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1、wordsaccountability 英音:,kauntbiliti 美音:,kauntblt 名词 n. 1. 负有责任;应作解释;可说明性accounting 英音:kaunti 美音:kaunt 名词 n. 1. 会计;会计学2. 结帐3. 帐单accustom 英音:kstm 美音:kstm 及物动词 vt. 1. (常后接oneself或用被动式)使习惯(于)(+to)These people are accustomed to hard work. 这些人惯于艰苦的工作。 ache 英音:eik 美音:ek 不及物动词 vi. 1. (持续性地)疼痛Mother says she

2、 is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。 2. 同情,怜悯(+for)+to-vHis heart ached for the suffering child bride. 他对那个受苦的童养媳十分同情。 3. 感到痛苦(+at)4. 【口】极为想念,渴望(+for)+to-vShe was aching for home. 她非常想家。 名词 n. 1. (持续性的)疼痛CUThere were aches in his joints. 他关节疼痛。 acknowledge 英音:knlid 美音:knld 及物动词 vt. 1. 承认(+a

3、s)+v-ing+thatO2O7O8I acknowledge that her criticism is just. 我承认她的批评是公正的。 2. 就.表示谢忱The candidate waved his hands to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd. 候选人挥手对大众的欢呼表示感谢。 3. 告知收到(信件等)I acknowledged her letter at once. 我马上告知收到了她的信。 4. 对.打招呼Stella didnt even acknowledge me when I waved a greeting. 我向斯特

4、拉挥手致意,可她连招呼也不打一个。 acquisition 英音:,kwizin 美音:,kwzn 名词 n. 1. 获得,取得UHe devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge. 他把时间用在获取知识上。 2. 获得物;增添的人(或物)C1. 行动;行为;活动UCThe quick action of the firemen saved the building from being burned down. 消防队员行动及时,该建筑物方免遭焚毁。 2. 作用UThe action of water on rock should be t

5、aken into account. 应考虑到水对岩石的作用。 3. 情节the SAll the action in the play takes place at one railroad station. 该剧的整个情节均发生在一座火车站里。 4. 战斗CU5. 诉讼CFinally she had to file an action for divorce. 最后她只好提出离婚诉讼。 6. 姿态,动作S7. 机械装置;活动部件S1active 英音:ktiv 美音:ktv 形容词 a. 1. 活跃的;活泼的Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very activ

6、e now. 布朗太太已八十多岁,现在不大活动了。 2. 积极的;勤奋的He became an active social reformer. 他成了一位积极的社会改革家。 3. 在活动中的;在进展中的Mount Vesuvius is an active volcano. 维苏威是一座活火山。 4. 现役的5. 现行的,有效的an active law 现行法律 6. 【语】主动的Zthe active voice 主动语态 名词 n. 1. 积极分子C2. 【语】主动语态Uactually 英音:ktjuli 美音:ktul 副词 ad. 1. 实际上,真的Did you actuall

7、y see him break the window? 你真的看到他打破窗户吗? She looks young, but shes actually 50. 她看上去年轻,可是实际上已五十岁了。 2. 竟然She was so angry that she actually tore up the letter. 她一气之下竟然将信撕碎了。 address 英音:dres 美音:drs 名词 n. 1. 住址,地址CWhats your home address? 你的家庭住址呢? 2. (信封等上的)姓名和地址CWrite the address clearly. 地址请写清楚。 3. 演

8、说,致词CThe mayor gave a television address yesterday evening. 市长昨晚作了电视讲话。 4. 举止,风度,谈吐UHe is a man of pleasant address. 他是一位举止文雅的人。 5. 称呼,头衔C(通常用addresses)6. (处理问题的)本领,技巧U及物动词 vt. 1. 在.上写收件人姓名地址She addressed the parcel wrongly. 她把包裹上收件人的地址写错了。 2. 向.致词,向.发表演说He is going to address the meeting. 他将向大会作演说。

9、 3. 对.说话He is addressing the chairman. 他正在跟主席说话。 4. 称呼(+as)He addressed her as Miss Mattie. 他称呼她为玛蒂小姐。 5. (向.)提出,(给.)写(信)(+to)This letter is addressed to my mother. 这封信是写给我母亲的。 Who ought I to address my request to? 我该向谁提出申请? 6. 对付;满足及物动词 vt. 1. 管理;掌管;经营It takes brains to administer a large corporati

