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1、2泛读110单词 1Academic scholarly 学术的accomplishment achievement 成就 demonstrate show 说明Dedicated devoted 专注的 Diverse (different)John and his brother have diverse interests 不同的The program deals with subjects as diverse as pop music and ancient Greek drama 多种多样的,多变化的fad fd 一时的流行;一时的风尚Cthe latest fad 最新时尚 Hi

2、s interest in photography is only a passing fad. 一时的爱好。 Validity vliditi 正当;正确;确实We should question the validity of those figures. 我们应当查询那些数字的正确性。 Foundation faundein The foundation of the university took place over 400 years ago. 四百多年前创办。 That rumor has no foundation in fact. 那谣传没有事实根据。 The foundat

3、ion provides money for schools. 基金会资助学校。 All dams need sound foundations. 所有的堤坝都需要坚固的地基。 forcefulness:f:sflnis n. 坚强; efficiency:ifinsi n. UThese machines have increased our work efficiency many times.效率提高了许多倍。 Currency k:rnsiThe Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world.货币。 These

4、ideas have gained wide currency. 这些思想已广泛传播。 流通时间,流行时期Humility hju:militi 谦卑,谦逊Usympathy simpi I have no sympathy for beggars. 我不同情乞丐。 Many people are in sympathy with your views. 许多人赞同你的看法。 modesty mdisti.UWhat we like the most about the great man is his modesty. 我们最喜欢他的谦虚。 Her modesty prevented her

5、 from making her real feelings known to him. 她由于羞怯未曾向他吐露真情实意。 The modesty of their home belies their great wealth. 他们简朴的家使人们看不出他们拥有巨额财富。 nobility nubiliti. UThe new rich aped the nobility. 暴发户们仿效贵族。 He followed his principles with nobility. 他高尚地恪守自己的准则。 initiative initiv 主动的行动;倡议CCharles is shy and

6、does not take the initiative in making acquaintances. 首创精神;进取心UHe did not have the initiative to start his own business. 主动权the SIt was evident (显然)that they had lost the initiative. 显然他们已丧失了主动权。 rationally rnli ad. 讲道理地;理性地objectively bdektivli ad. 客观地established istblit a. 已建立的;已确立的;已制定的deception

7、disepn 名词 n. They attempted to practice deception on the public. 他们企图蒙骗公众耳目。(欺诈) These deceptions cost them dear. 这些骗人的把戏使他们付出了很高的代价。 see through si: ru:帮助.渡过(困难等)We will see you through the difficulty. 看穿;识破(谎言)The policeman saw through his false alibi. 伪证。 cumulative kju:mjultiv a. 渐增的;蓄积的. 累计的bri

8、efly bri:fliad. 简洁地,简短地;简单地说Briefly, I think we should accept their offer. The President stopped off briefly in London on his way to China在伦敦作短暂停留prominent prminnta. Sully has a prominent nose. 萨利有一个凸出的高鼻子。 A single tree in a field is prominent. 田野里孤零零的一棵树是很显眼的。 Lizzy had a prominent part in the pla

9、y. 丽齐在这个戏里扮演一个重要角色。prominent people名人noticeablenutisbla. There is a noticeable coolness in his manner.表现出一种明显的冷淡。 The taxcut did not have any noticeable effect on economic growth. 减税 显著的 unsupported ,nsp:tid a. 无支持的;无赞助的未经证实的various vris a. Everyone arrived late at the party for various reasons. 由于各

10、种各样的原因Wheat is grown in various parts of the country. 全国许多的地方都种小麦。consolidate knsli,deit The government hoped to consolidate ten states to form three new ones. 政府希望把十个州合并成三个新的州。 The troops consolidated their position. 部队巩固了阵地。 assignment sainmnt n. She gladly accepted the assignment. 她高兴地接下任务。 The E

