再见, 妈再见.CARLO: Arent you hungry? 您不饿吗?ANNA: No, Im not. Not really. 还好, 不怎么饿.CARLO: Well, its 9:30, and I am. 哦, 已经九点半了, 我可饿了.

20、ANNA: Theres a cafeteria on the ground floor. 在一楼有一个自助餐厅.CARLO: But its expensive, isnt it? 可是那家自助餐厅卖得很贵, 不是吗?ANNA: No, it isnt. 不贵呀.CARLO: Hows the food? 菜怎么样?ANNA: Its not bad. 还不错.CARLO: OK. then. Lets go to the cafeteria. 好吧, 我们就去自助餐厅吧!CARLO: Whats that in English? 那个英文怎么讲?ANNA: Stew. Stew.CARLO

21、: Spell it. 拼出来.ANNA: S-t-e-w. S-t-e-w.CARLO: S-t-e-w. Stew, stew. S-t-e-w. Stew, stew.COUNTERMR zhang: Next, next. Whos next? 下一位, 下一位, 下一位是谁?CARLO: Uh, Im not ready yet, thank you. 这个. 我还没想好, 不好意思.COUNTERMR zhang: Take your time. Next! 慢慢来. 下一位!CARLO: What are those, Anna? 安娜, 那些是什么?ANNA: Baked po

22、tatoes. 烤的马铃薯.COUNTERMR zhang: Next! 下一位!MR zhang: A hamburger and french fries, please. 请给我一个汉堡, 还有一客炸薯条.COUNTERMR zhang: Joe, a burger and fries. Next! 乔, 汉堡、薯条一客! 下一位!ANNA: Youre next, Carlo. 卡洛, 轮到你了.CARLO: Uh, stew, a salad, and coffee, please. 这个., 请给我燉肉、一客沙拉、还有咖啡.COUNTERMR zhang: Here you are

23、. The coffees at that counter over there. Next! 这是你的, 咖啡在那边的柜檯上. 下一位。ANNA: Vegetable soup, please. 请给我蔬菜汤.COUNTERMR zhang: Here you are. Next! 这是你的. 下一位!CARLO: Whats that? 那是什么?ANNA: Pizza. Pizza.CARLO: No, not in Italian. What is it in English? 不, 不是用意大利文, 英文怎么讲?ANNA: Its “pizza” in English, too. 英

24、文也叫Pizza.着迷英语900 句CARLO: Oh, really? What are those? 哦, 真的? 那些是什么东西?ANNA: Baked potatoes. 烤马铃薯.CARLO: And this? 那这个呢?ANNA: Uh. an apple. 嗯. 是apple (苹果).CARLO: Are you sure? 你确定吗?ANNA: Yes, Im sure. 当然确定.CARLO: Spell it. 把它拼出来.ANNA: A-p-p-l-e. A-p-p-l-e.CARLO: A-p-p-l-e, apple. Spell “potato”. A-p-p-

25、l-e, apple, 把potato (马铃薯) 拼出来.ANNA: P-o-t-a-t-o. P-o-t-a-t-o.CARLO: And. 还有这个.ANNA: Look! Isnt that Atsuko, the woMR zhang in our class? lets sit there. Hi, Atsuko. Wheres yourhusband? 你看! 那不是我们班上的明子吗? 我们坐那边吧. 明子你好,你的先生呢?ATSUKO: Hes in line again. Hes hungry tonight. 他又去排队了, 他今天晚上很饿.CARLO: Hows the

26、food here? 这里的菜怎么样?ATSUKO: Its okay. The rice isnt good, but the sandwiches are okay. 还可以, 这里的饭不好吃,但是叁明治还不错.PEDRO: Are you writing letters again? 你又在写信了?MIGUEL: Huh? 什么?PEDRO: What are you doing? 你在做什么?MIGUEL: Im writing to my mother. 我在写信给我妈妈.PEDRO: Send her my regards. 代我问候她.MIGUEL: Where are you

27、going? Isnt that my new sweater? 你要去哪里? 那不是我的新毛衣吗?PEDRO: Yes. Im going to the movies with Marta, the Colombian girl on the fourth floor. 是. 我正要与四楼那位哥伦比亚女孩子玛它去看电影.MIGUEL: You are? What about the woMR zhang in your office? 你真要去? 那, 你的公司那位小姐呢?PEDRO: What about her? 她怎么样?MIGUEL: Arent you seeing her ton

28、ight? 你今天晚上不是要去看她的吗?PEDRO: No, tomorrow night. 不是, 是明天晚上.MIGUEL: And. whats her name, the girl in the bakery? 还有. 麵包店那个叫什么名字来着的女孩子?PEDRO: Yolanda? Im seeing her on Friday. 幼兰达? 我星期五要看她.MIGUEL: Martas a nice girl. 玛它是个很善良的好女孩.PEDRO: Who? Oh, Marta. Yes, she is, isnt she? Its her birthday next Sunday.

29、 谁? 哦, 玛它. 是的,她很善良可不是吗? 下星期天是她的生日.MIGUEL: I know. April 22nd. 我知道, 是四月二十二号.PEDRO: Were going to a party. 我们将要参加一个宴会.MIGUEL: Arent you going to the movies? 你们不是要去看电影吗?PEDRO: Yes. Tonight Marta and I are going to the movies. Next week, on Martas birthday, weregoing to a party. 是啊!我和玛它今天晚上要去看电影. 在下个礼拜玛

30、它过生日时, 我将要参加宴会.MIGUEL: Oh. 喔!着迷英语900 句PEDRO: Marta isnt going to the party. 玛它不参加聚会了.MIGUEL: Oh? Why? 哦? 为什么?PEDRO: Shes sick. 她生病了.MIGUEL: Oh, Im sorry. Whats wrong? 噢, 真可惜, 她怎么了?PEDRO: A headache. 头痛.MIGUEL: A headache? 头痛啊?PEDRO: Yes, a headache. 对了, 头痛.MIGUEL: Where are you going? 你要去哪?PEDRO: To

31、 the party. 去参加聚会.MIGUEL: Youre going alone? 你一个人去吗?PEDRO: Sure. Are you writing to your mother again? 当然. 你又要写信给你妈妈?MIGUEL: Yes. 是的.PEDRO: Send her my regards. Well, Im going. Good-bye. 请代我问候她. 好了, 我要走了, 再见.MIGUEL: Bye. See you later. 回头见.MARTA: Who is it? 那一位?MIGUEL: Miguel. Pedros friend. 米盖尔, 佩德罗的朋友.MARTA: What a surprise! Come in. 真想不到! 请进.MIGUEL: Thank you. Here. Happy birthday. 谢谢. 这个给你, 祝你生日快乐

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