10、on. 管理大公司要有头脑。 2. 执行,实施The courts administer the law. 法院司法。 3. 给予,提供(+to)The nurse administered the medicine to the sick child. 护士给生病的孩子服药。 4. 操纵5. 主持.仪式The oath was administered to him. 他受命宣誓。 1. 担任管理者2. 提供服务,帮助(+to)administer to the old 帮助老人 3. 执行遗产管理人(或遗嘱执行人)职责administration 英音:d,ministrein 美音:d,

11、mnstren 名词 n. 1. 管理,经营;监督UThe administration of a big business requires skill in dealing with people. 管理一个大企业需要与人相处的技巧。 2. 行政,施政U3. 管理部门;行政机构,政府C4. (大写)美国政府the SThe last Administration did a lot to curb inflation. 上届政府做了大量工作以抑制通货膨胀。 5. (政府,官员等的)任期C6. 施行,实施,执行U(+of)Her work involved more than adminis

12、tration of first aid to the wounded. 她的工作不仅是对伤者的急救。 7. (药等的)用法,服法UCadmiration 英音:,dmrein 美音:,dmren 名词 n. 1. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕U(+for)The team felt great admiration for the coach. 队员们都非常钦佩教练。 2. 引人赞美的人(或物)the S(+of)Her garden was the admiration of the whole neighborhoodadmission 英音:dmin 美音:dmn 名词 n. 1. (学校,会场,

13、俱乐部等的)进入许可,加入许可UC(+to/into)She has the qualifications for admission to the college. 她具备进入该学院的条件。 2. 入场费U;入场券,门票C3. 承认,坦白C(+of)+thatHe made an admission that he had used threatening behavior. 他承认用了恐吓手段。 4. 任用,录用Uadvance 英音:dv:ns 美音:dvns 及物动词 vt. 1. 使向前移动;推进,促进The president has done his utmost to adva

14、nce the national interest. 总统已尽了最大努力来增进国家的利益。 2. 将.提前The date of the meeting was advanced by four days. 会议提前四天召开。 3. 预付O1We will advance him some money for traveling expenses. 我们将预付给他一些钱以供支付旅费。 4. 提出(建议、看法、理论等)The theory was advanced by an American professor. 该理论是一位美国教授提出的。 5. 提升;提高(价格)He was soon a

15、dvanced to the position of CEO. 不久他被提升为总裁。 6. 贷(款)The bank advanced him 20,000 dollars to start his business. 银行预付他两万元以开始他的事业。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 前进;向前移动(+on/upon/against)She advanced on him silently. 她悄悄地向他走去。 2. 进展;进步We had greatly advanced in our knowledge of the world. 我们在世界知识方面大有长进。 3. 被晋升He advanced

16、 shortly to a full professor. 他很快被提升为教授。 4. (物价)上涨Rice has advanced fifteen cents a pound. 米一磅涨了一角五分。 名词 n. 1. 前进S1The advance of the enemy troops was halted by a heavy snow. 一场大雪阻止了敌军的进攻。 2. 发展CRemarkable advances have been made in space science. 太空科学已有了长足的发展。 3. 增长;增高;擢升CHer colleagues were all su

17、rprised at her rapid advance in the company. 她的飞速升迁令公司同仁均感惊奇。 4. 预付;预付款C(+on)He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary. 预支了五十元薪金给他。 5. 友好表示;殷勤PHe did not respond to her advances. 他对她的友好表示无动于衷。 6. 候选人出外竞选时的先遣助选人员black advance (在竞选对手露面场合安排的)预先捣乱 形容词 a. B1. 先行的We sent advance copies of the

18、 new course book to the teacher and the students who were to use it. 我们先送了几册新教科书给要用书的老师和学生们。 2. 预先的,事先的I have received an advance payment. 我已收到一笔预付款。advanced 英音:dv:nst 美音:dvnst 形容词 a. 1. 在前面的an advanced position 一处前沿阵地 2. 先进的;开明的Ancient Greece was an advanced civilization. 古希腊是个先进的文明国家。 3. 高级的,高等的My

19、 younger sister studied advanced math. 我妹妹学过高等数学。 4. 年迈的;后阶段的His grandfather died at an advanced age of 98. 他祖父在九十八岁高龄时去世。 adverb 英音:dv:b 美音:dvb 名词 n. 1. 副词Crelative adverb 关系副词 Adverbs are used to modify verbs, such as quickly in she ran quickly. 副词用来修饰动词,例如:她快快地跑中的快快地。 形容词 a. 1. 副词的Zadvert 英音:dv:t

20、 美音:dvt 不及物动词 vi. 1. 注意2. 谈到advertise 英音:dvtaiz 美音:dv,taz 及物动词 vt. 1. 为.做广告;为.宣传If you want to sell your product you must advertise it. 如果你要推销自己的产品,你就必须做广告。 2. 公布;通知He advertised them of his decision to withdraw from the election. 他告知他们自己要退出选举的决定。 3. 使显眼,使突出不及物动词 vi. 1. 做(登)广告,作宣传(+for)advice 英音:dva

