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届一轮复习外研版选修七Module 6The Worlds Cultural Heritage单元学案22页word版.docx

1、届一轮复习外研版选修七Module 6The Worlds Cultural Heritage单元学案22页word版2019届一轮复习外研版选修七Module 6The Worlds Cultural Heritage单元学案一单元基础词汇句式全练一、写其形1.preserve v. 保护;保存2.agreement n. 协议3.invest v. 投资4.remains n. 遗迹;遗体5.existence n. 存在6.relation n. 亲属;亲戚7.sharpen v. 使变锋利8.exposure n. 暴露;显露9.contribute v. 促成10.maintain

2、n. 保持;维持;保养11.endangered adj. 濒危的12.recommend v. 建议13.awareness n. 意识;认识;感悟能力14.propose v. 建议;提议15.assistance n. 帮助,援助16.precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的;贵重的17.estimate n. 估计;估算18.length n. 长度19.request n. 请求;要求20.enlarge v. (使)增大;(使)扩大21.mercy n. 任凭的摆布22.undertake v. 许诺做某事;同意做某事23.absence n. 缺乏;没有24.ignore v.

3、 忽视;不理;不管25.honour v. 给予荣誉二、知其意1.venue n. 会场;举办地点2.divert v. 使改道3.prehistoric adj. 史前的;有历史记载以前的4.archaeologist n. 考古学家5.primitive adj. (人类或动植物)原始的,原生的6.skull n. 头颅;颅骨7.item n. (一)件8.limestone n. 石灰石9.span n. 时距;期间10.fossil n. 化石11.beast n. 野兽12.excavation n. 发掘13.list v. (按某次序)把列表,列清单14.evolution n.

4、 进化;演变15.weed n. 野草;杂草16.cement n. 水泥 n. 基金;专款18.catastrophe n. 毁灭性的大灾难19.waterproof adj. 防水的;不透水的20.marvellous adj. 极好的;绝妙的;了不起的21.imperial adj. 皇帝的;皇家的22.tangible adj. 有形的;可触摸的23.intangible adj. 无形的;难以捉摸的;无法形容的24.delegate n. 代表25.monument n. 纪念碑;纪念馆26.inhabitant n. 居民27.mankind n. 人类28.dire

5、ctory n. 名录;指南 n. 投标;努力,争取30.discrimination n. 歧视31.practitioner n. (尤指医学或法律界的)从业人员32.advocate v. 主张,拥护33.status n. 法律地位34.virus n. 病毒35.malaria n. 疟疾promise n. 折中;妥协37.seminar n. 讨论课,研讨会38.symbolic ambassador 形象大使39.epic n. 史诗,叙事诗40.agenda n. (事项)待办;待讨论41.subjective adj. 主观的42.diplomacy n. 外交

6、43.thorough adj. 彻底的;全面的;详尽的44.bureaucratic adj. 官僚的;官僚主义的45.autonomy n. 自治,自治权46.federal adj. 联邦政府的47.guidance n. 指导,引导,咨询48.Hispanic adj. 与说西班牙语(葡萄牙语)国家有关的49.journalism n. 新闻业;新闻工作1.of vital importance 至关重要2.apart from 除之外3.go through 获准,经过程序4.remind sb of sth 使某人想起 the mercy of. 受支配 retur

7、n 反过来 honoured for 因而受到尊敬8.contribute to 导致;有助于1.Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds,causing serious damage.有些地方几乎全部被杂草覆盖,造成严重破坏。2.The site is extremely expensive to maintain and it will cost between three and five million yuan to repair it.这个遗址保护起来是极其昂贵的,要花三至五百万元来修缮。3.They are a p

8、recious part of our cultural heritageit is of vital importance that we do something.它们是我们文化遗产中极其宝贵的部分因此我们采取行动就显得尤其重要。二 单元综合知识运用检测(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2018江西新余一中模拟) My Favourite Travel BooksThe Old Patagonian Express by Paul TherouxChoosing my favorite Paul Theroux book is like picking my favorite place i

9、n the world: Its impossible to settle on just one. But The Old Patagonian Express, which is about a train journey Theroux made from Boston, USA to southern Argentina, is right up there at the top of my list. Theroux has a wicked sense of humor. He brings so much wisdom and experience to his travels.

10、 Walden by Henry David ThoreauIf he were alive today, Thoreau would probably frown if he heard someone refer to Walden as a travel book. But I regard it as a travelwriting masterpiece. “I went into the woods,” he writes, “because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of li

11、fe, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Thats the same spirit of discovery that defines so many great contemporary travel records.The Dharma Bums by Jack KerouacLike so many people, I fell in love with Kerouacs novels in my

12、late teens and early 20s. On the Road gets all the press, but I always love The Dharma Bums. Kerouac beautifully captures the romance of California trains, Berkeley, and backpacking in the Sierras. Its hard to read this book without wanting to leave for the mountains to brainstorm bad haikus on the

13、trail and cook canned macaroni and cheese over a crackling campfire.Confucius Lives Next Door by TR. ReidThis is sort of A Year in Provence in Japan, only the crosscultural differences are much greater. Reid and his family moved to Tokyo when he became the chief for The Washington Post, enabling him

14、 to uncover truths about the country. Among the highlights are his observations about Japanese schools, including Yodobashi No. 6 Elementary School, where his daughters were greeted by the whole school staff.【语篇解读】本文作者为大家推荐了几本书。1Which book enables readers to experience great crosscultural difference