11、nglish assignment is a book report. 英语课外作业是写一份读书报告。 UHe is responsible for the assignment of jobs. 他负责分派工作。 biological ,baildikl a. 生物的;生物学的biological studies 生物学研究 a biological preparation 生物制剂 flexible fleksbl a. A piece of rubber hose is flexible. 橡皮管可以弯曲的。 We need a foreign policy that is more f

12、lexible. 我们需要灵活的外交政策。 strenuous strenjus a. Is swimming a strenuous exercise? 游泳是很费力的运动吗? He made strenuous efforts to improve his reading. 奋发的;强烈的,激烈的It takes many years of strenuous training to be an outstanding athlete. 紧张的;艰苦的;繁重的master m:st n. The dog ran to its master. 那狗向它主人跑去。 The young writ

13、er learned a great deal from the works by masters in literature. 这位青年作家从文学大师的作品中学到了许多东西。 a. 精通的,熟练的;主要的;总的vt. recreation ,rekriein n.I regard reading as a form of recreation. 我把看书当作一种消遣。 (身心的)休养estimate estimeit vt. vi. nThe police estimated the number of demonstrators at about 5,000.估计The experts e

14、stimate is that the painting is worth $3,000. 专家估计这幅画值三千元。 routine ru:ti:n n. As soon as she learns the office routine she will be an excellent assistant. The Marx brothers were famous for their comedy routine. 马克斯兄弟因表演一套喜剧剧目 a. a routine medical examination School life is routine. 学校的生活平淡无味。 priori

15、ty prairiti n. Safety has high priority in factories. Road building is a top priority. 筑路是最优先考虑的事。 relaxation ,ri:lksein n. There must be no relaxation in our high standards. 我们坚持高标准,决不容许有些放松。 休息;消遣,娱乐contradict ,kntrdikt vThe eyewitness contradicted earlier testimony. 目击者驳斥了早些时提出的证词。 The facts cont

16、radict his theory. 那些事实与他的理论相悖。 否认;反驳;发生矛盾characterize kriktraiz vt. The author characterizes the central figure as a weakling.把书中的中心人物描绘成 A mister is characterized by greed. 具有.的特征,以.为特征 violation ,vailein n. violation of safety regulations in a factory 违反工厂安全规章 violation of the right of free speec

17、h 对言论自由权侵犯 suspicious sspis a. Im suspicious of the governments intentions. 我怀疑政府的意图。 There were suspicious circumstances about his death. 关于他的死,有一些值可疑的情况。 sack sk 开除;解雇fed upShe was fed up with her do-nothing sons. 对她那些游手好闲的儿子,她已经是忍无可忍了。 I was fed up with my boss constant complaints. 我对于老板不停的抱怨,我已经

18、听得烦不胜烦。 2acquaintance kweintns名词 n. I have some acquaintance with Spanish. 我懂一点西班牙语。(相识,了解) She has many acquaintances in the business community. 她在商界有不少熟人。 Have a nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交Browse through 浏览depressed diprest 形容词 a. She was depressed to learn of her illness. 她得知自己患病,心情十分抑郁。 a depresse

19、d area萧条的,不景气的;贫困的 hostility hstiliti名词 n. We had no hostility toward the new neighbor. 我们对新邻居毫无敌意。 Hostilities ended when the treaty was signed. 条约签订后战争结束了。 temporary:tempreria. Ellen has got a temporary job. 艾伦找到一份临时的工作。 n. 临时工,临时雇员She works in the office as a temporary. 临时事物;临时房屋The wartime tempo

20、raries will be replaced by permanent homes.inevitable inevitbl形容词 a. 不可避免的Their defeat was inevitable. 照例必有的;老一套的He greeted us with his inevitable smile. locate lukeit vt.探出,找出The police are trying to locate the missing man.dwell on dwel老是想着;停留在You should not dwell too much on your past failures.详细论

21、述She did not dwell on the details of the matter.symptom simptm名词 n. C症状,征候(+of)A fever is a symptom of illness. 征兆,表征(+of)The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 暴动不稳定 phase feiz n. C阶段,时期(+in/of)Luckily her disease was discovered in an early phase. 面,方面(+of)They looked into t