21、is 美音:dvas 名词 n. 1. 劝告,忠告U(+on/to/about)I want your advice, sir. I dont know what to do. 先生,我需要您的指点。我不知该怎么办才好。 2. 消息,报告P1Advices from abroad indicate that war is about to begin. 来自国外的消息表明战争即将开始。 3. 【商】通知P1affect 英音:fekt 美音:fkt affect1及物动词 vt. 1. 影响;对.发生作用The amount of rain affects the growth of crop

22、s. 雨量影响作物的生长。 2. 使感动,使震动She was deeply affected by the news of her fathers death. 她父亲去世的消息使她深受震动。 3. (病)侵袭;罹患Her kidneys had become affected. 她的肾脏受到了感染。 affect2及物动词 vt. 1. 假装,装作+to-vHe affected not to see her. 他假装没看见她。 He affected ignorance of the law. 他假装不知法。 2. 爱好,爱用She affects old furniture and c

23、hina. 她喜欢古老的家具和瓷器。 3. 常去affection 英音:fekn 美音:fkn affection1名词 n. 1. 影响U2. 属性CLove, fear and hope are affections of the mind. 爱,恐惧和希望都是头脑的属性。 3. 疾病,感染CThe boy is suffering from an affection of the ear. 这男孩正患耳疾。 affection2名词 n. 1. 爱,情爱,钟爱UC(+for/towards)She has a great affection for her hometown. 她对家乡

24、怀有深厚的感情。 2. 爱慕;感情P1Her affections were centered on her cousin. 她的爱全都倾注到她的表兄弟身上了。 afford 英音:f:d 美音:ford 及物动词 vt. 1. (常与can,could,be able to连用)买得起;有足够的.(去做.)+to-vThey did not consider whether they could afford the time or not. 他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。 We cant afford to pay such a price. 我们付不起这个价钱。 2. 【书】提供,给予O1

25、Dancing affords us pleasure. 跳舞给我们带来快乐。after 英音::ft 美音:ft after介词 prep. 1. 在.以后After graduation he went abroad. 毕业后他去了国外。 At half after ten it began to rain. 在十点半下起雨来。 2. 在.后面;随.之后After you with the paper, please. 请您看完报纸后给我。 She entered the hall after her mother. 她跟随在她母亲之后进入厅内。 3. 低于;次于A captain com

26、es after a major. 上尉军衔低于少校。 4. 鉴于,由于After what had happened he could not continue to work there. 鉴于所发生的事情,他不可能继续在那里工作下去了。 5. 仿照,模仿This is a painting after Picasso. 这是一幅仿毕加索的画。 6. 依照;按照.的名字The kid was named after his grandfather. 这孩子是以他祖父的名字命名的。 7. 尽管After all our efforts, the experiment failed. 尽管我们

27、做了努力,试验还是失败了。 8. 搜寻,寻找Mary is after a better job. 玛丽在寻找一个更好的工作。 连接词 conj. 1. 在.之后I will tell you after they leave. 他们走后我再告诉你。 副词 ad. 1. 以后,之后They arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了。 2. 在后面,随后Tom went on Monday, and Mary left the day after. 汤姆星期一走的,玛丽第二天就离开了。 形容词 a. B1. 以后的His health was declining in a

28、fter years. 在以后的岁月,他的健康不断衰退。 2. 后部的A few passengers would have a stroll on the after deck before the evening meal. 几位乘客将在晚饭前到后甲板上散步。 after-前缀 pref. 1. (构成形容词)表示.之后的(如:an after-dinner speech一篇餐后讲话, after-tax profit税后利润)against 英音:genst 美音:gnst 介词 prep. 1. 反对;违反The fight against inflation has been goi

29、ng on for almost two years. 抑制通货膨胀的战斗已展开近两年了。 2. 逆;对着They sounded a sharp warning against all these tendencies. 对于这种种倾向,他们发出了严厉的警告。 3. 倚;靠His desk is against the wall. 他的办公桌靠墙放着。 4. 以.为背景The little red house looks so beautiful against the green woods. 那座红色的小屋在翠绿的森林衬托下显得很美。 5. 防备;预防We bought some warm clothes against the coming winter. 我们添置了一些御寒的衣服以迎接即将来临的冬季。 6. 不利于She has said nothing against you. 她并没有说任何对你不利的话。 gency 英音:eidnsi 美音:edns 名词 n.

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