15、s?AThe Old Patagonian Express.BConfucius Lives Next Door.COn the Road.DWalden.答案与解析:B细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句“This is sort of A Year in Provence in Japan, only the crosscultural differences are much greater.”可知选B。2What will people feel after reading Jack Kerouacs The Dharma Bums?AA strong desire to follow.BA

16、 love for novels.CA wish to learn cooking.DAn excitement to write poems.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知读了小说达摩流浪者(The Dharma Bums),人们有一种想要追随的强烈渴望,所以选A。3Which writer based his book on a train journey from home to abroad?AT.R. Reid.BHenry David Thoreau.CPaul Theroux.D. Jack Kerouac.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据But The Old Pa

17、tagonian Express, which is about a train journey Theroux made from Boston, USA to southern Argentina, is right up there at the top of my list. 可知选C。B(2018湖南衡阳四中一模)Fitness ZoneSpecial offerLook_your_best this summer with our wonderful equipment and a tailormade (量身定制的) program made specially for you

18、by one of our best personal trainers.If you are having a difficult time getting active, Fitness Zone is where you want to be.With a personal trainer assigned (指定) to you, you will be placed in a tailormade program that will make you look your best in just 12 weeks.With our program, you will get the

19、full benefits of:Our oneonone support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry. The use of the best fitness equipment, including free weights, treadmills and bikes. Ongoing group classes, from aerobics (有氧健身操) and yoga to dancercise and more.So come for a free consultation (咨询) and ge

20、t started today!Dont miss out!Offer is good until this Friday.610, St. George Street, Suite 310, ChicagoTel: 6554866Web: fitnesszone. com【语篇解读】本文属于广告类阅读,作者通过这篇文章向我们介绍了健身区,在这里可为读者提供了各种健身服务。4Who can choose to join Fitness Zone?APeople who want to keep fit.BPeople who are good at training others.CPeopl

21、e who need a tailormade suit.DPeople who have health problems.答案与解析:A推理判断题。根据第六段“The use of the best fitness equipment, including free weights, treadmills and bikes.”可知在健身区你可以使用各种健身器材,因此适合想保持健康的人,故选A。5What does the underlined phrase “look your best” mean?ALook in the mirror.BTry your best to see.CLo

22、ok more confident.DBe in excellent condition.答案与解析:D词义猜测题。根据第一段“look_your_best this summer with our wonderful equipment and a tailormade(量身定制的)program made specially for you by one of our best personal trainers.”可知今年夏天用健身区的设备和特质的计划可以使你处于最佳状态,故选D。6What is not offered in the advertisement?AGroup yoga

23、classes.BThe best fitness equipment.CSpecial fitness clothes.DProfessional personal trainers.答案与解析:C细节理解题。根据第一段“for you by one of our best personal trainers”,第六段“The use of the best fitness equipment”,第七段“Ongoing group classes, from aerobics(有氧健身操) and yoga to dancercise and more”可知这里提供瑜伽班,最好的健身器材,专

24、业的私人教练,故选C。7How can I contact Fitness Zone if I feel like joining it?ABy phone.BBy Internet.CThrough the address.DAll of the above.答案与解析:D细节理解题。根据文章最后“Offer is good until this Friday. 610, St. George Street, Suite 310, Chicago; Tel: 6554866; Web: fitnesszone. com”可知你可以通过网络,电话,地址参加报名,故选D。C(2018湖北省襄阳市

25、月考)The Bike Experience is a charity that teaches and advises motorcyclists who have been disabled how they can ride again, through the provision of an adapted and modified motorcycle, which will allow them to ride in a safe environment using a logical stepbystep process.The Bike Experience was forme

26、d in April 2011, as there was no project in existence that taught disabled motorcyclists how to ride.Over a period of five years, the initial idea has become a registered charity. Over 75 disabled motorcyclists have learned to ride again and the concept has started to influence the motorsport world.

27、In March, 2003, Talan SkeelsPiggins, the founder of the charity, was knocked off his motorcycle and thrown under the path of the oncoming traffic. The accident left him paralyzed(瘫痪的)from the chest down and he thought he would never ride a motorcycle again. Eight years later, Talan was back riding a

28、 motorbike on UK track days and felt the importance of teaching others how to do the same. Talan says, “When I am riding, I do not feel disabled. I feel free from my wheelchair, and I enjoy the sense of excitement and independence just as I used to. Getting to this point has been a struggle, but it

29、has been worth it. I wanted to help other disabled motorcyclists have the fantastic feeling of being back on a bike, without the falls and setbacks I suffered, so The Bike Experience Charity was established.”In addition to getting riders back on two wheels? The Bike Experience charity aims to:Help t

30、he individuals who take part develop a positive attitude. Increase each clients selfconfidence and selfbelief so that they can look forward to the rest if their life with refocused energy, motivation and inspiration.Advise participants how to buy their own bike, adapt it and ride independently and s

31、afely.Improve the participants physical health, balance, coordination, strength and stamina(耐力)Bring together ablebodied and disabled people so that boundaries are broken down and myths of disability are deconstructedEvolve attitudes in the motorcycling world so that disabled motorcycle riding motorcycles can be considered possible, feasible and acceptable.【语篇解读】本文在向人们介绍The Bike Experience Charity。它为残疾人提供特殊的摩托车,使不可能似乎变成可能。8The Bike Experience Charity _.Ahas been raising money for the disabledBhas helped more than 750 dis

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