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1、英语外研必修3课件23IntegratingSkillsSection DI Integrating Skills一、根据词性及汉语提示写出相关单词1.homeless adj.无家可归的2.crowded t/心.拥挤的 crowd n.人群3.freeway 门高速公路4.inhabitant 门居 民5.similarity 斤类似湘似similar a相似的6.unfortunate adj不幸的;遗憾的一 unfortunately acA/.不幸地7.1ocation z位置:所在地locate 坐落于8.tourism z旅游业 tourist 门游客9.industrial a

2、dj. AL业的 industry 业10.polluted皿/.受到污染的Polite认污染pollution 污染11.entertainment 娱乐 entertain 娱乐,招待;款待三二、短语翻译 connected with与 有联系;与 有关2,be important to 对 很重要 recent years近年来5.practise speaking another language 练习说另 外 _种语言6.a town twinning agreement 姊妹城协议 close to 克近,接近8.of similar size and ag

3、e规樓和年代相似的9.encourage sb. to do sth鼓励某人做某事 a result 结果二曰三、阅读课文“Town Twinning:回答下列问题l.Can you say some similarities between Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France?答案:First both are medium-sized towns.Second,both have universities and industries.Third,tourism is important to both of them and both

4、 are close to some of the most beautiful countryside.What? s more,they share something else,that is,they have a town twinning agreement.二曰2.What is the function of the town twinning agreements?答案:Town twinning agreements encourage people from the two towns to visit each otherAnd they are useful for

5、students who want to practise speaking another language3.Does your hometown have a twin town?Say something about it. 答案:The answer is open.Which word is connected with building?(教材Page 16)哪个单词与建筑有关联?考点be connected with与有联系;与有关Studies show that lung cancer is closely connected with smoking. 研究表明肺癌与吸烟

6、有着密切的联系。考虫延伸阅读丕列句壬佐会黑体词的盒义 空1The two towns are connected by train and bus services 这两个镇由火车和公共汽车连接起来。含义连接:结合2She is connected with the murder.她与这起凶杀案有联系。含义与有联系3His entrance was announced by a bell connected to the door. 他刚一进去,与门相连的门铃便响了。含义相连;连接be connected with 与.有关be connected to 与 .相连接识卡片I完成句子+ (1)

7、人们一提到维也纳就会联想到华尔兹圆舞曲和咖i啡馆。af People Vienna waltzes and coffee houses.(2)约翰与这起银行抢劫案无关,所以曾察让他回I家了。 fJchn |lhe bank robberyso the police let him go home, f(3)这些奇怪的现象都与全球变暖有关。 fThese strange phenomena global warmings t语法填空 +(4 ) For those with family members far away, the f personal computer and the phon

8、e are important 1 in staying (connect). f(5 ) Health problems are closely i(connect) with bad eating habits and a lack of fexercise.Beijing has a lot more inhabitants (than Sydney) and is much more crowded.(教材Page 17)北京的居民(比悉尼的)多,也拥挤得多。剖析本句中的a lot和much都修饰比较级。形容词和副词的比较 级前可以用much,far,a lot,rather,a gr

9、eat deal,a little,a bit,still,even或 者百分数、分数等来修饰。注意:形容词和副词的比较级前不用very,very much或so等修饰。考点crowded adj.拥挤的It,s absolutely not an interesting thing to get on a crowded bus.上一辆拥挤的公交车绝不是一件有趣的事。I don,t enjoy days crowded with activities.我并不喜欢忙得不可开交的日子。考点延伸阅读:E列句子,体会黑体词的词性及含义He pushed his way through the cro

10、wd 他在人群中往前挤。词性名词含义人群Tourists crowded the park.游客把公园挤得水泄不通。词性动词含义挤满;充塞(空间)We had a very crowded schedule on the trip.我们的旅行日程排得满满的。词性形容词 含义(被某事物)占满的15学姓通Crowds of people crowded into the crowded exhibition. 成群的人们挤进了拥挤的展览会。用crowd的适当形式填空f (1)我们很快来到一条拥挤的街道上C| Soon we came to a street.+ (2)许多报纸受到擀众的欢迎。Man

11、y newspapers are popular among the (3)我父亲警告我不要到西海岸去,因为那儿挤满了游客。My father warned me against going to the WestCoast because it was with touristspolluted adj被污染的傲材Page 17)考点polluted adj被污染的The police have warned the city,s inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.警方已经警告本市居民不要在那条被污染的河里游泳。考点延伸阅读下列句子

12、,体会黑体词的词性及含义1Bicycling is a good exercise;moreover,it doesn t pollute the air. 骑自行车是很好的运动,而且不污染环境。词性动词 含义污染或弄脏某物2Pollution in the air does damage to our health空气中的污染影响我们的健康。词性名词含义污染Many wastes are thrown into the river,causing water pollution.The polluted water isn,t fit to drink许多废物被排入河中,导致了水污染。被污染

13、的水已不适合饮用。用pollute的适当形式填空 ;(1) He found the river by the dirty water* f(2 ) Changes in the climate result from the t of the atmosphere +事(3) Rubbish, however, is only part of the problem of JTourism is important to both of them9and they are both close to some of the most beautiful countryside in the

14、region.(教材Page 19) 旅游业对这两个城市都非常重要,并且它们都靠近当地一些最美 丽的乡村。考点 be close to靠近,接近My apartment is close to the restaurant.我的公寓离饭店很近。考点延伸(1)阅读:E列句予,体会黑体词的含义1She is close to completing her work 她快要完成她的工作了。含义几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事)2She is one of my close friends. 她是我亲密的朋友之一。含义亲密的;密切的12 3(2)辨析 close 与 closelyclose是指

15、距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近:可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近J close to有“接近,几乎,大概,差不多的意思。closely是指抽象意义上的“接近:多用比喻意义有“亲密地严密 地,仔细地”等意思。1The two countries are close to signing a peace agreement.两国即将签署和平协议。2Watch the kids closely when they are left outdoors 把孩子们放在室外时要仔细照看他们。The close friend who was close to the door closed the door

16、and listened closely with great interest靠近门的那位密友关上了门,饶有兴趣地仔细听着。_+“+”+”+”+*+*+” + !=E ”+*+”+”+“、to each other in +I用close的适当形式填空+ (1) Ihe children areT the same aige.| (2)Watch your little girl ()h ? my God! She is standing too to the fire.十*-*-* h * * -* HH * * H* I-4i,4 #4-_hH * -4 * * 4f+I- *j_ (3

17、 ) This problem is + that one(4) She says that shell have to+ Ifs an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age.(教材Page 19)这是规模和年代相似的两个城镇之间的一份协议剖析本句中的of similar size and age属ofl普通名词搭酉己,常在 句中作表语或定语。1“0毎抽象名词”可转化为相应的形容词。这类名词有value, use,importance,help,interest。它们Z前可用noisome,anyjittle, mu

18、ch,great等词修饰。The dictionary is of great help二The dictionary is very helpful. 这本词典很有帮助。2“o件普通名词”没有相应的形容词形式,这类名词包括size,weight,heightJength,width,age,quality等。这类名词根据具体的 情景而变复数形式,也可在其前加冠词或the same等。The products are of high quality.这些产品质量很高。即学即用I完成句子t (1)两姐妹在同一个班。: The two sisters are(2)你们的建议对我们来说很有价值。4- Your advice advice is

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