22、he various phases of the problem. vt. 分阶段实行The U.S. army will complete the phased withdrawal in four months. 撤军。 regression rigren 名词 n. 退回;逆行;退化,复原;回归exaggerate igzdreit 及物动词 vt. 夸张,夸大;对.言过其实He exaggerated the importance of the event. 使增大,使扩大;使过大slang sl 名词 n. U俚语Their conversation was full of slan

23、g. adapt英音:dpt 及物动词 vt. 使适应,使适合(+to)He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 改编,改写(+for)The author is going to adapt his play for television. 改建,改造(+for)The boys adapted the old barn for use by the club.旧谷仓改造成为俱乐部不及物动词 vi. 适应(+to)He has not yet adapted to the climate.insecure ,insikju 形

24、容词 a. 不安全的 不稳定的 无把握的 局促不安的distinct distikt 形容词 a. 与其他不同的,有区别的(+from)The twins had distinct tastes. 明显的,清楚的;确定无误的You should make your writing distinct. 难得的challenge tlind颇有作为的工作;艰巨的事CTo build a road in the mountainous area was a real challenge. He wants a career that offers a challenge. aggressive gr

25、esiv 形容词 a. 侵略的,侵犯的Tom thought of the war as an aggressive one. 有进取精神的;有干劲的An aggressive young man can go far in our firm. 好斗的,挑衅的cope with对付处理identity aidentiti 名词 n. 身份;本身;本体CUHis drivers license revealed his identity. 执照证明 同一人;同一物 UThe experts established the identity of the bronze bell with one

26、described in an old document. 专家们确定这口青铜钟就是一份古文献中所描述的那口。 同一(性);相同(处),一致(处)UC Identity of interests is the bond that unites them. 利害的一致是把他们联合起来的纽带。 个性,特性CUpreserve the distinct identities of an old town 保留古镇的特有风貌 automatic ,:tmtik形容词 a. 自动的,自动装置的This washing-machine is fully automatic. 习惯性的,无意识的必然的;当然

27、的All the employees expect an automatic increase in pay every year. 名词 n. C自动机械;自动变速器;自动排档汽车自动手枪(或步枪等)distortion dist:n 名词 n. 扭曲;变形;失真歪曲reverse riv:s 形容词 a. 颠倒的in reverse order 相反的;反向的This time it came in the reverse direction. 背面的,反面的She then looked at the reverse side of the coin. vt. vi. n. As tim

28、id as a rabbit 胆小如鼠A black sheep害群之马He is in the red 欠债Green eyes 嫉妒 Execute 处死 and so forth等等 miserable:mizrbl a. 痛苦的;不幸的mature mtju 成熟的稳重的 lottery ltri成熟稳重的 conflict 争执 lesson3 moviedessert diz:t 甜点心;餐后甜点desert dezt n. 沙漠;荒野a. 沙漠的,无人居住的Nobody likes to live in that desert region. vt. 从.开小差;擅离(职守等)T

29、he guard was punished for deserting his post. 抛弃;遗弃;离弃All his friends have deserted him! flame fleim n. 火焰;火舌The factory was in flames. . A flame of anger lighted in his heart.explosive iksplusiv 形容词 a. 爆炸(性)的;爆发性的Unemployment became an explosive issue. (性情等)暴躁的The old man has an explosive temper.名词

30、 n. 爆炸物;炸药Dynamite is a powerful explosive. 炸药是一种强有力的爆炸物。 device英音:divais 名词 n. C设备,仪器,装置The television receiver is an electronic device. 手段;谋略;诡计She got the information by some device. brake breik 煞车The car accident was attributed to faulty brakes. 这一汽车事故起因于煞车不灵。instrument instrumnt 名词 n. C仪器;器具,器械The dentist picked up several instruments. 收拾好。 乐器手段,工具;促成某事的东西Language is an instrument for communication. nominee ,nmini: 名词

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